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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟128公共英语一级模拟128第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片,并标在试卷的相应位置。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一幅图片。每句话读两遍。 下面请听这些句子。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:A解析F: I need a knife to cut the cake.详细解答 图片A是切蛋糕,图片B是切苹果,图片C是切西瓜。2.答案:A解析M: Somethin

2、g is wrong with the computer.详细解答 图片A是电脑,图片B是自行车,图片C是摩托车。3.答案:B解析F: Of all the sports, he likes swimming best.详细解答 图片A是滑冰,图片B是游泳,图片C是打篮球。4.答案:A解析M: What a tall tree it is!详细解答 图片A是大树,图片B是中等大小的树,图片C是小树。5.答案:A解析F: You cant play with fire in the home.详细解答 图片A是火,图片B是水,图片C是木头。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:A

3、解析M: My house is near the road.详细解答 图片A是房子建在路边,图片B是房子建在河边,图片C是房子建在山上。7.答案:C解析F: There are many sheep on the hill.详细解答 图片A是地上有羊,图片B是山上有树,图片C是山上有羊。8.答案:B解析M: I get up at 7:00 in the morning.详细解答 图片A是6:00,图片B是7:00,图片 C是7:30。9.答案:A解析F: The tourists cant take photos here.详细解答 图片A是照相,图片B是打手机,图片C是摄像。10.答案:

4、A解析M: I want to buy a dictionary this afternoon.详细解答 图片A是字典,图片B是钢笔,图片C是铅笔。第二节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到15个对话,每段对话后有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案,并标在试卷的相应位置。每段对话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 下面请听这些对话。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the man mean?A.He wont learn how to use computerB.He will learn how to use com

5、puterC.He is good at using the computer答案:B解析F: Can you use a computer?M: No, I cant. But Im sure I can learn it quickly.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你会用计算机吗?”男:“不会,但我相信我能学得很快。”2. When did the man last see the manager?A.YesterdayB.Two days agoC.Early last week答案:B解析F: Have you seen the manager?M: No, I havent see

6、n him since the day before yester- day.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你见过经理吗?”男:“没有,我从前天就没有看到他。”3. What time is it now?A.8:45.B.8:15.C.9:15.答案:A解析F: Well, could you tell me why the library is not open yet?M: Its not nine yet. We still have a quarter to wait.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你能告诉我为什么图书馆还不开门吗?”男:“还不到九点,我们还要等一刻钟。”4. Wha

7、t does the man want to do?A.Have some tea.B.Go home.C.Have a walk.答案:C解析F: Would you like to go to my room to have some tea?M: I dont want to stay in. Why not do some walking?详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你愿来我这儿喝茶吗?”男:“我不想呆在家里,为什么不出去走走呢?”5. What do we know about the mans dog?A.The other dogs are afraid of him.B.It

8、 eats only cat food.C.It like cats better than dogs.答案:C解析F: Why do you say your dog is like a cat.M: Because it plays with cats and it is afraid of dogs.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你为什么说你的狗像猫呢?”男:“因为它和猫一起玩,还怕狗。” (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. When is the sport meet going to be held?A.Next Tuesday.B.This Thursday.C.Nex

9、t week.答案:A解析F: There will be a sport meet this Thursday.M: No, it is put off because of the rain. It will be held next Tuesday.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“这个星期四举行运动会。”男:“不对,因为下雨运动会延期了,将在下周二举行。7. What does the man mean?A.The woman will be paid only after the work is done.B.He doesnt like the work either.C.He adv

10、ises the woman to give up the work.答案:A解析F: I cant take the work any longer.M: If you want the money, youll have to finish it all.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“我不能再干这活了。”男:“如果你想赚钱的话,就必须完成这些活。”8. What does the man mean?A.The work cant be done in a short time.B.He needs more time to do the work.C.The work wont take

11、long.答案:C解析F: Are you going to work long?M: It will be done in a short time.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你还要工作很长时间吗?”男:“很快就做完了。”9. What does the woman ask about?A.How the man is.B.What the man is going to do.C.Whether the man is better.答案:A解析F: How are you feeling today?M: Much better, thanks.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“今天你感觉

