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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题32公共英语一级分类模拟题32第一部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. Alice hasnt told me _ she expected to go to California.A.whatB.whereC.when答案:C解析 句意:爱丽丝还没有告诉我她何时前往加利福尼亚。本题考查引导宾语从句的特殊疑问词。根据题意“她打算去加利福尼亚”可知询问的是时间而不是地点where,或者做什么事情what,可知答案为C。问题:2. _I be at the party by 6

2、 oclock? No, you_, but dont be much later. A.Must, needntB.May, mustntC.Can, cant答案:A考查情态动词用法。must表示“必须、准许、肯定”,其中相应的否定表示分别是: neednt(没必要);mustnt(不准);cant(不可能)。may表示“可否”;can表示“能否”。根据对话内容,A项符合题意。问题:3. Youd better invite _.A.both themB.all themC.them all答案:C解析 本题考查all的用法。all在此是形容词。故本题答案为C。问题:4. After _

3、under the tree, we began to have a big meal.A.SeatedB.SeatingC.Sitting答案:C问题:5. _ are in Class 2.A.You and IB.I and youC.You and me答案:A解析 本题考查人称代词的用法。在I,you,he同时做主语时,英语中习惯把第三人称he放在最前面,第二人称you放在中间,第一人称I放在最后。故本题的答案为A。问题:6. It is certain that he will do all he can _ us.A.helpB.helpingC.to help答案:C解析 此句

4、考查动词不定式。本句中,that引导的从句宾语为all,其后he can是定语从句,这里 to help us做目的状语。问题:7. This island is _ a dependency(属地) to US.A.no longerB.no moreC.not any more答案:A句意:“这个岛不再是美国的属地了。”本题考查的是固定搭配。“no longer”是“不再”的意思,故A正确。问题:8. Mary always got up too late, and never _ enough time for breakfast.A.haveB.hasC.had答案:C解析 本题考查a

5、nd前后的动词时态要一致。got up是一般过去时,所以and后边的动词have也要用一般过去时had。问题:9. As time went on, the theory she had stuck _ correct.A.provedB.to provingC.to provedD.to prove答案:C问题:10. Bobs wife isnt able to do anything for _ because she is ill.A.themselvesB.himselfC.herself答案:C句意:鲍勃的妻子不能自理,因为她病了。本题考查反身代词的用法。本句主语为鲍勃的妻子,故选

6、C。问题:11. How careless he was! He _ a lot of important ideas while reading.A.keptB.passedC.missed答案:C解析 本题考查词义辨析。miss意为“错过,漏掉”;pass意为“经过”;keep意为“保持,保存”。问题:12. Nothing can stop us,_?A.cant weB.can weC.can it答案:C解析 反意疑问句 nothing 指“什么都没有”,有否定的意思,因此疑问部分用肯定形式,选择C。 问题:13. He _ the school bus this morning b

7、ecause he got up late.A.missedB.caught up withC.passed答案:A解析 “误了”用miss。catch up with表示“赶上”,pass表示“经过”。故正确答案为A。考生注意miss的另一个含义:I miss you very much我非常想念你。问题:14. Congratulations! Youve got a chance to be an exchange student! _. A.Good luckB.Thank youC.I agree答案:B问题:15. Why are you so angry _ each other

8、?A.atB.withC.to答案:B解析 此题考查固定搭配。be angry with sb意为:生某人的气。第二节 完型填空 Fire can do people good and also do bad. Fire can keep you 1 , but fire can burn things, 2 Big fire can bum trees, houses, animals or people. There are 3 interesting old stories about how man started a fire. One of the stories is about

9、 4 man. The man 5 long time ago. He went up the sun and 6 fire down. Today people can make a fire 7 matches. But matches can be dangerous (危险). One match can burn a piece of paper, and it can 8 burn a house. So you 9 be careful with matches. Be careful with fire, and it will 10 you. If not, it may h

10、urt you. 1.A.coolB.warmerC.warm答案:C 考查逻辑推理。有了火,可以取暖,给房间带来温暖,而不是凉爽。所以,正确选项为C。2.A.alsoB.tooC.either答案:B 考查近义词辨析。also,too和either都含有“也”的意思,不同的是either则用于表示否定,而also,too用来表示肯定,too往往置于句末,在其前有个逗号,与前面的词语分开。所以,正确选项为B。3.A.manyB.noC.much答案:A 考查对文章的理解。根据后面的表述,说明有故事。在英语中,“故事”这个词是可数名词。所以,正确选项为A。4.A.smallB.shortC.a

