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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级(B)模拟141公共英语一级(B)模拟141第一部分 听力第一节 图片判断 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:B解析Susan wants to go to Paris on Saturday. 解析 此句意为:苏珊想在周六去巴黎。在此关键词是“on Saturday”,所以B为答案。 2.答案:B解析The train leaves at six-thirty. 解析 此句意为:火车六点半出发。在此关键词是“six-thirty”,所以B为答案。 3.答案:C解析Im w

2、aiting for a foreign guest at the airport. 解析 此句意为:我正在机场等候/接一位外国客人。在此关键词是“waiting for”,所以C为答案。注意:有些同学听到本题中的“at the airport”易选图片A,但要注意录音中说的是接机,而不是上飞机,所以答案应为C。 4.答案:A解析John bought some mineral water from the supermarket. 解析 此句意为:约翰在超市买了些矿泉水。在此关键词是“supermarket”,所以A为答案。 5.答案:A解析Im going to the bookstore

3、 this afternoon 解析 此句意为:今天下午我要去书店。在此关键词是“the bookstore”,所以A为答案。 第二节 对话应答 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.Not at all.B.I think so.C.Thank you.答案:A解析M: Thank you for telling me the truth.解析 听力原文:Thank you for telling me the truth. 对于表示感谢的回答要用:Not at allYou are welcome. 或My pleasure. 等。选项中只有Not at all. 符合。2.A

4、.Its kind of you.B.I dont know.C.I feel terrible.答案:C解析W: Whats the matter, young man?解析 听力原文:Whats the matter, young man? 询问小伙子怎么了,选项CI feel terrible. 可以回答这个提问,另外两个选项答非所问。3.A.Never mind.B.Im sorry to hear that.C.You should go.答案:B解析M: My mother is ill. I cant go to Hainan.解析 听力原文:My mother is ill.

5、I cant go to Hainan. 听到对方谈到自己不幸的事,英语要用Im sorry to hear that. 表示同情。4.A.No, there isnt.B.Yes, it is.C.Its over there.答案:B解析W: Is the pay phone next to the library?解析 听力原文:Is the pay phone next to the library? 用一般疑问句询问位置,希望对方给出肯定或否定的答复。选项BYes, it is. 是合适的回答。5.A.Because they are cute.B.They live in the

6、tree.C.Because they are in Africa.答案:A解析M: Why do you like koalas?解析 听力原文:Why do you like koalas? 询问喜爱考拉的原因,选项ABecause they are cute. 符合题意。koala是澳大利亚的一种无尾熊。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Football.B.Go swimming.C.Take photos.答案:A解析What kind of ball game do you like to play? 解析 此句意为:你喜欢打什么球?回答应具体告知自己喜欢打什么球

7、,所以A“踢足球”为答案。这里“football”是简单回答,具体回答应为:I like to play football. 7.A.It doesnt matter.B.Its very good.C.Surely you can.答案:A解析Sorry. 解析 此句意为:对不起。回答是“没关系”,所以A It doesnt matter,为答案。 8.A.Its my pleasure.B.It doesnt matter.C.Thats not right.答案:A解析Thank you. 解析 此句意为:谢谢你。回答一般为:Its my pleasure.或Youre welcome.

8、所以A为答案。 9.A.Yes, I will.B.Yes, thats better.C.Yes, please.答案:C解析May I open the window? 解析 此句意为:我能打开窗吗?肯定回答可是Yes, please.或Yes, of course之类,所以C为答案。 10.A.Im sorry. I dont know.B.Im still thinking about it.C.Im glad about it.答案:A解析Excuse me. How can I get to the railway station? 解析 此句意为:对不起,请问去火车站怎么走?肯定

9、的应答应具体告知怎么走,否定的应答可说“对不起,我不清楚”Sorry I dont know. 所以A为答案。 第三节 对话理解 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.His bike is broken on his way to school.B.The traffic is too heavy.C.He gets up late in the morning.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, may I come in?W: Oh, Jim. Come in, please. You are late again. Why?M: Because the traffic

