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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级分类模拟题知识运用题(六)公共英语二级分类模拟题知识运用题(六)Unit 1第二节 完型填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。 Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a 1 in Long Island had been 2 by an armed man who had killed the night

2、 guard and got away with $150,000. One hundred and fifty thousand, Todd whistled. Heres a fellow who just 3 into a bank and helped himself 4 so much money. Todd thought of the 5 with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6 to start his gas station. So many papers to 7 , so much money to pay

3、 back. The news 8 twenty minutes later. The gunman had 9 a car for a ride, and then 10 out the driver. He was possibly 11 the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate (车牌) number LJR1939. The 12 of the announcer continued: 13 out for white cars. Dont pick up strangers, and all you folks

4、 in gas stations better not do 14 to a white Ford car. Todd stood up and 15 to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd 16 the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just then, Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 17 . There it was, a white Ford. He saw the 18 , LJR1

5、939. What shall I do? Todd had to make a quick decision. Yes, sir? Todd asked while making up his mind for sure. 19 her up, the man said sounding like any other driver. When the tank was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man. Hands up 20 get out! 1.A.storeB.bankC.stationD.hous

6、e答案:B通读全文后会发现文章讲的是罪犯抢劫银行后拦车逃跑到加油站加油的事,所以此处选bank。2.A.searched forB.held upC.taken overD.broken into答案:D抢劫犯到银行只能是broke into(破门而入),而不会searched for(搜寻),及:held up(延误),或taken over(接管,控制)。3.A.walksB.looksC.marchesD.drives答案:A在Todd眼里歹徒得到这么多钱太容易了。“(walked into a bank and helped oneself to so much money)步入银行,

7、随便拿钱”。4.A.forB.byC.toD.of答案:C5.A.satisfactionB.difficultyC.disappointmentD.spirit答案:B从前面歹徒轻而易举得到这么多钱,Todd联想了自己。managed一词意为“经过努力之后做到”,据此推知他肯定是想到自己创业之初的艰难(difficulty)。6.A.savedB.madeC.offeredD.needed答案:Dneeded需要。7.A.collectB.proveC.signD.write答案:C为了开自己的加油站,需要so many papers to sign,“那么多贷款文件要签署”;So much

8、 money to pay back,“要付那么多钱”。8.A.continuedB.lastedC.spreadD.arrived答案:Anews(消息,新闻)不可能连续播放20分钟,排除lasted,而应是继续播放最新情况,即continued。9.A.boughtB.borrowedC.stolenD.stopped答案:D歹徒抢完银行之后没时间,也没条件去bought(买),borrowed(借)或stolen(偷)车,而只能是stopped(拦劫)一辆过路车。10.A.sentB.foundC.leftD.pushed答案:Dpush out the driver将司机推出车外。11

9、.A.calling fromB.fleeing fromC.heading forD.looking for答案:Ccall from(从打来电话),flee from(从逃出),look for(寻找),此处都不合语境。故选head for(朝方向去)。12.A.newsB.warningC.adviceD.voice答案:D从后面的of the announcer continued推测选voice(播音员的声音)。13.A.LookB.RunC.CallD.Set答案:Alook out for(sb./sth.)留心/警惕e.g. look out for pickpockets(小

10、心扒手)。14.A.harmB.favorC.serviceD.business答案:C这句话是说给folks in gas station(加油站工作人员)的,他们提供service(服务)。15.A.triedB.decidedC.hopedD.happened答案:A从收音机得知歹徒逃向了the Southern State Parkway,而Todd的加油站,就在这条路上,所以选tried。16.A.consideredB.knewC.recognizedD.learnt答案:BA considered意为“考虑”,B knew表示“知道、了解”,C recognized为“辩认”,D

11、 learnt意为“得知,学习”。17.A.directionsB.repairsC.gasD.parking答案:C车pull in a gas station(驶入加油站)是为了加油(for gas)。18.A.markB.numberC.signD.name答案:B从后面的LJR1939知他看到的是车牌号(number)。19.A.CoverB.FillC.CheckD.Tie答案:B意为“给车加满油”。20.A.orB.andC.butD.to答案:B意为“举起手,下车来”。前后动作是连续的,故选and。Unit 2第一节 单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳

12、选项。 问题:1. _ in the traffic jam, he got to school very late this morning.A.Having caughtB.Be caughtC.Being caughtD.Caught答案:D过去分词短语作原因状语。问题:2. Now and then they would _. my house and have a talk with me.A.call onB.call inC.drop in atD.drop in on答案:Cdrop in at意为“拜访”。问题:3. John, hand in your compositio

13、n, _? OK. A.do youB.will youC.didnt youD.dont you答案:B这是一个由祈使句转化而来的反意疑问句,省略了主语you且为提出意愿,故回答时用will you。问题:4. When put in water, the sticks _ they were broken.A.look asB.look thatC.seem likeD.look as if答案:D从句子提供的信息可以知道,they(the sticks)were broken是一个与现实相反的虚拟,而四个选项中只有D的as if后可接虚拟语气。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意

14、,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项。 When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. For this reason, the navy 1 has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and 2 them. One day, the police in a big seaport recei

15、ved a telephone call 3 a bar in the town. The barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and 4 the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately. Now, officers who 5 and punish the sailors 6 drunk usually chose 7 policeman they coul

16、d find to go with them. 8 this particular officer did not do this. 9 , he chose the smallest and 10 man he could find to go to the bar with him and 11 the sailor. Another officer who 12 there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard chose such a small man. 13 he said to him, Why 14 you tak

17、e a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who 15 . Yes, you are 16 right, answered the officer of the guard. That is exactly 17 I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming 18 you, and one is 19 the other, which one 20 you attack? 1.A.alwaysB.seldomC.foreverD.sometimes答案:A从文章

18、第一句我们了解到这是一篇关于sailor制造trouble的故事。always意为“总是”。2.A.meet withB.deal withC.seeD.judge答案:Bdeal with意为“处理”,海员醉酒闹事后警察前来处理。3.A.aboutB.fromC.inD.of答案:Bfrom意为“来自”,a telephone call from a bar从酒吧打来的电话。4.A.was breakingB.was orderingC.was movingD.was dusting答案:A醉汉都会break(打碎、砸)东西。5.A.would goB.might beatC.dared t

19、o fightD.had to go答案:Dhad to go不得不前去。6.A.slightlyB.not at allC.heavilyD.much more答案:Cheavily drunk醉熏熏的,烂醉的。7.A.the biggestB.the youngestC.the bravestD.the experienced答案:A从下文知一般警官都会挑选块头大的、强壮的警员去出警以制服醉酒的海员。8.A.In factB.ButC.SoD.And答案:B与一般情况形成对比,这位警官却没这么做。“But”在此处表示转折。9.A.InsteadB.ThereforeC.AlthoughD.

20、Then答案:A本句讲述警官的另类做法,所以选用“instead”,即“而是”。10.A.good-lookingB.weakest-lookingC.ugly-lookingD.strongest-looking答案:B根据上下文语境选weakest-looking“看上去最瘦弱的”。11.A.seizeB.killC.get rid ofD.catch up with答案:Aseize意为“抓捕”。12.A.will goB.had comeC.would start offD.happened to be答案:Dhappened to be there意为“碰巧在那”。13.A.YetB

21、.ButC.SoD.hen答案:C“So”在此处表示顺承关系。14.A.dontB.couldntC.cantD.do答案:Awhy dont you“你为什么不”。15.A.looks strongB.is drunkC.seems rudeD.is dangerous答案:B上文提到一位海员喝醉了。16.A.allB.veryC.tooD.quite答案:D从下文该警官的解释可以看出他并非完全同意,所以选quite。17.A.howB.whatC.whyD.that答案:Cwhy引导原因状语。18.A.upB.atC.beforeD.towards答案:Bat表示“以为目标”。19.A.not smaller thanB.as big asC.as small asD.much smaller than答案:D当你看到两位警察朝你走来,其中一个比另一个瘦小得多,你会袭击哪一个?20.A.couldB.willC.doD.can答案:B“will”在此处表示一种询问的语气。 18 / 18


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