12、怎么样?”男:“好多了,谢谢。”10. What do you think the woman will do?A.Go to see Bob.B.Ring up Bob.C.Wait for Bob to be back.答案:B解析F: Hi, John. Do you know where to find Bob?M: Oh, I dont know. But you can try this phone number.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你好,约翰,你知道哪儿能找到鲍勃吗?”男:“不知道,你打这个电话试试。” (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. Who will

13、 move the table?A.The man.B.The woman.C.Both the people.答案:A解析F: Help me move this table, will you?M: Certainly. Now leave it to me. Ill do it.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“帮我移开这张桌子好吗?”男:“好的,让我来吧,我来移开它。”12. When does the man want to start?A.At four.B.At half past four.C.At five.答案:B解析F: When shall we start, at fou

14、r or at five?M: How about half past four?详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“我们什么时候开始,4点还是5点?”男:“4点半怎么样?”13. What are Jane and Jack talking about?A.The study.B.The date.C.The weather.答案:C解析F: I think it is going to rain, Jack.M: I dont think so, Jane. The radio said it is going to be fine soon.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“杰克,看采要下雨了。”

15、男:“简,不会的。收音机上说,很快天气会变好。”14. What does the man mean?A.She didnt listen carefully.B.He himself spoke fast.C.He will speak slowly.答案:A解析F: You spoke too fast for me to catch.M: But you must listen to me carefully.详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“你说话太快了,我没听懂。”男:“但你必须仔细听。”15. Where are they talking?A.At school.B.In the li

16、brary.C.On the street.答案:B解析F: Good morning. Can I help you?M: Yes,pleaseMay I borrow a book about English pronunciation?详细解答 根据对话内容,女:“早上好,你需要什么?”男:“是的,我可以借一本关于英语发音的书吗?”第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 问题:1. Do you know where is Peter?He _ to the post office.A.will goB.has

17、 goneC.goes答案:B解析 此题考查时态。此句问皮特去哪了,意为他不在说话地点,has gone表示某人已去某地,未返回。问题:2. Neither of my parents _ in this company.A.worksB.are workingC.work答案:A解析 此处考查代词。neither表示两者都不,后面谓语动词要用第三人称单数。问题:3. _ water is left in the bottle?A.How manyB.How muchC.How答案:B解析 此处考查特殊疑问词。how many后接可数名词,how much后接不可数名词。此处water水为不可

18、数名词。问题:4. The boss kept the visitor _ in the waiting room for him.A.waitB.to waitC.waiting答案:C解析 此处考查固定搭配。keep sbdoing sth意为使某人一直做某事。问题:5. I must first to find a room _.A.to liveB.to live inC.living in答案:B解析 此处考查动词不定式。此处room是 live的宾语,而live为不及物动词,住在一个房间应为live in a room问题:6. Your story is more interes

19、ting than _.A.myB.hisC.their答案:B解析 此处考查人称代词。此处须填名词性物主代词,his意为his story问题:7. Im very thirsty, please give me _ to drink.A.somethingB.anythingC.everything答案:A解析 此处考查不定代词。此句为陈述句, something用于陈述句和表请求的疑问句。something to drink意为喝的东西。问题:8. Hearing what the boss said, we all look at him _.A.with surpriseB.at s

20、urpriseC.in surprise答案:C解析 此处考查固定搭配。in surprise意为惊奇地。问题:9. I dont know _.A.who is heB.who he isC.he is who答案:B解析 此处考查宾语从句。宾语从句必须用陈述句语序,这里系动词is必须放在主语he后。问题:10. The lost boy _ in the end.A.foundB.was foundedC.was found答案:C解析 此处考查被动语态。此句意为:那个丢失的小孩最终被找到。find的过去分词为found问题:11. The police told the children

21、 _ in the street.A.not to playB.not playC.dont play答案:A解析 此题考查动词不定式。这里考查动词不定式的否定式tell sbnot to do sth.问题:12. In the office you will see the sign _ .A.No ParkingB.No PhotosC.No Smoking答案:C解析 此题考查日常标志用语。No parking是禁止停车,No photos是禁止拍照,No Smoking是禁止吸烟。在办公室里禁止的当然是C,A、B均不可能出现在办公室。问题:13. There are many val

