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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级口试模拟题3公共英语三级口试模拟题3Part A问题:1. Candidate A 1. Where is your hometown? 2. What do you usually do at your leisure time? Candidate B 3. What do you do for a living? 4. Do you like shopping? 答案:1. I was born in Beijing. As we all know, it is the capital

2、 of China. To me, its also a fantastic tourist attraction. People come here to do some sight-seeing. The scenery never lets tourists down. 2. In my spare time, I often study on the Internet. We know there is much information and useful material on it. I want to make full use of my leisure to learn m

3、ore. 3. I work as a nurse. Being a nurse makes me happy. Because when I am on duty, I can help patients. When I am off duty, I can take care of my family members once they are ill. I love this job very much. 4. To be honest, I hate shopping though I am a woman. I think shopping is both troublesome a

4、nd tiring, especially when you wear a pair of high-heeled shoes. So I often have my mother do the shopping for me. Part B问题:1. Picture: 1. a gym 2. a training center 3. a cinema 4. a library Talk about which places you usually go to. 答案:Candidate A: At my leisure, I often go to the nearby library. S

5、ometimes I just browse through books. Sometimes I look for the book I want to borrow. Candidate B: Me too. I often go to Pudong Library. The atmosphere is quite good. Readers there dont make any noise. All the people keep quiet and devote themselves to the books they are reading. Candidate A: Apart

6、from libraries, I often go to a gym for body building. You know, it does us good to do exercises on the regular basis. Candidate B: I cant agree with you more. However, I seldom go there to keep fit. I just stay at home and do yoga while watching TV. Candidate A: Maybe you can try exercising in a gy

7、m. There you can ask tutors for help. They will give you some guidance, which I think is very useful. Candidate B: OK. I see. Beyond that, I go to see a film once a week. In my opinion, the ticket costs a little high. If only I paid less for a ticket! Candidate A: You said it. Most of time I stay at

8、 home seeing films with my boyfriend. We occasionally go to a cinema. We think its money-wasting. Candidate B: Right. I heard there would be some amazing films. III try group -buying to get some tickets. Part C问题:1. Picture 1: Picture 2: 答案:Picture 1: Candidate A: The picture shows a male nanny who

9、is capable of doing all the housework, including washing, cooking and cleaning. In the past, nannies are almost female. Because women are regarded as the persons who can take good care of families. However, as the society develops, many men can do the housework as well as women. This is a sound phen

10、omenon. Candidate B: This picture tells us people, whether men or women, can do the housework. It is not the field for female only. Picture 2: Candidate B. From the picture, we can see a woman burying herself in her work. She is so busy that she cant take a rest, thus sweat rolling down and eyes bei

11、ng rather sore. Presently. people are occupied with their work. Sometimes, they even work overtime. The reason is that they want to get promoted and be successful. However, this can result in their health becoming from bad to worse. So we should pay more attention to our health. Candidate A: As for me, this picture tells us we cant neglect health merely because of busy work. Nothing can be achieved without a healthy body. 5 / 5


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