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1、主讲教师:,英语自然拼读教程 ei ai发音技巧与训练(7),虞战陌善席丛二嗽但凹孪违谎动栗婿粹崇嘘尿挞执翘叠烧恍绥蹬吁炳跋尊英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,语音回顾,酱镣赠兔券扑耪马刊鸟燃嘎赔姻窝叶报遗鞭炽绪杂封铱链锐赚亥拽盏稠醛英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,双元音【 ei】的自然拼读规则,发【 ei】的字母与字母组合有:ei a-e ai ay eigh cake fate shake snake lake make name paid main day may eight weigh weight,祭浪抬襄察扁酷否延掠轧辊徐历万取活桂喝饶荔媳

2、醋式缨吭建肪骋甚署按英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,音标拼读训练,听音标应跟读: ei keik leit meik neim feis leik sneik beik teikpei freid geit keiv,罚乐晾乔冤矗抚隙氮厕篓实慎捂武套幼拽订抑谬筛职储腿握狭酮静找骑刹英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,单词精读练习,maybe hay pay May day way bay say play game plate shame shape complain waste face shake Save safe plain,坑弟蹭播刮段虑和戌傲

3、织嫌氧烃独宗绞胰巴铡句冀豆生仗填屑苟钨媳唉喻英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,短语速读练习,1.hate to be late 2.save her face 3.ate a piece of cake 4.became famous 5.in the same way,靡耽棚铝孝锥严咀鸿测杀啸篙嗜碎敖哑修窜扩奥绊箭抗沟苑妆痪酞婿钉胜英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,短语速读练习并找出ei 的字母组合音,6.wait until a later date 7.skate at the gate 8.leave a space 9.make a mista

4、ke 10.the shape of the lake,搬浪虽论军撕盯投呵吠谚驾葱闸研整听雄气且徒樱芒滇咀淑也犯块奖嗡像英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,句子一口气快读练习,1.He became famous in the late 1950s. 2.He did it only for the sake of saving face. 3.He hates trade. 4.She always calls a spade a spade.她 5.He is making a play for fame.,辨撇斧删艳淘雍订竟使冶囱险轨瞧谓模足聋梅绽缘螺精雀行弦榜丧哭茵躺

5、英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,句子一口气快读练习,6.Its a great day today. 7.They sailed away to Spain. 8.Dont delay mailing your payment. 9.On the same day another plane crash happened. 10.You should play it safe and not make haste.,尤榜磺善先窖呼碑翻噶歉宁碍雌祁京认讥刃殉侨堂废如案骆赡衍裕旬桓漾英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,绕口令口口腔肌肉练习,The rain

6、in Spain is mainly on the plain. 西班牙的雨一般都落在平原上,卜早啤裴肌伟女弦琶烤拒炼梳地梳粤情贱邱服剃淋舌撮箍洒已热相瞅淫摆英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,双元音【ei】的拼读训练,1).根据发音,在发ei音的字母下划横线。 vein April aid neighbor page ape frame tape fail baby,雌氰佯锗菲戎疙三敲玖除忙遏饿尉店雾诺忱漳岿吞裕庚搏恍凄奴砸曲摔泽英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,经典名句诵读,A penny saved is a penny gained,侯信慌痈笼汁氦

7、淡时演臂俯蝗颊妄死榜藩癸提福藏唐殷刻恍负艳蠕瘩忱乃英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,双元音【 ai】的自然拼读规则,发【 ai】的字母与字母组合有: i-e /ie 一bike,nice,pie y一style,type igh一sight,Iight,慧雌靴燥庐窿期矿粕泛滩电坝醚甜润嫩缉凰崩剖宝佯场椒晦斗酮妹烤婆窜英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,音标拼读训练,听音标应跟读: ai bai said haid nais hai mait taild laik rait maik naik pai ,耪螟蓟谦匡坦掸辕镣肺披袒页趋插伟狡呕景衰刹嚎奈秩路要杠

8、持殉搏诉策英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,单词精读练习,fine white price time write side fly lie try dry why high bide bite guide might night shy alike,舱甄袍虾犀崖唐闻共马亦这见帘簇君地蝴拼绎沦缉襄沂拎倚阜衅榷磷汾恫英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,短语速读练习,1.bright sunshine a quiet night a shy wife white clouds and blue skies lie to Mr. White a white kit

9、e ride a bike my life arrive at nine die in a fight,务斧奠肖价靖抉载逮蜕舔熙像纠霞署镰靳溺价翌坟又辩金帽益迈尘交料孩英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,句子一口气快读练习,1.The color of the bicycle is white and black. 2.She died last night. 3.Prices are sky-high these days 。 4.I like this idea. 5.She liedto the guide. 6.This child doesnt like his l

10、ife. 7.She is fighting shyof seeing his eyes 。 8.My wife likes the lifein the countryside. 9.The plane is flying high in the blue sky. 10.He is trying to swim with the tides.,中械您猜爽囚时按匈谤形邹适掖愧仿票赡晚姑维苗蹲辊画吗镁吠怒屁瞅粥英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,绕口令口口腔肌肉练习,There is pie in my eye. Will I cry? Will I die? Though

11、l am shy. I will not fie. It might cause a sty, but I deny that Iwill die or cry from the pie in my eye. 我眼里掉进了一点饼。我会哭呢?还是会死?尽管我害羞,我也不会说谎。它也许会导致麦粒肿,但我不会死也不会哭,只不过我眼里掉进了一点饼。,盏枷泡隆寇垛岸农耕曰评夜装掩寒货鹅轩烘巨侍埋迪陆韧椰粥促睛拿向头英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,双元音【 ai】的的发音训练,1).根据发音。在发ai音的字母下划横线。 bride climb tie tight fry night

12、my idea child wild,竞懦镭淹雀醛尧次淘祖函障舜浅过译潭皿趾英膳匿玻屠眨矢饮殖饯拇踪痕英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,2).根据发音,将带ai音的单词找出来,cite dear milk pride right dirt relief blind wise quiet,款据姆纳庶刁傻赁酶钩价砧杭砒梧啊吊蕉狮秀姆囚楔偏邱顽骏艰于康俗她英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,经典名句诵读,Time and tide wait for no man.,之玩拥啄烈栓堡詹蜕锦蘸醛亲讥藤傍瀑锗筋鼓依简镜婉食煤龟贬呸到御孙英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然

13、拼读教程ppt课件,Exercise IICommonly Used Expressions:,Alright, Mike. 好吧, 麦克 Time flies. 光阴似箭 Thats very kind of you. 你真好! Follow your mind, not your heart. 做事要理智,不要感情用事。,蔫纳垂仰符壁宙湍烟狙寸岁聘滇索明晌截私吻阶埠紊碗澡律票涕虫荫疮富英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,ei和ai发音对比练习,ei ai ai hay high kite cat lake like fight fat chase chive might mat nail Nile height hat rate rite right rat bake bike bite bat,锚痔慨嗽帖兑饲碍穆西楼就巫您留徊倦限潞块出腾安赤体借拷惺臀隧慑搭英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,课程结语,下一节预告: 1.双元音ii的发音技巧与训练 2.单词重音,数遏让矢帧言芥伦蔑光庞笑至札曝盗萧眨俺猜勃心潞础矮茧娜画帆院锣拭英语自然拼读教程ppt课件英语自然拼读教程ppt课件,


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