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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语二级真题2012年09月(暂无语音,只提供参考)公共英语二级真题2012年09月(暂无语音,只提供参考)第一部分 听力理解第一节略第二节略第二部分 英语知识运用从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。第一节 单项填空问题:1. Did Tracy allow you to stay in her house free? _! A.I doB.I knowC.I wishD.I agree答案:C问题:2. She was so tired that she fell aslee

2、p _ in her chair.A.sittingB.to sitC.being satD.to have sat答案:A问题:3. I would like to say a big thank-you to everyone _ has helped to make our meeting a great success!A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom答案:C问题:4. I _ far too hard today and Ive got such a headache now.A.had workedB.have been workingC.shall workD.w

3、ork答案:B问题:5. It is difficult to design _ program that will meet _ various needs of all our users.A.the; theB.a; theC./; theD./; /答案:B问题:6. Would you mind carrying this book for me for two seconds, please? Oh,_. A.go aheadB.its all fightC.let me seeD.with pleasure答案:D问题:7. I think hed like to stay at

4、 home this evening rather than _ out.A.goesB.goingC.goneD.go答案:D问题:8. Can you hold the bag for me _ I open the door?A.becauseB.sinceC.whileD.for答案:C问题:9. The company is losing money and _ have to close down.A.shouldB.wouldC.mustD.need答案:C问题:10. He is certainly an _ lawyer but people say that he lack

5、s a human touch.A.officialB.experiencedC.ordinaryD.unknown答案:B问题:11. Allen guided us _ the narrow streets to the station and said good-bye to us there.A.throughB.betweenC.intoD.off答案:A问题:12. Before going out, Linda _ a quick look at herself in the mirror on the wall.A.will be takingB.was takingC.had

6、 takenD.took答案:D问题:13. The idea of opening a new cinema here was not wise, as there are two here already, _usually half-empty.A.neitherB.noneC.eitherD.both答案:D问题:14. It was extremely cold. _, it began to snow.A.To make matters worseB.After allC.In any caseD.As a result答案:A问题:15. I cant stand around

7、chattingIve got _ things to do this morning.A.a millionB.millionC.a million ofD.millions答案:A第二节 完型填空 We are here, my mom said. This was the first time I had come with my mother to a homeless shelter(救助站). We unloaded the food from the car and went 1 to the dining area. My job was to offer 2 to every

8、one. As I filled the large bowl with apples, oranges and bananas, I 3 myself for the task. How would I 4 them? Morn, I whispered. 5 do I say to them? Cant somebody else do this? She 6 her head. Just treat them like people, Caroline. Just treat them like youd treat 7 else. I got up, held my bowl 8 ,

9、and left the kitchen. Many people crowded around me waiting to 9 their fruit. They were very polite, 10 me with smiles and kind words. Thank you, maam or God bless you immediately took away all of my 11 . It was almost a shock to 12 so many thankful words. As I walked outside, one man caught my eye.

10、 He reminded me of Santa Claus, 13 his sweet eyes and rosy cheeks. Sir, would you like some fruit? I asked. He looked at me and smiled. He looked down at his 14 He was holding coffee and an empty plate. He looked back at the fruit, 15 if he had room in his hands to carry it. 16 , he took a banana in

11、to the hand that held the coffee, but then spilled (溅出) some of the coffee with his nervous 17 . He thanked me and slowly 18 away. As we drove away from the shelter that afternoon, I remembered my morn saying, I think we 19 over a hundred people today. All I could do was thinking of the faces I had

12、seen, and I 20 how much they looked like mine. 1.A.cheerfullyB.directlyC.speciallyD.freely答案:B2.A.mealsB.soupC.fruitD.clothes答案:C3.A.preparedB.heldC.consideredD.introduced答案:A4.A.smile atB.talk toC.look atD.walk to答案:B5.A.WhyB.WhereC.WhenD.What答案:D6.A.turnedB.raisedC.touchedD.shook答案:D7.A.everybodyB

13、.somebodyC.anybodyD.nobody答案:C8.A.silentlyB.tightlyC.happilyD.lightly答案:B9.A.loadB.offerC.receiveD.eat答案:C10.A.thankingB.fillingC.showingD.catching答案:A11.A.wordsB.shocksC.fearsD.tiredness答案:C12.A.sayB.hearC.repeatD.remember答案:B13.A.apart fromB.except forC.because ofD.instead of答案:C14.A.feetB.plateC.

