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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟132公共英语一级(B)模拟132第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析M: Who is riding the broomstick in the sky.解析 听力原文:who is riding the broomstick in the sky? 谁在天上骑着扫帚? 关键词:ride broomstick骑扫帚。2.答案:A解析W: A whale is the largest animal in the world.解析

2、 听力原文:A whale is the largest animal in the world. 鲸鱼是世界上最大的动物。关键词:whale鲸鱼。3.答案:C解析M: My favorite fruit is apple.解析 听力原文:My favorite fruit is apple. 我最喜欢的水果是苹果。关键词:apple苹果。4.答案:C解析W: Im not afraid of mouse.解析 听力原文:Im not afraid of mouse. 我不怕老鼠。关键词:mouse老鼠。5.答案:B解析M: We often make snowmen in winter.解析

3、 听力原文:We often make snowmen in winter. 冬天我们经常堆雪人。关键词:snowman雪人。第二节 对话应答 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Yes, It is.B.No, it isnt.C.Theyre our books.答案:C解析Are these your English books?2.A.Youre David.B.Hes in the room.C.David is twelve.答案:B解析Where is David?3.A.Im in class 1, Grade One.B.Goodbye!C.How do you

4、 do?答案:A解析What grade are you in?4.A.Eleven.B.Twelve.C.Thirteen.答案:B解析Whats three plus nine?5.A.Yes, he is at home.B.Hes very good.C.Yes, he is.答案:C解析Is Tom at school today? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.A glass of milk, please.B.Two more, please.C.I never drink tea.答案:A解析What would you like to drink? 解析

5、此句意为:你想喝点什么?A、B、C三个选项中应选告知对方自己想喝的东西或表示不想喝什么。 A:请(给我来杯)牛奶。 B:请再给我两个。 C:我从不喝茶。 所以A为答案。 7.A.Its bad for you.B.Two bottles of orange juice, please.C.I drink a lot of milk every day.答案:B解析Do you want me to buy something for you? 解析 此句意为:要我给/帮你买些什么吗? A:这对你不好。 B:请(给我带)两瓶橘子汁。 C:我每天都喝大量牛奶。 只有B回答了问题,所以B为答案。 8

6、.A.No, it isnt.B.No, thank you.C.Yes, it is.答案:B解析Help yourself to another cake. 解析 此句意为:请再吃块蛋糕。 A:不,它不是。 B:不,谢谢。 C:是的,它是。 在三个选项中,只有B正确地做了应答,所以B为答案。 9.A.Yes, please.B.Here you are.C.Be careful.答案:B解析Please pass me the book. 解析 此句意为:请递给我那本书。 A:好,请。 B:给你。 C:当心。 只有B是正确地做了应答,所以B为答案。 10.A.No, thank you.B

7、.Thats right.C.It doesnt matter.答案:C解析Sorry, Alice. I broke your Window. 解析 此句意为:对不起,Alice。我把你的窗户打碎了。 A:不,谢谢。 B:对/那是对的。 C:没关系。 三个选项中只有C正确地做了应答,所以C为答案。 第三节 对话理解 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Its cheap.B.Its too fast.C.Its not safe.答案:C解析W: How do you usually go to New York, Mr. Jackson?M: I go there by tr

8、ain.W: Why not go by plane?M: Its not safe, I think.Q: Why dont Mr. Jackson go by plane?2.A.Park.B.Market.C.School.答案:A解析M: Its a fine day today, isnt it?W: Yes. Lets go to the park, OK?M: Thats great!Q: Where do they plan to go?3.A.Friday.B.Sunday.C.Saturday.答案:C解析M: Its half past seven. I must go

9、to school, Mum.W: Today is a holiday. Dont you know?M: Oh yes! Its Saturday.Q: What day is it today?4.A.In the cinema.B.At home.C.In a market.答案:B解析M: May I help you, madam?W: I want some eggs.Q: Where are they talking?5.A.She is fine.B.She is ill.C.She is crying.答案:A解析M: How are you today?W: I am f

10、ine, thank you.Q: How is she? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.They are students.B.They are teachers.C.They are brothers.答案:A解析W: Good afternoon. Are you a student in this school?M: Yes. You are a student too, arent you?Q: What are the two speakers? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:下午好,你是这所学校的学生吗?而男方说的是:是的。你也是一个学生对吧?问题问两者间的关系

11、。根据上文可判断两人都是学生。因此A为答案。 7.A.Johnsons friend.B.JohnsonC.Richard答案:C解析M: Hello. This is RichardMay I speak to Johnsonplease?W: Sorry. Johnson is not here now.Q: Who is the man? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:你好,我是Richard。我能和Johnson通话吗?而女方说的是:对不起,Johnson现在不在这儿。问题问这位男士是谁?根据上文可知这位男士是Richard。因此C为答案。 8.A.Go to a party.B.Go

12、to a meeting.C.Go to a park.答案:B解析W: Would you like to go to the party tomorrow evening?M: Id love to. But Ill have a meeting thenQ: What will the man do tomorrow evening? 解析 此段对话中女方问:明天晚上你愿意去参加那个晚会吗?而男方说的是:我很想去,但那时我正好有个会议。问题问男方明晚会干什么?根据上文可判断男方回去参加会议。因此B为答案。 9.A.A shop assistant.B.A hotel manager.C.

