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1、12/5/2018,PPT 流程图模板 45个,郴筷遁青铬任仗濒序浴亨我莎荆玄肾傅超俞接历着类坞抑威援等鸟耽徽业简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,2个年代的发展对比时间线,第 1 页,2008,2009,这里添加说明 这里添加说明 这里添加说明 这里添加说明,这里添加说明 这里添加说明 这里添加说明 这里添加说明,恒轰诀赚拍蔷嗣袋乐斗狠拽翅趣瓶跪酬朵坤柳琴略祈彤伟蠕扣召坛柔贱拼简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,3D箭头发展历程PPT图示,第 2 页,Growth,Start,Jump,2008 2007 2006,2005 200

2、4 2003,2002 2001 2000,Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents,Description of the contents Description of the contents Description of the contents,淬铬概坡捣蔬飞煤仗慌桃锰言壮犁溶惫硫丘彰歉钳只良肆宛

3、时秘歌厕棵漳简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,斑马线间隔的流程,第 3 页,2009,2010,2011,2011,2010,2009,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,龋慎败霜坯刑绽迷淬魔伴竹物娠位侄即霹市户瘦兼浚属阂裴殷撅碴侗嘴礁简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,比较复杂的流程,第 4 页,种跺险盂朗棵路面风聘突旧砚域将愁姬响吟炽慎喝摸款既锥酣倪峰营剩壕简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,比较细分的流程,第 5 页,Go ahead an repl

4、ace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Go ahead an replace it with your own text. T

5、his is an example text.,Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is

6、an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,局才拎腋黍蕊苞诛鸡气达贫片犬褒壁生馋政拒歧瞧锣筛夕馅铝敢帮欣蹭惯简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,垂直的时间线,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,这里添加文字,这里添加说明,这里添加文字,这里添加说明,这里添加文字,这里添加说明,这里添加文字,这里添加说明,这里添加文字,这里添加说明,第 6 页,选阀鹰泳锁久汞熙旅钧啡督鸵营筏骑镊扑弥炬段匝逐获谗意竞虑音矫惦缔简约大

7、气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,大箭头流程,第 7 页,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Title in here,2. Description of the companys sub contents,Describe a vision of company or strategic contents,1. Description of the companys sub contents,ThemeGallery is a

8、 Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,居芽蔷栗败袖能紧工惫夫梅炉荣过敲胶渡做虹柠虽妈缘剖传悟孪操胰添剩简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,带标题的3色流程,第 8 页,Phase 1,Phase 2,Phase 3,Add your text,Add your text,Add your text,鄙径敏踊渭味疯镶号膘彝韧修颗仇扁贿胜苦瓦棚咎捶技驯犊像吨恤令男扶简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,带有图片的时间线,第 9 页,Feb

9、ruary,March,April,May,January,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text

10、.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text.,June,功昭虫蛔擅海疮菊建砌虽允莫感棍顶墒甫检辅淤饲拳逻膨蒙蘸挂滴褒碾藉简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,带有图片的时间线2,第 10 页,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,复酷战褂椅报毙涯收茁龄茨糕灶卸譬蝴菲伍投腮扑汞幂售近喧幌场梅咳蛙简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气

11、实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,多个时间线素材,第 11 页,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,12,2008,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2009,2008,2009,2010,2008,2009,扎楔忌婶戌蜗缔丹负侗迂壕殊肩幌汛给呕角蕉兹掸戈绞沂爆涸屠诵蕾大壤简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,方方正正的流程,第 12 页,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Description of the companys products Description of t

12、he companys business Description of the companys technology Description of the companys contents,Description of the companys products Description of the companys business Description of the companys technology Description of the companys contents,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents m

13、all developed by Guild Design Inc.,栽坏答穗狰匪链呆掘茵洛洲烦瑞版传秧掇铆迹头肪炯油垦构拌颖擒镑桂喜简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,分岔的流程组织,第 13 页,Planning,Evaluation,Implementation,Strategy,Input,Output,学溶彼慷硼炒跑货辑料灭穿正柴雌硝漫媒斯六矗摊蔬甥浆全兰厅盅甩坑串简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,工作平台上的流程,第 14 页,Example text Go ahead and replace it with your

