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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级语法分类模拟题7公共英语一级语法分类模拟题7第一部分 语法问题:1. _ his address, I cant send the letter to him.A.Not to knowB.Not knowingC.Not know答案:B问题:2. The professor entered the office, _ by a few of his students.A.followedB.followingC.follow答案:A问题:3. Do you have any questi

2、on _?A.to askB.askingC.ask答案:A问题:4. _ his homework, he went to bed.A.DoingB.Having doneC.To do答案:B问题:5. The teacher doesnt permit us _ in class.A.talkingB.to talkC.talk答案:B问题:6. Seeing is _.A.to believeB.believingC.believe答案:B问题:7. After he finished his homework, he went on _ a diary in English.A.to

3、 writeB.writingC.wrote答案:A问题:8. Dont forget _ the letter this afternoon.A.postB.to postC.posting答案:B问题:9. I saw the thief _ into the house.A.to goB.wentC.go答案:C问题:10. Tom doesnt have to be made _. He is hard-working.A.learnB.to learnC.learning答案:B问题:11. Your skirt is dirty. It needs _.A.to washB.was

4、hingC.washed答案:B问题:12. The film was so _ that I was _ to tears.A.moving; movedB.moved; movingC.moved; moved答案:A问题:13. _ from the mountain, HongKong looks very beautiful.A.SeeB.SeeingC.Seen答案:C问题:14. Its no use _ with him. He wont change his mind.A.arguingB.to argueC.argue答案:A问题:15. The book is worth

5、 _.A.to readB.to be readC.reading答案:C问题:16. The man _ by the window is Mr. Li.A.standsB.standingC.stood答案:B问题:17. Whats the language _ in Australia?A.speakingB.spokenC.speak答案:B问题:18. She stood by the window, _.A.thinkingB.thinkC.thought答案:A问题:19. Its very kind _.A.of you to help meB.for you to help

6、 meC.of you helping me答案:A问题:20. Did you close the windows?Yes, I remember _ them before leaving home.A.to closeB.closingC.closed答案:B问题:21. Hurry up! We havent got much _ left.A.timesB.timeC.money答案:B问题:22. Can I speak to Mary, please?Hold _. Ill see if shes in.A.upB.onC.in答案:B问题:23. She usually get

7、s up early, _ she?A.doesB.isC.doesnt答案:C问题:24. Nobody but Jane and Peter _ Sams address.A.knowB.is knownC.knows答案:C问题:25. Mary and I bought _ some oranges.A.myselfB.herselfC.ourselves答案:C问题:26. Henry arrived at the station _ than Jean.A.a little earlyB.a little earlierC.more early答案:B问题:27. We wont

8、go to the Great Wall _.A.if it rainsB.when it will rainC.for it is raining答案:A问题:28. Dont speak to him. He _ to the weather report.A.is listeningB.listensC.has listened答案:A问题:29. Dont leave the room until you _, Peter.A.will be toldB.are told toC.have told to do答案:B问题:30. She has such a busy life _

9、she always forgets my birthday.A.whenB.ifC.that答案:C问题:31. Theres _ telephone box just on the corner.A.anB.theC.a答案:C问题:32. Do you remember how many brothers _?A.does he haveB.he hasC.has he答案:B问题:33. After dinner, Teddy cleared the table but forgot _ the floor.A.about cleaningB.cleaningC.to clean答案:

10、C问题:34. I dont like singing._.A.I dont neitherB.Neither do IC.Nor am I答案:B问题:35. Taiwan lies _ the southeast of China.A.inB.toC.on答案:A问题:36. Have you had _ breakfast yet?No, not yet.A./B.aC.the答案:A问题:37. _ mother is a worker.A.Mary and MikesB.Marys and MikesC.Marys and Mike答案:A问题:38. Which room shal

11、l we live in tonight? _.A.The Room 406B.Room 406C.The 406 Room答案:B问题:39. Hundreds of _ come to visit Chinese every year.A.personB.travellersC.Japaneses答案:B问题:40. We are doing much better _ English _ our teachers help.A.in; atB.at; inC.in; with答案:C问题:41. He walked _ fast for us _ catch up with.A.so;

12、thatB.enough; toC.too; to答案:C问题:42. We found _ necessary to protect the environment.A.itB.thisC.that答案:A问题:43. I dont like winter because its _ cold.A.too muchB.far moreC.much too答案:C问题:44. Excuse me, look at the sign NO SMOKING!Sorry, I _ it.A.dont seeB.didnt seeC.havent seen答案:B问题:45. You _ lose y

13、our weight _ you eat less and exercise more.A.wont.ifB.wont.unlessC.will.unless答案:B问题:46. The little boy was badly hurt. He _ to the hospital at once.A.must be sentB.is sendedC.must send答案:A问题:47. He hasnt any brothers, _ he?A.hasB.hasntC.does答案:A问题:48. Your hair needs _. Its too long.A.to cutB.cuttingC.being cut答案:B问题:49. There is _ in todays newspaper.A.new anythingB.new somethingC.anything new答案:C问题:50. _ you _ your composition yet?No, Ill finish it in another ten minutes.A.Did; finishB.Will; finishC.Have; finished答案:C 14 / 14


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