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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟154公共英语一级(B)模拟154第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 在本节中,你将听到5个句子或对话,每个句子或对话配有A、B、C三幅图片,清选择与句子或对话内容相符合的一幅图片。每句话后有15秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每个句子或对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:C解析I want to buy a computer. 解析 此句意为:我想买个电脑。关键词是a computer,所以C为答案。 2.答案:A解析Could you show

2、 me your passport? 解析 此句意为:清出示您的护照。关键词是your passport,所以A为答案。 3.答案:A解析Mary likes traveling by train. 解析 此句意为:Mary喜欢坐火车旅行。关键词是by train,所以A为答案。 4.答案:B解析Its raining hard today. 解析 此句意为:今天雨很大。关键词是raining,所以B为答案。 5.答案:A解析Yesterday was Friday. 解析 此句意为:昨天是星期五。关键词是Friday,所以A为答案。 第二节 对话应答 在本节中,你将听到10个简短话语。请从A

3、、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳应答。每段活语后有20秒钟的停顿,以便选择答案和阅读下一小题的选项。每个话语读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Thank you.B.Glad to meet you.C.My pleasure.答案:C解析Thank you very much. 解析 此句意为:非常感谢。应答应为:My pleasure./Not at all./You are welcome等等。所以C为答案。 2.A.Yes, Id love to.B.Yes, please.C.Yes, I cant agree with you.答案:B解析Can I ope

4、n the window? 解析 此句意为:我能开窗吗?应答应为同意或不同意,Yes, please.表示同意,所以B为答案。 3.A.Its raining.B.Its Monday.C.Its July 10th.答案:A解析Whats the weather like today? 解析 此句意为:今天天气如何?应答应为具体告知天气情况,所以AIts raining.为答案。 4.A.I like reading.B.Id like to wait for a minute.C.Id like some chicken.答案:A解析Whats your hobby? 解析 此句意为:你的

5、爱好是什么?应答应为具体告知自己的爱好,所以AI like reading.为答案。 5.A.At 9 Oclock.B.At the gate of the hotel.C.Turn right at the second light.答案:B解析Where shall we meet? 解析 此句意为:我们在哪儿见面?应答应为具体地点,所以BAt the gate of the hotel.为答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Speaking.B.My name is Li Ming.C.Glad to meet you.答案:B解析Whats your name?

6、 解析 此句意为:你叫什么名字?应答应为告知对方自己的名字,所以BMy name is Li Ming.为答案。 7.A.The same to youB.Thats all right.C.Thank you very much.答案:B解析Sorry. 解析 此句意为:对不起。应答应为Thats all right.或Thats nothing所以B为答案。 8.A.Im afraid not.B.Thats all right.C.Youre welcome.答案:A解析Can you help me? 解析 此句意为:你能帮我个忙吗?应答应为同意或不同意:Yes, of course.

7、或Im afraid not。所以A为答案。 9.A.Not at all.B.Thank you.C.Nice to meet you.答案:A解析Would you mind opening the door for me? 解析 此句意为:你介意帮我把窗打开吗?应答应为同意或不同意:Not at all或Im afraid so所以A为答案。 10.A.Fine, thank you. And you?B.It doesnt matter.C.All right.答案:A解析How are you? 解析 此句是对话开始时的问候语,一般用于熟人见面时的寒喧。应答应为Fine, thank

8、 you. And you?所以A为答案。 第三节 对话理解 在本节中,你将听到10个对话,每个对话后有一个问题。清从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案。每段话后有20钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一小题的选项。每段对话和问题读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Some milk.B.A cup of coffee.C.A cup of tea.答案:C解析W: Would you like a cup of coffee?M: Thank you, but Id like to have a cup of tea.Q: What does the man want to d

9、rink? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:你喝杯茶吗?男方说的是:谢谢你,但我想要一杯茶。问题问那位男士想喝点什么?因此C为答案。 2.A.In a cinema.B.In a shop.C.At home.答案:C解析M: Lets go to the cinema. shall we?W: Id like to stay at home.Q: Where does the woman want to go? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:咱们去电影院(看电影)吧?而女方说的是:我愿意呆在家里。问题问这位女士想去哪儿?对话中女士说想在家里,因此C为答案。 3.A.7:45B.7:30C.8:00

