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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题阅读理解题(六)公共英语一级分类模拟题阅读理解题(六)阅读理解 One day a friend asked Mark Twain if he could remember the first money he ever earned. He thought 1 a long time and then said, Yes, it was at school. I can remember 2 then. Schoolboys in those days didnt take go

2、od care of school property (财产). They often had their desks or benches 3 . There was a rule in our school that 4 boy who damaged his desk with a pencil or a knife would be beaten in front of the whole school, or would have to 5 five dollars. One day I damaged my desk in someway. I had to tell my 6 I

3、 broke the rule. I had to decide 7 I would pay five dollars or be punished before the whole school. My father said it would be 8 bad to have our family disgraced (耻辱) in front of the whole school. He agreed to give me five dollars to hand 9 to the teacher. But before giving me the money, he took me

4、upstairs and gave me a good beating. But as I had had one beating and got used to it, I decided I would take another beating at school and keep the five dollars. 10 thats what I did. That was the first money I earned. 1.A.ofB.forC.over答案:B2.A.somethingB.anythingC.everything答案:C3.A.damageB.damagingC.

5、damaged答案:C4.A.someB.anyC.each答案:B5.A.payB.costC.take答案:A6.A.teacherB.fatherC.grandpa答案:B7.A.asB.whenC.whether答案:C8.A.veryB.quiteC.too答案:C9.A.inB.overC.out答案:B10.A.SoB.OrC.And答案:A Mr. and Mrs. Smith were singers, and they travelled to a lot of countries. When they went by plane, people checked them

6、and their things, of course, 11 they did not want them to take guns on to the plane with them. One day Mr. Smith came to 12 the plane, and the men searched 13 and his things. When he was ready 14 on the plane, Mrs. Smith arrived. She was late 15 in a hurry, but the people searched her and her bag 16

7、 Mr. Smith heard her 17 and say to the men happily, Oh, thats very good! Ive 18 those scissors here and there 19 several days, and now you 20 them for me! Thank you very much! 11.A.BeforeB.BecauseC.If答案:B12.A.takeB.makeC.have答案:A13.A.himselfB.hisC.him答案:C14.A.gotB.gettingC.to get答案:C15.A.yetB.butC.a

8、nd答案:C16.A.carefullyB.angrilyC.terribly答案:A17.A.to laughB.laughedC.laugh答案:C18.A.looked forB.looked onC.looked at答案:A19.A.inB.sinceC.for答案:C20.A.have foundB.findC.are finding答案:A Everybody has one of those days when everything goes wrong. This is what happened to Harry. One morning, he got up very 2

9、1 because his clock stopped. He 22 to shave (刮脸) quickly and cut himself. When he got dressed, he got blood all over his 23 , so he had to find another one. The only other shirt that was clean 24 ironing. While he was ironing it, there was a knock at the door. It was the man to collect money for wat

10、er. After he paid the water bill and showed the man out, he found the iron had burnt a hole in his shirt. So he had to wear the one with the blood on it after all. By this time it was very late, so he 25 he couldnt go to work by bus. He 26 for a taxi to take him to work, the taxi arrived and Harry 2

11、7 in. In another part of the town, a man had killed a woman 28 a knife and was seen to run away in a taxi. When Harrys taxi stopped outside his office, a policeman 29 to be standing there. He saw the blood on Harrys shirt, and took him to the police station. He was 30 till 3 oclock p. m. before the

12、police found out that he was not the man they wanted. When he finally arrived at the office at about 4 p. m. , his boss took a look at him and told him to find another job. 21.A.earlyB.lateC.worriedly答案:B22.A.triedB.hopedC.wished答案:A23.A.coatB.sweaterC.shirt答案:C24.A.needB.neededC.needing答案:B25.A.won

13、deredB.thoughtC.decided答案:B26.A.wishedB.waitedC.telephoned答案:C27.A.gotB.satC.entered答案:A28.A.byB.withC.through答案:B29.A.seemedB.happenedC.appeared答案:B30.A.caughtB.leftC.kept答案:C How much sleep do we need? We are all different. Some people need only three hours of sleep a night. 31 need ten hours of s

14、leep a night. After age fifty, the average (平均) sleep time goes 32 to 6.5 hours a night. Most of people have a night when they cant sleep. About one 33 three Americans has a problem with 34 . Many of these of people 35 fall sleep. This is not 36 problem. Many famous people 37 could not fall asleep.

15、Some of these people had their own ideas 38 them sleep. Benjamin Franklin, the famous statesman and inventor had four 39 . He 40 from one to the other to fall asleep. King Lois XIV of France had 413 beds and hoped to fall asleep in one of them. Mark Twain, the famous American writer, had a different

16、 way. He lay on his side across the end of the bed! 31.A.AnotherB.The otherC.Others答案:C32.A.downB.upC.in答案:A33.A.inB.withC.between答案:A34.A.workB.sleepC.their health答案:B35.A.can notB.canC.easily答案:A36.A.an oldB.a newC.the only答案:B37.A.in AmericaB.in FranceC.in history答案:C38.A.to makeB.makingC.made答案:

17、A39.A.bedsB.housesC.ways答案:A40.A.wentB.layC.moved答案:C Mr. Hodge was a 41 farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of 42 them, but he lived in a very 43 part of the country, and he found 44 his hens laid 45 in the summer. So he decided to put air-conditionings (空调

18、) into his chicken-house 46 they would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money. The owner of the company which 47 the air-conditioning came to see him, and when he saw Mr. Hodges house, he thought that he might be able to persuade him to buy some air-

19、conditionings 48 . Your wife would be much happier and more comfortable then, he said to Mr. Hodge. But Mr. Hodge was 49 My wife doesnt 50 , he said. 41.A.chickenB.chickensC.chickens答案:A42.A.interesting fromB.interesting forC.money for答案:C43.A.hotB.coldC.warm答案:A44.A.whetherB.whichC.that答案:C45.A.hardly any eggsB.egg hardC.any eggs hardly答案:A46.A.such thatB.thatC.so that答案:C47.A.buyB.soldC.repair答案:B48.A.of it tooB.for it tooC.also with it答案:B49.A.not very interestedB.not interested at allC.very interested答案:B50.A.lay eggsB.feel hotC.like cool答案:A 16 / 16


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