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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级分类模拟题听力命题特点及专项练习(二)公共英语二级分类模拟题听力命题特点及专项练习(二) (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What did the woman say about the weather?A.It was really very cold.B.It snowed in December.C.There was snow all winter.答案:B解析M: Was it very cold last winter?W: Not really. The tem

2、perature never dropped below freezing. There was a little snow in December around Christmas, but thats all.2. What is the mans favorite free-time activity?A.Watching TV.B.Reading a book.C.Listening to music.答案:A解析W: Can you tell me what you are doing in the evening?M: Well, I like music. I listen to

3、 a lot of pop music. But most of all I like watching TV. Its much better than reading a book.3. Where does the man come from?A.The UK.B.The USA.C.Russia.答案:C解析W: You speak English quite well. Are you from the USA or the UK?M: Thank you, but Im from Russia. I have learned English for five years.4. Wh

4、at can we conclude about the train from the conversation?A.The train is crowded.B.The train is late.C.The train is empty.答案:B解析W: Im sorry, sir. The train is somewhat behind schedule. Take a seat, and Ill tell you as soon as we know something definite.M: Thank you. Ill just sit here and read a magaz

5、ine in the meantime.5. How does the man feel about his job?A.He enjoys it very much.B.He doesnt care much about it.C.He hates working overtime.答案:A解析W: You seem to have a lot of work to do at your office. Youre always staying late and working overtime.M: Thats true. But its no bother to me. The work

6、 is interesting. I dont mind working extra hours at all. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What does the man mean?A.The cinema is some distance away from where they are.B.He would like to read the film review in the newspaper.C.They should wait to see the movie at a later time.答案:A解析W: I just read in the news

7、paper that the Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit. Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema?M: Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way?7. How much are the three books?A.$2.50.B.$1.75.C.$2.25.答案:A解析M: Ill take these books. Are they seventy-five cents each?W: These two boo

8、ks are, but this one is one dollar.8. How many students are there in the womans college?A.1,590.B.1,060.C.530.答案:B解析M: How many students are there in your college?W: We had 530 three years ago. Now weve got twice that number.9. How much does one bag cost if the woman buys two?A.$7.5.B.$10.C.$15.答案:A

9、解析W: Id like to buy two bags. How much should I pay for them?M: 10 dollars for each, but you can have two of them for 15 dollars.10. When is Bob going home this afternoon?A.Around 5:00.B.Around 3:00.C.At 2:00.答案:B解析W: Bob, are you going straight home after school today?M: No. I have a class until on

10、e oclock, and after that Im going to spend a couple of hours at the library before going home. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. How much did the man spend on his lunch7A.$7.5.B.$6.5.C.$3.5.答案:A解析W: How much did you spend on your lunch?M: Not too much. One dollar and fifty for an egg and a cup of coffee. Two

11、 dollars for each of the three dishes.12. How much money does the man want to change?A.$100.B.$2OO.C.$300.答案:B解析M: Please change this note into two 50 dollars and ten 10 dollars bills.W: Sure. Here you are, sir.13. What is the occupation of this man?A.A postal clerk.B.A taxi driver.C.A bus conductor

12、.答案:A解析W: Excuse me, sir. Im going to send this parcel to London. What is the postage for it?M: Let me see. Its one pound fifty.14. Whats the relationship between the man and woman?A.Husband and wife.B.Waiter and customer.C.Salesman and customer.答案:B解析M: Good evening, Madam. There is a table for two

13、 over there. This way, please.W: Thank you. Could I see the menu, please?15. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Doctor and patient.C.Manager and office worker.答案:C解析W: Mr. Watson, I wonder whether its possible for me to take a vacation early next month

14、.M: Did you fill out a request form? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 16. What relation is the woman to Mr.Cooper?A.His wife.B.His boss.C.His secretary.答案:C解析W: Hello, Thomas Brothers.M: Hello, this is Mike Landon here. Is Jack Cooper there by any chance?W: I am afraid not. He is away for a day or two, back on,

15、 lets see, Monday morning.M: Oh, well perhaps I can leave a message for him.W: Yes, of course, just a minute. Now, lets see, to Jack Cooper from Mike London.M: No, Landon, L-a-n-d-o-n.W: Sorry, yes, got that. And whats the message?M: Well, its just this: could he come to a meeting on Monday afternoo

16、n at 5:00 p.m.?W: Thats this coming Monday, October 12?M: Right, its to discuss the new factory in France.W: Fine, Ive got that. I will see that he gets it as soon as he comes in on Monday.M: Good, thank you. Goodbye.17. Who are the two speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Boss and secretary.C.Teacher and st

17、udent.答案:C解析M: Hi, Miss Jane. Im sorry I failed again in your subject, but I really tried.W: No one succeeds every time, Come on and be happy. Youll have more chances.M: Thanks a lot. No failure next time.18. What is the woman most probably7A.A clerk.B.A librarian.C.A waitress.答案:C解析W: Can I take your coat?M: Thanks.W: Would you like something to drink before you order your meal, sir?M: Yes, please. Can I see the wine list? 9 / 9


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