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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语一级模拟4公共英语一级模拟4第一部分 听力理解第一节 图片判断在本节中,你将听到10个句子,每句话配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与句子内容相符合的一幅图片。每句话后有10秒钟的停顿,以便选择图片并看下一组图片。每句话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.答案:B解析He went to the railway station this morning.2.答案:A解析You can also call 114 for the weather forecast.3.答案:A解析I

2、 was looking for the cap yesterday evening.4.答案:A解析He is studying for the exam in his own room.5.答案:A解析She will play a piece of music at the party. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6.答案:B解析The doctors office is on the fifth floor.7.答案:B解析It has been cold and windy these days.8.答案:A解析October is the best month in

3、 north China.9.答案:B解析Kate hopes to have summer holiday in the south.10.答案:A解析The boy sits behind the girl.第二节 对话理解在本节中,你将听到15段对话,每段对话有一个问题。请从A、B、C三个选项中选出答案。每段话后有10秒钟的停顿,以便回答问题和阅读下一个问题及其选项。每段对话读两遍。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. When did the man see Mr. Young?A.Last week.B.Early last week.C.Two weeks ago.答案

4、:C解析W: Have you seen Mr. Young lately?M: No, I havent seen him since the week before last.Q: When did the man see Mr.Young?句意 这位男士什么时候见到过杨先生?对话中男士回答“自从上上个星期以来我就没见过他。”所以男士最近一次见到杨先生是在两个星期前。故C项正确。2. What is Mary doing? A. Waiting for the man.B. Waiting for a bus. C. Getting on a bus. 答案:B解析M: Hello, Ma

5、ry. Why are you standing here in the cold wind?W: Im waiting for a bus.Q: What is Mary doing?句意 玛丽在做什么?从对话中玛丽的回答可知她在等公交车。故B项正确。3. Where is the woman from?A.China.B.England.C.America.答案:C解析M: Are you from England?W: No, Im from America.Q: Where is the woman from?句意 这位女士来自哪里?从女士的回答可知她来自美国。故C项正确。4. Whe

6、re are they talking?A.In a restaurant.B.In a shop.C.In a cinema.答案:B解析M: Can I help you, Madam?W: Yes, I like this blue dress. How much is it?Q: Where are they talking?句意 这个对话发生在哪里?从女士的回答可以判断出她在购物。故B项正确。5. Whats John going to do?A.Hes going to work.B.Hes going to buy a new TV set.C.Hes going to ask

7、someone to fix his TV set.答案:C解析W: Whats the matter, John?M: My TV set doesnt work. I have to get it fixed.Q: Whats John going to do?句意 约翰要去做什么?对话中约翰回答“I have to get it fixed.”get sth. done意为“让别人来做某事”。所以他准备让别人来修理电视机。故C项正确。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 6. When will Mary arrive?A.8:40.B.8:15.C.8:55.答案:C解析M: W

8、hen is Mary coming?W: Well, its eight forty. Shell arrive in fifteen minutes.Q: When will Mary arrive?句意 玛丽什么时候到?对话中的女士回答道“现在是八点四十。她再过十五分钟就到了。”所以玛丽是八点五十五分到。故C项正确。7. What is Paul probably going to do? A. To have more sleep. B. To eat breakfast now.C. To get up at once. 答案:A解析W: Paul, get up. Your bre

9、akfast is getting cold.M: I dont want to have any breakfast yet.Q: What is Paul probably going to do?句意 保罗可能会做什么?对话中的女士在叫保罗起床,并告诉他早饭快放凉了。保罗回答“我还不想吃早饭呢!”由此推断出保罗想再睡一会儿。故A项正确?8. What does the man think of the play?A.It is interesting.B.It is not interesting.C.It is good.答案:B解析W: How do you like the TV

10、play?M: To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of the program.Q: What does the man think of the play?句意 男士觉得那个电视节目怎么样?对话中男士说他看到一半的时候就睡着了。由此推断出节目很乏味。故B项正确。9. What does the woman mean?A.She may go to see a film with the man.B.She wont go to see a film because she is busy.C.She wont go to see a

