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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级口试模拟题10公共英语五级口试模拟题10Part A: Self-introduction Examiner: Good morning. Can I have your marksheets, please? Thank you. My name is . and this is my colleague. He/She is not going to talk to you, but he/she is just going to listen to us. So your name i

2、s. and. ? Thank you. First of all, wed like to know something about yourselves, so Im going to ask you some questions about yourselves. (Begin with Candidate A ,then move on to Candidate B ) Now. (say the name of the candidate and ask questions) 问题:1. Hometown Where are you from? How long have you l

3、ived there? How does your hometown compare with. (place where the candidate is currently living) ? Family What about your family? Could you tell us something about your family? Work/study What do you do in. (the candidates hometown), do you work or study? (If the candidate is already working) What d

4、oes your work involve? Is your job something you had always wanted to do? How long do you think you will stay in this job? (If the candidate is still at school, college or university) What are your favorite subjects at school? What exactly are you studying? What type of work are you hoping to do in

5、the future? What qualifications will you need to achieve that? 答案:Candidate A: Im from Shenyang.Examiner: How long did you live there?Candidate A: I lived there for 18 years until I went to university in Beijing.Examiner: What is it like living there?Candidate A: It is a very nice city to live in, w

6、ith well-developed transportation system, many famous universities and schools, big companies, hospitals, big shopping centers and hotels, etc.Examiner: What about you (say the name of Candidate B )? Where are you from ?Candidate B: Im from Dalian. Ive been living there since I was born.Examiner: Ho

7、w does it compare with Shenyangg, Which one do you like better?Candidate B: I like my hometown better. I like its mild weather, its hospitable resident, its beautiful scenery and buildings. Many changes have taken place in the past few years, which give Dalian a completely new look. Im proud of it.E

8、xaminer: What do you do in Daliang, Do you work or study?Candidate B: I am studying. Im student of Northeast University of Finance and Economics.Part B: Collaboration Topic : Advertising Examiner: Now (say the names of Candidate A and Candidate B )here is a list of the positive and negative of adver

9、tising. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. )What do you think? Id like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your own ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each o

10、ther and I wont join you. You have 5 minutes. All right. Would you begin? (The examiner may sit back and intervene only when necessary. ) 问题:1. The positive and negative of advertising : A chance to compare products Creating job More convenient Introducing new development Creating a fairer competiti

11、on Entertaining and attractive Adding cost Inducing people to spend more 答案:Key Points: Positive: Advertising is an effective and direct link between manufacturers and customers. It is an effective way of exchanging information. It helps to keep people abreast of the latest development. It can promo

12、te and popularize new products, giving people everywhere a wider choice of products. It can introduce new development in science and technology. Customers are given a chance to compare products and choose the best one. It can therefore help us to make a prudent and wise decision. Some advertisements

13、 are of high artistic value, being original and well-de signed. They are an indispensable part of modern society. Advertising creates a fairer environment for commercial competition. Advertisements pay for many kinds of services that we enjoy every day, such as newspapers and TV series. It creates j

14、obs by relieving the pressure of unemployment. It helps to keep prices within bounds by means of competition. It makes peoples lives more convenient. Advertising plays an important role in our economic life and is indispensable to our consumer society. It helps manufacturers to compete for share of

15、the market. Advertisements can be entertaining and sometimes even attractive. Negative: Some advertisements advocate unhealthy lifestyles, exerting pressure on the younger generation. They add to the cost of the products we purchase. Unwanted leaflets and handouts littered in cities pollute the envi

16、ronment. Advertisements are not always truthful, many are fictitious, exaggerating and misleading. Some advertisements induce people to spend more and create a demand for things that we dont need. Good products shouldnt need to be advertised. Advertisements may give rise to unhealthy competition amo

17、ng businesses. There are other ways for people to find out about products. It is a waste to invest large sums of money in making advertisements. Advertisements can be a nuisance when they interrupt television programmes and when our mailboxes are full of flyers. In this way advertisements are annoyi

18、ng and intrusive, and there is nothing we can do other than accept them passively. To sum up, there is no denying that advertisements have many merits, but in my opinion, a world without advertisements would be more honest and peaceful. Current situation: Advertisements are everywhere in modern soci

19、ety. For example, billboards line the streets in cities, newspapers are full of adverts and yet more appear on TV. Whether you like it or not, adverts are pouring into your life. In order to attract more customers, advertisers will go to extremes. They use all kinds of approaches in their advertisem

20、ents, including sound, light, colours, cartoon films, and human performance. Although advertisements enable you to make decisions about products, they can also be very annoying. For example, when they interrupt films on TV. They can also be confusing as it is difficult to decide which product to cho

21、ose. Although advertisements may have negative effects, a modern world without them would be very boring. Perhaps governments should censor advertisements more carefully. Customers should always be on their guard so that they are not misled. In short, advertising is a booming industry that is contin

22、ually developing. Like anything else, it has its advantages and its disadvantages. However, it has become in dispensable to our present-day life. What we should do is to ban deceptive advertisements while encouraging the healthy development of the advertising industry. Part C: Presentation Examiner:

23、 Now, in this part of the test Im going to give each of you a list of three different topics. Id like you to select one of the topics and give a short presentation of about 2 minutes. When (say the name of Candidate A ) has finished talking, Id like you (say the name of Candidate B) to ask him/her o

24、ne or two questions. You may make notes while you are preparing and take notes while the other person is talking. All right ? Here are your topics. (Hand over the Topic Card A 答案:Key: It is true new technologies can create serious environmental and social problems. The question is whether government

25、s should focus on these problems when they are formulating policies regarding new technology. Some people would argue that governments have an important watchdog role to play and that they should attempt to establish whether a proposed technology is likely to have any harmful effects. This is consid

26、ered to be part of a governments role in looking after public interest and showing concern for the welfare of its citizens. These people would invest governments with the power to veto the introduction of certain technologies. The problem with this approach however, is that it is very difficult to k

27、now in advance what the full effects of any new technology will be. The history of science and technology has many fascinating examples of unexpected developments. Sometimes a technological advance in one area can lead to a surprising breakthrough in another seemingly unrelated area. For example, te

28、chnology which originated from the U. S space program has been further developed and applied in lots of other areas of life. And one certainly cannot depend upon government bureaucracies to make accurate assessments about these matters. Another problem is that, where one government might decide to b

29、an the use of a new technology, another country may well go ahead with its introduction. In an increasingly competitive global economy the first country may severely disadvantage itself by such an action. New technology is essential for a countrys economic development. The best approach is to positively encourage the development of new technologies and to focus on their benefits. Any problems that may occur can be dealt with afterwards. 10 / 10


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