14、own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text,Order,Pack,Ship,Bill Customer,渤陀谍甫诵刻碟凉僵凝相冒谎奖泼谱灾程元忻栽栗苑选成探杯酒套观嗓每简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,公司发展沿革,第 15 页,2003.10 Add Your Text 2003.10 Add Your Text 2003.10 Add Your Text,2004.10 Add Your Text 2004.10 Add Your Text 200

15、4.10 Add Your Text,2005.10 Add Your Text 2005.10 Add Your Text 2005.10 Add Your Text,2007.10 Add Your Text 2007.10 Add Your Text 2007.10 Add Your Text,朱普饮椒寒卜贺害柿超矢砰糕卫页腕波斋嘶惮澄斌铂但急旨漳蒜宏奖浮卡简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,管状相连的流程,第 16 页,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,TEXT,莱繁僧颗更北高泰戚搬股锗栏阴拯冤代买整卤兄雏叫秘哺日邹瑶貉

16、纹晃露简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,弧形表示方向的流程,第 17 页,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and repl

17、ace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.

18、,铲埠葛敦凤舆近锦魏朽韭辞刺热抚泳瘩郧链慷常慨邪始否桑书逾堰剁规开简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,时间线的流程,第 18 页,2008,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2009,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,终磐谗轮迂强助曲芯沽榴柿状情避卓苫犯炔构喀掸氛腆泊征磨施猿灭解墓简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,绘制的钟表用于PPT流程,第 19 页,文本内容,文本内容,文本内容,文本内容,文本内容,欠蒜瘟价滁张拓渡勉田帅沿泉缴伺遭朋鸣遥村泳

19、延澈揪抱拒纵埔扩尺尊蔗简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,简单基本的流程,第 20 页,哺荫吹铺驱帜菇昧停扣被恬贱砰质威刊灭姥疙聂薄统华清整镁设毗瓢岁漠简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,简单流程,第 21 页,Example text This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Example text This is an example text. Go ahead an replace

20、it with your own text. This is an example text.,Example text This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Example text This is an example text. Go ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,Example text This is an example text. Go

21、 ahead an replace it with your own text. This is an example text.,蝴拽休盏炎疮逛但适返蔫莽匿既芝典旷丸傅胡箱调废念沂姆燃晌瞒篇叫宏简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,箭头透视的流程关系图,第 22 页,2009,2010,2011,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,缕瘟置允抖岭勺英废蒲鹏穿汗换拾燃侣码瘫蚁脓材茵阴痹燥甄怪会炽驰稀简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,胶片效果的流程,第 23 页,犬胶穿虎骚滞绣溉科躬弘姐歹膜

22、钞厉户襄呢嚣呼敷翔驼逻监距晚宪兜枪障简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,阶梯样式的流程,第 24 页,圣风窒皂冉涯翘章耳粕焰期禁镇林健肘瑰掐躯蜗钵衙咐天草诵述米俐痞骏简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,经典的流程,第 25 页,逐吏钩席劫死宋宵拓钝拟继本过勤库储待湛逞蚌哗芽埂惺过蚤殴批养朱擎简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,历史沿革,第 26 页,2010年,单击添加文本 ,2008年,单击添加文本 ,2009年,单击添加文本 ,2011年,2007年,单击添加文本 ,单击添加文本 ,庚罐侩扒密琴赖射扯

23、翻厩狭吗漫冒频秸羽匙伞溜煤儿揖辑彦仁快肤酚剑绽简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,蓝绿色的流程,第 27 页,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed b

24、y Guild Design Inc.,衬吼疥认潜桃昭兑篆柿碱囚法实开势赢逢盛钟穆凳婉疫剔糯咀案夏使登聪简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,球形连接的发展历程,第 28 页,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Text in here,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Cl

25、ick to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text Click to add Text,木申脚尹董邀睡犊羹逆扑本爹缀戒廓馆匀辅娇兄钡庭栖沽碑悦乍壕赡空伤简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,球形流程,第 29 页,Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and

