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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟212公共英语一级模拟212第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:C解析In the forest, a knife is very useful.2.答案:A解析Toms earphone is broken, so he is crying.3.答案:B解析John ran a hundred meters in 13 seconds.4.答案:A解析Could you please tell me the way to the po

2、lice office?.5.答案:C解析The windows are closed, but the door is open. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:B解析M: I went to the bank on Saturday.考点 细节题解析 由“我周六去了银行。”可知图B 符合句意,关键词为Saturday。7.答案:A解析M: My sister is listening to pop music.考点 细节题解析 由“我姐姐正在听流行音乐。”可知图A 符合句意,关键词为pop music。8.答案:C解析M: A man and a woman are

3、dancing.考点 细节题解析 由“一个男人和一个女人正在跳舞。”可知图C符合句意。关键词为dancing。9.答案:A解析W: I ordered a hamburger when I was in KFC last night.考点 细节题解析 由“昨晚我在肯德基点了一份汉堡。”可知图A 符合句意。关键词为hamburger。10.答案:C解析M: My brother is a policeman.考点 细节题解析 由“我哥哥是警察。”可知图C符合句意。关键词为policeman。第二节 对话理解 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What did John buy?A.

4、 book.B. shirt.C. tie.答案:CW: I see youre wearing a new tie today, John. Where did you buy it?M: I bought it at the new store on the corner. Do you like it?Q: What did John buy?约翰买了什么?对话中,女士问“你的新领带是在哪里买的?”因此,他们在谈论领带的事。故选项C正确。2. What does the man mean?A.He likes spring best.B.He likes summer best.C.He

5、 likes winter best.答案:BW: Which season do you like best?M: Always summer.Q: What does the man mean?这位男士表达的是什么意思?对话中,男士说他永远喜欢夏天。故选项B正确。3. What does the man mean?A.He likes bananas more.B.He likes to put bananas next to him.C.He likes apples more.答案:CW: I hear you like bananas very much.M: Next to app

6、le.Q: What does the man mean?这位男士表达的是什么意思?对话中,女士说“听说你喜欢吃香蕉。”男士说“次于苹果。”也就说,他更喜欢吃苹果。故选项C正确。4. What are the two speakers talking about?A.They are talking about moving to a new house.B.They are talking about buying a new house.C.They are talking about the house.答案:CW: How lovely is your house!M: Thank y

7、ou. Im glad you could come.Q: What are the two speakers talking about?这两位在说什么?对话中,女士说“你的这所房子很漂亮。”因此,他们正在谈论房子。故选项C正确。5. What do we know about the man?A.He has smoked for a long time.B.He is very healthy.C.He is ill.答案:CW: What did your doctor say?M: My doctor said that I must stop smoking.Q: What do

8、we know about the man?关于这位男士我们了解什么?对话中,男士说医生要我不要再吸烟了。从这句话我们可以推断这位男士生病了。故选项C正确。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. Where does the second speaker spend his holiday?A.America.B.Britain.C.France.答案:A解析F: Where do you plan to spend your holiday?M: My father would like to take me to Los Angles.解析 此句考查地点,对话中出现了Los An

9、gles,是肯定语气,根据常识“Los Angles是美国城市”,应该选A。7. Whats the possible relationship between them?A.Mother and son.B.Teacher and student.C.Doctor and patient.答案:C解析F: Whats wrong with yon?M: I have caught a cold and had a headache since yesterday.F: Ok, open your mouth and let me have a check.解析 此句考查人物的可能关系,根据常

10、用表达法Whats wrong with you?和关键词cold,headache,check,可以判断,应该选C。8. When will the meeting start?A.7:54.B.8:00.C.8:06.答案:B解析F: Oh, its already 7: 54. We must hurry up otherwise well be late.M: Yes, there are only 6 minutes left.解析 时间是听力中的常见考点。应该养成对数字非常敏感的习惯。此对话中出现了7:54和6,根据句意和逻辑关系,现在7:54,只剩6分钟,应该选B。9. Wher

11、e is the man from?A.America.B.Australia.C.England答案:B解析F: Your English is very good. Are you from America?M: Thank you, but I am from Australia.解析 语气和语音语调是听力中需要注意的方面。该句的关键词是 English,America和Australia。但根据句意,我们可以轻易地排除 England,因为原话中的English指的是语言。谈到America时是升调,而Australia是降调,一般情况下升调是疑问,而降调大多数表示肯定 (回答),所以