22、uable things _ in the history museum.A.on dutyB.on timeC.on show答案:C解析 此题考查固定搭配。此处on show做定语修饰things,意为展览的东西。问题:14. You havent been to the Great Wall. _.A.So has your brotherB.Nor your brother hasC.Neither has your brother答案:C解析 此题考查句式。句子前部分为否定句,后部分用nor或neither都可,但必须用倒装句,表示也没有。问题:15. The young trees

23、 _ before they grow up.A.must be taken good care ofB.may take good care ofC.should taken good care of答案:A解析 此题考查情态动词的被动语态。此句意为:小树在长大前必须被好好照顾。情态动词被动语态的结构为:情态动词后接be动词再接动词的过去分词。第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所组的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in.

24、 There are 1 interesting things to see and to do. You can go to 2 kinds of museums, plays and films. You can also 3 things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, 4 . Its 5 to live there, and there are too many people in some places of big cities. Every year many peopl

25、e move to the cities, because they can 6 find jobs, to study at good schools and to receive good medical care there. But 7 these people cannot find work or a good place to live in. Also too many people in a small 8 makes it hard to keep cities 9 and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, oth

26、ers do not. 10 people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of living there. 1.A.muchB.fewC.many答案:C解析 通过上下文可知,大城市有很多有趣事,此处用many修饰可数名词。2.A.sameB.differentC.every答案:B解析 此句意为各种博物馆等种类繁多。3.A.sellB.buyC.borrow答案:B解析 根据分析可知,B比较贴近题意。4.A.eitherB.alsoC.too答案:C解析 此处为肯定句,而且有逗号隔开,因此选C。5.A.eas

27、yB.cheapC.expensive答案:C解析 前文讲了居住在大城市也有严重的问题,此句为其中一个例子,即居住费用昂贵。6.A.easilyB.neverC.hardly答案:A解析 此句和下句比较可知,此句讲找工作学习容易,下句讲有时也很难。7.A.alwaysB.sometimesC.never答案:B解析 解释与上题同。8.A.islandB.placeC.station答案:B解析 此题考名词用法。island意为“小岛”, place意为“地方”,station意为“站、岗位”。9.A.popularB.warmC.safe答案:C解析 分析上下文,显然多人聚集在一处是一个不好的

28、现象可能危害社会安全,因此选safe。10.A.AfterB.SinceC.Before答案:C解析 既然大城市有诸如此类的问题,人住大城市之前就应该考虑这些问题。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍 从上栏所给选项中选出与下栏各项意义相符的选项。 A. telephone B. basketball C. bank D. lake E. prison F. tea G. blackboard 1. People who did something wrong are kept there.答案: E解析 该句意思为:“做错事的人关在那里。”与prison监狱相对应。2. It is used

29、in the classroom for the teacher to write something on it.答案:G解析 该句意思为:“在教室里老师在它上面写字。”与blackboard黑板相对应。3. We use it to call our friends.答案: A解析 该句意思为:“我们用它和朋友通话。”与telephone电话相对应。4. You drink it after a meal.答案: F解析 该句意思为:“饭后喝的东西。”与tea茶相对应。5. You can go boating on it.答案: D解析 该句意思为:“你可以在它上面划船。”与lake湖相

30、对应。第二节 短文理解 1 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt Say)三个判断中选出一个正确选项。 Sometimes something looks different from another thing but it is usually the same. Sometimes something looks the same s another thing but it is really different. Sometimes we can not believe our eyes. Here is an example. If

31、we are standing in front of an entrance of a tunnel, we can see the other end where we go out. We feel the entrance much bigger than the other end. If we go through the tunnel, we find that the ends are the same size. One is not bigger than the other. They are the same. Now lets turn around and look

32、 through the tunnel from the other end. Now we find that the end near us looks bigger. The other end looks smaller. But we know that they are the same size. Things that are near us seem big. Things that are far away from us seem small. We know that one lamp-post in the streets is just like another.