10、答案:C解析M: Well, I wonder why the office is still not open.W: But its not eight yet. In fact, its only half past seven.Q: At what time does the office open? 解析 此段对话中男方说:哎,我想知道这个办公室怎么还不开门啊。而女方说:可是还没到八点呢。事实上,现在刚七点半。问题问这个办公室什么时候开门?从对话中得知,应该是八点开门。因此C为答案。 4.A.They are friends.B.They are strangers.C.They ar

11、e brother and sister.答案:A解析W: Hi, Peter.M: Hi, Mary. Im glad to meet you here.Q: What is the relationship between the speakers? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:你好,Peter。男方说的是:你好,Mary。很高兴在这里见到你。从对话可判断两人很熟悉,所以两人不是陌生人,而更有可能是朋友。因此A为答案。 5.A.He saw a movie.B.He acted in a play.C.He went to a tea house.答案:A解析W: Did you go t

12、o the cinema last Saturday?M: Yes, I saw The Tea House. The acting was excellent.Q: What did the man do last Saturday? 解析 此段对话中女方说的是:你上周六去电影院了吗?男方说的是:是的,我看了“茶馆”,演得棒极了。问题问那位男士上周六干什么了?从对话中得知男士去电影院看电影“茶馆”了。因此A为答案。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Sun.B.Swimming.C.Weather.答案:C解析W: Whats t11e weather like today?

13、M: Its sunny.Q: What are they talking about? 解析 此段对话中女方问的是:今天天气怎样?男方说的是:天晴。问题问他们俩在谈论什么?从对话中可知两人在谈论天气。因此C为答案。 7.A.Meet her Mum at the airport.B.Say good-bye to her Mum at the airport.C.Fly to another city together with her Mum.答案:B解析M: Shall we go to the cinema this evening?W: Oh, sorry. Im afraid I

14、cant. Im seeing my mum off at the airport at 7:30Q: What will the woman do this evening? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:咱们今晚去看电影吧?而女方说的是:对不起。我7:30要去机场送我妈妈。问题问今晚这位女士会干什么?根据对话,这位女士会去机场给妈妈送行。因此B为答案。 8.A.Yellow.B.White.C.Light blue.答案:C解析M: Your yellow and white skirt looks nice!W: ThanksBut I prefer light blue.Q: What

15、color does the woman like? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:你的黄白相间的裙子很好看。而女方说的是:谢谢你。但我更喜欢浅蓝色。问题问这位女士喜欢什么颜色?从对话中可知她喜欢浅蓝色。因此C为答案。 9.A.Bob is feeling as bad as before.B.Bob is still ill.C.Bob is better than the woman.答案:B解析W: Are you feeling better. Bob?M: Yes, but I still have a little headache.Q: What do you learn from

16、 the conversation? 解析 此段对话中女方问的是:Bob,你感到好点儿了吗?男方说的是:好点儿了,但我仍有点头痛。问题问你从对话中知道了什么?从对话中得知Bob的病虽好些了,但没好透,所以B为答案。 10.A.Meat.B.Fish.C.Sugar.答案:B解析M: Have you seen the price of meat? Its gone up again!W: I know. Thats why Im buying some fish.Q: What did the woman buy? 解析 此段对话中男方说的是:你看到肉价了吗?它又涨了。女方说的是:我知道。所以

17、我在买鱼。问题问女方买了什么?从对话得知,因为肉价涨了,女士不买肉而买鱼了。因此B为答案。 第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 根据短文内容,判断文后给出的陈述是否正确。认为正确的,选A(True);认为错误的,选B(False)。 A 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 There were many people on the bus. When a young man got into the bus, an old woman wanted to stand up, but the young man said, Thank you. Please dont do that. But young

18、 man, let me stand . I want you to sit there, the young man said with a hand on her shoulder. But the old woman tried to stand up and said, Young man, please let me stand . No, no. said the young man and made her sit down again. At last the old woman said, Whats wrong with you, young man? You made m

19、e go three stops beyond (超时) my home. I wanted to get off. 1. The bus was crowded that day. A True B False 答案:A那天公共汽车很挤。符合短文第一句中说的:公共汽车上有很多人。因此答案为A。2. The old woman wanted to let the young man sit down on the seat. A True B False 答案:B短文最终说是老妇人要下车,所以起身。因此答案为B。3. The young man didnt know that the old