12、应该选B。10. What will they possibly do next?A.Go around the country.B.Go for an outing.C.Go for a walk.答案:B解析F: What a nice day! Why dont we go for an outing?M: Sure, how about going to the countryside?解析 在此对话中,女士提议go for an outing,男士同意“Sure”,并建议go to the countryside到郊区去,与country没有关系,所以应该选 B。 (如需获取本MP3

13、听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. How does the woman feel?A.She didnt hear clearly.B.She was pleased.C.She didnt believe the man.答案:B解析M:I want to invite you to a partyAt my new house,and.F:New house? Really?the woman表达的是惊讶欣喜。12. Where does it happen?A.ShopB.HotelC.Restaurant答案:C解析F:Good evening,sir. Let me take your

14、 coatM:A table for two,pleasethe man说需要一张两人用的桌子,所以应该在饭馆。13. What should the man do?A.Turn leftB.Go straightC.Turn right答案:B解析M:Should I turn left here?F:No,keep going straight and turn at the next lightthe woman说在下一个红绿灯才可拐弯,所以建议the man继续向前走。14. What did the woman think of the house?A.All rightB.Too

15、badC.Only the sitting room was all right答案:C解析M:Well,what did you think of the house?F:The sitting room was all right,but the kitchen was very small从对话可知,the woman只对起居室表示满意,但觉得厨房太小。15. What does the man want?A.TeaB.CoffeeC.Neither tea nor coffee答案:C解析F:What can I get you to drink? Tea or coffee?M:We

16、ll,Its pretty hot dayI think I could do with a beerJohn觉得天很热。所以想要一份啤酒,因此既不是茶,也不是咖啡。第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空问题:1. I had a bad cold last Monday, and so I _in bed all day.A.layB.liedC.lie答案:A解析 本题考查动词的用法。lie“躺,放”,是不规则动同,其过去式和过去分词是lay,lain。如果是规则变化表示的是“撒谎”,又因为是一般过去时态。所以答案为A。知识拓展对某人撒谎:lie to sb.如:He lied to us

17、 yesterday。问题:2. John said that he _ to go to Harvard.A.wantB.wantedC.will want答案:B解析 句意:约翰说他想去哈佛。本题考查动词时态。在主从复合句中,当主句使用过去时态时,从句只能使用相应的表示过去的时态。故D项正确,知识拓展 做此类题目时,一定注意前后时态呼应的原则。问题:3. Could you ask Lin Tao and _ to ring _ up tonight?A.me, sheB.he, meC.her, me答案:C解析 本题考查人称代词,人称代词作宾语时用宾格。故本题答案为C。问题:4. _

18、this kind of telephone made in China?A.WillB.AreC.Is答案:C问题:5. She forgot _ her exercise again.A.to doB.doingC.do答案:A解析 forget to do sth表示“忘记做某事”。问题:6. Nanjing is larger than _ city in Jiangsu.A.any otherB.otherC.one答案:A考查限定词。由句意可知这里是将南京与江苏的其他城市进行比较,实际上是用比较级形式表达最高级含意。any other强调其余中任意一个,其后跟单数名词;other指

19、“其余的”,其后跟可数名词复数;one指不定指的“一个”。因此本题应选A 。问题:7. My mother asked me _ the housework with her.A.didB.to doC.doing答案:B解析 ask sbto do sth表示“要求某人做某事”。带to的不定式作宾语补足语。问题:8. _ bag is this? Its hers.A.WhoB.WhenC.Whose答案:C解析 考查疑问词。根据后面的回答,可知应提问所有者。who“谁”,用来提问人;when“什么时候”,用来提问时间;whose“谁的”,用来提问所有者。所以答案为C。知识拓展 其他常用的疑

20、问词还有where。what,how等,其用法如下:where“哪里”,用来提问地点;what“什么”,用来提问具体的事物;how“怎样”,用来提问方式。问题:9. She is often _ at by her classmates.A.laughedB.laughC.laughs答案:A解析 本题考查被动语态。句中有了be动词is,后面要加过去分词形式,构成被动语态。问题:10. Last Sunday they went to town to do _ .A.some shopsB.the shoppingC.some shopping答案:C解析 do some shopping是惯

21、用法,意思是“买一些东西”。问题:11. The smile on her face shows that she is pleased _ our work.A.forB.byC.with答案:C解析 本题考查的是形容词pleased的用法,表达“对满意”用“be pleased with sb. /sth.”,故C正确。问题:12. It _him three hours to finish the paper.A.spentB.tookC.cost答案:B解析 本题考查动词的用法。动词take表示“花费时间、金钱做某事”,句型It takes sb. some time/money to

