人教版八年级英语下册《nit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived.Section A》教案_27.doc

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1、Unit 3 Could you please clean your room? Teaching aims1) Knowledge goals: 1.In this class, students learn to make polite requests; Ask for permission 2. Master some expressions: borrow some money, go to the store, take out the rubbish and so on. 2) Ability goal: To improve the students ability of li

2、stening and speaking. To improve communicative competence. 3) Emotion goal: It is necessary to help your parents to do chores at home. Teaching key and difficult pointsMaster the key words Use the target language to improve studentsability of listening and speaking. Teaching aidsA tape recorder PPT

3、Blackboard designA: Could you please clean your room? B: Sure. Teaching proceduresStep1 GreetingsStep2 Lead inAsk students what they often do at home.Step3 Presentation1. Make conversations2. Practice the new patterns.Step4 ListeningListen and check the things in 1a you hear.Listen again, fill in the blanks.Check the answers.Read after the tape.Step5 PairworkYou are going to have a party, but you need some help. You want your classmates to help you out.Step6 GroupworkWho is the most able at home?Step7 Sum upStep8 Homework


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