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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题20公共英语一级分类模拟题20写作问题:1. 情景: 你为你的外国朋友Mark联系了一所中国学校教英语,学校要和他面谈。 任务: 请你用英语给Mark写一张50个词左右的电子邮件,告诉他: 学校的基本情况; 面谈的时间和地点; 如何去; 和谁联系。 请用下面格式。 Dear Mark, Li Jie 答案:范文Dear Mark, I have already contacted a High School for you to teach English in China. Th

2、e school is located in the downtown. The headmaster wants to have an interview with you next Thursday in his office. You could take Bus 22 to get to the gate of the school and then you could contact the office directly. Good Luck! Your sincerely Jie 问题:2. 情景: 你是Mary。Lily是你的好友,昨天上午她问你借笔记本看了看马上还到了你桌上。

3、下午你找不到笔记本,误以为是她弄丢了,对她很生气,结果晚上你找到了自己桌上被报纸覆盖着的笔记本。 任务: 请你写一封50字左右的道歉信,向Lily表示 *真诚的道歉。 *解释事情的情况。 *表示要改进自己动不动就无理由发脾气(have a temper)的习惯。 *希望她能够原谅,能够继续做好朋友。 请用下面格式。 Dear Lily, Mary 答案:范文Dear Lily, Im sorry for getting angry with you yesterday, because I thought that you lost my notebook. But I found it co

4、vered by the newspapers on the desk last night. I hope you can forgive me and Im sure Ill get rid of my bad habit of having a temper without any reason. I wish we are still good friends. Yours, Mary 问题:3. 情景: 你在学校里丢了一本书。 任务:请你写一个50字左右的寻物启事,内容包括: 什么时候,在哪里丢的; 丢了什么书; 希望拾到书的人与你联系; 你的联系方式。 Lost and Found

5、 . Wang Yan Jan. 5, 2006 答案:Lost and Found I lost one book in the library of our school on Jan. 4. It is The Journey to the West. I like this book very much. I hope anyone who has found this book could contact me. My telephone number is 13241196005. Thank you very much. Wang Yan Jan. 5, 2006 问题:4. 情

6、景: 你因病不能上课。 任务: 用英语给老师写一张50字左右的便条,告诉他: 你不能去上课的原因; 你请同学把假条捎给老师; 你会自己把上课应学的内容好好看一遍。 答案:范文Dear Mr. Wang Im sorry that I cant go to school today. Ive caught a really bad cold and the doctor asked me to stay in bed for two days. I asked Helea to pass this note to you. When I stay at home, I will study by

7、 myself. Mike 问题:5. 情景: 你的美国朋友Lucy给你寄来一本英语书。 任务: 请你用英语给她写一封50字左右的短信。内容包括: 告诉她何时收到书的; 你认为这本书怎么样; 你目前正在忙什么; 询问她何时会再来中国。 请用下面的格式。 Dear Lucy, . Li Yan 答案:Dear Lucy, Thank you for sending me the English book. I got it yesterday. I find it is very useful for me to study English. Now Im enjoying the summer holiday like you. I spend most of the time studying my subjects. When are you coming to China next time? Im looking forward to seeing you again. Wang Yan 6 / 6


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