11、 film because it will snow.答案:A解析M: Will you go to see a film with me tonight?W: I will if its not snowing.Q: What does the woman mean?句意 女士的话是什么意思?对话中的男士邀请女士一起去看电影。女士说如果不下雪她就去。所以她有可能去。故A项正确。10. What does the woman mean?A.She also wants to go to Queen Street.B.She doesnt know the way to Queen Street

12、.C.The man is a stranger to her.答案:B解析M: Excuse me, how can I get to Queen Street?W: Im a stranger here myself.Q: What does the woman mean?句意 女士的话是什么意思?对话中的男士在向女士问路,而女士说她自己也是刚刚到这个地方,言外之意是她也不认识路。故B项正确。 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 11. Is Diana in?A.Yes, she is.B.No, she isnt.C.We are not sure.答案:B解析M: Hello,

13、 can I speak to Diana?W: Im sorry. Dianas out for lunch.Q: Is Diana in?句意 戴安娜在吗?对话中的女士回答“对不起。她出去吃午饭了。”所以戴安娜不在。故B项正确。12. What does the woman mean?A.Shes not interested in history.B.Shes a history student.C.She will study history in the future.答案:C解析M: Why dont you study history?W: I will, but not now

14、.Q: What does the woman mean?句意 女士的话是什么意思?对话中的男士问女士为什么不学历史。女士回答“会学的,但不是现在。”故C项正确。13. What does the woman mean?A.She will not go swimming with the man.B.She will go swimming with the man.C.She doesnt like swimming.答案:A解析M: Would yon like to go swimming with me?W: Id love to, but Ive caught a cold.Q:

15、What does the woman mean?句意 女士的话是什么意思?对话中的男士邀请女士和他一起去游泳。女士说她想去,但她感冒了。感冒当然不应该去游泳。故A项正确。14. Is Peter happy?A.Yes, he is.B.No, he isnt.C.We are not sure.答案:B解析W: Whats the matter, Peter? You dont look very happy?M: Im not. Im worried about my English.Q: Is Peter happy?句意 彼得高兴吗?对话中的女士问“彼得,怎么了?你看起来不太高兴。”

16、彼得回答“是的。我有些担心我的英语学习。”故B项正确。15. What does the woman want to do?A.Stop and take a rest.B.Keep going.C.Rest when she is tired.答案:B解析M: Would you like to stop for a rest now?W: Were almost at the top of the hill.Q: What does the woman want to do?句意 女士想做什么?对话中的男士问女士是否需要休息一下,女士回答“我们就要到山顶了。”言外之意,她想一鼓作气爬到山顶

17、。故B项正确。第二部分 英语知识运用第一节 单项填空阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。问题:1. I am_duty this week.A.toB.atC.on答案:C解析 这个星期我是值日生。本题考查介词的使用。on duty是固定短语,有“值班,执勤”或“学生做值日”之意。to,at都不与duty搭配使用。故C项正确。知识拓展 与at有关的常见搭配:at breakfast,吃早饭时,at home,在家里,at school,在上学,at work,在上班。与at有关的固定短语:at last,最后,at once,立刻,at the same

18、 time,同时。问题:2. Look!There are some_in the field.A.sheepB.sheepsC.sheepes答案:A解析 看!田野里有一些羊。本题考查单复数同形的名词。sheep的复数形式与单数形式相同,故A项正确。知识拓展 Chinese,Japanese也是单复数同形的名词。问题:3. Tom_here to visit us next Sunday.A.comesB.is going to beC.will come to答案:B解析 汤姆下星期天会来这里看我们。本题考查时态。句中有表示将来时间的时间状语next Sunday,所以用一般将来时,但C项

