人教版八年级英语下册《nit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf.Section B》教案_14.doc

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1、课堂教学设计模板科目英语授课班级授课教师授课节次Period 5教学主题Unit 4 Section B ( 2a2e )授课时间一、教学目标1. Master some new key phrases.2. Learn an important reading strategyto guess the meaning of the words you dont know according to the context.3. Reading practice.二、教学重难点分析1. Learn an important reading strategyto guess the meaning

2、 of the words you dont know according to the context.2. Reading practice.三、教学活动设计教学流程学生活动设计教学资源使用相关设计意图说明Teaching aimsLook at the slides and understand the Learning aims in this lesson.多媒体课件明确目标做到心中有数RevisionRead the words and expressions together.多媒体课件复习新课为阅读做准备Lead inMake a report according to the

3、 six questions on the slide.多媒体课件锻炼口语激趣导入Task 1: Skimming1. Skim the passage and answer the two questions.2. Discuss in groups.3. Check the answers.多媒体课件培养略读能力Task 2:Guessing the meaning1. Finish 2c in groups.2. Check the answers.多媒体课件小组合作,培养学生猜测生词意思的能力Task 3: Careful-reading1.Read the passage again

4、 and answerthe questions in 2d and 2e.2. Work in groups.3. Check the answers.多媒体课件培养学生的合作意识和阅读能力Present-ationListen and write down the key phrases.多媒体课件学习语言知识Sum upTalk about what they have learnt in this lesson.多媒体课件畅谈收获Test in classFinish the test.多媒体课件课堂检测得到反馈信息HomeworkListen and know the homewor

5、k today.多媒体课件布置作业巩固效果四、教学反思1. 本节课运用多媒体课件,针对重点,有的放矢,比较满意地完成了预设的教学任务;2. 学生通过小组合作,不仅增强了合作意识,同时激发了学生的自主学习能力;3. 针对学生在口语活动中出现的语法失误,采用了宽容的态度,然后在恰当的时机用适当的方法纠正,效果很好;4. 导入环节采用“Make a report”形式,不仅锻炼了学生的口语表达能力,而且自然导入新课;5、整个阅读训练,从Skimming到Guessing the meaning到Careful-reading,循序渐进,学生通过自主学习和合作探究完成,效果不错;6. 在Sum up环节中,学生不仅谈论了语言知识方面的收获,还谈论了阅读策略方面的收获,特别到位;7. 不足的是:课堂检测环节有点仓促了。


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