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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级口试模拟题11公共英语三级口试模拟题11Part 1问题:1. Interlocutor: Good afternoon. My name is., and this is my colleague. He is just going to be listening to us. (下午好,我叫。这位是我的同事,他只是听我们对话,不参与谈话。) And your names are.? (你们的名字是?) Thank you. Give me your mark sheets, please

2、. (谢谢。请把你们的登分卡给我。) Thanks. First of all, wed like to know something about you, Candidate A, so Im going to ask you some questions. (谢谢。首先我们来了解一下你们的情况吧!A,我要问你一些问题。) (Select two or more questions from the following category for Candidate A.) Would you please tell me something about your family? Among

3、these people, whom do you admire best? Why? Thank you. (谢谢。) Now, Candidate B, Im going to ask you some questions. (现在,B,我将要问你一些问题。) (Select two or more questions from the following category for Candidate B.) Candidate B, have you ever been to Beijing? Do you like traveling? What do you think of the

4、se cities? Do you have any plans to visit some other cities? Thank you. (谢谢。) 答案:考生A T: Would you please tell me something about your family? (你能告诉我你家庭的一些情况吗?) A: I have a big family. There are 6 people in it: my grandparents, my parents, my sister and I. (我有一个大家庭。家里一共有六口人:我祖父母、父母、姐姐和我。) T: Among th

5、ese people, whom do you admire best? (在这些人中,你最佩服谁?) A: Thats hard to say, for I love them all. If you insist, Ill choose my father, who is working as a farmer. (这很难说,因为我都很爱他们。如果非要选的话,我会选我父亲。他是一个农民。) T: Why? (为什么呢?) A: In my eyes, my father is very tall and handsome. He is also a successful farmer. F

6、ive years ago, he first raised a herd of cows in our village, which earned us a lot of money. My father is working very hard to take care of the stocks. He sets up a good example for us children. (在我眼里,我的父亲个子很高,也很英俊。他是一个成功的农民。五年前,他第一个在我们村子里养奶牛,因此赚了很多钱。为了饲养这些牲口,我父亲工作很努力。他为子女树立了好榜样。) 考生B T: Candidate

7、B, have you ever been to Beijing? (B,你去过北京吗?) B: Yes. I have been there twice. (是的,我去过两次。) T: Do you like traveling? (那你喜欢旅游吗?) B: Very much. Besides Beijing, I have been to Qingdao and Dalian. (非常喜欢。除了北京之外,我还到过青岛和大连。) T: What do you think of these cities? (你认为这两个城市怎么样?) B: In my opinion, they are a

8、ll very good. I met a foreigner on the way to Dalian. He told me that Dalian is so clean that he couldnt believe its a Chinese city. I hope that one day all our cities are as clean as it. (在我看来,它们都很好。在去大连的路上,我遇到一位外国人,他告诉我说大连干净得让他都不敢相信这是中国的一个城市。我希望将来有一天我们所有的城市都能像大连一样。) T: Do you have any plans to vis

9、it some other cities? (你还打算去别的城市旅游吗?) B: I wish I had enough money and time to do it. (我真希望自己能有足够的钱和时间去别的地方看看。) Part 2问题:1. Interlocutor: Now, Id like you to talk about something for about 3 minutes. Im just going to listen. (现在,我想要你们两个谈大约3分钟的话,我来旁听。) Id like you to talk about the seasons that you l

10、ike in the following pictures. (我要你们谈谈自己喜欢的季节。) Place picture sheet (including pictures of four kinds of seasons) in front of the candidates. 把(含有4种季节的)图片放在考生的面前。 Id like you to talk to each other about the sort of season you like best. It is not necessary to agree with each other. You have only abo

11、ut 3 minutes for this, so dont won7 if I stop you and please speak clearly so that we can hear you. All right? (我要你们谈谈自己最喜欢的季节,不必非得同意对方的观点。你们只有3分钟的时间,所以如果我打断你们,不要紧张,请尽量讲清楚以便我们能听见,好吧?) Candidates: (Approximately 3 minutes.) Interlocutor: Thank you. (Retrieve the picture sheet.) 答案:A: Some like painti

12、ng, some like hiking in the desert in the sun. Others like flowers. There are still some like the ice and the snow. What do you like? (一些人喜欢画画,一些人喜欢晴天去沙漠远足,一些人喜欢花,还有一些人喜欢冰雪。你喜欢什么?) B: I like playing badminton, single or doubles. (我喜欢打羽毛球,单打、双打都行。) A: What do you like to do most on snowy days? (在雪天你最

13、喜欢干什么?) B: I like to take a walk in the snow, make a snowman, and even have a snowball fight. I will not just stand there shivering. That gives me no chance to enjoy the pleasure from the bottom of my heart. (我喜欢在雪中漫步、堆雪人、打雪仗。我不会只站在雪中发抖。因为这不会让我释放内心的愉悦。) A: Have you ever experienced a walk in the bur

14、ning sun? (你曾经在烈日下散过步吗?) B: Yes, I have. Breathless and thirsty, longing for a bottle of ice-cold water and some shade to shelter me from the sun. (有过。又渴又透不过气来。非常想要一杯冰水和一个遮荫的地方。) A: Which kind of flowers do you like better, red or yellow? (你喜欢哪一种花,红色的还是黄色的?) B: I like red flowers. (我喜欢红色的花。) A: Do y

