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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语三级模拟96公共英语三级模拟96Section Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are tw

2、o parts in this section, part A and part B. Now look at Part A in your test paper. Part A You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answerA, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer

3、the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE. Now look at question 1. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. What does the man explain to the woman?A.There are two buses every day.B.The train is faster than the bus.C.The bus is cheaper than the train.D.The train is cheaper than the bus.答案:C解析W: Can you t

4、ell me the least expensive way to get to California?M: If you go by bus its only $30. But if you go by train, its almost twice that much.2. What is the man going to do this morning?A.Go to the beach.B.Fix the table.C.Paint the bookshelf.D.Wash the car.答案:D解析W: If you can help me paint the bookshelf

5、and the table this morning, we can go to the beach this afternoon.M: Im not very good at painting, but if you like Ill wash the ear instead.3. Which instruction is not given by the doctor?A.Take deep breath.B.Take syrup three times a day.C.Show his tongue.D.Stay in bed.答案:A解析W: Show me your tongue,

6、please. All right. Stay in bed and keep yourself warm. Ill prescribe some pills for you to take in the morning and evening, and some syrup to take three times a day, with hot water.M: Is that all, doctor?W: Yes. Youll be better in a few days, Im sure.4. When does this conversation take place?A.At tw

7、elve oclock.B.At twelve twenty-five.C.At eleven twenty-five.D.At eleven thirty-five.答案:D解析M: Oh, no! Its twelve oclock already and I havent finish writing this report.W: Dont worry. That clock is twenty-five minutes fast, you still have time to do it.5. What does the man probably do?A.Remain standin

8、g.B.Sit down.C.Go ahead of the woman.D.Pick up the chair.答案:A解析W: Go ahead and have a seat.M: Thanks, but Id rather stand. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. What does the man advise the woman to do?A.To go to the hotel with her father.B.To call the hotel.C.To talk to a travel agent.D.To stay at a hotel.答案:C解析

9、W: I need to make a hotel reservation for my father.M: How about calling the travel agency?7. What does the man mean?A.He didnt like the meeting.B.He had a headache.C.He didnt have a headache.D.He would go to the meeting.答案:B解析W: Did you go to the meeting last night?M: I would have gone if I hadnt h

10、ad a headache.8. What does the man mean?A.He prefers to listen to music alone.B.He thinks it is better to stay at home and watch TV.C.He prefers to go to the football match.D.He wants to play football than to go home.答案:B解析W: Would you like to go the concert with us?M: Id rather watch the football m

11、atch at home.9. Why did the man want someone to come up to his apartment?A.There was no hot water.B.The light couldnt be turned off.C.There was no heat.D.The hot water was running.答案:D解析M: Hello. Will you please send someone up to my apartment? The hot water is running. And I cant turn it off.W: The

12、res no one in the office right now. Ill send someone up as soon as I can.10. Where are the man and the woman?A.In front of the department store.B.Near the drugstore.C.In a car.D.At the shoe store.答案:C解析W: Could you drop me off at the department store? I want to look at some shoes they advertise on s

13、ale.M: Sure thing. I can pick you up in an hour and a half in front of the drugstore. Is that all right?Part B You will hear some dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C o

14、r D. After listening, you will have time to read your answer. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE. Questions 1113 are based on the following passage. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why did Peter suddenly want to leave his seat?A.Because he wanted to bother the people again.B.Because he wanted to turn off th

15、e lights of his ear.C.Because he wanted to turn on the lights of his car.D.Because he wanted to stand longer.答案:B解析 11-13 Peter was late. His seat in the theater was in the middle of one of the rows. Half the people in the row had to let him pass, and he was embarrassed to cause so much trouble. The

16、n when he was comfortably seated, he began to worry about whether he had turned off the lights of his car. If he hadnt, tile battery would be ran down by the time the show was over. Finally he could stand it no longer. Even more embarrassed than before, he stood up and began to move in front of the

17、people. Excuse me, please. Excuse me, he said to each person as he passed. His lights were off. All his worry had been for nothing. When he returned to the theater, he felt he just couldnt bother the people again and decided to stand at the back of the theater, rather than ask them to rise a third t

18、ime. 2. Why did he stand at the back of the theater after he got back from the car?A.Because he was still worried.B.Because he didnt like to sit in the middle of the row.C.Because he couldnt find his seat again.D.Because he didnt like to bother the people again.答案:D3. How many times did he bother th

