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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级分类模拟题41公共英语一级分类模拟题41写作书面表达问题:1. 情景: 你是李明,你明天要外出度假,希望你的朋友Mike能够照看你的宠物猫,可是他不在家。 任务: 请用英语给Mike留一张50字左右的便条,告诉他: 每天用鱼和牛奶喂猫3次; 每隔一天给猫洗一次温水澡; 外出时一定要关好门窗,以防猫丢失。 请用下面格式。 Dear Mike, Yours, Li Ming 答案:范文Dear Mike, Im going out for vacation for several days. W

2、ould you help me look after my cat? Please feed it with fish and milk three times a day, and give it a hath with warm water every other day. Make sure the door and the windows are closed when you are not in, so that the cat wont be able to get out. Thank you for your help. Yours, Li Ming 问题:2. 情景: 你

3、是小明,是班里的学习委员,到办公室去交英语作业,老师不在。 任务: 请你用英语给老师写一封50词左右的短信,告诉他: (1) 你何时来的; (2) 作业没有收齐; (3) 作业未收齐的原因。 请用下面格式。 Dear Teacher, Xiao Ming 答案:范文Dear Teacher, I come to your office to hand in the exercise notebooks at lO:O0,but you are not here. So I write this note to tell you that Tom didnt hand in his notebo

4、ok because he is ill and he did not come to school today. Xiao Ming 问题:3. 情景: 李大为告诉王东,他要请王东去听音乐会,但把票忘在书桌上了。他急着回去拿票。叫王东先去,一小时后在剧院门口等他。 任务: 根据所给情景,用英语写一张50字左右的便条。 答案:范文 Dear Wang Dong, I meant(意指,意味着)to invite(邀请,招致)you to a concert this evening, but I left the tickets on my desk. Now Im going back to

5、 get them. Would you please go there first and wait for me at the theatre one hour later? See you. Li Dawei 问题:4. 情景: 五月十日,星期六,多云。 上午,你正在一家商店购物,这时进来一对美国夫妇。他们要买一台电视机,但不懂汉语。你主动上去帮了他们的忙,他们终于买到了电视机,对你表示感谢。 任务:请用上面的材料写一篇50字左右的日记。 请用下面格式 Saturday May 10th Cloudy 答案:范文 Saturday May 10th Cloudy I was doing

6、some shopping this morning when an American man and his wife came into the shop. They said they wanted to buy a TV set but did not know Chinese. So I told what they said to the shop assistant and helped them to buy a TV set. They were very happy and thanked me a gain and again. 问题:5. 情景: 你是小明,丢了一本书。

7、 任务: 请你用英语写一张50字左右的寻物启事,应写: (1)书在哪里丢的。 (2)这本书对你很重要。 (3)捡到者应怎样和你联系。 写便条,请用下面格式: Notice Xiao Ming 答案:范文 Notice I lost abook in the big classroom,No228 this MondayThe name of the book is“How to improve your EnglishI borrowed it from the librarySo if anyone find this book,please call 68432543Thank you foryour help Xiao Ming 6 / 6


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