人教版八年级英语下册《nit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived.Section B》教案_31.doc

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1、Unit3 ReadingDo you remember what you were doing?Target language 1. Words and expressions modern, kill, murder, bright, silence, meaning2. Key sentences What were they doing when they heard the news?We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. People often remember what they were doing w

2、hen they heard the news .Ability goals Enable students to understand the passage about the important event of Martin Luther King.Learning ability goals Help students learn how to understand a text through its title and first sentences in each paragraph. Teaching important and difficult points Unders

3、tand the topic sentences in each paragraph. Teaching aids Pictures of some important events. Teaching procedures and ways Step I RevisionReview the structure:What were you doing?T: Last night I was taking a walk at seven when I met an old friend in the street.While we were talking in the street, can

4、 you guess what happened?.A traffic accident. Luckily, nobody was hurt. So What were you doing at 7:00,8:00,and 9:00 last night?Please talk with your partner.Step II Lead-in(Before reading)Let students talk about the pictures and get prepared for the reading passage. T: People usually remember what

5、they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history.Here are some pictures of big and famous events in Chinese history. 1.In the first picture,Liu Xiang won the gold medal at the 2004 Olympics.So do you remember what you were doing when you heard the news?(Bb) 2.Beijing was made

6、host for the 2008 Olympics. 3.The earthquake in Wenchuan happened . 4.Sun Yang won the gold medal at the 2012 OlympicsPlease work in groups, ask and answer about them.You may ask:where were you when you heard the news? And what were you doing at that time? After students group work, ask them some qu

7、estions about the picture of Martin Luther King, and tell them something about him.(Explain some new words)T: Now, lets look at another picture. Who is that man? Do you know anything about him? He is Dr.Martin Luther King.Have you ever heard about him? Martin Luther King was born in 1929.He was famo

8、us as a freedom fighter in America. He fought for political rights for the black people in the USA. In 1963,he gave the famous speech”I have a dream” in Washington DC. Do you want to listen to his speech? Lets listen together.(Play the speech video for ss).Its very exciting,yeah? Unfortunately,he wa

9、s murdered in Memphis in 1968.Do you know murder? It means kill. The murder took place(means happen) over 40 years ago.But now many Americans still remember what they were doing when they heard the news of his death.Step III While you read1. Fast reading(Let students go over the reading strategy and

10、 put it into practice.) T: Next, we are going to read a passage ,please look at the title ,“Do you remember what you were doing?” What can you learn from the title? Or what do you think the passage is about after you read its title? S: . T: Do you agree with her/him ? Please open your books,turn to

11、Page24, read the passage quickly and check whether you are right or not.(Ss read).Have you finished? Whats the passage about?Ss:.T: Lets read the reading strategy together.The title can help you understand a text well. Its also a good idea to read the first sentence of each paragraph . It usually gi

12、ves the main idea of this paragraph. Now, Whod like to read the first sentence of paragraph 1? S:. T:And the other sentences in paragraph 1 all support it with dates and facts. So how do they support the first sentence? What is the important event? When did it happen? Ss:.T: Do people remember what

13、they were doing when they heard about the news?Ss: Yes, they do.Now ,please work in groups,find the main idea of the other paragraphs and talk about them in the same way.2.Careful reading.(Get students to read the passage again and answer some more questions. After they finish, check the answers. )T

14、: Now,class.Id like you to read the passage again more carefully, and answer some questions. First,Lets read the questions together.Ss:.T: While you are reading, find out the answers to the questions. And you can also underline the new words or phrases in the passage.You have five minutes to finish

15、it.Clear?. T: Times up.Discuss your answers in your groups,please.Ss:.T: Now lets check the answers .3. Then focus on some language points. T: Do you have any questions? Now lets learn some language points.Step After you read1.Deal with activity 3a. Let students scan the text and match the events wi

16、th the correct dates.T: Next lets do some exercises.Look at 3a on Page25. match the events with the correct dates.You can scan the passage if necessary.Two minutes for you. .2.Do exercises.According the passage,choose the best answers.3.Writing Let students write an event that they remember well by

17、following the text. Give them instructions on how to write it. T:So many big events in this passage, do you know any other events? Now please write about an event that you remember well . In your writing,You should give dates and say why you remember it,and what you were doing when you heard the new

18、s.Maybe these pictures can help you.(Show ss some pictures )Students have five minutes to finish it. Ask one or two students to write on the Blackboard and check it.Ask students to hand in their writings after class.Blackboard Design Do you remember what you were doing? Students writing: hear/ heard hear about/of murdered/kill Memphis take/took place happen Unit 3 ReadingDo you remember what you were doing?


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