19、e people in his row?A.Once.B.Four times.C.Three times.D.Twice.答案:D Questions 1417 are based on the following conversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 4. What was Frank doing when Jane approached him?A.Chatting with his friends.B.Sleeping.C.Reading.D.Doing his assignment.答案:B解析 14-17W: Wake up, Frank, time

20、 to rise.M: Ha, oh, hi, Jane, I must have fallen asleep while I was reading.W: You and everyone else. It looks more like a campground than a library.M: Well, the dorms too noisy to study in, and I find this place is quiet.W: Have you had any luck finding a topic for your paper?M: No. Professor White

21、 told us to write about anything in cultural anthropology. I wish she had not given us so much of a choice.W: Well, why not write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico. You seem to be interested in that part of the world.M: I am, but there is too much material to cover. Ill be writing forever, a

22、nd White only wants five to seven pages.W: So then limit it to one region of Mexico, Say the Uka town. Youve been there and you said its got lots of interesting relics.M: Thats not a bad idea. I brought many books and things back with me last summer, that would be great resource material, now if I c

23、an only remember where I put them.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A.In a library.B.In a dormitory.C.In a classroom.D.In a cafeteria.答案:A6. What seems to be Franks problem?A.He cant find a quiet place to study in.B.He cant narrow down the choice of his research topics.C.He can

24、t find enough information for his research paper.D.He cant sleep at night.答案:B7. Why doesnt Frank want to write about the ancient civilizations of Mexico?A.It requires a trip to Mexico.B.He doesnt have relevant resource material.C.Its too broad a topic to write about.D.Hes not interested in that par

25、t of the world.答案:C Questions 1821 are based on the following conversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 8. Where will the special straw probably be most useful?A.In restaurants.B.On camping trips.C.In science laboratories.D.On car trips.答案:B解析 18-21W: I just found the most useful device at that new outdoor

26、 store, a water purifier.M: A water purifier? You want to carry even more equipment with you on our hiking trips?W: If its lightweight and saves work, yes. And this one fits that description.M: Really? I bet it takes up a lot of room.W: Not at all. Its a straw. Much like the one you use to drink a s

27、oda or milkshake.M: Really? That is small.W: Ya. Its a plastic, and has a series of mineral and chemical filters that strain harmful microbes from water.M: Yes. But how good a job can it do filtering the germs out of stagnant pond water or water from lake and streams?W: Its fantastic. It makes the w

28、ater entirely germ free.M: But, what about salt or chemical pollutants that maybe in the water. Does it clean those out?W: No, it doesnt remove salt and chemicals, but those are not really major concerns when were out hiking and camping.M: Mm. How long will a straw last?W: For about 100 gallons, but

29、 dont worry about measuring that large amount of water. There is a built-in safety feature. The mineral and chemical filters become clogged long before the limit has reached and the straw stop drawing water.M: I think Ill get one for my camping trip this weekend. Itll sure be carrying a lot of water

30、 or having to boil it at the camp site.9. How does the man describe the. water purifier?A.Bulky but weightless.B.Large but necessary.C.Solid and heavy.D.Small and lightweight.答案:D10. What does the water purifier remove from the water?A.Salt.B.Chemical pollutants.C.Germs.D.Minerals.答案:C11. The filter

31、 will probably best clean water obtained from which of the following?A.Factories.B.Inland seas.C.Mountain streams.D.Drug companies.答案:C Questions 2225 are based on the following conversation. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 12. Where did the conversation probably take place?A.In the managers office.B.It is not

32、 indicated.C.In an automobile salesroom.D.Over the phone.答案:C解析 22-25M: You will have to forgive me if I sound angry. But I am terribly upset.W: Well, what seems to be the trouble?M: This ear! You just sold it to me six months ago. And now it looks as though Ill have to get a new transmission.W: Tha

33、ts a little unusual. Ive never heard of that kind of problem before.M: I had the car in here just a couple of weeks ago because the oil light on the dashboard stayed on all the time.W: I think I remember that. We had that fixed up, didnt we?M: Sure. The light stayed off after that. But thats when th

34、e other trouble started.W: What other trouble? You know that since you bought the car here, well do every thing we can to help.M: Thats what they said in the service department. Anyway, I heard this terrible rattling in the motor, and then the car just seemed to lose all its power. I couldnt even ge

35、t up the hill in front of my own house.W: Did you get in touch with us about that?M: It happened on a Sunday. I had to have the car towed to my own service station. And when they looked at the motor, they said the transmission had been burned out. On a car thats only six months old, I never heard of

