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1、-范文最新推荐- 2018最新高中生入团申请书 敬爱的学校团支部: 我通过团章的学习,再加上我作为一个高一(7)班的学生,一个21世纪的青年,必须积极争取加入先进青年的群众组织-中国共产主义青年团。 中国共产主义青年团是中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织,是广大青年在实践中学习共产主义的学校,是中国共产党的助手和后备军。中国共产主义青年团原名中国社会主义青年团。 在中国现在的情况下,我们青年就要发挥自己的作用,要把自己的思想和政治觉悟提高到一个新的高度。做一个四有青年,一个有理想、有道德、有文化,有纪律的青年。就因为这样,我就更应该加入这个由中国共产党领导的先进青年的群众组织。把自己提高到一个

2、新的高度! 正因为如此,我就要努力的争取加入中国共产主义青年团。我向团委申请:我会用自己的实际行动去积极的争取以及早日加入共青团。如果我没有被批准,我决不放弃,我会继续努力,我会以团员的标准来要求自己。 请团委考验我。 此致 敬礼 申请人:XXX X年X月X日 My name is XXX, a XXX Teachers College, a mathematical application of professional graduates. I have hope, have hope and confidence to face the upcoming work. XXX Teache

3、rs College, the oldest of our college, teaching one of the most outstanding academic departments, at the colleges of rich learning environment, my knowledge and ability has been greatly improved. Learn specialized courses in the same time, I diligently practice the basic skills of teachers, better t

4、eaching language skills, acquired knowledge of pedagogy and psychology of many, the holiday to be engaged in the use of tutoring work. During the attachment, I think encouraging teaching methods, courseware and teaching aids choices made in the classroom the students take the initiative to learn the

5、 effect of school leadership and guidance by the teachers praise. I grew up on the extreme admiration for teachers, hope that one day they would be like the teacher did, to their knowledge handed down from generation to generation, the Chinese nation and the United States and Germany continue to spr

6、ead the culture to future generations. In particular, the guidance of the parents to overcome a deeply infected;s parents asked their earnest, so I am a down, diligent life; on the subject of school education, so I used the theory of knowledge, scientific expertise to do a good each things; frank, p

7、ragmatic character, let me at work and leadership to help create harmony, better to complete all tasks. I hope there is a suitable platform, with my enthusiasm and wisdom to fully open up, hard. I hope that your school office for your school to develop a force, I believe that is what I pay for your

8、wise choice. I will use my power to prove everything. I firmly believe that as long as keep the big melting pot in the community to learn, use the heart to the face of all, must be able to continue to beat themselves, beyond their own and move towards success. 五四青年节又到了,我应抓住这次机会,争取加入中国共产主义青年团。 虽然我没有上

9、过团课,但对共青团还是了解一些的:共青团是先进青年的先锋组织,是中国共产党的后备军,还是培养德智体全面发展的人才的大学校。团员要积极上进,热心为大家服务,先人后己,不计较个人的得失。共青团委是中学最主要的组织成分。 知道了原因,我当然就会改正。譬如在上学期的千禧联欢会上,我不但担任我们组话剧的大部分编剧,还自告奋勇地做旁白,结果话剧获得了同学的好评。这真出乎我意料之外,鼓舞了我,使我增添了信心。这似乎也是于慧溟同学的功劳,她的活力感染了我。后来,我积极参加班里的活动。在学习方面,我虽然做得还不够好,不够刻苦,但我会尽自己最大的努力。 在入团后,我一定遵守团章,按团的旨意办事,不做违反团章的事。因此我希望校团委能接受我的入团申请书,使我成为团的一分子。 3 / 4


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