19、中的to是多余的,故B项正确。知识拓展 一般将来时可以用be going to do sth. 或will do sth.来表示。问题:4. Thank you very much. _. A.The same to youB.Thats rightC.Thats all right答案:C解析 非常感谢你。不用谢。本题考查交际用语。“Thats all right”有“不用谢”之意。故C项正确。知识拓展 The same to you是对祝福语的应答,例:Happy New Year!The same to you.问题:5. There is no_on the bus, so we ha

20、ve to wait for another one.A.a seatB.seatsC.room答案:C解析 公车上没地方了,所以我们只好再等下一辆。本题考查词义辨析。本题为there be结构。在there be结构中,谓语动词的数要与be后面的名词的数保持一致。此处谓语动词为单数形式is,所以B项排除。又因为no为形容词,后面要直接跟名词,所以A项排除。room有“空间”之意,为不可数名词,谓语动词应为单数形式,故C项正确。知识拓展 如果把本题中的no该为not,则A项为正确选项。因为not是副词,后面可以是冠词+名词。问题:6. They_TV when the telephone ra

21、ng.A.are watchingB.were watchingC.watched答案:B解析 电话铃响的时候他们正在看电视。本题考查动词时态。本题从句中“电话铃响”这个动作是在主句中“看电视”这个动作持续的过程中发生的,且从句为一般过去时,所以主句应为过去进行时。故B项正确。知识拓展 做这类题目时要注意主从句时态的配合。问题:7. _of the students is able to answer the question.A.NoneB.NobodyC.No one答案:A解析 没有一个学生能回答这个问题。本题考查不定代词的用法。三个选项中的词都有“没有人”之意,但nobody和no o

22、ne的后置限定词由“in+名词”构成。故A项正确。知识拓展 nobody与no one可以独立做主语,或加上“in+名词”构成的后置限定词做主语。例:Nobody/No one is able to answer the question.没有人能回答这个问题。Nobody/No one in the room is able to answer the question. 这屋子里没有人能回答这个问题。问题:8. _Do you know Mike? Of course. I know him very_. A.littleB.wellC.good答案:B解析 你认识迈克吗?当然,很熟悉。本

23、题考查词义及词性辨析。well是副词,在本题中修饰动词;good虽然与well词义接近,但good是形容词,只能修饰名词;little也是副词,有“很少,几乎没有”之意,与题意不符。故B项正确。知识拓展 be good at有“精通;对很熟练”之意,例:He is good at languages. 他精通多种语言。问题:9. Dr. Wang can_French very well.A.sayB.talkC.speak答案:C解析 王医生法语说得非常好。本题考查固定搭配。这三个词都与“说”有关,但表达“说某种语言”时,动词要用speak。故C项正确。知识拓展 say和talk都可表示“说

24、、讲”,但用法不一样。say后面可以接间接引语,例:He said that he would go to the party. 他说他会去参加晚会的。talk about sth. with sb.可以表示“与某人谈论某事”。问题:10. There are_people in the park on Sunday and Saturday than during the weekdays.A.manyB.moreC.most答案:B解析 星期六和星期日的时候公园里的人比工作日的时候多。本题考查形容词的比较级。题中than一词的出现,表明这里进行的比较为两者间的比较,要用比较级。many为原

25、级,most为最高级。故B项正确。知识拓展 many与much为不规则形容词,它们的比较级都是more,最高级都是most。many用来修饰可数名词;much用来修饰不可数名词。问题:11. Its nearly seven oclock. Mary_be back home at this moment.A.have toB.mustC.can答案:B解析 快七点了。玛莉这个时候就该回来了。本题考查情态动词的用法。本题要表达的是肯定判断。must be可以表示对当前事情的肯定判断,其他情态动词没有此意。故B项正确。知识拓展 表示对当前事情的否定判断用cant be,例:The pencil

