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1、高一牛津英语模块(二)1-3单元语言知识详解 Module two unit 1 lost 遗失;不易找到 lost keys(定语) the Lost and Found失物招领处 My pen is lost(表语)我的笔丢了。 Gone=missing, 但gone只能做表语 My watch is gone.(不能说 The gone key) 我的手表不见了 Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing went missing go missing

2、 失踪。 go 在这儿是系动词 如:go(mad(发疯)/wrong(出故障)/bad(变质) People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sightings of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time( of his disappearance)大约在他失踪的时间 appear vi. appearance n. disappear vi disappearance n due to 由于=owing to;be

3、cause of due to +n (pron) 在句中做状语,不可置于句首;如要放在句首用 owing to 或because of He arrive late due to the storm. He failed due to carelessness. Owing to my bussy work,I dont have much time to go to the club due to 在句中还可做表语或定语 1、给予、应属于 The first place is due to Milton.第一名属于米尔顿。 The wage due to him will be paid

4、tomorrow.他的工资明天发。 2、由于,由、造成,归功于 His absence was due to the storm.他的缺席是由那场暴风雨造成 的。 What are earthquakes due to?地震是什么造成的 put on 1.=turn on打开(灯、电器)on是副词 Eg :He put on the radio. Ill put the light on. 2.穿上、戴上、檫(粉) He put on her coat. 3.带着某种神(表)情 He put on an air of innocence,but it did not deceive(欺骗) u

5、s. 4.上演、演出、展出 The senior class put on a dance 5.装出,装假 He put on a smile.他假装出微笑。 6.增加;添上;提供 Put on speed(pressure) Put on weight Put on the extra buses during the rush hours Milti-colouredlights Milti是一种前缀“多” Multi layer 多层的 ;miltimedia多媒体 Multinational 多国的 miltimodel多种方式的 rule out 1.排除、的可能性 I can no

6、t rule out the possibility of trouble. 2.使、不可能 Fathers death ruled out college for Jack. 3.不允许 The headmaster ruled out dances on school nights. look into=research into/on 调查,研究 We look into this matter together. Ive been looking into that this afternoon. He is researching into the reading problems

7、of young school children. take charge of(be in charge of) 负责、管理、照顾 I have to take charge of the department. Can you take charge of the class? in charge(of) 1.做表语 Who is in charge here.(这儿谁负责?) 2.做定语 The doctor in charge request him to put on his clothes (主治医生) frighten vt. 使惊恐 Dont frighten us .不要吓唬

8、我们. You frightened me with that sudden noise.你突然弄出这声音吓了我 一跳. We will not be frightened by the tiger.老虎是不能把我们吓到的. The robber frightened the lady into handing over her jewels. frightened adj.(试与frightening比较) 受惊吓的;害怕的 What made them so frightened?什么使他们这么恐慌. Tiger is very frightening.(老虎是很吓人的) Why are

9、you so frightened of dogs?你干吗这么怕狗? He was frightened at the sight.看到这场面他很害怕. She threw us a quick frightened glance.她急速惊恐地看了我们一眼 puzzle .vt.puzzling adj,令人迷惑的.puzzled.adj.使人困惑的 The situation in that country is more puzzling than ever. 那个国家的局势更加使人捉摸不定。 The other day ,the maths teacher asked us to do

10、a really puzzling problem. 前两天,数学老师要我们解一个非常难以解答的问题。 We are all puzzled by the puzzling prblem puzzled adj. 感到迷惑不解的 Judging from his puzzled expression, I realized he knew nothing about the accident. 从他迷惑不解的表情判断,我意识到他对事故一无所知。 His mother felt puzzled at his strange behavior. 他母亲对他奇怪的举止感到纳闷 puzzle vt 迷

11、惑某人;使、为难 What the litter girl had done puzzled her mother. 小女孩的行为使她母亲迷惑不解。 No maths prblems can puzzle him. 没有数学问题可以难倒他 convince vt. 使信服;说服(后接名词、代词、或从句) Nobody could convince him.谁也没能说服他。 A visit to the experimental field convinced the other villagers. 看了看试验田,其老乡也都信服了. All this convinced me that he