10、is too heavy.Q: Why is Jim late again?解析 从对话中男士的回答:Because the traffic is too heavy. 可知,吉姆之所以迟到是因为堵车,故选B。2.A.Dancing.B.Singing.C.Tennis.答案:C解析W: What do you do in your free time, Tom?M: I like to go dancing and singing, but my favorite activity is tennis.Q: Whats Toms favorite activity in his free t

11、ime?解析 从对话中男士的回答:I like to go dancing and singing, but my favorite activity is tennis. 可知,汤姆最喜欢的运动是网球,故选C。3.A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.On Wednesday.答案:C解析M: What day is it today?W: Its Tuesday.M: Well, our class will have a football match tomorrow. Would you like to watch it?W: Sure. Id love to.Q: W

12、hen will the football match be held?解析 从对话中可知,今天是星期二。男士说:我们班明天将有场足球比赛。明天就是星期三,所以足球比赛将在星期三举行,故选C。4.A.10:35.B.10:20.C.10:05.答案:A解析W: Ladies and gentlemen! The flight to London will leave in 15 minutes.M: Lets hurry. Its 10:20 now.Q: When will the plane to London take off?解析 飞往伦敦的飞机将于15分钟后起飞,而现在是10点20分

13、,所以飞机将于10点35分起飞,故选A。5.A.Next Sunday.B.Next Friday.C.Next Saturday.答案:C解析M: Shall we go to the amusement park next Friday?W: Its closed on Friday.M: How about Next Saturday?W: OK.Q: When will they go to the amusement park?解析 男士说:我们下周五去游乐园吧! 女士回答:星期五游乐园关门。男士又建议下周六去,女士同意了,所以他们下周六将去游乐园,故选C。 (如需获取本MP3听力录

14、音请搜索标题名) 6.A.Go to work.B.Take a bus.C.Take a walk.答案:C解析M: Shall we take a walk?W: Yes, Id love to.Q: What are they going to do?此段对话中男方问女方的是:我们去散个步好吗?女方说的是:非常乐意,题问是:他们要去干什么?因此C为答案。7.A.By car.B.By bus.C.By bike.答案:B解析W: How can I go to the Summer Palace?M: Go straight aheadand youll see a bus stop t

15、here.Q: How does the woman go to the Summer Palace? 解析 此段对话中女方问男方的是:去颐和园应怎么走?男方说的是:一直朝前走,你会看到一个公共汽车站。题问这位女士怎么去颐和园?因此B为答案。 8.A.He wants to have a long walk.B.He wants a chocolate cake.C.He wants a fruit cake.答案:C解析M: Can I have a fruit cake?W: Sorry, we have only a chocolate cake.Q: What does the man

16、 want?此段对话中男方问女方的是:有水果蛋糕吗?女方说的是:对不起,我们只有巧克力蛋糕。题问是:男士想要什么?因此C为答案。9.A.Coming for dinner.B.Make a cake.C.Make a big meal.答案:C解析W: Are you coming for dinner this evening? My mum will cook a big meal.M: Yes, Ill be glad to.Q: What will the mother do?此段对话中女方问男方的是:你今晚能来吃晚饭吗?我妈妈要做一顿丰盛的晚餐。男方说的是:非常乐意。题问是:妈妈要干

17、什么?因此C为答案。10.A.TrainB.PlaneC.Ship答案:A解析M: When does the train leave?W: It leaves at twelve.Q: What does the man ask about?此段对话中男方问女方的是:火车什么时候开?女方说的是:十二点。题问是:男士问的是什么?A为答案。第二部分 阅读第一节 短文理解1 Peter: Oh, 1 cant believe it. I am now in London, in England. I see the Big Ben. Big Ben is not the name of a man

18、. It is a very big clock. Oh, I am so happy. Happy: How are you? Peter: Im fine, thank you. Happy: How was your holiday? Peter: It was fun. Happy: Where did you go? Peter: I went to England. Happy: How did you go there? Peter: I went by plane. Happy: What did you do and what did you see? Peter: I sa

