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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级分类模拟题5公共英语三级分类模拟题5Use of English Most young people enjoy physical activities, walking, cycling, football, or mountaineering. These who have a passion 1 climbing high and difficult mountains are often 2 with astonishment. Why are men and women 3 to

2、suffer cold and hardship, and to 4 on high mountains? This astonishment is caused, probably, by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activities 5 which men give their leisure. There are no man-made rules, as there are for 6 as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of dif

3、ferent kinds which it would be dangerous to 7 , but it is this freedom from man-made rules 8 makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to their own 9 . If we 10 mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is 11 mount

4、aineering is not a team work. However, it is only our misunderstanding. There are, in fact, no matches 12 teams of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may 13 , obviously, there is teamwork. A mountain climber knows that he may have to fight with natur

5、al 14 that ate stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and 15 qualities. A mountain climber 16 to improve on skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions 17 in their early twenties. But it is not 18

6、 for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more 19 than younger men, but they probably climb more skill and less 20 of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment. 1.A.forB.inC.toD.of答案:Ahave a passion for sth“对有强烈的感情、爱好”2.A.looked up toB.looked fo

7、rwardC.looked intoD.looked upon答案:Dlook up to“仰慕、尊敬某人”,look forward“期盼,盼望”,look into“调查”,look upon“把看作,把视为”3.A.willingB.reluctantC.unwillingD.probable答案:Awillingly“愿意的”4.A.take painsB.run riskC.take a riskD.make efforts答案:Crun risk“冒险”(被动的处于危险之中),take a risk“冒险”,5.A.toB.withC.forD.towards答案:Agive le

8、isure to sth “把空闲时间用于”6.A.soB.variousC.differentD.such答案:Dso+adj+a(n)+n.,such+a(n)+adj+n7.A.applyB.worryC.ignoreD.notice答案:C此处的含义为“不遵守规定登山会很危险”8.A.whichB.thatC.howD.why答案:BIt is.that.为强调句型9.A.methodsB.formsC.rulesD.activities答案:A文中的意思为“登山者们自由地选择登山的方法”。10.A.correlateB.relateC.compareD.contrast答案:Dcom

9、pare with“与比较”,contrast with“对比、对照”,指比较某一事物与另一事物,以显示它们的相异之处,表现明显的差别。11.A.forB.whatC.whichD.that答案:D连词that引导的从句作系动词 is的表语12.A.withinB.fromC.beyondD.between答案:Dbetween“在之间”13.A.existB.goC.dependD.confide答案:Cdepend on sb or sth“需要某人或某事的支持和帮助14.A.strengthB.stormsC.powersD.forces答案:Dstrength“力量的强度”,power

10、“运用能力或体力和脑力来做某事”,force“实施力量,产生行动或征服对手”。15.A.physicianB.physicalC.physiologicalD.psychological答案:Bmental“智力的”,physical“体力的”16.A.triesB.continuesC.wantsD.decides答案:Byear after year后应该选有“持续”之意的动词。17.A.will beB.appearC.areD.is答案:Cbe+in+ones twenties 表示“在某人二十多岁时”18.A.unusualB.normalC.commonD.strange答案:Au

11、nusual“不寻常的”19.A.strengthB.effortsC.energyD.time答案:D根据文章的含义,爬山者年龄大应该使用更多的时间。20.A.shortageB.lackC.rubbishD.waste答案:Dshortage“短缺”,waste“浪费” Historians tend to tell the same joke when they are describing history education in America. Its the one 21 the teacher standing in the schoolroom door 22 goodbye

12、 to students for the summer and calling 23 them, By the way, we won World War . The problem with the joke, of course, is that its 24 funny. The recent surveys on 25 illiteracy (无知) are beginning to numb (令人震惊): nearly one third of American 17-year-olds cannot even 26 which countries the United State

13、s 27 against in that war. One third have no 28 when the Declaration of Independence was 29 . One third thought Columbus reached the New World after 1750. Two thirds cannot correctly 30 the Civil War between 1850 and 1900. 31 when they get the answers right, some are 32 guessing. Unlike math or scien

14、ce, ignorance of history cannot be 33 connected to loss of international 34 . But it does affect our future 35 a democratic nation and as individuals. The 36 news is that there is growing agreement 37 what is wrong with the 38 of history and what needs to be 39 to fix it. The steps are tentative (尝试

15、性的) 40 yet to be felt in most classrooms. 21.A.aboutB.inC.forD.by答案:A22.A.shakingB.wavingC.noddingD.speaking答案:B23.A.inB.afterC.forD.up答案:B24.A.rarelyB.soC.tooD.not答案:D25.A.historicalB.educationalC.culturalD.political答案:A26.A.distinguishB.acknowledgeC.identifyD.convey答案:C27.A.defeatedB.attackedC.fou

16、ghtD.struck答案:C28.A.senseB.doubtC.reasonD.idea答案:D29.A.printedB.signedC.markedD.edited答案:B30.A.placeB.judgeC.getD.lock答案:A31.A.EvenB.ThoughC.ThusD.So答案:A32.A.hardlyB.justC.stillD.ever答案:B33.A.exclusivelyB.practicallyC.shortlyD.directly答案:D34.A.competitivenessB.comprehensionC.communityD.commitment答案:A35.A.ofB.forC.withD.as答案:D36.A.fineB.niceC.surprisingD.good答案:D37.A.toB.withC.onD.of答案:C38.A.consultingB.coachingC.teachingD.instructing答案:C39.A.doneB.dealtC.metD.reached答案:A40.A.thereforeB.orC.andD.as答案:C 15 / 15


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