13、A policeman.答案:A解析W: Theres something wrong with this computer. Id like to change it.M: Show me your receipt. please.Q: Who is the man? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:对不起,这台电脑有点问题,我想换一台。男方说的是:请出示您的收据。问题问男方是干什么的?根据上文可判断男方应是商店的售货员。因此A为答案。 10.A.America.B.China.C.England.答案:C解析W: Is he from China or England?M: Maybe hes

14、 from England.Q: Where is he from? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:他来自中国还是英国?男方说的是:他可能是来自英格兰。问题问他从IIUL来?根据上文可知这位男士可能是来自英格兰。因此C为答案。 第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 When Kate was eighteen years of age, her mother gave her a beautiful ring. It was a birthday present and Kate was very pleased. A week later when she was working in the k

15、itchen, she lost the ring. She looked everywhere in the kitchen but still could not find it. She also looked outside the kitchen but still could not find it. Kate became very sad. She even cried. That evening at suppertime, her brother, Peter, was eating some cakes. These are very good cakes! Who ma

16、de them? I made them, Kate said. She was glad that her brother liked the cakes she made. She liked cooking very much. Suddenly, Peter stopped eating and said, This is a strange type of cake. When Kate found out what Peter was talking about, she was very happy. My ring! she cried and cleaned it. She

17、thanked her brother and told him she would cook more nice cakes for him tomorrow. 1. Kate got a ring as her eighteenth birthday present. A True B False 答案:AKate十八岁生日时得到一个戒指。符合文章内容,因此答案为A。2. When she went out, she lost her ring. A True B False 答案:B当她出去时把戒指丢了。是错误的。因Kate是在厨房做事时把戒指弄丢的。所以答案为B。3. Kate alw

18、ays made a strange type of cake. A True B False 答案:BKate总是做些奇怪的蛋糕。是错误的。因这块奇怪的“蛋糕”里其实有她不小心弄丢的戒指。所以答案为B。4. Because Peter liked the cakes she made, Kate told him she would cook more for him tomorrow. A True B False 答案:B因为Peter喜欢吃她做的蛋糕,所以Kate告诉他自己明天会再给他做。其实文章中说的是Kate感激弟弟找到了她的戒指,所以要明天再做些。因此答案为B。 Betty is

19、 a schoolgirl. She is in her fifth year. She gets up at six. She has breakfast at a quarter past six and then goes to school. She has three or four classes in the morning. Then she comes home for lunch. Sometimes she has classes in the afternoon. Sometimes she has no classes and studies at home. She

20、 usually has supper with her family at half past six. 5. Betty is five years old. A True B False 答案:A第一行“She is in her fifth year.”6. Betty gets up at six in the morning. A True B False 答案:A第二段第一句“She gets up at six.”7. She has no classes in the afternoon. A True B False 答案:B第二段,“She has three or fo

21、ur classes in the morning.”可以知道。8. She comes home for lunch after class. A True B False 答案:A第二段最后一句“Then she comes home for lunch.”9. She usually has supper with her family at half past five. A True B False 答案:B最后一句话“She usually has supper with her family at half past six.” There were a lot of mice(

22、老鼠)in a house. The man of the house got a cat. And the cat killed many of the mice. Then all the mice got together to see what they could do about the cat, but none knew what to do. At last a young mouse said, We must put a bell(铃)on the cat. Then, when the cat comes near, well hear the bell and run

23、 away. So the cat will never catch any of us. The eldest mouse asked, It is a good idea, but who will put the bell on the cat? No mouse answered. At last he said, It is easy to say things, but it is hard to do them. 10. The man of the house got a dog. A True B False 答案:B11. The cat didnt kill any mi

24、ce. A True B False 答案:B12. Doing things is harder than saying them. A True B False 答案:A第二节 短文理解2 It is the last lesson before the holiday. The students are very happy. Their English teacher is very happy, too Their teacher plays some nice games with them. He sings some nice songs with them, and he g

25、oes to the blackboard and writes SMILES on it. This is one of the longest words in English, he says to the class. All the students laugh, and then one girl stands up and says, Why is it one of the longest words in English? The teacher says nothing for a few seconds. Then he smiles and says, Because

26、theres a mile (英里) between the first letter and the last. 1. The students are happy because _.A.it is the first lesson after the holidayB.the holiday will comeC.the holiday will be over答案:B解析 从It is the last lesson before file holiday. The students are very happy. 可知,学生们很高兴,因为这是放假前的最后一课,马上就要放假了,故选B。

