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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级口试模拟题396公共英语二级口试模拟题396第一节:考生个人情况介绍问题:1. The assessor invites the candidates in and indicates chairs. (评分老师引导考生进入考场并指定座位。) T: Good afternoon, can you give me your mark sheets please? (下午好,请把你们的登分卡给我。) A、B: (下午好,这是我的登分卡。) Pass mark sheets to the asse

2、ssor. (口试教师把登分卡递给评分老师。) T: Im Li Lin, the oral English test teacher, and this is Wu Fei, the assessor. He will just listen to us. (我叫李林,口试教师;这位是吴飞,评分老师,他只听,不参与我们的谈话。) T to A: Now, whats your name? A: (我叫.) T: Thank you. T to B: And your name? B: (我叫.) T: Thanks. 学生篇 T: How old are you? (你今年多大?) B: (

3、18岁。) T: Do you like reading? (你喜欢读书吗?) B: (是的,非常喜欢。) T: Are you nervous now? (你现在紧张吗?) B: (是的,有一点儿。) T: Dont be nervous, relax yourself. (别紧张,放松点儿。) B: (谢谢,我会的。) 成人篇 T: Do you work? (你现在工作了吗?) B: (是的。) T: What do you do? (你做什么工作?) B: (警察。) T: How long have you been a policeman? (你工作多长时间了?) B: (3年了。

4、) T: Do you like your job? (你喜欢现在的工作吗?) B: (是的,我非常喜欢。) (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:考生个人情况介绍 A、B: Good afternoon! Here is my mark sheet. A: My name is. B: My name is. 口试教师询问考生的出生地、职业、学业等情况 学生篇 B: Im 18. B: Yes, I like reading very much. B: Yes, a little bit. B: Thanks, I will. 成人篇 B: Yes, I do. B: Im a p

5、oliceman. B: Three years. B: Yes, I like it very much. 第二节:考生相互问答 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. 题目1 口试教师: Candidate B, suppose you are a foreigner. You know little about the Mid-autumn Festival. Ask Candidate A to tell you about it. Use the words on this card to help you. (将Card 1B递给考生B) (考生B,假设你是一个外国人,你对

6、中秋节知之甚少,问一下A,让他来告诉你。用卡片上的词来辅助你。) Card 1B 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 中秋节 重要性 日期 目的 方式 Candidate A, here is something about the Mid-autumn Festival. Answer Candidate Bs questions using the information on this card. (将Card 1A递给考生A) (考生A,这儿有些与中秋节有关的信息。利用该卡片上的信息来回答B的问题。) Card 1A 请根据下列信息回答问题: 中秋节 重要性:不如春节那么重要 日期:农历八月

7、十五 目的:亲人团聚 方式:吃月饼 注:考生A需借助信息卡对考生B提出的任何问题做出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生A可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话后,口试教师要求其停止并按规定互换身份,利用一套新卡片进行对话。 继续性问答 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出2或3个问题。 1Do you give any presents (gifts) to your family and your friends on the Mid-Autumn Festival? 2What festival do you like bes

8、t? Why? 3Can you name some of the western festivals? 4What do people do on these days? How do people celebrate them? 答案:根据本卡片可参考的提问方式和回答方式如下: B: Is the Mid-autumn Festival important in China? A: Yes, but not so important as the Spring Festival. B: When is it? A: Aug. 15, according to the lunar calen

9、dar. B: Why do people celebrate it? A: It is a time for family reunions B: What do people do on that day? /How do they celebrate the day? A: People relax, have dinner together, and eat mooncakes. 继续性回答 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出2或3个问题。现提参考答案如下: 1. No. we dont. 2. The Spring Festival. Because I can have a lon

10、g vacation and go out for a trip. 3. Yes. Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, April Fools Day. 4. People usually have big dinners. 2. 题目2 口试教师: Candidate A, there is going to be a lecture, but you know little about it. Please ask Candidate B to tell you. Use the words on this card to help you. (

11、将Card 2A递给考生A) (考生A,有一个讲座要举行,但你对此知之甚少,向考生B询问这方面的信息。利用卡片上的内容来辅助你。) Card 2A 请用英语提问以了解下列信息: 讲座 内容 演讲者 地点 时间 参加者 Candidate B, here is something about the lecture. Answer Candidate As questions, using the information on this card. (将Card 2B递给考生B) (考生B,这儿有一些关于讲座的信息。利用卡片上的信息回答A的提问。) Card 2B 请根据下列信息回答问题: 讲座

12、 内容:健康与保健 演讲者:方利教授 地点:主楼 时间:3月8日下午3点 参加者:欢迎师生参加 注:考生B需借助信息卡对考生A提出的任何问题做出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生B可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话后,口试教师将要求其停止。 继续性问答 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出2或3个问题。 1Have you ever attended a lecture before? What was it about? 2What kind of lecture would you like to attend? Why?

13、 3Do you do exercise every day? 4What do you think of people who are on diet? 答案:根据本卡片可参考的提问方式和回答方式如下: A: What is the lecture about? / What s the topic of the lecture? B: Health and fitness. A: Who will give the lecture? B: Prof. Fang Li. A: Where will the lecture be given? B: In the main building.

14、A: When will the lecture start(begin)? B: At 3:00 p.m. on Mar. 8. A: Who will attend(go to)the lecture? B: All teachers and students are welcomed. 继续性回答 口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出2或3个问题。现提参考答案如下: 1. Yes, I have. Its about English study. /No, never. 2. Aboat IT. Because Im interested in lectures on IT. 3. Yes, I jog every morning. 4. I dont like losing weight. I dont think going on diet can help. 9 / 9


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