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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全公共英语五级口试模拟题18公共英语五级口试模拟题18Part A: Self-introduction问题:1. Interlocutor: Good morning/afternoon. Could I have your mark sheets, please? Thank you. (Hand over the mark sheets to the Assessor. ) My name is. and this is my colleague. He/She will just listen t

2、o us. So, you are. (name) and . (name) ? Thank you. First of all, wed like to know something about you, so Im going to ask you some questions. (Select two or more questions from each of the following category for candidates. ) Do you have some troubles? What are they? Do you usually talk with your p

3、arents about your trouble? Why or why not? What will your parents do if you are in some trouble? How many people love you? Who are they? 答案: 1. Do you have some troubles? Yes. I think everyone has some troubles. 2. What are they? The hardest one is my trouble in studying English. I spent 2 hours on

4、vocabulary everyday and I get up early in the morning to practice my spoken English. But I dont think I made much progress. My another trouble is my part-time job. I have asked for leave for too many times. The manager feels impatient for that. But this is life. It cant be too easy for everyone. So

5、I think I can get over those troubles. 3. Do you usually talk with your parents about your trouble? Why or why not? No. I dont want to make them upset. They usually ask me how things are going on. My answer is always Everything is good. Dont worry. I think its useless to tell them my troubles which

6、only bring them worries. I am an adult now. I can deal with the troubles occurring in my life. 4. What will your parents do if you are in some trouble? If my parents know Im in some trouble, they will first get to know what the trouble is and whether I can deal with it by myself. Then they will talk

7、 with me about the trouble and offer help. Sometimes I refuse their help for my confidence in myself. At that time, they will keep eyes on me and often help me out secretly. 5. How many people love you? Many people care about me and of course I care about them too. 6. Who are they? My parents care a

8、bout me most. They always put me at the first place. They would like to know everything about me. They love me very much. My grandparents, uncles and aunts also care about me. They usually call me and ask about my study. Sometimes they will buy presents for me. I have some friends. We will get toget

9、her at regular intervals and we will talk about everything were interested in. I love my family and my friends too. The love, I think, is the most important motive in ones life. Part B: Collaboration问题:1. Discussion Topic: Ways to Handle Stress Now, Candidate A and Candidate B, here is a list of way

10、s to handle stress. (Hand out the list to the candidates and let them read it through. ) What do you think are the most effective ways to handle stress? Id like each of you to choose three from the list and tell each other why. If you hold different opinions you may argue and you may also add your o

11、wn ideas that are not listed here. You just talk to each other and I wont join you. You have 5 minutes. All right. Would you begin? (The interlocutor may sit back and intervene only when necessary. ) Most Effective Ways to Handle Stress: Try physical activity Share your stress Take care of yourself

12、Make time for yourself Create a quiet scene Go ahead and cry Relax (For candidates) 答案:Topic: Ways to Handle Stress Conversation A: Nowadays, people are having more and more stressful life. Stress may cause many health problems such as migraine headaches, high blood pressure, backaches, or insomnia.

13、 B: So, its important to recognize and deal without it in a positive way. I think the most effective way to handle stress is to try physical activity. When I feel nervous, angry or upset, I will try releasing the pressure through exercises such as running, walking, playing badminton, or working in m

14、y garden. These activities will relieve my anxiety and worry. A: Physical activity is really helpful to relieve peoples stress. It helps our body and mind work together to ease the stress in our life. But I dont have much time to take physical activity. So for me, the most effective way is to share

15、my stress with my friends. I talk with them about my anxieties and worries, which can help me achieve a more positive perspective on whats troubling me. If I feel my problem is serious, I might seek professional help from a psychologist or psychiatrist. B: Asking for help is a positive step in avoid

16、ing more serious problems later. As a girl, a good cry can be helpful for me to bring relief to my anxiety. It might even help me avoid a headache or other physical consequences of anxiety and stress. Besides, I will create a quiet scene. I will paint a quiet country scene mentally, which can transp

17、ort me from the tension of a stressful situation to a more relaxing frame of mind. A: Its true that a quiet scene can create a sense of peace and tranquility which will relieve ones stress. But cry for me, a boy, is not practical. When I feel stressful, I will make time for myself. I will have a bre

18、ak from my daily routine to just relax and have fun, to do something I enjoy. The last but not the least way for me to handle stress is to learn how to relax. I will take a deep breath and exhale to help calm my mind. Or I will take a warm bath or shower. Its an excellent way to relax after a stress