12、was innocent 这些都使我相信他是清白无辜的 convince vt.说服;使相信 But we failed to convince him of his mistake. 但我们没能使他相信他是错的。 What convinced you of this.什么使你相信这一点的呢。 注:convince+n./pron.+of(使某人相信某事) convincing .adj . 有说服力的;令人信服的 Thats a convincingargument.这是一个有说服力的论点。 His analyses were always so convincing.他的分析是那么令人信

13、服。 The more he said ,the less convincing he was.他越说越使人不相信 convinced 形容词 被确信的;坚信不移的;被说服的 Xiao Li didnt look convinced.小李看起来没被说服。 Im convinced that what you said is quite right.我相信你说的是对 的。 We are cconvinced by the convincing fact.我们完全被确凿的事实说 服了 rate 评估、估计、认为 He was rated one of the richest men in town

14、.他被认为是镇上最有钱的人。 How do you rate our teams chance of winning.你如何评估我们队取胜的机 会。 He was generallyrated highly as a poet.作为一个诗人,他受到了普遍的高 度评价。 ensure保证、保证有(vt) I tried to ensure that everybody understand the instructions 我努力保证每个人都明白这些指令。 I cant ensure that he will be there in time.我不能保证他及时到那 儿。 come early t

15、o ensure getting a good seat.早点来以确保有个好坐 位。 be sure to do sth务必做谋事 be sure of 对、有把握 be sure that确保、务必做到 confusion 混淆(不可数) If you write more clearly,youll prevent the confusion of the readers. 如果你写得清楚些,你的读者不会搞混淆。 There has been some confusion of names (名字上弄混了);it was Mr Smyth who was to come ,not Mr S

16、mith. confuse (vt) They confused the noun and verb forms他们把动词和名词的形式弄 混了 ignore是及物动词 (1) 忽略,不管,没有注意 Its not a question that can be ignored 这不是一个可以置之不理的问题。 (2)不理睬,不理会 They ignored traffic regulations. 他们没理会交通规则 approprite 适合的,适当的(adj) His clothes were not approprite for the accasion.他的衣服不适合这 个场合。 cond

17、uct(vt)=lead or guide 领导、指导、引导 Smiss Gao conducted the visiters round the museum. 高小姐领着游客们在博物馆中参观。 The servant conducted me to the door.仆人领我至门口 conduct (vt视力 My view of the harbour was blocked by the buildings 新楼房挡住了我的视线,我看不到港口. If you stand here youll get a better view of the procession. 如果你站在这里,就可

18、以更清楚地看到游行队伍 2.c看到的东西;从某处看到的景色 The view from the top of the hill was good. 3. u视野 The sea was now in view.现在大海在望。 A range of hills came into view.山脉出现在眼前。 The valley was hidden from view by mist.溪谷隐藏在雾蔼之中,看不见 了。 4c见解;信念;看法;观点 He has strong view on education. 他对教育的观点很强硬。 In my view,he should never hav

19、e been offered the job in the first place. 在我看来,原先压根儿就不该给他这份工作 5.In view of sth鉴于某事物;考虑到某事物 In view of his age and ill health, the police have decided not to prosecute him. 考虑到他的年龄和健康状况。警方决定不于起诉。 6.On view 在展出 This paintings will be on view at the British Museum until next month. reach 1.(常与 out,for

20、连用)伸手 He reached out (his hand) for a piece of cake.他伸手拿一块蛋糕。 2. 延伸;伸展 The land reached as far as the river.这块地一直延伸到河边。 3.到达 They reached London.他们到达了伦敦 perfect 完美的;全然的;对、最适当的;(动词的)完成的 His reading is perfect.他的朗读好极了。 He is a perfect stranger to me.他对我来说,完全是个陌生的人。 He is a man perfect for this job.他是这

21、个工作的最合适的人选。 the perfect tense 完成时 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 spot 1. 斑点;污点;地点;场所 She had spots on her face when she was ill. This is a nice spot for a house. This is the spot where he was murdered. On the spot立刻;当场;在现场;in a spot 处于困境 form 1.n.形状;形体;方式;礼节;仪式;表格 She has a tall graceful form.她有着高挑优雅的

22、外形。 He dislikes any form of exercise.他讨厌任何方式的运动。 A form of marriage 结婚仪式。 If you fill in this form,you can take books out of the library. 如果你填了这张表,就可以把书带出图书馆 2 .vt.hope to do sth;hope that用陈述语气;I hope so/not expect sth./sb; expect to do sth;expet sb to do; expect that(用陈述 句语气表示 “盼望或预料”;I expect so;I