19、w the Big Ben. The hands are four meters long. And I bought presents for you! Happy: Oh, thank you. Did you take any pictures? Peter: Yes. ErWhere did 1 put my pictures?. Peter: Oh, its a dream! 1. Big Ben is in London, England. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 根据第二、三句 I am now in London,in EnglandI see the

20、Big Ben可知大本钟在英国伦敦。所以应选A。2. Big Ben is the name of a clock. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 根据第四、五句Big Ben is not the name of a manIt is a very big clock可知大本是一个钟表的名字。所以应选A。3. Peter really went to England that night. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 根据最后一句Oh,its a dream!可知这是一个梦,彼得并没有去英国。所以应选B。 New York, London, Paris

21、and other big cities are wonderful pleaes to live in. There are many nice things to see and to do. You can go to different places of great interest. You can also go shopping to buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high, and ther

22、e are too many people in some places. Every year many people move to the cities because there are more chances(机会) to find jobs, to study at good schools and to receive good medical care(医疗保健). But sometimes .these people cant find jobs or good places to live in. Also, too many people in a place wak

23、es it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy staying in big cities, but others do not. Before people move to a big city, they should think about the problems of staying there. 4. Big cities are wonderful places to live in. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从开头New York, London.other big citi

24、es are wonderful places to live in. 可知,题干叙述正确,故选A。5. You can buy marry cheap things in cities. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从第一段最后一句The cost of living is high.可知,在大城市生活消费是很高的,也就是说东西都很贵,故选B。6. Many people go to cities to find jobs. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从第二段Every year many people move to the cities beca

25、use there are more chances to find jobs.可知,许多人去大城市找工作,因为那里机会多,故选A。7. There are too many people in cities, so it is hard to keep the cities safe and clean. A True. B False. 答案:A解析 从第二段Also, too many people in a place makes it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. 可知,人口密集的大城市的安全和卫生很难维护,故选A。8. All th

26、e people enjoy staying in big cities. A True. B False. 答案:B解析 从第三段Some people enjoy staying in big cities, but others do not. 可知,并不是所有的人都喜欢待在大城市,故选B。 Betty is a schoolgirl. She is in her fifth year. She gets up at six. She has breakfast at a quarter past six and then goes to school. She has three or

27、 four classes in the morning. Then she comes home for lunch. Sometimes she has classes in the afternoon. Sometimes she has no classes and studies at home. She usually has supper with her family at half past six. 9. Betty is five years old. A True. B False. 答案:A第一行“She is in her fifth year.”10. Betty

28、 gets up at six in the morning. A True. B False. 答案:A第二段第一句“She gets up at six.”11. She has no classes in the afternoon. A True. B False. 答案:B第二段,“She has three or four classes in the morning.”可以知道。12. She comes home for lunch after class. A True. B False. 答案:A第二段最后一句“Then she comes home for lunch.”

29、13. She usually has supper with her family at half past five. A True. B False. 答案:B最后一句话“She usually has supper with her family at half past six.”第二节 短文理解2 Look at the bedroom. Its Lucy and Lilys. Theyre twin sisters. You can see their photo on the wall. Theyre thirteen and they look the same. Theyr

30、e in the same grade, but Lucy is in Class Two, Grade One. Lily is in Class Four. Theres a table between their beds. They put some flowers on it. Whats that beside the flowers? Its a clock. Its a quarter to five. The two girls are at school. But they come back for supper in an hour. Can you see the b

31、room behind the door? They often clean their bedroom with it. Theres a football under Lucys bed and a kite on the wall You can see some books and a picture on Lilys bed. The brown clothes are Lucys and Lilys clothes are black. 1. Lucy and Lily are _.A.teachersB.twinsC.friends答案:B解析 从Theyre twin sist