14、handsD.bananas答案:C15.A.determiningB.seeingC.guessingD.wondering答案:D16.A.FirmlyB.CarefullyC.GraduallyD.Probably答案:B17.A.touchesB.eyesC.movementsD.decisions答案:C18.A.walkedB.lookedC.ranD.drove答案:A19.A.movedB.fedC.watchedD.caught答案:B20.A.recognizedB.realizedC.forgotD.promised答案:B第三部分 阅读理解阅读短文,从短文中给出的A、B

15、、C和D选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。A I remember clearly the last time I cried. I was twelve years old, in the seventh grade, and I had tried out for the junior high school basketball team. I walked into the gym; there was a piece of paper on the wall. It was a cut list. The boys whose names were on the list were

16、welcome to keep on coming to practices. The boys whose names were not on the list had been cut; their presence (出席) was no longer desired. I had not known the cut was coming that day. I stood and Stared at the list. The list had not been made with a great deal of consideration; the names of the very

17、 best players were at the top. And the other members of the team were listed in what appeared to be a descending(下降) order of basketball skills. I kept looking at the bottom of the list, hoping against hope that my name would appear if I looked hard enough. I held myself together as I walked out, bu

18、t when I got home I began to cry. For the first time in my life, I had been told officially that I wasnt good enough. Sports meant everything to boys that age; if you were on the team, it put you in the desirable group. If you were not, you might as well not be alive. All these years later, I rememb

19、er it as if I were still standing right there in the gym. I dont know how the mind works in matters like this; I dont know what went on in my head following that day of cut. But I know that my determination has been so strong ever since then; I know that for all of my life since that day. I have don

20、e more work than I had to be doing, put in more hours than I had to be spending. I dont know if all of that came from a determination never to allow myself to be cut againnever to allow someone to tell me that Im not good enough againbut I know its there. And clearly it is there in a lot of other su

21、ccessful men too . 1. From the text we learn that the cut list had names of pupils_.A.who were still in the teamB.who were the old playersC.who were hard-workingD.who were too young to play答案:A2. Why do you think the author acted so strongly about the cut?A.It forced him to change the team.B.It list

22、ed his name at the bottom.C.It was open to the public.D.It hurt his pride.答案:D3. We may infer from the text that the author_.A.has learned to play basketball very wellB.has made friends with many other menC.has never learned the truth of the cutD.has become quite successful in life答案:D4. The underli

23、ned word it in the last paragraph refers to_.A.the determination of never being left behindB.the memory of being considered a weak boyC.the decision of never playing basketball againD.the experience of being cut from a sports team答案:AB Lee Lok Sze was the first woman in Hong Kong to reach both the N

24、orth and South Poles. In 1992 and 1993, she went to Mount Everest and the Taklamkhan Desert in Xinjiang. I wanted to be an adventurer when I was small. I have loved reading adventure books since I was a child. Since 1970, Miss Lee has always been on trips, travelling to different parts of the world

25、with a backpack and a sleeping bag. She said that these journeys changed her values. After visiting these places, I started to treasure my life much more than before. During this time, I came to realize how small I am in the universe, but nothing in this world is unsolvable(不可克服的). Miss Lee said she

26、 had a lot of unforgettable experiences on her journeys. There was one terrible storm at sea when she was returning from the South Pole. The whole team was happy to be returning home after a one-year stay at the South Pole. During the storm, waves reached heights of up to 30 meters, as high as a 10-

27、story building. She stayed calm at the time and took steps to protect their research findings. She hoped the rescuers (救援者) would find them even if they lost their lives. Part of the ship was destroyed and a lot of water came in. Luckily they all survived, but she came away from the experience with

28、a realization about the power of nature. Miss Lee is also the founder of the China Polar Museum Foundation. Building a polar museum has always been her dream. According to Miss Lee, the museum will use advanced technology to help develop scientific work in polar areas. Also, it will provide places f

29、or scientists to do research. 1. What is special about Miss Lees travel?A.She was well equipped in her travel.B.She traveled on her own to both Poles.C.She was the first woman to Mount Everest.D.She was the first HK woman to both Poles.答案:D2. The experience of the terrible storm at sea taught Miss L