33、They are all equally tall. But if an artist draws a picture of a street he will not make the lamp-posts all the same size. He will make the first one big, and the second one a bit smaller. Then the next one a little smaller. The ones that are the farthest away are the smallest. When things move away

34、 they look smaller. When things come nearer they look bigger. 1. The things that look different are always different.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 并非所有看上去不同的事物总是不同的,也并非看上去相同的事物都是相同的。2. We can not always believe what we see.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 从文中第二段第一句可知。3. The two ends of a tu

35、nnel are very wide.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 文中没有讲到隧道两端口径大小。4. When we are drawing, we should draw large things smaller.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 画画时,近大远小,符合人们视觉习惯,而不是要把大的东西画小。5. When things are moving, they look beautiful.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 文中没有讲到这一点。第三节 短文理解 2

36、阅读下面短文,从短文后所给问题的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案。 All living things need air to live. People need clean air to breathe. But sometimes people make the air dirty. They drive so many cars that the fumes from the cars pollute the air. Fumes are made when gasoline is burned. The fumes that come out of cars, buses and

37、trucks can pollute the air. Environmental engineers are people who work to protect the environment. One of their jobs is to design or plan cars that will not pollute the air. Some time ago environmental engineers designed an object for cars that removes harmful pollution. Now cars are causing less p

38、ollution than they once did, because environmental engineers worked hard to protect the environment. 1. All living things need air _.A.to growB.to produce fruitsC.to breathe答案:C解析 空气是生物生存的必要条件,但非充分条件,因此A不准确,B显然不对,C为“用来呼吸”,为正确答案。2. _ has cleaner air.A.NowhereB.The cityC.The countryside答案:C解析 因为废气主要来自

39、于城市,因此乡村应该有清洁的空气。3. Environmental engineers work is toA.design new kind of cars, buses and trucks that will not pollute the airB.protect the environmentC.produce cars that will not pollute the air答案:B解析 这个题需要一定的分析。环境工程师的工作之一是设计污染小的汽车,但这并不是他们的所有工作。他们只是设计或规划汽车,并非就是汽车生产者,因此正确答案应为B。4. Which is not said

40、that can pollute our air?A.Smoke from our homes.B.Smoke from buses.C.Smoke from trucks.答案:A解析 文章通篇仅讲到汽车排出的废气污染空气,没有提到从家里出采的烟尘。因此正确答案为A。5. Why do cars cause less pollution than before?Because _.A.environmental engineers designed an object for cars removing harmful pollutionB.the cars are very smallC.

41、the cars dont use gasoline any longer答案:A解析 现在,汽车排出的废气更少了,这归功于环境工程师们的辛勤劳动。B和C没有提到。 There is something that our bodies must not have. We do not want to have illness or disease. When we are ill, we stay in bed. We cant work and we cant play. We feel ill and we are unhappy. There is something that our

42、bodies must not have. We do not want to have illness or disease. When we are iii, we stay in bed. We cant work and we cant play. We feel iii and we are unhappy. One cause of illness and disease is dirt. Dirt causes illness. If we want to see how dirt causes disease, we need a microscope. When we loo

43、k at some dirt through a microscope,we can see germsDirt is full of germs but they are too small to see without a microscopeThey are very,very small but they are aliveThey can go inside thingsWhen germs go inside fruit,the fruit becomes badWe cant eat itWhen germs get in side milk,the milk becomes s

44、ourWe cannot drink it When germs get inside our bodies,we become ill 6. We cant see _ in dirt with our eyesA.some dirty thingsB.little wormsC.living things答案:C解析 分析全文可知,C为最佳答案。7. The word“germ”means _.A.小虫B.病菌C.生物答案:B解析 因为病菌非常微小,必须在显微镜下才能观察到,而“小虫”和“生物”不太确切,因此选B。8. What causes illness?A.germsB.fruitC.air答案:A解析 第二段第二句讲,脏东西导致疾病,而脏东西即为病菌。9. We need a microscope to see germs because germs _.A.move quicklyB.are very dirtyC.are very small答案:C解析 从第二段第五句“脏东西满是细菌但它们太小只能用显微镜来观察”可知,C为正确答案。10. Milk may get sour because _.A.


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