20、woman wanted to get off the bus. A True B False 答案:A年轻人不明白老妇人其实(起身是因为)要下车。与短文内容相符,所以答案为A。 B 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Tom was seven years old. He went to a school near his house. He could go there and come home by bus or by school-bus every day, but he always went to school and came home on foot. He usually got

21、 back on time, but last Friday he came home late from school. When he ran into the house, his mother was in the sitting room. When she saw him, she said, Why are you late today, Tom? My teacher was angry and sent me to the headmaster after school. Tom answered. To the headmaster? his mother said in

22、surprise. Why did she send you to him? Because she asked a question in class, Tom said, and none of the children gave her the answer except me. Her mother was angry. But why did the teacher send you to the headmaster then? Why didnt she send all the other children? she asked Tom. Because her questio

23、n was who put the glue (胶水) on her chair. 4. Toms school was not far from his home. A True B False 答案:A短文中提到:他上的学校离他家挺近。因此答案为A。5. Toms mother got angry as soon as she saw him come back. A True B False 答案:B与短文中的内容不符,所以答案为B。6. No one else in the class placed glue on the teachers chair. A True B False

24、答案:A短文中说除了Tom没有人回答老师的问题是:谁把胶水涂到老师的椅子上了?因此可知这句话是对的,答案为A。 C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Peter has been worried all the week. He got a letter from the police (警方). They told him to go to the police station (警察局) as soon as he got the letter. Peter wondered (不知道) why the police wanted him. He went to the police stati

25、on yesterday, and now he is not worried any more. At the station a smiling policeman told him that they had found his bike five days ago. The policeman said, they found his bike in a small village four hundred miles (英里) away. Now they were sending it to his home by train. Peter was very much surpri

26、sed when he heard the news. He never thought he could have found the bike. He lost it twenty years ago when he was a boy of fifteen. 7. Peter was happy when he got a letter from the police. A True B False 答案:BPeter受到警方的来信时很高兴。不符合文章内容,因此答案为B。8. Peter never thought he could have found his bike. A True

27、 B False 答案:APeter从没想到他还能找回自己的自行车。符合文章内容,因此答案为A。9. Peter is thirty-five when he found his lost bike. A True B False 答案:A找到自行车时,Peter已经三十五岁了。符合文章内容,因此答案为A。10. The policeman was sending the bike back to Peter by plane. A True B False 答案:B警方正在用飞机送回Peter自勺自行车。不符合文章内容,因此答案为B。第二节 短文理解2 阅读短文,从各题所给出的三个选项中选出

28、可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 A 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Four girls went to school every day by taxi. One day, there was a test (测试) in the morning. The girls didnt want to take the test, so they decided (决定) to get to school late. What can we tell the teacher? one of the girls said. They thought for a moment (片刻), and then o

29、ne of them said, Lets tell him that our taxi had a flat tire (车胎气). Thats a good idea, the other girls said. They arrived at school an hour later. The test was finished. Why are you late? You missed the test, the teacher asked. Our taxi had a flat tire, the girls said. The teacher thought for a mome

30、nt, and then he said, Sit down, one of you in each corner (角落) of the room. The four girls did this. Then the teacher said, Write the answer to this question: Which tire was flat? 1. How did the girls go to school every day?A.By bus.B.By taxi.C.On foot.答案:B短文第一句提到,四个女孩每天都坐(一辆)出租车去上学。因此答案应为B。2. Why d

31、id the girls want to be late for school?A.They did not like school.B.They had not done their homework.C.They did not want to take a test.答案:C短文中提到,一天早上要有一次考试,而她们不想参加这个考试,于是决定晚些到校。因此答案应为C。3. What did the girls tell the teacher for being late?A.They got up late.B.They could not get a taxi.C.Their taxi

32、 had a flat tire.答案:C文中提到她们的回答是车胎漏气,所以C为答案。4. Why couldnt the girls answer correctly the teachers question?A.They couldnt remember which tire was flat.B.There wasnt a flat tire.C.All four tires were flat.答案:B此题较难,因为文章没有直接给出答案,但文章中提到“车胎漏气”是她们想出的骗老师的借口,即其实车胎并没有漏气,而且他们没想到老师会将她们分开然后再分别回答这个问题她们之前并没统一口径说哪