30、ee about_.A.the destructive force of natureB.the need to do more research about seaC.the importance of learning survival skillsD.the adventurous spirit researchers should have答案:A3. Why is building a polar museum in China important according to Miss Lee?A.It can help attract people to the Poles.B.It

31、 will help advance studies of the Poles.C.It will show how high technology is used.D.It can save her from further trips to the Poles.答案:B4. What would be the best title for the text?A.Fight Against Nature.B.Attractions of the Poles.C.A Survivors Story.D.A Brave Woman.答案:DC My interest in Chinese foo

32、d started years ago, when I was a young reporter for the Washington Post. Our office wasnt far from Chinatown, where I found some very good Chinese restaurants. The first time I ever ate Chinese food I loved it. I noticed the fresh taste of the meat and vegetables. When I learned more about the food

33、, I began to understand why it has this special feature. Many years ago, China has an energy crisis(危机) because it lost much of its wood due to overpopulation and poor management of its forests. This loss was very bad for the country, of course, but it turned out to be very good for the food. Wood b

34、ecame very expensive and hard to get, so the Chinese had to either find a substitute (替代物) for their valuable wood, or learn how to use it better. There werent any substitutes, so people found ways to economize. In order to economize in cooking, they had to use very little wood. So they started cutt

35、ing their meat and vegetables into small pieces before they put them in the hot oil. That way, the food cooked faster and they saved their fuel. The food prepared in this way kept its fresh flavor ( 味道)and its this flavor that attracts people from other countries to the art of Chinese cooking. 1. Th

36、is text is mainly about_.A.what caused Chinese food to taste freshB.how Chinese food is cooked in the USC.when the author started to make Chinese foodD.why most foreigners like cooking Chinese food答案:A2. According to the text, what makes Chinese food attractive to foreigners ?A.Its way of cooking.B.

37、Its long history.C.Its special taste.D.Its lovely look.答案:C3. The author mentioned the energy crisis to show_.A.it is important to protect the forestsB.it is necessary to find substitutes for woodC.why the Chinese changed their way of cookingD.what problems a big population is causing China today答案:

38、C4. It can be inferred from the text that before the energy crisis Chinese food_.A.was cooked in rather large piecesB.was cooked in water but not oilC.didnt taste goodD.didnt look fresh答案:A5. The underlined word economize in Paragraph 3 means _.A.to meet energy crisisB.to find other forms of fuelC.t

39、o improve cooking methodsD.to use carefully without waste答案:DD Children learn quickly. Research shows that fast brain development occurs in children younger than three years of age. Everyday parental activities such as reading, singing, and others can play a very important role in a childs healthy d

40、evelopment. Experts(专家) suggest that the single most important activity for building the knowledge required for success in reading is reading aloud to children. This is especially so during the preschool years. While listening to stories read from a book, children learn at a young age that the lette

41、rs on the page are connected to the words in our spoken language. They also become familiar with the language in books. Parents help children develop a lifelong love for books by reading aloud stories from books. Reading aloud to children when they are young can help their understanding of the world

42、 in which they live. They can travel the world through the pages of books. Consider the example of Anthony, whose mother has read to him since birth. She says, His first visit to the zoo was a journey of rediscovery. Rediscovery? Yes, although Anthony was seeing zebras, lions, giraffes, and other an

43、imals for the first time, he had already been introduced to them. His mother further explains, Anthony has become familiar with countless people, animals, objects and ideas, all between the covers of books, in his first two years of life. When parents take the time to hold their children in their ar

44、ms and read to them, the message is clear: I love you. Phoebe, a mother in Canada, said of reading to her son, now eight years old, My husband and I feel that this has helped Nathan to feel close to us. He is open to us and often tells us what he is feeling. It has made a special connection. 1. What

45、 is the main idea of this text ?A.Reading aloud is good for childrens early development.B.Children who start reading early will do better in school.C.Stories told by parents will improve childrens listening.D.It is good for children to start school early.答案:A2. How might Anthony have felt when he first visited the zoo ?A.He was surprised to see so many strange animals.B.He was happy to recognize animals from Mothers stories.C.He was excited to discover interesting animals.D.He was pleased to find animals on his book covers.答案:B3. Nathans case


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