27、2. The teacher says smiles is one of the longest words in English because _.A.it has the longest history(历史)B.it has the most lettersC.it is a mile between the two s答案:C解析 从Then he smiles and says, Because theres a mile between the first letter and the last. 可知,因为两个字母s之间有一个mile,mile为“英里”的意思,也就是这个词首尾

28、相距一英里,故选C。 John is an American boy. His family is in China now. John likes chocolates (巧克力) very much. But his mother doesnt give him. She doesnt think they are good for him. But John has a very nice uncle. The old man loves him very much, and sometimes he buys some chocolates for John. Then his mot

29、her lets John eat them. She wants to make the old man happy. It is Johns birthday on Friday. On Thursday evening, John says, Please, God (上帝) ,make them give me a box of chocolates for my birthday. His mother says, God cant hear you, my boy. I know, but my uncle is in the next room, and he can hear

30、me. 3. Sometimes _ buys him some chocolates.A.John fatherB.Johns motherC.Johns uncle答案:C4. Where is Johns uncle on that day?A.In the next room.B.In the shop.C.At school.答案:A One morning a young woman, who has recently lost her first post, was examining the advertisements in the paper in search of ot

31、her work. Suddenly she called out to her mother, who was in the kitchen. Listen to this, Mother! she cried. Ive found an easy way of making money. What is it? her mother asked, coming into the room. Listen, said the girl, and read the advertisement aloud: Do you want to make money? Send me a postal

32、order for five pence, together with a stamped, addressed envelope. You will receive a reply showing you how to make hundreds of pounds without leaving your house. Then theres a name and address. Nonsense! said her mother. Youll only lose five pence and the cost of a postal order and two stamps. If h

33、e knows how to do that, why doesnt he do it himself? You wont get an answer. Well, five pence isnt much, she said. I can try. She went to the post-office, bought a postal order, and sent it off. Two or three days. later she received an envelope with a small piece of paper in it. On the paper were fo

34、ur words: Do as I do. 5. What does the word post (in . who has recently lost her first post .) mean?A.Postal order.B.Job.C.Mail.答案:B6. What was the mother doing?A.Cleaning.B.Cooking.C.Sewing.答案:B7. What was the mothers attitude?A.She didnt like the advertisement.B.She encouraged her daughter to have

35、 a try.C.She didnt believe in the advertisement.答案:C8. Why did the daughter send off the postal order?A.Because she wanted to try her luck.B.Because she believed in the advertisement.C.Because she just have a little money.答案:A9. What was the result?A.She learned how to earn big money.B.She got decei

36、ved.C.She didnt get any letter.答案:B The name of the girl in a hat is Kazuko. There are some flowers on her hat. Kazuko is a Japanese girl. And she is my good friend. I like her. I dont know Japanese and she doesnt know Chinese. But we know some English. I help her to ride a bike and fly a kite. She

37、helps me to swim. We like to play football, but we cant play well. Kazuko and I and all the other girls in our class play football every day. Kazuko will be back home in Japan next month. She likes China and all the class like her. 10. Some flowers are _.A.in the parkB.on the deskC.on the hat答案:C解析

38、文中提到:There are some flowers on her hat. 她的帽子上有一些花。11. Kazuko can speak _.A.EnglishB.JapaneseC.A and B答案:C解析 文中提到:I dont know Japanese and she doesnt know ChineseBut we know some English我不懂日语她不懂汉语,可我们都会些英语。所以,她应该会两种语言:日语和英语。12. Kazuko is now in _.A.ChinaB.JapanC.England答案:A解析 文中提到:She will be back ho

39、me in Japan next month. 她下个月回日本。可以推断出目前她仍在中国。13. She helps me to _.A.swimB.fly kitesC.ride a bike答案:A解析 文中提到:She helps me to swim. 他教我游泳。14. _ play football every day.A.The boysB.The girls in classC.The teachers答案:B解析 文中提到:Kazuko and I and all the other girls in our class play football every day. 说明

40、班上的女孩们每天踢足球。第三节 词语配伍A. I ask him to play volleyball.B. Thanks a lot.C. Help.D. Certainly.E. Youre welcome.F. My hobby is swimming.G. What can I do for you?1. Thank you very much.答案:B解析 Thank you very much同义表达为BThanks a lot都是表示感谢。2. Can I help you?答案:G解析 Can I help you?与GWhat can I do for you?语义相同,都表示是否需要帮忙。3. Of course.答案:D解析 Of course. 与DCertainly. 语义相同,都是当然的意思。4. Thats all right.答案:E解析 Thats all right. 与EYoure welcome语义相同,都表示不必客气。5. I like swimming.答案:F解析 I like swimming. 与FMy hobby is swimming语义相同,都是表示喜欢游泳。 24 / 24


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