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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级分类模拟题英语知识运用(五)公共英语五级分类模拟题英语知识运用(五)填空题 It is difficult to find reliable body counts of suicides, and of course the rate 1 which people kill themselves 2 from place to place and from time to time. 3 , you can get some idea of the size of the problem

2、4 you realize that every 30 minutes someone in the Untied States 5 suicide. And for every successful suicide there are probably three attempts 6 fail. Suicide statistics are notoriously unreliable 7 only because shame is attached 8 the act but also because people who successfully kill themselves hav

3、e often tried and 9 several times before. One survey at a suicide center showed that 60 percent of those who finally 10 to kill themselves had made previous attempts. Also, 11 looks like an accident may actually be deliberate suicide. We know that more than 55,000 persons die each year in automobile

4、 accidents, 12 no one knows how many of these drivers consciously or unconsciously set 13 the conditions for a fatal crash. When car accidents were carefully 14 in one study, up to one-half of the dead drivers had numerous previous driving offenses; over half had also been drinking; and nearly half

5、were suffering 15 depression. Such self-destructive drivers were characterized as reckless, risk taking, impulsive persons who frequently got 16 the wheel after a violent argument. A survey of known suicides gave this description of the conditions in 17 self-destruction is most likely to occur: in t

6、he spring, in the late afternoon, on a Monday and at home. Suicide is 18 likely in the early morning in winter. 19 these details tell only part of the story. The finger on the trigger or the hand fumbling 20 the bottle of sleeping pills varies according to sex, marital status, and race. 1.答案: at2.答案

7、: differs3.答案: Nonetheless/Nevertheless4.答案: if5.答案: commits6.答案: that7.答案: not8.答案: to9.答案: failed10.答案: managed11.答案: what12.答案: but13.答案: up14.答案: examined, analyzed15.答案: from16.答案: behind17.答案: which18.答案: least19.答案: But20.答案: with Despite all the progress towards job equality, women are still

8、 being victimized and discriminated 21 in the workplace. In the 22 year the Equal Opportunities Commission has helped 1 800 people 23 pregnancy and maternity issues -and this is only a 24 of the true number, We know that those 25 contact us are likely to be just the 26 of an iceberg, says EOC chairm

9、an Julie Mellor. Unscrupulous bosses try to avoid their legal 27 by giving a pregnant employee the cold 28 , telling her the job wont be there 29 she has had the baby or claiming ignorance of the law. Its vital to get to know 30 your legal rights are, says Sharon Sawyer, who won a sex discrimination

10、 31 against stockbrokers Robson Cottrell and was awarded 10 000 32 If you dont know, then people can walk all over you. Sharon had worked as a contracts and checking clerk for nine years 33 she became pregnant. She says, 1 told them I was pregnant at three months and immediately began to 34 rube and

11、 offensive comments from one of the directors. When I asked him about rights, I was told the company didnt recognise maternity leave. Throughout my 35 it continued. Id go home in tears. Two weeks before giving birth to daughter Lydia, Sharon left work, hoping to return but unsure if she was able to.

12、 Her husband Stephen had written to the EOC, 36 told her she had a case. It was eventually decided by a tribunal. It was tough, but I would go 37 it all again, says Sharon. They really thought they had done nothing wrong, and said it was up 38 them to run the company 39 they saw fit, 40 any regard f

13、or peoples rights. 21.答案: against22.答案: past23.答案: with24.答案: fraction / part25.答案: who26.答案: tip27.答案: responsibilities28.答案: shoulder29.答案: after30.答案: what31.答案: case32.答案: compensation33.答案: when34.答案: get / receive35.答案: pregnancy36.答案: who37.答案: through38.答案: to39.答案: as40.答案: without Children

14、 who grip their pens too close to the writing point are likely to be at a disadvantage in examinations, 41 to the first serious investigation into the way in which writing technique can dramatically affect educational achievement. The survey of 643 children and adults, aged from pre-school to 40-plu

15、s, also suggests 42 pen-holding techniques have deteriorated sharply over one generation, with teachers now paying far 43 attention to correct pen grip and handwriting style. Stephanie Thomas, a learning support teacher 44 findings have been published, was inspired to investigate this area 45 she no

16、ticed that those pupils who had the most trouble with spelling 46 had a poor pen grip. While Ms. Thomas could not establish a significant statistical link 47 penholding style and accuracy in spelling, she 48 find huge differences in technique between the young children and the mature adults, and a d

17、efinite 49 between near-point gripping and slow, illegible writing. People who 50 their pens at the writing point also show other characteristics 51 inhibit learning, 52 as poor posture, leaning too 53 to the desk, using four fingers to grip the pen 54 than three, and clumsy positioning of the thumb

18、 (which can obscure 55 is being written). Ms.Thomas believes that the 56 between older and younger writers is 57 too dramatic to be accounted for simply by the possibility that people get better at writing as they grow 58 . She attributes it to a failure to teach the most effective methods, pointing

19、 out that the differences between 59 groups coincides with the abandonment of formal handwriting instruction in classrooms in the sixties. The 30-year-olds showed a huge range of grips, 60 the over 40s group all had a uniform tripod grip. 41.答案: according42.答案: that43.答案: less44.答案: whose45.答案: afte

20、r / when / because46.答案: also / always47.答案: between48.答案: did49.答案: link / association / connection / correlation50.答案: grip / hold51.答案: which / that52.答案: such53.答案: close54.答案: rather55.答案: what56.答案: difference/contrast57.答案: far/much58.答案: older/up59.答案: age60.答案: but / while / whereas 11 / 11


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