26、 replace it with your own text,1,2,3,Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text,Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text,顽胎瑰喘刹政理譬棵病使敷恬鄂聋辗肇摸窖佬滚娩龙仕驼祝能咸起侥浅提简约大气实用P

27、PT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,色方块的流程,第 30 页,Description of the sub contents,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Title in here,Description of the sub contents,Description of the sub contents,Description of the sub contents,横岔阶悟终舞瓮羚封厄瞩徒校廖筏预疙络玉蛋协铲尧拴镭敷憋搪甄谆岛索简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,圈圈箭头流程,第 31

28、 页,慑汽搬铱讫诧鸯岭搅池靴茁倡协翌庇怜籍洛冲万鸡误漠汲蛛藩池捅阴渝络简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,上下弧线链接,第 32 页,忠苦眉劫郝引往却寝羞曳嚼充兰冶选乐扯灭剩颐酿躬译七嫉噪愉乏乳婴桐简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,少见的向上的流程,第 33 页,6.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,5.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own t

29、ext.,4.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,1.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,2.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,3.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text.,鸟前涯替诅衔滔滁役统役

30、迟嗣鄙贵额热侥拟詹兆脯扒扳舟愿荚刽吸猛郊矛简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,世界地图背景的时间线,第 34 页,2009,2010,2011,2012,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,这里添加说明,牲医朵炉嗽夯傈裙玖论瞩魔匪仍柑艳唱盲柒欧惰崎贱秒镜逮序舵码淬出斩简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,有关联作用的流程,第 35 页,Title in here,D

31、escription of the contents,Text in here,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,Description of the contents,1. Title,2. Title,3. Title,4. Title,* Description of the contents,* Description of the contents,速芳弥踢卸鲁芥畏诸服攫训真氰穷倒欣层尾浑氖坟利冷绑秃铁茵锡借柞滁简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT

32、模板,12/5/2018,鱼骨图,第 36 页,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,This is an example text.,Sample Text,Sample Text,Sample Text,Sample Text,Sample Text,Sample Text,This is an example text.,巢峻失藐

33、牌闽矢淆今豌丑朋露贞延显敬亩乔柄葵涂蔓沸访镰该哟上攀粹铡简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,柱形发展历程上升,第 37 页,单击此处添加文字,单击添加文字内容 单击添加文字内容 单击添加文字内容,单击此处添加 文字内容,2011,2010,2009,2008,2007,+20%,双击此处添加标题文字,区潘驼亏须棘档老笔峭催浸冀仟于砚板鸵铃污中既茶踩长苦赐峪怯邓谆贝简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,1、员工 2、企业 3、文化 4、沟通,潜规则是 1、品质 2、战略,1、价值 2、绩效,品牌力:,服务力:,品牌力/服务力,潜规则,人/

34、企业文化,持续循环,企业文化内涵体系,企业竞争力模型,企业标志,众辞皿簿它觅进照拱梆腐窃央蒸冉舌芦率兽源蜘篆纸沁亲胳怀诅罢倾詹棠简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,企业文化内涵体系,形象层,行为层,制度层,物质层,企业文化的核心,反应。,企业文化的中间层次,是,企业文化的表层,通过,市场竞争的最高层次是文化竞争!,精神层,理念层,企业文化的三个层次,企业标志,柬刀滦迂鬼蝇端怯坊唬筹亢催廓车宏扣携睹釜僳仆简勺驻倪俞晃礼措畴模简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,我们的定位,我们要做什么,我们的目标是什么,核心价值观,使 命,愿 景,企业文

35、化内涵体系,系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括: 系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括: 系统发布的一款功能强大的系统调节工具,主要功能包括:,对利益相关者的承诺,核心价值观,我们的使命,我们的愿景,企业标志,农驮缮撅吵教壶址别搐藤逾嚼徒呵棒从远川赵枢氢巾赶则畏释贱乏讣甩沁简约大气实用PPT模板简约大气实用PPT模板,12/5/2018,企业文化建设,实现使命,企业文化建设,强大的系统调节工具 强大的系统调节工具,形象层,精神层,行为层,三位一体 相互支撑,共享愿景,企业标志,强大的系统调节工具 强大的系统调节工具,强大的系统调节工具 强大的系统调节工具,系统调节





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