33、个车胎漏气了,因此答案为B。 B 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Mrs. Green was worried about her weight (体重). Im too fat (肥胖的). I need to lose (失去) my weight, but I dont know how to do it. she told her friend. Go and see Dr. Wang, her friend said. Hell tell you how to lose weight. Mrs. Green visited Dr. Wang and told him her proble

34、m. It isnt difficult to lose weight, he told her. All you need to do is go on a diet (吃规定的饮食). Ill give you one. He began to write on a piece of paper. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables (蔬菜). Also eat a lot of lean (瘦的) meat and grains (谷物). When he finished, he handed her the piece of paper. There y

35、ou are, he said. Eat all those things and youll soon lose weight. A few weeks later, Mrs. Greens friend called on her. She was surprised to see that she was even fatter than before and that she was eating a big sandwich with chocolate cake and ice cream. I thought you were on a diet, her friend said

36、. Oh, I am, Mrs. Green said. Ive already had all the food on my diet today. Now Im eating my dinner. 5. Mrs. Greens problem was that she _.A.didnt like fruit and vegetablesB.didnt know how to lose weightC.lost her diet答案:B短文第一段中说到她为自己的体重担心,想减肥又不知该怎么做。因此答案应为B。6. When Mrs. Green visited Dr. Wang, he _

37、.A.was very busyB.told her what to doC.told her to stop eating答案:B根据文章第三段中提到王大夫认为减肥不难,主要是要吃些规定的饮食并为Mrs. Green列出了清单。因此答案应为B。7. Mrs. Green thought that _.A.Dr. Wang did not know how to help her.B.it was easy to lose weight.C.her diet was something to eat before dinner.答案:C三个选项中只有CMrs.认为规定的饮食是在正餐前吃的(即她

38、认为“规定的饮食”是除了自己原本的几顿饭后另加的。)符合原文。所以答案为C。 C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Jenny was a very kind and beautiful woman and before she married (结婚), many men were in love with her. Many of them wrote to her, telling her how wonderful she was, how much they loved her and wanted to marry her. Jenny kept all these letters. S

39、he tied (捆紧) them up with a red ribbon (丝带) and put them away in an old box. She never looked at them as she was happily married, however, they were a part of her life and she did not throw them away (扔掉). Jenny had a daughter, Sue. Sue was six. One day, Jenny had to leave Sue alone for half an hour

40、. She told Sue to be a good girl. When Jenny got back and asked Sue what she played, Sue told her mother that she played mailman. How could you play mailman, Jenny asked. You didnt have any letters. Oh, yes I did, Mommy, Sue said. I found some in an old box. They were tied up with a red ribbon. I pu

41、t one in every mailbox (信箱) in the street. 8. Many men wanted to marry Jenny because she _.A.was richB.was not marriedC.was both kind and beautiful答案:C从短文中了解到男士们喜欢Jenny是因为她既善良又漂亮。所以C为答案。9. Jenny kept her old love letters because _.A.she did not want to throw them awayB.they were tied up with a red r

42、ibbonC.no one knew where they were答案:A从短文中了解到她不想把它们扔掉是因为她认为那是她生活的一部分。所以A为答案。10. Sue put her mothers letters _.A.in her bedroomB.in different mailboxes in the streetC.in an old box with a red ribbon on it答案:B从短文中了解她(玩当邮差的游戏,所以)把那些信件(当道具)都放到大街上各家的信箱里去了。所以答案为B。第三节 词语配伍 从上边一栏中找出一个与下边一栏的含义相符的选项。 A. Thank

43、 you for(your)calling. B. Shall we meet at 3:00 at the gate? C. OK, thats fine D. Hi! Can I speak to Tom? E. Whats the time, please? F. Yes, Ill be free G. When and where shall we meet? 1. Hello! May I speak to Tom, please?答案:D请问我能和Tom通话吗?与右边一栏中的D所表达的意思相同,所以答案为D。2. Thanks for calling.答案:A谢谢你来电话。与右边一栏中的A所表达的意思相同,所以答案为A。3. What time is it?答案:E现在几点(现在是什么时间)?与右边一栏中的E所表达的意思相同,所以答案为E。4. Lets meet at 3:00 at the gate.答案:B咱们3:00点在大门见面吧。与右边一栏中的B所表达的意思相同,所以答案为B。5. Yes, thatll be all right.答案:C是的,那样没问题。与右边一栏中的C所表达的意思相同,所以答案为C。 25 / 25


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