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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题书面表达题(一)公共英语一级分类模拟题书面表达题(一)Unit 1第一节改写句子 下面是关于学生帮助农民摘苹果的三个句子。根据所给横线前的提示,改写这三个句子,要求不改变句子原来意思。 问题:1. Many students went to help the farmers pick apples. There were many students went to help the farmers_. 答案: with apple-picking问题:2. Soon the stu

2、dents put the apples in the baskets under the trees. Soon the apples _. 答案: were put in the baskets under the trees问题:3. The baskets of apples made the students very happy. The students were very happy _. 答案: to see the baskets of apples第二节书面表达问题:1. 情景:用英语给你的朋友王林发一条短信息(约50字),内容要点如下: 有两张今晚足球赛的门票,邀请他一

3、起去观看。 今晚6:30在黄龙体育场大门口等待。 请他马上发回短信息,让你知道他是否能去。 答案:Dear Wang Lin, There is a football match this evening. I have got two tickets. Im sure you are interested in it. Will you go with me? Ill wait for you at the gate of Huang Long Stadium at 6:30. Please send me a short message soon. Let me know if you c

4、an go and watch the football match. Yours, Lin Tao Unit 2第一节改写句子 下面是关于学生帮助农民摘苹果的三个句子。根据所给横线前的提示,改写这三个句子,要求不改变句子原来意思。 问题:1. Teacher Li not only teaches English but also teaches French. Teacher Li teaches _ English _ French. 答案: both . and.问题:2. She is always ready to help US study English and French.

5、 She is always ready to help us _ our English and French. 答案: with问题:3. We have made great progress with her help in our study. Great progress _ with her help in our study. 答案: has been made第二节书面表达问题:1. 情景:假设你叫李华,下周六是你的生日。你准备在家开一个生日晚会。你去邀请你的朋友王兰参加,碰巧她不在,你给她留个不超过50字的英语便条说明来意。要求包含以下要点: 邀请她参加晚会。 晚会的时间和

6、地点。 你希望她能来。 答案:Dear Wang Lan, Next Saturday is my birthday. Im going to hold a birthday party at home in the evening. It would begin at 7:30. I have also asked some other classmates of ours and some of my friends. I hope you will come. Yours, Li Hua Unit 3第一节改写句子 下面是关于学生帮助农民摘苹果的三个句子。根据所给横线前的提示,改写这三个

7、句子,要求不改变句子原来意思。 问题:1. 13 students went for an outing to the seaside. _ 13 students going for an outing to the seaside. 答案: There were问题:2. They spent several hours to get there. _ them several hours to get there. 答案: It took问题:3. They made a fire in the open air and cooked a meal over it. _ was made

8、 in the open air and a meal _ over it. 答案: A fire; was cooked第二节书面表达问题:1. 情景:假设你叫王平,今天你与同学踢足球时意外把黄先生的窗玻璃打碎,黄先生不在家,你给他留下一封致歉信,表达歉意,希望获得他的谅解。答案:Dear Mr. Huang, Im sorry that I have broken the glass of your window. This morning, my classmates and I had a football match on the playground in front of you

9、r house. I kicked the football off and it broke the glass. Im sure I will be careful next time. Will you please accept my apology? Sincerely yours, Wang Ping Unit 4第一节改写句子 下面是关于学生帮助农民摘苹果的三个句子。根据所给横线前的提示,改写这三个句子,要求不改变句子原来意思。 问题:1. Maths is more difficult than any other subject. Maths is the _ difficu

10、lt _ all the subjects. 答案: most; among问题:2. Help was often given to him by us. We often _ him _. 答案: give; help问题:3. Wei Hua may be on the team. or Ann may. _ Wei Hua _ Ann may be on the team. 答案: Either; or第二节书面表达问题:1. 情景:假设你叫李宁,本周末你打算与同学们一起去旅行,现写一封50字左右的邀请信给明明,邀请他参加。要点: 周五下午5:00火车出发。 希望他能按时到。 希望他参

11、加。 答案:Dear Ming Ming, We would like to invite you to join us in the weekend. We are going to have an outing, a few friends will join us this time. Everyone is going to catch the train at 5:00 on Friday afternoon. I hope you will be able to come and be on time. Sincerely, Li Ning Unit 5第一节改写句子 下面是关于学

12、生帮助农民摘苹果的三个句子。根据所给横线前的提示,改写这三个句子,要求不改变句子原来意思。 问题:1. This mobile phone is the smallest in the shop. A11 the mobile phones _ this one in the shop are _. 答案: except; big问题:2. Its a long time since we met last. We _ _ each other for a long time since we met last. 答案: havent; seen问题:3. She wrote the musi

13、c of the songs in 1990. The music of the songs _ _ by _ in 1990. 答案: was made; her第二节书面表达问题:1. 情景:假设你叫刘非,你的朋友黎明考上了北京大学,你给他写一封50字左右的祝贺信。表示祝贺。答案:Dear Li Ming, I am delighted to hear the news that you have been admitted into the Beijing University. It is the natural result of your continuous efforts and great talent. I congratulate you on winning honor for our school and yourself. I wish to share your honor and joy. Best wishes, Liu Fei 8 / 8


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