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1、赞扬,表扬英语口语Youre on the right track now! 這次你做對了。2. Youre doing a good job! 你做得很棒!3. You did a lot of work today! 今天完成得非常不錯!4. Now youve figured it out! 你做對了現在!5. Thats RIGHT! 對了,就是這樣!6. Now you have the hang of it! 你現在做對了!7. Thats the way! 就是這樣!8. Youre really going to town! 真不錯!9. Youre doing fine. 你

2、做得非常不錯!10. Now you have it! 你做到了!11. Nice going. 做得好!12. Thats coming along nicely.13. Thats great. 不錯!14. You did it that time! 你這次做對了!15. GREAT! 太好了!16. FANTASTIC! 太棒了!17. TERRIFIC! 太棒了!18. TREMENDOUS! 太棒了!19. You outdid yourself today! 你今天表現真不錯!20. How did you do that? 你怎麼做到的?21. Thats better. 現在

3、好多了!22. EXCELLENT! 優秀!23. Thats a good (boy-girl). 真是個好男/女孩。24. Good job (name of child)! 做得好!25. Thats the best youve ever done. 你從來沒有比現在做得更好!26. Good going! 好!27. Keep it up! 保持進步!28. Thats really nice. 這個真的很不錯!29. WOW! 哇哦!30. Keep up the good work. 保持好的勢頭!31. Much better! 現在好多了!32. Good for you!

4、做得好!33. Thats very much better! 現在好很多了!34. Good thinking! 好主意!35. Exactly right! 完全正確!36. SUPER! 超級好!37. Nice going. 做的好!38. You make it look easy. 你使它簡化多了。39. Ive never seen anyone do it better. 我從來沒有見過比你做得更好的!40. Youre doing much better today. 你今天做得好多了!41. Way to go! 還要繼續努力42Not bad. 不錯!43. Superb! 好!44. Youre getting better every day. 你一天比一天好多了!45. wonderful! 太完美了!


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