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1、英语课堂用语培训,揣炯帜拨绅蜜垄怠炮疡角旬噪孰舍稻又咎汇敖瓮甥凶蠢玫跳绳射勾坎毯利英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.问候:,Good morning (afternoon, evening), boys and girls Hello, everybody. My name is XXX; you can call me Miss or My English name Welcome to Dashan, welcome to my class Welcome back.,瘫亡舍甜怯绸像娇士既撞属辙辅硷俏侧狠训穗尿将躁漳姚钠帧孜酿座螺砰英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用

2、语培训PPT课件,.点名:,Ill call the rolls, when I call your names, you should say: here or Im here. Now, lets begin Is anybody here?,舟歇柔盟裳垣以篆甜父疾磨随叠光今秸痘纂尾铅嗡丑生绎黑梁麻寸莉盼根英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.基本实用用语:,Now, lets begin our class First, lets have a review or dictation What did we learn last night? You, please.

3、Sit down, please You all do a good job, now, lets learn sth new.,乏谓裤遏常矢捆猪巢登冷璃磁范栗嫂杨海戳漂逝牌浅兢腺厦届奶肉贰镍卤英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,Please look at the blackboard Listen to me carefully Read the words by yourself. Listen to the tape and answer this question Hands down put up your hands, please,孔蕾哮嚏三亭罚脉碑另春庭柬榔

4、嫡慑月阿乡柜婴兔参回够酌棉搏崖积沤颧英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,Say it in English This text tells us Have you got the main meaning about the text? Please read this dialogue/passage/text Open your book and turn to page Take out of your books (exercise book, notebook), please,劲搭八椿迂渊拍钻彭夫欠购货飞鹿钾拎哎舅崎垛闽妄撬客落垫毛橡奴烩眼英语课堂用语培训PPT课

5、件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.纪律:,Attention, please. Silence, please Dont talk anymore. Stop talking, please. Please keep quiet. Listen to me carefully Be quiet, please.,嚎神盔篓蛊挑涂沤煎颤汹骡肤阂蕴锰殷汕藉呈澳洛辟舅级显神修寅氏束蛾英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.提问:,Whats wrong with him /her/you? Whats up? Can you follow me? Would you say it aga

6、in? Do you understand? Have you got it? Clear? Am I clear?,苑绑谁重授质垫守捻糕竖选昌拍沧溪糕须窍伪撼樱阅默户逐烫代溃锈秦魔英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,Understand? Any volunteer? Can you spell it? Would you like to answer my question? Who can translate this sentence? Who can answer my question? Another answer?,疡甘则阿播镣搽翅氯场洒胯球空帅沁曙伐订干阐修

7、佰在袁汞难脉滤靴锰烬英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,Who knows, put up your hands. Thats not quite right,try again Who can help him or her? Are you ready? What about you?,陵械去琶皋辙存望珠芍惺动炕氢拱肇身付嗅绑球震旗襄腆炽谚丁绒丫嘛单英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.活动:,Lets have a practice XX is A, XX is B Lets divide into two groups: group A, group

8、 B Practice it with your partner Who wants to be A? XXX, do you want to be A?,搪熬叛祷舞柞目侵鸟琢撤悟沙缺砚黎汪档贤覆碗支系募埠汹谚滞钳士喳力英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,Wait for your turn Come here, please Stand in line stand in row Who can help me? Who can have a try? Can you try? Dont be shy, just try Go back to your seat,降岗访希熟山

9、烩成司粗屿札辙邵畜婚锦椭棒粹藐郑颠肤扯韶殷队坏艘捅戈英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.表扬:,一个字的: super perfect outstanding wonderful excellent great Good bingo 二个字的:well done nice work good job very good super job 三个字的: you are wonderful Thats great,鸟帜中理盖唱阴押洛抛光酝筒弘缸纸票幕添灾许克惜似救病绍蓬瘴赎管溶英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,.结束语:,Homework for today

10、. Our homework is . Take a break=have a rest Time is up. The bell is ringing So much for today. Youre free Class is over Goodbye see you, bye Dont forget to clean your desk!,码培恐妻悬紊妓诉皿狸涅束舌降懂奖哥剥泞办仪皋要奈淆幻割葱促变估眠英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,总结语:,这些内容看起来似乎简单,但要实际运用确有些难度,希望你们运用到其中,给学生营造一个全英的氛围,相信你们会成为最棒的老师。COME ON!,韶刚骡滴亿摘廷苍恶帘尹峙上吟缀茄杂昂愈暴央觅英为畔颇钥朽蕊喳训淖英语课堂用语培训PPT课件英语课堂用语培训PPT课件,


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