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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟29公共英语一级(B)模拟29第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到5个句子或对话,每个句子配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:C听力原文I want to buy a computer 解析 此句意为:我想买台电脑。关键词是computer,所以C为答案。 2.答案:C听力原文Hes writ

2、ing a letter to Mary 解析 此句意为:他正在给Mary写信。因是给Mary的信,所以C为答案。 3.答案:B听力原文Tom wants to go to the mountain. 解析 此句意为:Tom想去爬山。关键词是mountain,所以B为答案。 4.答案:C听力原文He is fishing. 解析 此句意为:他在钓鱼。所以C为答案。 5.答案:A听力原文Today is Saturday. 解析 此句意为:今天是周六。关键词是Saturday,所以A为答案。 第二节 对话应答在本节中,你将听到10个简短话语,请从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳应答,并标在试卷的

3、相应位置,每个话语后有20秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一个问题。每个话语读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Thanks.B.OK, lets go.C.You are welcome.答案:B听力原文Shall we go to school now?2.A.Nice to meet you.B.My pleasure.C.All right.答案:C听力原文Mr. Gao isnt here, too.3.A.Sorry, I dont know.B.Yes, it is.C.No, it isnt.答案:A听力原文Are these his cups?4.A.

4、From here to there.B.From Canada.C.Im a worker.答案:B听力原文Where are you from?5.A.Fine, thank you.B.And you?C.How are you?答案:A听力原文Hello! How are you? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.No, it isnt. Mine is there.B.Yes, I am.C.Its not hers.答案:A听力原文Is that watch yours? 解析 此句意为:那是你的手表吗?应答应告知是或否。所以A为答案。其余两个选项人称不对。 7.

5、A.Yes, I am.B.Yes, I do.C.No, I am.答案:A听力原文Are you happy? 解析 此句意为:你高兴/幸福吗?应答应为:Yes, I am.或No, I am not.所以A为答案。 8.A.Yes, here it is.B.Yes, please.C.Yes, you are.答案:B听力原文Can I help you? 解析 此句意为:我能帮你吗?应答应为:Yes, please.所以B为答案。 9.A.Sorry, I cant.B.Yes, please.C.Im OK.答案:A听力原文Can you wait for me at the bu

6、s station? 解析 此句意为:你能在汽车站等我吗?否定应答应为:Sorry, I cant.所以A为答案。 10.A.Bread and milk.B.Yes, I did.C.I didnt like it.答案:A听力原文What did you eat? 解析 此句意为:你吃了什么?应答应具体告知吃了什么?所以A Bread and milk.为答案。 第三节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到10个对话,每个对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置;每段话后有20秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题。每段对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标

7、题名) 1.A.Show his passport.B.Get to the airport.C.Read the book.答案:A听力原文W: Excuse me, sir. Can you show me your passport?M: All right.Q: What will the man do? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:对不起,先生,能出示您的护照吗?男方说的是:好的。由此可推断男士会出示自己的护照。因此A为答案。 2.A.Send his letter.B.Sign the check.C.Change money.答案:B听力原文W: Ill send my lett

8、er.M: But you should sign your name on the check first.Q: What should the woman do first? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:我想发封信。男方回答说的是:但你要先在支票上签字。由此可推断女士会先在支票上签字。因此B为答案。 3.A.By bike.B.By bus.C.On foot.答案:B听力原文M: Id like to ride my bike there, but my bike is broken.W: Why not take a bus?Q: What does the woman suggest

9、? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:我想骑车去,但我的车坏了。女方说的是:何不乘公交去呢?问题是:女方提了什么建议?因此B为答案。 4.A.At a shop.B.In the office.C.In a park.答案:A听力原文M: How much is it?W: 10 yuan.Q: Where is the dialogue taking place? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:这个多少钱?女方说的是:10元。问题是这个对话发生在哪儿?根据对话内容,应该发生在商店。因此A为答案。 5.A.In the living room.B.In the bedroom.C.In the kit

10、chen.答案:A听力原文M: Where did you find it?W: In the living room.Q:Where did the woman find it? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:你在哪儿找到的?女方说的是:在起居室。因此A为答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.5 yuan.B.15 yuan.C.50 yuan.答案:B听力原文W: How much does the taxi driver charge you?M: 15 yuan.Q: How much does the man pay to the taxi driver? 解析 此

11、段对话中女方说:出租车司机要了你多少钱?而男方说:15元。问题是这个男士付给出租车司机多少钱?因此B为答案。 7.A.In the classroom.B.On a bus.C.In the office.答案:C听力原文W: Mr. Jack. your call.M: Thank you.Q: Where do they say this? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:Jack先生,您的电话。男方说的是:谢谢你。问题是:这两个人在哪儿说的这些?因为两人的说话都很正式、客气,应在工作场合;因此C为答案。 8.A.Coffee.B.Tea.C.Milk.答案:B听力原文W: Do you li

12、ke tea?M: Yes. of course.Q: What does the man like? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:你喜欢茶吗?而男方回答说的是:当然喜欢。问题是:男方喜欢什么?因此B为答案。 9.A.New York.B.Paris.C.Tokyo.答案:B听力原文W: Did you go to Paris?M: No, I didnt.Q: Which city does the dialogue mention? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:你去过巴黎吗?男方说的是:没有。问题是:这段对话中提到了那个城市?因此B为答案。 10.A.She will work.B.She