26、cant be in my bag. Its empty now.铅笔肯定不在我的书包里,里面是空的。问题:12. It_me one hour to finish my homework.A.tookB.spentC.used答案:A解析 完成作业用了我一个小时。本题考查固定结构。It takes/took sb. to do sth. 有“花费某人多少时间做某事”之意。知识拓展 spend(in)doing sth. 有“某人花费多少(时间)做某事”之意。例:I spent one hour finishing my homework.我用一个小时做完了作业。问题:13. She has

27、two sons, but_of them lives with her.A.allB.bothC.neither答案:C解析 她有两个儿子,但都不和她住在一起。本题考查主谓一致。all of them(他们所有人/物)或both of them(他们两个)做主语时,谓语动词应为复数。neither有“任何一个都不”之意,谓语动词用单数。故C项正确。知识拓展 与neither用法类似的是either(两个中的任何一个)。例:Either of them is going to the meeting. 他们两个人中会有一个人去参加会议。问题:14. Lets go out for a walk

28、, _?A.shall weB.will youC.can we答案:A解析 我们出去散步吧,好吗?本题考查特殊的反义疑问句。Lets对应的反义疑问句为shall we。故A项正确。知识拓展 另一个不规则的反义疑问句:Im late, arent I?我迟到了,是吗?问题:15. Jim had a cold,_he still went to school.A.orB.soC.but答案:C解析 吉姆感冒了,但他还是去上学了。本题考查连词。or有“否则,要不然”之意;so有“因此”之意;but有“但是”之意。题中两个分句之间为转折关系,故C项正确。知识拓展 常用连词:and,because,

29、but,or,so等。第二节 完型填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Two years ago I bought a bike. If you live in a town, it is often 1 than a car and you dont have to worry 2 parking(车辆的停放). You can 3 it anywhere. 4 it has a seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my small daughter to school

30、, to the library, shopping, anywhere in fact. I use it mostly in summer 5 the weather is warm and dry. In winter when there is snow or ice on the road, it can be very dangerous(危险的)to go out 6 bike, so you have to be very 7 . Accidents(事故)are not the only problems though. One day I 8 on it and when

31、I came out of the supermarket I found 9 front wheel (车轮)missing. It was a long walk to the bike shop!Now I 10 three strong locks. 1.A.fastB.fasterC.the fastest答案:B解析 本题考查形容词的比较级。题中有than出现,表明此比较为两者间的比较,所以要用比较级。故B项正确。知识拓展 fast也可用作副词,比较级为faster,最高级为fastest。2.A.aboutB.inC.to答案:A解析 本题考查固定短语。是固定短语,有“担心;为担

32、忧”之意。知识拓展 worry over同样有“担心;为担忧”之意。3.A.makeB.leaveC.let答案:B解析 本题考查词义辨析。make有“使,致使”之意;let有“允许,让”之意;leave有“留下,使处于某种状态”之意。题中要表达的是“把自行车停在任何地方”,故B项正确。知识拓展 make表达“使,致使”之意时,句型为makedo,例:Dont make me laugh. 别逗我笑。let表达“允许,让”之意时,句型为letdo。例:Let him do what he likes. 让他做他自己喜欢的事吧。4.A.because ofB.asC.though答案:B解析 本

33、题考查连词。as表示原因,是连词,后接句子;because of表示原因,是介词短语,后面只能接名词;though表示转折。故B项正确。知识拓展 because表示原因,是连词,后接句子。例:Bob didnt go to school yesterday, because he was ill. 鲍伯昨天因为生病没上学。5.A.whyB.whereC.when答案:C解析 本题考查关系副词。题中的先行词是表示时间的summer,所以定语从句应由关系副词when引导。故C项正确。知识拓展 当先行词为时间词,且在修饰它的定语从句中做时间状语,则该定语从句用when引导,如本题所示;当先行词虽然为