11、little答案:C考查问义辨析。short意思是“短、矮”;small和little都表示“比普通伯要小”,但 little还暗示说话人的感情和观点,通常用来形容小巧可爱的人或事情。再说man是可数名词的单数形式,因此,正确选项为C。5.A.livedB.livingC.lives答案:A 考查时态用法。句中有个时间状语“很久以前”,说明此句时态应为一般过去时。所以,正确选项为A。6.A.takeB.tookC.brought答案:B 考查时态及动词短语辨析。文章讲的是一个传说,所以要用过去时态。动词短语take down意思是“将东西从高处取下”;bring down意思是“使降低/落下”

12、。根据句子意思,正确答案为选B。7.A.forB.atC.with答案:C 考查介词用法。with表示“用、以”;for表示“为”;at表示“在”。所以,正确答案为C。8.A.alsoB.tooC.yet答案:A 考查词义辨析。also,too都表示“也”,但是too用在句末;yet是表示“然而、可是”的意思。根据文意,正确答案为A。9.A.canB.mustC.will答案:B 考查情态动词的用法。根据文意,应该选取“必须”。所以,正确选项为B。10.A.helpB.doC.hope答案:A 考查逻辑概念。文章第一句就说“火可以为人们带来好处也可以带来坏处”;文章也捉到火会烧掉东西,大火会烧

13、掉树、房子文章最后提醒说,“如果用火不小心,会伤害你”。那么得山结论:“小心用火,会得益。”因此,严确选项为A。第二部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 A. teachers B. bank C. park D. shop E. shoes F. holiday G. book 1. Children like to go there.答案:Cpark公园2. You can buy clothes there.答案:Dshop商店3. You can have a relaxation during it.答案:Fholiday假日4. You can learn knowledge form

14、them.答案:Ateachers老师们5. It can be used to keep money for you.答案:Bbank银行第二节 短文理解 1 It was a cold spring morning in London. People walking in the street were wearing heavy clothes. The weather had been very bad for the past week, and now many people were ill. Today there were quite a few people in the

15、doctors waiting room. There were still a few minutes before the doctor started seeing the patients (患者). A man of about seventy years old was at the front of the queue (排队). He did not live in this city. He came from a farm north of London, he was here to visit his daughter who was a secretary in a

16、big company. He wanted to see the doctor because of his back problem. Soon an Indian (印度人) came into the waiting room, and walked straight to the doctors door. When he saw this, the old man stood up and took hold of his arm. He said slowly, We were all here before you. You must wait for your turn. D

17、o. you. understand? The Indian answered, No, Sir. You dont understand! Youre all after me! I am the doctor! 1. The change of weather made a lot of people sick.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A2. The old mans home was in London.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B3. The old mans daughter was at the doct

18、ors, too.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C4. The old man thought the Indian was the doctor.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B5. All the other people in the room knew the Indian was the doctor.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C第三节 短文理解 2 Mara was going to stay with her friend Fanny for three days. A we

19、ek before her trip, she called Fanny to tell her when the train would arrive. Fanny asked Mara to wait for her at the west entrance (入口) of the railway station. The train arrived early. Mara didnt know the station very well and instead of going to the west entrance, she went out of the north entranc

20、e and waited for Fanny there. Fanny checked at the information desk and found that the train had already arrived. She looked round near the west entrance of the station but couldnt see Mara anywhere. She began to think that Mara must have missed the train. Mara waited at the north entrance, but she

21、couldnt see Fanny. She decided that Fanny was not coming to meet her after all. So she walked across the road to the bus station and asked for the bus to Market Road, where Fanny lived. You can imagine (想象) how surprised Fanny was when she arrived home and found Mara already talking to her mother. 1

22、. When did Mara tell Fanny about her train ride?A.On the day of her trip.B.A week before her trip.C.Three days before her trip.答案:B解析 句意:玛拉是什么时候告诉范妮她乘坐的火车的?细节题。从文章第一段第二句“A week before her trip, she called Fanny to tell her when the train would arrive.”可以得出,玛拉是在旅行之前一周告诉范妮火车何时到达的。故选B。2. Why did Mara g

23、o out of the north entrance instead of the west entrance?A.She didnt see Fanny at the west entrance.B.She didnt know the station very well.C.The north entrance was nearer.答案:B解析 句意:为什么玛拉去了北进站口而不是西进站口?细节题。从文章第二段第二句“Mara didnt know the station very well.”可以看出,玛拉是由于不了解火车站而走错的,故选B。3. Mara stopped waitin