13、 will be free.C.She Will go shopping.答案:B听力原文W: Im busy now. But I will be free tomorrow.M: Do you like to go to the cinema with me tomorrow?Q: What will the woman do tomorrow? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:我现在很忙,但我明天就没事了。男方说的是:(那)你明天想和我一起看电影去吗?问题是:这个女士明天会干什么?因此B为答案。 第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选A(Tr

14、ue);认为错误的,选B(False)。 Apples are different in color, size, and taste. The color of the skin may be red, green, or yellow. They have various, with delicious apples being among the largest. The taste may be sweet or tart (酸的). 1. Apple are same in color. A True B False 答案:B2. The color of the apples sk

15、in may be red, green, or yellow. A True B False 答案:A3. The taste of apples is sweet. A True B False 答案:B Everybody wants to be healthy. You know food is very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and lettuce because fruits and vegetables are go

16、od for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy! You will

17、be healthy and happy. 4. Chocolate is a kind of fruit.A True.B False.答案:B解析 原文提到:But dont eat too much chocolateIts not good healthy food巧克力不是水果,也不是健康食品。5. Chocolate can make you grow well.A True.B False.答案:B解析 巧克力不是好的健康食品,所以对人的生长不利。6. An apple a day keeps the doctor away means apples are very good.

18、A True.B False.答案:A解析 这句谚语是说吃苹果对身体有好处。7. Sports are also very important to keep you healthy.A True.B False.答案:A解析 文中说到:Sports can also keep you healthy运动对于人的健康也是有好处的,因此说:Sports are also very important to keep you healthy8. Bananas are healthy food.A True.B False.答案:A解析 根据文章的第四句话可知Bananas are healthy

19、 food香蕉是健康食品的一种。 The shopping centre is very big. There are all kinds of things in it. Every day a lot of people, men and women, old and young, go there to buy things. It opens at 8:00 in the morning and closes at 11:00 in the evening. This morning Tom is helping his mother buy things. He has a shop

20、ping list in his hand. They are looking for the things on the shopping list. After they stay in the shopping centre for about two hours, they get all the things that they need. 9. There are not so many people in the shopping centre. A True B False 答案:B见第三句。10. The shopping centre does not close at n

21、oon time. A True B False 答案:A见第一段的最后一句。11. Tom and his mother buy things in the shopping centre. A True B False 答案:A从全文可知,汤姆和他的母亲在商场。12. Tom and his mother dont get things done until the shopping centre closed at night. A True B False 答案:B从短文可知她们早上去,用了两个小时买东西,所以选B第二节 短文理解2阅读短文,从各题所给的桑格选项中选出最佳答案。 Tom

22、my has a little dog. Her name is Goldier. She is pretty and interesting. Tommy loves her very much. The other day, Goldier was out walking with Tommy. She cut her paw on a bit of glass. When they arrived home. Tommys mother thought that the cut was deep. She asked Tommy to take Goldier to the vet. T

23、he vet was very kind, and he gave her an injection. Then he stitched up the cut and put on a bandage. Goldier looks ever so funny as she walks on three legs, holding her paw as if she had been to war! 1. Goldier is _.A.Tommys dogB.Tommys school friendC.Tommys cat答案:A2. The dog cut her foot when she

24、_.A.was out walkingB.was fightingC.was eating答案:A 根据下面的短文回答下列问题。 During one football game, one of the players had several fingers badly hurt. The doctor helped him out of the field and checked his hand. The player was worried and asked, Doctor, when my hand gets better, can I play the piano? Certain

25、ly, you can, answered the doctor. Youre a very good doctor, said the happy football player. I never could play the piano before. 3. During the football game, one player got _ hurt.A.his footB.his headC.his hand答案:C在短文中提到一个球员伤到了手指。因此答案为C。4. The football player asked the doctor to see if he could _ in

26、 the future.A.play footballB.play the pianoC.get better答案:B在短文中提到他问大夫“等我的手好点儿了,我能弹钢琴吗?”,因此答案为B。5. The doctor thought that _.A.the football players hand will get better soon.B.the football player is a very good piano player.C.the football player will learn how to play the piano.答案:A这是因为大夫以为这个球员原来就会弹钢

27、琴,现在因为伤了手指担心以后无法弹琴,于是安慰他说你当然能弹琴了。这还说明大夫认为这个球员手指的伤无大碍,因此答案为A。6. The football player _ how to play the piano.A.will learnB.knewC.didnt know答案:C从短文中得知他不会弹琴,所以答案为C。 My grandfather was a teacher. He worked at a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a kind and gentl

28、e man, because when I was young, he always gave me presents, and I sat on his knee, and he told me stories. But I believe that the boys at his school were afraid of him. At school, it was silent at once when he walked into a classroom full of noise. When he looked at a boy in a certain way, the boys

29、 face turned red at once and looked down at his shoes. If a boy brought him poor homework, my grandfather picked up the boys book and threw it out of the room, and shouted, Do it again and bring it back in the morning! 7. My grandfather was _ .A.often given presents by the studentsB.a kind and gentl

30、e teacherC.the teacher of a boys school答案:C8. When he looked at a boy in a certain way, the _ .A.boy looked at his shoes to see if they were dirtyB.boys face turned red and was afraid to have a look at my grandfatherC.boys face turned red at once because his shoes were dirty答案:B9. My grandfather did

31、nt like to receive _ .A.the most careful homeworkB.poor homeworkC.any presents答案:B第三节 词语配伍从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 A watch B water C weather D weekend E window F word G work 1. It can be used to express ones idea.答案:F2. It can be opened to let air into the house.答案:E3. It is usually taken as holiday by most people答案:D4. It comes down from the sky as rain.答案:B5. It shows the time to people.答案:A 21 / 21


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