15、ou enjoy looking at the flowers or keeping them? (你喜欢赏花还是养花?) B: I enjoy the sight of the flowers. I know nothing about keeping them. (我喜欢赏花。我对养花一无所知。) Part 3问题:1. Interlocutor: Now, Id like each of you to talk on your own for about one and a half minutes. Im going to give each of you a different pi

16、cture and Id like you to talk about it. Candidate A, here is your picture: the elder, present and younger generation. Please let Candidate B have a look at it. (现在,每个人分别有1分半钟的时间就不同的图片来单独发言。我会分别给你们一幅不同的图片。考生A,这是你的图片。图片上是老、中、少3代。请把你的图片给考生B看一下。) Candidate B, Ill give you your picture in a minute. (考生B,

17、一会儿我将给你你的图片。) Candidate A, Id like you to describe the picture and tell us what you think about it. Remember you have only about one and a half minutes for this, so dont worry if I interrupt you, OK? (考生A,我要你描述一下这幅图片,告诉我们你的想法。你只有1分半钟。如果我打断你,不要担心,这很正常。) Candidate A: (Approximately one and a half minu

18、tes.) Interlocutor: Thank you. (Retrieve the picture.) Candidate B, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? (考生B,对这幅图,你还有什么要补充的吗?) Candidate B: (Approximately 30 seconds.) Interlocutor: Candidate B, here is your card. Please let Candidate A have a look at it. (考生B,这是你的图片,请让考生

19、A看一下。) (Hand over the picture to Candidate B.) Id like you to describe the picture and also tell us what you think of it. Remember you have only about one and a half minutes for this, so dont worry if I stop you, OK? (考生B,我要你描述一下这幅图片,并且也告诉我你的想法。你只有1分半钟的时间,所以如果我打断你,请不要紧张,好吧?) Candidate B: (Approximat

20、ely one and a half minutes.) Interlocutor: Thank you. (Retrieve the picture.) Candidate A, is there anything else you would like to say about the picture? (考生A,对这幅图,你还有什么要补充的吗?) Candidate A: (Approximately 30 seconds.) Interlocutor: Thank you. (That is the end of the test.) 答案:Candidate A A: In the

21、picture, there are three people. One is a primary school pupil, who covers her ears with the hands. She looks very unhappy. Perhaps she couldnt concentrate on her homework. Sitting behind her is a middle-aged woman. She is knitting a sweater while enjoying the program on TV. From time to time, she t

22、urns around her head to make sure that her daughter is not sleeping over her homework. She is very strict with her daughter. Inside the room divided by a curtain, a scholar-looked old man is busy with his work. He wears glasses, hardly has any hair. A pile of materials is on his desk. He works atten

23、tively. This scene is very common in China. Three generations are living under one roof. 图片上有3个人。图中的小学生双手捂住耳朵,看上去很不高兴。或许是她无法集中精力做作业。坐在她后面的是一位中年妇女,她一边看电视,一边打毛衣。她不时地转过头来看看女儿是不是做着作业睡着了。她对女儿要求很严格。在用窗帘隔开的屋里面,一位学者模样的老年人正在工作。他带着眼镜,头发稀疏。在他的书桌上堆满了资料。他工作很专心。这是在中国十分常见的一幅情景:3代人共住一起。 B: This is very common in Ch

24、ina. As the son or daughter gets married and has their own family, they would like to live with their parents. And it seems that the parents are content to live with them. As peoples living standard is improving, dwelling place is not a problem. More and more young couples want to have their own pri

25、vate life. This phenomenon is becoming less and less. 这在中国十分常见。当儿子或女儿结婚成家后,他们仍然愿意和父母住在一起,而父母也似乎很乐意他们回来住。随着人们生活水平的提高,住房已不再是一个问题。越来越多的年轻人希望有自己的私生活。这种现象在逐渐减少。 Candidate B B: A pregnant woman holds a baby with one hand, and pushes a baby carriage with the other. The twin sisters are lying in it. Followe

26、d the woman are eight other girls. They come to see a doctor. The doctor is very surprised with the scene. The woman says to him: My husband said that he would not give up until we have a son. It reflects the sex discrimination in our society. Influenced by the old society, a large number of people

27、still think that a son is much better than a daughter. So in order to get a son, they broke the law and gave birth to many children till they got one. Males and females are equal. But the traditional concept of female inferiority still exists in some peoples minds. 一个孕妇一只手抱着孩子,另一只手推着婴儿车,车上有一对双胞胎姐妹。她

28、身后还跟着8个女孩。他们是来看医生的,医生看到这种场面非常吃惊。孕妇对医生说:“我丈夫说如果不生个儿子,他决不罢休。”这幅图片反映了社会上的性别歧视。受旧社会封建思想的影响,许多人仍然认为生男比生女好。因此为了得儿子,他们触犯法律,生下许多孩子,直到得到一个儿子为止。男孩女孩都一样。但是很多人仍然有男尊女卑的旧思想。 A: Thats true, though the picture is exaggerating a little bit. According to the Constitution, men and women are equal. But many people, esp

29、ecially the old still prefer boys to girls. Its not convenient for a family having no man in the countryside. But with the development of our society, the distinction between men and women will die out. If all couples do like the one in the picture, the world will be in danger one day. 虽然图片有一点夸大,但这是事实。宪法规定男女平等。但很多人,尤其是老人更喜欢男孩。在农村,家里没有男人是不方便的。但随着社会的发展,男女之间的差异会渐渐消失。如果所有的夫妻都像图片中的人一样的话,那这个世界将来会很危险。 12 / 12


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