36、 anything like thisespecially in a fancy, expensive car like this one.W: Well, maybe thats covered by the warranty. Lets go into the managers office and talk this matter over.13. What was the first reason the man had brought his car in for repairs?A.A defective oil light.B.An oil change.C.A flat.D.T

37、he engine.答案:A14. How long had the man had the car?A.Six months.B.Three weeks.C.Eighteen months.D.One year.答案:A15. What position does the woman probably have in the organization?A.A parts salesperson.B.She is the manager.C.A salesperson.D.A public relations person.答案:CSection Use of EnglishDirection

38、s: Read the following text. Choose the best word or phrase for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on your ANSWER SHEET. Text George Washington was six feet tall, with 1 shoulders, a big nose, reddish hair that was now grey and that 2 of power and authority large men often 3 . He had a wonderf

39、ul quality of silence 4 in the noisy Constitutional Conventtion at Philadelphia in 1787 had 5 an eloquence of 6 . He was the unlikely 7 the people were seeking: a citizen-soldier, a steady, rocklike, responsible man. He was not a 8 There have been 9 soldiers, more capable executives, more creative s

40、tatesmen. 10 he had been once, and was now again, pre-eminently the 11 man in the right place 12 the right time. He had 13 the weight of the Revolution on his shoulders, had torn victory out of defeat because he had never known when he was 14 . He could never give in, yet he was no statue. 15 passio

41、ns strung on a hair trigger. When 16 that the painter Gilbert Stuart had seen signs of a fierce temper controlled only with difficulty, Washington said soberly, He is right. He was too honest to evade anything. He was the good soldier who never 17 his countrys call. Like several later generals, he w

42、ould bring to the presidential 18 more prestige than he found in it; 19 some, he would leave the office greater than he had found it, and 20 an authority that could be handed down to those who came after him. 1.A.hardB.wildC.broadD.solid答案:A根据文中题意,“宽大的肩膀”,显然四个选项,C选项broad最合适。2.A.seeB.glimpseC.lookD.h

43、ead答案:C“look of power and authority”(力量和权威的外表),因此C选项最合适。3.A.haveB.doC.put onD.take答案:A根据题意,“large men often have”(大人物所经常拥有的)。综观四个选项,A选项最符合题意。4.A.whatB.thatC.itD.when答案:B根据上下文,文中已有先行词silence,因此that做连接词最符合题意,后面的定语从句修饰silence。5.A.taken onB.appearedC.come outD.rose答案:A根据29的题解,此处空白处的意思应为“显得、呈现出”,只有A、B选项有

44、此意,而B选项不能接宾语,所以只能选A。6.A.themselvesB.itselfC.its ownD.their own答案:C由于前面为单数(an eloquence),因此只有C选项符合题意。7.A.structureB.conditionC.messD.combination答案:D根据后文,此处的意思应为“他不像人们所追求的那样的复合体(综合体)”,所以根据下文,应该选D。8.A.facultyB.giftC.geniusD.talent people答案:C“he was not a genius”(他不是天才)是常用语,故选C。9.A.fineB.goodC.betterD.b

45、est答案:C根据后文“more”,用的是比较级,故此处应该也用比较级,所以选C。10.A.ButB.ThusC.SoD.And答案:A根据上下文,此处明显表示转折的意思,故选A。11.A.rightB.correctC.importantD.great答案:A根据下文,“right man in the right place”,故选A。12.A.atB.inC.withD.after答案:A“at the right time”是习惯用法,故选A。13.A.takenB.carriedC.transferredD.brought答案:B根据文中的意思,“他肩负着革命的重任”,故选B(car

46、ried)。14.A.failureB.prevailedC.victimD.beaten答案:D“当他遭受挫折时,他从不知道”,根据文中的四个选项,只有 A、B选项有此意,但A选项与文中的搭配不符,故选D。15.A.TheyB.HisC.HeD.Its答案:B根据上下文,空白处应为“his passions”的意思,B选项his省略了passions,故选B。16.A.tellingB.talkingC.toldD.talked答案:A此处C选项“told”相当于“he was told”,显然选A。17.A.dissatisfiedB.answeredC.respondedD.refused答案:D文中的意思“他从不拒绝国家的召唤”,D选项为最佳答案。18.A.officeB.workC.roomD.location答案:A“presidental office”搭配最为合适,表示比


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