24、g for Fanny at the station because _.A.she believed Fanny was not coming to meet herB.she knew the way to Fannys homeC.she thought Fanny was late答案:A解析 句意:玛拉没有在火车站等范妮是因为_。细节题。从文章第四段第二句“She decided that Fanny was not coming to meet her after all.”可以看出,玛拉没有在火车站等范妮是因为她觉得范妮不会来接她了,故选A。4. How did Mara get

25、 to Market Road after the train ride?A.On foot.B.By car.C.By bus.答案:C解析 句意:在下火车后玛拉是如何到达Market路的?推断题。从文章第四段最后一句“So she walked across the toad to the bus station and asked for the bus to Market Road, where Fanny lived.”可知,玛拉去马路对面的公交车站问了到范妮家街道的公交车。 因此,可以推断出玛拉是坐公交车到范妮家的。故选C。 5. Where did Fanny meet Mara

26、?A.At Fannys home.B.At the north entrance.C.At the information desk.答案:A解析 句意:范妮是在哪里和玛拉见面的?的推断题。从文章最后一段“You can imagine how surprised Fanny was when she arrived home and found Mara already talking to her mother.”可以看出,范妮是回家发现玛拉已经到了她家后两人才见面的。故选A。 St. Martins Day is a holiday in Holland. St. Martin was

27、 a man who did kind things for many people in need. One cold winter day he was walking home. He wore a coat to keep warm and had a small piece of bread to eat. Then he saw a stranger on the side of the road. The man sat on the ground and he was hungry and had no home. St. Martin took out his knife a

28、nd cut his coat into two. He gave the man half of his warm coat. Then he gave the man haft of his bread. Nancy was a schoolgirl in Holland. One St. Martins day, she rode her bicycle with her classmates after school. When she got home, she said goodbye to her classmates and went into her yard. As she

29、 parked her bike, she heard a noise in the grass. She jumped back suddenly. At her feet was a small gray homeless cat. That old cat keeps scaring me! she complained as she walked into the room. It wont hurt you, said her father. She was angry about the cat but she could not be unhappy for long. It w

30、as St. Martins Day. Who was St. Martin anyway? Nancy asked. Father told her the story of St. Martin. Nancy was touched (感动) by the story. She put a piece of bread in her bag and went into the yard. Nancy heard the noise again. You wait a minute! she called as she ran after the cat. She caught it and

31、 picked it up. She opened her bag. Taking out a piece of bread, she offered half to the cat. The cat hungrily ate the bread. May we make a box for it to sleep in? Nancy asked her father. Sure, said her father. 6. St. Marins Day is a holiday in _.A.JapanB.EnglandC.Holland答案:C解析 从文章第一段第一句话StMartins Da

32、y is a holiday in Holland可知。7. What did St. Martin do?A.He worked for his country.B.He saved homeless animals.C.He gave his food to a poor man.答案:C解析 从文章第一段最后一句话Then he gave the man half of his bread可知。8. Nancy was scared by a _ as she parked her bike.A.dogB.catC.bird答案:B解析 从文章第二段“That old cat keeps

33、 scaring me!” she complained as she walked into the room可知,使南希受到惊吓的是一只猫。9. After she heard the story, Nancy _.A.fed the cat with her breadB.went to school by bikeC.enjoyed the dinner with her family答案:A解析 从文章最后一段可知南希听完故事后深受感动,并效仿StMartin与猫分食面包。10. Why did Nancy feed the cat bread?A.Because she liked

34、 cats.B.Because she was moved by the story.C.Because her father asked her to do it.答案:B解析 从原文第三段倒数第二、三句Father told her the story of StMartinNancy was touched(感动)by the story可知是父亲讲的关于StMartin的故事感动了南希。第三部分 写作第一节 改写句子问题:1. They spent 30 that afternoon.It _ _ _ that afternoon.答案:cost them 30问题:2. I stud

35、y hard in order to pass the exam.I study hard in order_ _ _ pass the exam.答案:that I can问题:3. All the things cost Mike 120 dollarsMike _ all the things答案:spend 120 dollars on人花钱spend,东西花费多少钱cost第二节 书面表达问题:1. 情景: 你是李敏。你的英国朋友Frank发来邮件询问你的近况。你想告诉他一件让你感到高兴的事情。 任务: 请你用英语给他写一封50个词左右的电子邮件,告诉他: 1事情发生的时间、地点;

36、2事情的具体经过。 请用下面格式: Dear Frank, . Li Min 答案:Dear Frank, I am glad to tell you a happy story about myself. Last Friday, when I was walking on the street. I saw a familiar face among the crowds. It turned out to be my best high-school friend-Emma who became even more lovely than before. Since we havent seen each other for ages, we went to a caf and had a good chat. How exciting! Li Min 20 / 20


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