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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级分类模拟题68公共英语二级分类模拟题68第一部分 听力第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What can we know about the mans holiday?A.Its not very pleasant.B.Its exciting.C.Its not as good as he had thought.答案:A听力原文 W: How was your ho

2、liday? Where did you go? M: I went to the country. Unfortunately, we were caught by the heavy rain and I caught a bad cold. 2. How will the man travel?A.By train.B.By air.C.By bus.答案:B听力原文 W: Have you got ready for the trip? Dont forget the medicine or youll feel sick on the plane. M: Oh, I see. 3.

3、What will the man probably do next?A.He will go to visit Mount Tai with the woman.B.He wont go there with the woman.C.He will stay at home.答案:B听力原文 W: Jack, Id like to visit Chengdu to spend the summer holidays. M: Oh, its too crowded! 4. What can we know about the man?A.He stayed at home during the

4、 holidays.B.He read some books at home during the holidays.C.He visited some places during the holidays.答案:C听力原文 W: Steve, you look tired! M: Yes, very tired. I wish I had stayed at home to have a good rest or read some books during the holidays. 5. Whats the womans advice?A.Travelling.B.Staying at

5、home.C.Doing homework.答案:A听力原文 M: Oh, its so boring to stay at home doing homework all day long! W: Why not go to visit some places? Its such a lovely day. 第二节听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段对话,回答第67题。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When does the man reach the bus station?A.

6、At 10:00 a.m.B.At 10:10 a.m.C.At 9:50 a.m.答案:B听力原文 M: When does the bus leave for Shenzhen? W: Buses leave for Shenzhen every other hour in the morning. M: Every other hour? Too long! W: But you just missed the 10:00 bus by 10 minutes. M: Oh, my God. I have to wait for nearly an hour. 2. How long do

7、es the man have to wait?A.50 minutes.B.45 minutes.C.30 minutes.答案:A 听第7段对话,回答第810题。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 3. Where has the man been?A.Milan.B.Florence.C.Italy.答案:C听力原文 W: Hello, Mike! Welcome back! You look very happy! M: Susan, Im very glad to see you again. W: How was Italy? M: Tiring, but interest

8、ing! Milan was interesting, and its much bigger than I expected. Noisier and dirtier, too. W: What about Florence? M: I think its more beautiful than Paris. Have you ever been to Italy? W: No. But Id like to visit it next summer. 4. What does the man think of his trip?A.Interesting.B.Tiring, but int

9、eresting.C.Tiring.答案:B5. Where will the woman visit next summer?A.Paris.B.Milan.C.Italy.答案:C第二部分 阅读补全文章根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 1 Students from elementary school through college have about two weeks vacation, beginning shortly before Christmas and ending soon after New Years Day. Ma

10、ny families go away for the holidays, but those who stay at home have fun, too. 2 The spirit of Christmas arrives about a month before the holiday itself. 3 Stores depend on Christmas shoppers for about one-fourth of their yearly sales. 4 To earn extra money for gifts, in December many Americans get

11、 part-time jobs. Many people make monthly bank deposits (存款) in special Christmas accounts so that they will have enough money for a nice Christmas. The most beautiful and meaningful part of the holiday take place at home and in church. 5 After that, they gather around the tree and open their gifts.

12、 Then they sit down to enjoy a Christmas dinner-turkey or ham, sweet potatoes, vegetables and cranberry sauce (酸果蔓酱). A. Many families go to church on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. B. There are many parties to celebrate the birth of Christ and the arrival of the New Year. C. Christmas is expe

13、nsive. D. Choosing a suitable Christmas gift is difficult. E. Late in November, street lights and store windows are decorated with Christmas colors of red and green. F. Christmas is coming. G. The winter holiday season is the most merriest time of the year. 1.答案: G2.答案: B3.答案: E4.答案: C5.答案: A第三部分 英语

14、知识运用完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的是个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 For thousands of years people thought of glass 1 something beautiful to look at. Only recently 2 come to think it of something 3 . Shops display their goods in large. 4 windows. Glass bottles and jars 5 food and drink allow us 6 the contents. Gl

15、ass 7 spectacles, microscopes, telescopes and many other very useful and necessary things. 8 , or glasses, are used by people who cannot see 9 or by people who want to 10 their eyes from bright light. Microscopes make tiny things 11 so that we can examine them. Telescopes make objects that are far a

16、way appear 12 to us. 13 in recent years plastics have replaced glass under conditions 14 glass might be 15 broken, there are new uses 16 for glass that 17 never imagined in the past. Perhaps the greatest advantage of glass is 18 its parts are 19 and can be found 20 the world. 1.A.asB.likeC.actD.make

17、答案:A2.A.they haveB.have theyC.they doD.do they答案:B3.A.as lookB.to lookC.to look throughD.as look through答案:C4.A.glassesB.paperC.plasticD.glass答案:D5.A.which holdsB.in which heldC.holdD.holding答案:D6.A.seeingB.to seeC.seenD.see答案:B7.A.is used to makingB.used to makeC.is used to makeD.used to making答案:C

18、8.A.SpectaclesB.JarsC.PlasticsD.Bottles答案:A9.A.anythingB.nothingC.clearlyD.good答案:C10.A.preventB.protectC.takeD.stop答案:B11.A.largestB.clearlyC.largeD.larger答案:D12.A.more closerB.much closerC.even closeD.by far closer答案:B13.A.AlthoughB.BecauseC.SinceD.However答案:A14.A.whichB.whereC.thatD.when答案:B15.A.

19、clearlyB.hardlyC.easilyD.difficultly答案:C16.A.being developingB.developingC.to be developedD.developed答案:D17.A.wereB.areC.isD.was答案:A18.A.whyB.howC.thatD.when答案:C19.A.expensiveB.inexpensiveC.dearD.valuable答案:B20.A.wholeB.allC.throughoutD.on答案:C第四部分 写作书面表达问题:1. 假如你是高二的学生李雪,最近收到了外国朋友汤姆的来信,汤姆对中国的春节非常感兴趣

20、,希望你能够给他提供相关的信息。给汤姆写一封回信,向他描述一下中国的春节,词数80词左右,内容如下: (1)春节前大约一个月人们就开始准备,购买年货,打扫卫生; (2)在外地工作的人不论多远都在春节前赶回家过年; (3)除夕夜人们聚在一起吃饭,观看联欢晚会,燃放烟花; (4)第二天一大早人们就开始相互祝贺新年。 最后希望汤姆今年有机会来中国过年。 答案:Dear Tom, Im glad to receive your letter of Nov. 12th, 2014. As for the Spring Festival, its the most important and intere

21、sting holiday in China. About a month earlier, people begin to buy a lot of things and do some cleaning to prepare for it. On the Eve, people sit together to have a delicious dinner, and after that they will enjoy the wonderful performances on TV. Besides, people play fireworks at midnight. The next morning, people get up very early to express good wishes to each other. Im looking forward to your coming to China to spend the Spring Festival with us. Yours sincerely, Li Xue 16 / 16


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