32、ers. 可知,露西和莉莉是双胞胎,故选B。2. Lily is in Class Four, Grade _.A.OneB.TwoC.Three答案:A解析 从Theyre in the same grade, but Lucy is in Class Two, Grade One. Lily is in Class Four. 可知,她们在同个年级,露西在一年级,莉莉当然也在一年级了,故选A。3. Lucy and Lily have supper _.A.at schoolB.in a shopC.at home答案:C解析 从But they come back for supper

33、in an hour. 可知,她们回家吃晚饭,故选C。4. Lily likes _.A.playing footballB.playing kiteC.reading答案:C解析 从You can see some books and a picture on Lilys bed. 可知,莉莉的床上有书,说明她喜欢读书,故选C。 The name of the girl in a hat is Kazuko. There are some flowers on her hat. Kazuko is a Japanese girl. And she is my good friend. I l

34、ike her. I dont know Japanese and she doesnt know Chinese. But we know some English. I help her to ride a bike and fly a kite. She helps me to swim. We like to play football, but we cant play well. Kazuko and I and all the other girls in our class play football every day. Kazuko will be back home in

35、 Japan next month. She likes China and all the class like her. 5. Some flowers are _.A.in the parkB.on the deskC.on the hat答案:C解析 文中提到:There are some flowers on her hat. 她的帽子上有一些花。6. Kazuko can speak _.A.EnglishB.JapaneseC.A and B答案:C解析 文中提到:I dont know Japanese and she doesnt know ChineseBut we kno

36、w some English我不懂日语她不懂汉语,可我们都会些英语。所以,她应该会两种语言:日语和英语。7. Kazuko is now in _.A.ChinaB.JapanC.England答案:A解析 文中提到:She will be back home in Japan next month. 她下个月回日本。可以推断出目前她仍在中国。8. She helps me to _.A.swimB.fly kitesC.ride a bike答案:A解析 文中提到:She helps me to swim. 他教我游泳。9. _ play football every day.A.The b

37、oysB.The girls in classC.The teachers答案:B解析 文中提到:Kazuko and I and all the other girls in our class play football every day. 说明班上的女孩们每天踢足球。 Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 in Brighton. She and her family lived in Brighton until she was ten. Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until

38、she left school-thats Fendale Secondary School-at eighteen. Then she went to London Business College and got a diploma in Marketing. After that Sarah Peters got a job with a hotel group- The TFL Hotel Group in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That happened in 1992 and she left the hotel group in

39、 October 1993. she left because she didnt like to stay in Liverpool. She wanted to work in London. Her life changed a lot after she went to London. She joined a large business company and soon made a name for herself because of her special ability and excellent work in marketing. Sarah peters is now

40、 married with two lovely daughters. Besides being an excellent marketing expert and a good mother, she is also a good writer. She has written two books about her marketing experiences. 10. When did she get her first job?A.After she finished college in London.B.Before she finished college in London.C

41、.When she was at London Business College.答案:A11. Why did she leave the TFL Hotel Group?A.Because she didnt like the hotel group.B.Because she didnt like to stay in Liverpool.C.Because she didnt like to study in London.答案:B12. What happened to her later on?A.She became quite a success.B.She made a lo

42、t of money.C.She had two books to read.答案:A第三节 词语配伍A. Youre welcome.B. No, thanks.C. Yes, she is.D. Buick.E. No, lets meet inside.F. Youre welcome.G. I have no idea.1. Shall we meet outside the park?答案:E解析 Shall we meet outside the park? 询问见面地点,正确回答是ENo, lets meet inside2. Which car do you like best

43、?答案:D解析 Which car do you like best? 你最喜欢什么车?回答应该是车名,这里只有D Buick。符合要求。3. Is your sister good at dancing?答案:C解析 Is your sister good at dancing? 你的姐姐擅长跳舞吗? 这是一般疑问句,这里只有肯定回答:CYes, she is符合语境。4. What axe you gonging to do tomorrow?答案:G解析 What are you going to do tomorrow? 询问明天有什么打算,7个选项中只有GI have no idea符合语境。5. Would you like some coffee?答案:B解析 Would you like some coffee? 询问是否要咖啡,这里只有BNo, thanks符合语境。 24 / 24


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