22、 do sth.意为“做某事花费某人多少时间/金钱”;spend的主语是人,cost和take一般以让作主语。cost一般表示花费了多少钱。所以答案为B。问题:13. He is taller than _ in his class.A.the other boyB.other boysC.the other boys答案:C该句是单一与一组之间的比较,被比较的名词用复数,其前加the other。如果在单个与单个之间比较,被比较的名词用单数,其前加to only other。问题:14. He _ a friend in the country next week.A.sawB.seeC.i

23、s going to see答案:C解析 从next week判断时态应为一般将来时。问题:15. If I _enough money, I _ around the world.A.had. would travelB.have. would travelC.had. will答案:A解析 虚拟语气中时态的呼应解析 当条件状语从句描述的内容与当前事实不符时,用过去时态。主句则用过去将来时would+ 动词原形。第二节 完型填空 Jane got up early last Saturday. She wanted 1 in Green Park. 2 she was ready, she

24、got on her bike to the park. On her way, she 3 sirens (警笛), and the sound was getting 4 As she looked 5 to see what was happening, Sherry fell off her bike. Luckily, she wasnt hurt, 6 a car hit her bike. After the car 7 , two men got out and started running. 8 , a police car came and three policemen

25、 got out, running after the two men. They shouted, Stop the thieves (贼)! 9 a policeman came to thank Sherry because, in a way, she had helped them 10 . 1.A.goes to swimB.go swimmingC.to go swimming答案:C 考查非谓语动词短语的用法。谓语动词want后需接带to的不定式作宾语。在80后面的动词,如果要表达“购物、娱乐或从事体育活动”,则用v-ing形式。所以,正确答案为C。2.A.WhileB.As

26、soon asC.If答案:B 考查状语从句连词的用法。while表示“在时”,强调“在某个动作发生过程中,发生另一个动作”;as soon as表示“一就、尽快”;if 表示“假如、如果、要是”。根据上下文,正确选项为B。3.A.heardB.listened toC.found答案:A 考查动词词义辨析。hear是“听见”;listen to是“听、倾听”;find是“发现、找到”。根据下一句中的“声音”这个信息,得知,正确选项为A。4.A.close and closeB.closer and closerC.big and big答案:B 考查形容词比较级用法。用连词and把两个比较级

27、的形容词连在一起,表示“越来越”。根据文句意思,正确选项为B。5.A.afterB.in front ofC.behind答案:C 考查介词词义辨析。after和behind都有“在之后”。after是指“跟在某人、某事的后面“look after意思为“照看、照料”;behind是指“在某人、某物的背面”。根据句子意思,正确答案为选C。in front of意思是“在前面”,不合题意。6.A.becauseB.soC.but答案:C 考查从句连词的用法。根据句子意思,“Sherry运气不错,没有受伤”。“汽车撞了她的自行车”。把这两个句子并成一句,根据所给选项,只有“可是、但是”合适。因此,

28、正确答案为选C。7.A.fell overB.passed awayC.stopped答案:C 考查逻辑判断。后一句说,“两位男性下车,开始奔跑”。也就是说,车停后才能下车,如果车没停,则叫跳车。所以,正确答案为C。8.A.A few minutes laterB.Just thenC.Then答案:B考查语义辨析。a few minutes later意思是“过了几分钟/一会儿”;just then意思是“恰在那个时候”;then意思是“当时、那时”。根据句子意思,最佳答案为B。9.A.In a few daysB.SometimesC.Some time later答案:C 考查词义辨析。

29、in a few days意思是“几天后(用在将来是)”;sometimes意思是“有时、偶尔”;some time later意思是“过了一些时候”。根据句子意思,正确选项为C。10.A.catch the runningB.catch the two menC.catch the thieves答案:C 考查逻辑推断。文章中说,就在那时,来了一辆警车,停在那辆车旁边。从警车上下来三位警察,开始追前面两个奔跑的人。其中一位警察高声叫喊“抓贼”。过了一些时候,一位警察过来看Sherry,并向她致谢。根据这些内容可以推断,感谢的原因是协助警方抓到了人。抓到了谁?有三个选项:catch the r

30、unning(抓在跑的人);catch the two men(那两个男人);catch the thieves(抓贼)。因此,最正确的选项为C。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍A. workerB. managerC. shop assistantD. teacherE. studentF. driverG. thief1. He is head of a company.答案:B2. He gives students lessons at a school.答案:D3. His job is driving a car, a bus or a train and so on.答案:F4

31、. He sells things in a shop.答案:C5. He steals something from somebody.答案:G第二节 短文理解 1 Joe was the most popular boy in the school. He was tall and strong, with dark brown hair and green eyes and the sweetest smile. He was good at all sports and he was top of his class. There was keen competition among

32、the girls to attract his attention. Yet, Joe was nice to all of them, even the plain, shy ones but he didnt have a steady girlfriend. Ella was the only one who didnt seem to have any romantic interest in him; she treated him friendly and the others consider her as rival. But she knew him very well.