34、时间词,但在修饰它的定语从句中做主语或宾语时,该定语从句则用that引导。6.A.byB.throughC.at答案:A解析 本题考查固定表达。by bike有“骑自行车”之意。知识拓展 by car/bus/train/plane/air,乘小轿车/公共汽车/火车/飞机;on foot,步行。7.A.carefulB.carefullyC.careless答案:A解析 本题考查系表结构及词义辨析。carefully是副词,不能做表语;careful和careless都是形容词,但是careless有“不小心的,粗心的”之意,与题意不符。故A正确。知识拓展 系表结构是指“be动词/系动词+名词

35、/形容词”这一结构。8.A.go shoppingB.went shoppingC.went to shopping答案:B解析 本题考查固定表达及动词时态。go shopping有“购物,买东西”之意。题中有时间状语one day,谓语动词则为一般过去时。故B项正确。知识拓展 go to school,上学;go to work,上班;go to hospital,去医院看病。9.A.myB.itsC.its答案:B解析 本题考查物主代词。题中是指自行车的前轮不见了,所以要用its,有“它的”之意。故B项正确。知识拓展 its是it is的简略形式,有“它是”之意。10.A.haveB.ha

36、sC.had答案:A解析 本题考查动词时态。题中有表示现在的时间状语now,要用现在时。故A项正确。知识拓展 表示现在的时间状语:at present,nowadays。第三部分 阅读理解第一节 词语配伍从所给选项中选出与各项意义相符的选项。 A. key B. door C. hospital D. zoo E. school F. hands G. factory 1. You can write things, catch things with them.答案:F2. You can see all kinds of animals there.答案:D3. You use it to

37、 open the door.答案:A4. You walk into and out of a room through it.答案:B5. People make things like cars or televisions there.答案:G解析 1你能用它们写字、接东西。 2你能在那里看到各种动物。 3你用它开门。 4你通过它进出房间。 5人们在那里制造汽车、电视之类的东西。 A 钥匙 B 门 C 医院 D 动物园 E 学校 F 手 G 工厂 第二节 短文理解 1阅读下面短文,从A(Right)、B(Wrong)、C(Doesnt say.)三个判断中选择一个正确选项。 It is

38、 well-known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to stay long. Spring can be rainy or windy, but the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days. In fact the

39、re is as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer is the best time for visitors to go to the seaside and other places of interest(名胜). The weather can be sunny and nice. People often go out to have a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, with trees in the woods and parks changing color. Du

40、ring autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially(尤其) on high land and in the north. There are also very high winds in this season. January and February are the coldest months of the year, while the warmest are July and August. The difference of te

41、mperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average(平均的)temperature of winter is about 4.5, and for summer about 15.5. 1. The weather in Britain is changeable.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 英国的天气多变。是非题。从文中第一段第二句“因为英国的天气经常变得很快”可知英国的天气多变。题句与原文相符。2. In Britain, people like

42、spring most.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:C解析 在英国,人们最喜欢春天。是非题。文中只提到春天更暖和,晴天更多,但没有提及人们是否最喜欢春天。3. In Britain, summer is the best season for those who want to travel.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:A解析 在英国,对于想旅游的人来说,夏天是最好的季节。是非题。从文中第二段第三句“夏天最适合游客去海边和其他名胜游览了”可知夏天是旅游的最佳时节。题句与原文相符。4. In Britain, there a

43、re many high winds in autumn.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 英国的秋天总是刮大风。是非题。从文中第二段最后一句“There are also very high winds in this season”可知英国的冬天会刮大风。题句与原文不符。5. In Britain, it snows only on high land and in the north of England.A.Right.B.Wrong.C.Doesnt say.答案:B解析 在英国,只有高地和英格兰北部下雪。从文中第二段倒数第二句“It might

44、 snow, especially(尤其)on high land and in the north.”可知英国冬天有时下雪,尤其在高地和北部。题句与原文不符。第三节 短文理解 2阅读下面短文,从A、B、C三个选项中选择一个正确答案。 请根据下面短文回答第1115题: Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English. It is also the most important way. Some students say they dont want to read for pleasure. They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new words. They say that pleasure reading is too easy. Many experts(专家)say pleasure reading is very imp


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