19、ful day. B: Yes. If people can learn the art of relaxation, theyll find satisfaction in just being. without trying or striving. They will feel calmer, healthier and happier without the stress, anxiety and worry in their life. A 答案:Topic Card A a. Education Would you let your fourth-grader ride publi

20、c transportations without an adults company? Why? No, I wont. Although the public transportations are convenient and secure, there are still many unforeseen dangers such as car accident, robbery, kidnapping and assault. Parents cant be too careful in childrens safety. Especially in China, most paren

21、ts can have only one child. All the parents hopes lie in the only child. I dont want to take risks to let my young children come home alone. After all, the world is more complicated and dangerous than it was when previous generations were allowed to wander about unsupervised. b. Family Do you think

22、modern parents are more watchful and nervous about safety than previous generations? Yes, I do. Modern parents are more watchful and nervous about safety than previous generations. Partly because the wall-to-wall Internet and cable news expose every missing child case so much airtime that its not su

23、rprising normal parental anxiety can be amplified. Partly because many middle-class parents have gotten used to managing their childrens time and shuttling them to various enriching activities, and the idea of letting them out on their own can seem like a risk. c. Society Why do some parents buy cel

24、l phone for their children? Now, more and more parents buy cell phone for their young children. I think its because being able to check in with a child anytime goes a long way toward relieving parental anxiety and may help parents loosen their control a little sooner. The new generation of GPS cell

25、phones with tracking software enables parents to follow a childs every movement, which eases parents worry. Parents want to keep their children in contact anytime and cell phones are the best choices. Questions maybe asked: 1. Do you think it is the right time for our country to offer free admission

26、s to museums? No, I dont think so. Firstly, with such a big population we Chinese are sharing relatively limited resources, museums included. Secondly, despite the state aid from our government as compensation for the loss of ticket income, almost all the museums are still facing huge financing gap

27、in operation and reservation. 2. What do you think of recreational activities in our life? Such activities are beneficial as well as harmful to us if we could deal with it inappropriately. On one hand, it can help us not only build our body and mind but also improve our friendship. On the other hand

28、, if we spend too much time on singing, dancing or other games, we might fail to concentrate on our study or work, which in turn may lead to further consequences. Topic Card B a. Life What do you think of the dream that you fall from some place? I have ever had such dreams of falling from some place

29、, and then I woke up. I think it symbolizes insecurities and anxiety. Something in the life is essentially out of control and there is nothing one can do to stop it. Another interpretation is that the person who has such dreams has a sense of failure about something. Maybe hes not doing well in scho

30、ol or at work and is afraid hes gong to be fired or expelled. Generally, it is a symbol of feeling that the dreamer cant control the situation. b. Life What do you think of the dream that youre going to take an exam? This is another common dream. In the dream, the dreamer suddenly realizes he is sup

31、posed to be taking an exam at that very moment. He might be running through the hallways and cant find the classroom for exam. Some experts say this may mean that hes being scrutinized about something or feel hes being tested maybe hes facing a challenge he doesnt think hes up to. He doesnt feel pre

32、pared or able to hold up to the scrutiny. c. Internet Do you have a blog? Why? Yes, I do. The word blog is short for web log and is a web-based journal, a public place where I can collect thoughts, voice and opinions or sharing knowledge about things I find interesting. I like writing and sharing th

33、ings. I keep a diary about my life stories and family history. And sometimes I like writing some short stories which I want to share with someone who like them. Therefore, I start a web log to share my opinions and stories with other like-minded people who may enjoy the same hobby, interests, or act

34、ivities. Blogging gives me a platform to share my opinions about the best places to eat in cities I have traveled to or how to make creative cookies and pies. Questions maybe asked: 1. What is green campus? Green campus means a campus without bottles and cans thrown away after use, food wasted and c

35、lothes discarded. There are two criteria to distinguish what is green campus. First, natural resources must be conserved and made full use of, for example, we, as college students, should take the wise use of papers and secondhand textbooks into account. Second, education to build up thrift habits m

36、ust be promoted by relevant departments and professional at various levels. 2. How to create a green campus? First, university authorities should respond with the demand for more rigid conservation of our natural resources, such as water, electricity, and so on. Second, we should enhance the awareness of college students that creating a green campus is of utmost significance to both our society and ourselves. 11 / 11


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