23、 expect not=I dont expect so How I wish every family_ a large house with a beautiful garden! A .has B.had C.will have D.had had Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China? of+n. 作定语或表语 1of+age/color/weight/kind/size/length/shape等名词表示人或物 的特征. They ar

24、e of the same age=They are of age. The two machines are of different kinds. This is a stamp of a special kind. of +use /help/importance/interest/value 等抽象名词表示主语的性质,相当于形容词. This medicine is of no use=This medicine is useless. The meeting is of great importance =The meeting is very important He has be

25、en to many places of interest. =He has been to many interesting places. There is nothing _in his picture. A .interest B.of interest C.interested D.of interesting In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever 当介词短语放在句首,主语是名词时,整个句子要全部倒装. In front of the house stands a

26、 tall tree. On the wall hang two pictures. South of the city lies a chemical factory. At the gate _ a soldier _ uniform. A .lying ;in B.lain; worm C.laid; dressing D.lay; in Four or five miles to the east of them_ the blue waters of a beautiful lake. A.lies B.lied C.lying D.lie Module2 unit 3 curiou

27、s adj.好奇的;求知的 be curious about adj. 好奇的 Children are naturally curious about everything around them result from 由于;result in 导致 His success resulted from hard work . His hard work resulted in his success. It will cost a lot of time ._ I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful. A. What

28、s more B.As a result C.At the same time=on the other hand( 另一方面) D. After all -Would you like some dumplings? -Well. Id like to have a few,But ,_ the bad ones last time,I dare not. A.as a result B.as a result of C.as a matter of D.as far as certain 1、某种 a certain car 2、确定 A . Sb is certain (=sure) o

29、f/about sth 某人对、有把握 B. sb is certain (=sure)that-clause 某人相信/认为、 C.sb is certain (=sure) to do /be 某人肯定会做谋事 He is certain of his success. He is certain to succeed . Im certain that he will succeed. 3、 It is certain that (不能用sure) It is certain that the film is terrible. It is _that my friend will co

30、me,but Im not _ whom he will come with. as well as 1 与、一样好 He plays football as well as the teacher. 2除、之外;同;也;不但、而且,相当于not only but also,当连接两个主语时,谓语与前面的主语一致。 She is clever as well as beautiful.= She is not only beautiful but also clever. My sister as well as my parents enjoys music. as well =too 只放

31、在句末 Be famous for/as Be famous for 以.物体而闻名 Be famous as 以.称呼/身份而闻名 类似的短语还有: Be known for/as Upon (on) doing sth Upon(on) doing sth=as soon as .一 .就 Upon graduating from universty,he went to work in the countryside. Die of/die from Die of 强调死于内因;die from强调外因 He died of hunger 他死于饥饿. He died from car

32、accident 他死于车祸 Have something to do with Have something to do with和.有关系. He said he had nothing to do with the matter.他说他和此事没有关 系. He likes to ask some questions which have nothing to do with the lesson. 他喜欢问一些和课堂无关的问题 preserved bodies 保存完好的遗体 preserved 是过去分词,意为 “保存好的,保留好的” an excellently peserved o

33、ld house 一栋保存好的老房子 He is well preserved at his forties. 他40多岁,保养得很好 in advance :提前,事先 They will pay a hundred and thirty dollors in advance. 他们将提前支付一百三十美元 Send your luggage in advance 把你的行李提前送走 Everything has been fixed in advance 一切事先都安排好了。 ahead of time =in advance in advance of :胜过、在前面 He is far

34、advance of his class. 他在班上遥遥领先。 advance along=walk forward along advanced 先进的、高级的、高等的 an advanced worker 一位先进工作者 advanced maths/education/experience advance the friendly relation between the two countries增进(推动、 提高、预付)两国关系 together with:和、一道,一起 Im sending you some new shoes, together with a hat and a

35、 coat. John,together with his brothers ,has gone to the party. would rather 1.would rather do/would rather not do What would you rather have ,an apple or a piece of cake? Id much rather not leave you here. Ill come with you No,no! Dont bother.Id rather not . 2.跟从句(谓语动词用虚拟语气) I would rather it was forgotten. Id rather you didnt do it. would rather do sth than do He would rather die than give up.


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