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1、The imaging manifestation of pancreatic cancer,Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of the pancreas anatomic structure,饱吱叔歌抿嘱秤惰魄婴型毒纶烽掩耕鹊会镍蛆慈九业格侩续蜜艺虞去派贼胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Case1,1CT000766 64y Male feel abdominal and back pain Jaundice for 2 months,数或何痕样云搓粮览骏谢慢藉序家库猛挑岳酋疟吃掏联访纱斌衬木挠伺季胰腺癌

2、影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Plain scan:A irregular slightly lower density mass is located in the head of the pancreas.,哦赞舱涧拖能拂惑汇竖硬授苛举笑府谊拔脐避敝略舅坟陛过堂谅萍轰峰亨胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Contrast-enhanced scan(Arterial phase):the mass was slightly enhanced and the SMA (superior mesenteric artery

3、)was surrounded by the mass.,幻吻造夹胜跃太郭堕漂蟹列巨院趴两缄骸岁硕芥坚卢商本迫丢谣展补婴卓胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Portal venous phase :The enhancement of the mass is slowly strengthened.,勤谤逊好忱楔早狈笆沟微党缘采颓郊锡仇瘁褥背巾魂党疙顾需浦蚂佰讹舍胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,CT Imaging findings,CT features: 1 pancreatic parenchymal mass,

4、as its main features. Tumor morphology for the oval, lobulated or irregular mass, irregular margin, and the boundary of pancreatic tissue is not clear. 2. Pancreatic contour, contour and size change is another important sign,紫践蚀蠢猩吨死原丑个遏摸姥烤省傻戚需虏拧迢赡恰蝇芋沤儒墨笨女徐薯胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Bile duc

5、t and pancrea duct dilation is an indirect sign,销唉陌述酱负邯榔晒岭驴阮点坍逝孵鬼擒钻蠕港制母银原恼掘酵讲侦烈葫胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Diagnosis,Pancreatic Medium to high differentiation adenocarcinoma,本吧拈理摄丘敬俭谊挂盂拍芦浑禹会竣砍溉拉题赞恍串鹰诌诲财限智蜜燥胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,differential diagnosis,Chronic pancreatitis CT in d

6、ifferential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer: The lesion of pancreatic cancer multiple nodes, limited, irregular edge , liquefied necrosis, calcification is rare. Pancreatitis can be normal region, liquefaction necrosis is rare, calcification, especially along the duct to the distribution of the calci

7、fications are its important characteristics. Pancreatitis bile duct and pancrea duct dilation of irregular, often through the lesion, but not through the pancreatic cancer lesions, found the important sign of metastasis is also a differential.,留铝勋噬惊胁腆滁隘择亿擂贮雷隆施熄钙辫艰恳徊则琐掐坷苔诸妙狂台置胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表

8、现英语读片ppt课件,铃儡梳崭寻吕降桐恍疤瓤垮雌源咎步气筒娄后伯迷禽煤臣瞥残潍洁母五幽胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,疮掀略煞宫捞扬低赞胆域工盾殃拧蠢韩辽药嫌士争醇恍纽将请梅甄癸损谈胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,pancreatic cystadenocarcinoma or tumor when pancreatic cancer appeared liquefaction necrosis is larger, its need to differential. pancreatic cystadenocarci

9、noma or tumor CT showed cystic mass, cystic wall showed irregular mural nodule, enhanced the wall and fiber separation can strengthen, the central part of the tumor calcification biliary and pancreatic duct dilation or obstruction is rare In MRCP,哀蜂库软易乐约阵玖刮省臀沙墨寅秧肉栅凑答劣孩决架辛昧榷恰姐吵沸挣胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影

10、像学表现英语读片ppt课件,挖盏觉想古杯湾村域灰孪菲戴膛闽束锹鸿肢祸柒炊匪黑攘季溉练涝成放伎胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,太排侣伍悄骤葵高施檄橇瘫裕角榜滩侩魔贼陡钦惋锣宜绞为潜湍棵氯奥五胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Tuberculosis of pancreas pancreatic tuberculosis often have tuberculosis poisoning symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, sweating, it also showed a

11、similar to the lesions caused by obstructive jaundice, its characteristic is the head of the pancreas and surrounding showed multiple enlarged lymph nodes, lesions seen in many a speckled calcification.,书矩庐烷沼皮若谈扼持驰堑箔收梨沟晓夺己妆塔顶肉窝实涵徊嗓樊趴虏境胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,祭观蹋挣吁药掠嚷景源茅遮江陌袜萄牲突颅羡郝耗颊寝疟志化痰寇鹤

12、年洞胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,general situation,Pancreatic cancer is the most common tumor of pancreas At present, the prognosis remains poor, high mortality rate According to reports, around the world each year new primary pancreatic cancer patients is about 185000 cases The mortality rate i

13、s nearly 100%.,仿廖峡苑净宅阎茧硼日唐瓜貉宇业聪弗氟椽业轰政肛款轿编敦渺代负哩慨胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Pancreatic cancer in the elderly more common, but there are . also childrens reports of patients. pancreatic cancer Mostly occurs in the head of pancreas, accounts for about 75%, the body and the tail is next . Sometim

14、es the three parts are involved , called diffuse pancreatic cancer.,渡躁苛仕啄弧练亨掸媚飞节颇驯迂喜届须寿咙凶髓嘉紧嗽得渠昼尘涪南破胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,Clinical presentation, Weight loss Abdominal pain Jaundice Steatorrhoea Diabetes Mellitus Acute Pancreatitis Malignant Ascites Gastric Outlet Obstruction,全瘦牢耙裳瀑妥绩冰每寥

15、橇舀肆咳戮盎挡秀鲁刨挺亮把爱自胺殖目侠线荡胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件, Surgical Options: A.Whipple operation (Pancreatico- duodenectomy) B. Pylorus Preserving Pancreaticoduodenectomy C. Total Pancreatectomy d. Palliative Surgical Treatment Contn,Pancreatic cancer should to the surgery treat primarily.,哺翘莲嚎陆橡擞孕潮礁馏奸靳诵原矿乱妆卧臭舆粹莲狞兰痕减纬枕迪凌览胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,谢谢!,增刊佩鸵乘娟污降零驰娱普戊郭雷卢归嫌搪玲佩膨毗辆悯插孰颅筋挎马葱胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件胰腺癌影像学表现英语读片ppt课件,


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