33、Joe and Ella were the best of friends. They talked about their problems, exchanged ideas, gave advice to each other and played jokes on each other occasionally. One day Joe didnt go to school. He stayed away for a week, then the news came: his mother had died. When he went back to school, he looked

34、tired and sad, like someone who walks without knowing where hes going. No one knew what to say to him. the easy smile and superficial chat couldnt reach him any more. When he met Ella, they didnt say much. There was no need to. She simply shook hands with him, then hugged him briefly and asked him t

35、o go and see her in the afternoon. It all started right then. 1. Joe was the best student in class.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A题中the best student in his class与原文中he was top of his class同义。2. No girls wanted to be Joes steady girlfriend.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B见原文第二段第一句。3. Joe and Ella often

36、stayed together.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:C原文只提到两人是最好的朋友,但并未说明两人是否经常在一起,因此不能推导出题中结论。4. The girls didnt like Joe any more after his mother died.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:B原文中说明其他女生不知如何安慰他,这并不是说她们不喜欢他。5. Only Ella knew how to comfort Joe.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesnt say答案:A题句与(when he met Ella,they di

37、dnt say muchThere was no need to.)句意相符。第三节 短文理解 2 Read the following chart carefully and find out the correct answers according to the information given. Beldon and Canfield Beldon and Canfield are seaside towns, not far apart. Both towns have many hotels, and in summer the hotels are full of holida

38、y makers and other tourists. Last August there was a fire at the Seabreeze Hotel in Beldon. Next day, this news appears on page two of the towns newspaper, The Beldon Post. FIRE AT SEABREEZELate last night firemen hurried to the Seabreeze Hotel and quickly put out a small fire in a bedroom. The hote

39、l manager said that a cigarette started the fire. We say again to all our visitors: Please dont smoke cigarettes in bed. This was Beldons first hotel fire for five years.The Canfield Times gave the news in these words on page one: ANOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHESFIRE Last night Beldon firemen arrived ju

40、st too late to save clothing, bedclothes and some furniture at the Seabreeze Hotel. An angry holidaymaker said, An electric lamp probably started the fire. The bedroom lamps are very old at some of these hotels. When I put my beside light on, I heard a funny noise from the lamp. We are glad to tell

41、our readers that this sort of adventure does not happen in Canfield. What are the facts, then? It is never easy to find out the exact truth about an accident. 1. Which of these is probably the fact?A.It was the first hotel fire in Beldon.B.Last night there was a hotel fire in Canfield.C.The fire was

42、 in bedroom at a hotel in Beldon.答案:C解析 两则报道中都提到bedroom。2. Notice the headline: ANOTHER BELDON HOTEL CATCHES FIRE. The writer wanted readers to think that_.A.too many people smoked in bedB.hotels in Beldon often caught fireC.five years is a short time答案:B解析 从another一词可以判断作者的态度。3. How did the Canfiel

43、d newspaper describe the fire?A.As an accident.B.As an adventure.C.As a bit of good news for Beldon答案:A解析 The Canfield Times 将火灾描述为因灯的陈旧而引起大火的事故。4. Holidaymakers go to Beldon and Canfield because_.A.no visitors know the truth about the fireB.hotels in the two towns often catch fireC.they ale Seaside

44、 towns答案:C解析 holidaymaker 来到两个地方,原因两个地方都是seaside towns。5. How many local newspapers has appeared according to the passage?A.Only oneB.TwoC.Three答案:B解析 The Beldon Post 和 The Canfield Times 两种。 Americans think much about time. From children they learn to value (珍惜) time. As children, they are taught t

45、o be on time to go to school, to work and to do everything else. When they are having a good time, they say that time flies. When a person is dying, they say he is living on borrowed time. Time is money. Time is knowledge. Time is everything in America. A working American has to work hard for eight hours a day or forty


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