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1、五年级上册英语词组句型 Unit 1 教师节 Teachers Day 制作卡片 make cards/ make a card 我最喜欢的老师 my favourite teacher 有长发has long hair 大眼睛 big eyes 小女孩 little girl 十年前 ten years ago 句子:1、This one is for my favourite teacher 这张是送给我最喜欢的老师的。 2、Tomorrow is September 10. Its Teachers Day. 明天是9月10日,教师节 3、Whos your favourite teac

2、her? 谁是你最喜欢的老师? 4、She has long hair. 她有一头长发。 5、Happy Teachers Day. 教师节快乐。 6、Youre welcome. 不用客气。 7、His hair was black. 他的头发是黑的。 8、They were in my class ten years ago. 十年前他们在我的班级里。 9、Were they active in class? Yes, they were./ No, they werent. 他们在班里活跃吗? 10、Im making a card for my favourite teacher, t

3、oo. 我也正在给我最喜欢的老师制作一张贺卡。 11、I was short and thin then. 我那时又矮又瘦。 Unit 2 in the rain 在雨中 go to the park 去公园 come back 回来 look happy/ worried/ sad 看起来开心/担心/伤心 look at 看 lost my/ his cap 丢了我的/他的帽子 in the park 在公园里 1. You look so happy. 你看起来很开心。 2. Were going to the park. 我们将要去公园。 3. Whats Danny doing the

4、re? Hes dancing in the rain. Danny正在那里干什么?他在雨中跳舞。 4. Im watching a football game. 我正在观看一场足球比赛。 5. Ive lost my cap. 我丢了我的帽子。 6. Dont be sad. 别伤心。 7. Im glad youre back. 我很高兴你回来了。 8. I was in the park with my friends. 我和我的朋友们在公园里了。 9. I played games with Jenny and Li Ming. 我和Jenny,李明一起玩游戏 10. Was Dann

5、y with you? No, he wasnt. He was sad. Danny和你们在一起吗?不。他很难过。 11. Whats matter? 你怎么了? I cant find my English book. 我找不到我的英语书了。 12. Ill be late for school. 我上学要迟到了。 13. I saw it yesterday. It was on the desk. 我昨天看见它了。它在桌子上 Unit 3 have a birthday party 举办一个生日聚会 at the party 在聚会上 make a wish 许愿 sing the b

6、irthday song 唱生日歌 have some cake 吃些蛋糕 eat a big cake 吃一个大蛋糕 take a picture/pictures 照相 have a good time 玩得高兴 1. How happy they are! 他们多高兴啊! 2. Theyre having a birthday party. 他们正在举办一场生日聚会。 3. When is your birthday? Its in March./ My birthday is in March. 你的生日是什么时候? 是在3月。 4. Come to my birthday party

7、, please. 请来参加我的生日聚会。 5. Heres a present for you. 这是给你的礼物。 6. Can I open it?我能打开它吗? Open the present. 打开礼物。 7. Lets sing the birthday song. 让我们一起长生日歌吧。 8. We had a birthday party yesterday. 昨天我们举办了一场生日聚会 9. How was the party? 聚会怎么样? It was great. 棒极了! 10. What did you do at the party/ on your birthd

8、ay? We sang and danced. 你们在聚会上做什么了? 我们唱歌跳舞。 11. It was Wang Hongs birthday. We ate a big cake.昨天是王红的生 日。我们吃了一个蛋糕。 Unit 4 an old building 一座古老的建筑物 draw pictures/ a picture 画画 play the piano 弹钢琴 watch films/ a film 看电影 after school/ class 放学后/ 下课后 do sports 做运动 so many/ much 如此多 a photo of 一张的照片 read

9、books/ a book 读书 make things 制作东西 tell stories/ a story 讲故事 sit in a circle 围坐成一圈 1. Lucy is in a new school now. Lucy现在在一所新学校里。 2. Does she like her new school? Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt. 她喜欢她的新学校吗? 3. What subjects does she have? She has science, maths and reading. 她都有什么课? 她有科学,数学和阅读。 4. What

10、 does she do after school? 她放学后都干什么? 5. She often draws pictures. Sometimes she watches films. 她经常画画。 有时看电影。 6. Whats your new school like? 你的新学校怎么样? Its not big, but very beautiful. 它不是很大,但很漂亮。 7. There is an old building in my school. 在我们学校有一座古老的建筑物。 8. There are many trees and flowers in my schoo

11、l. 我们学校有许多的树和花。 9. I like doing sports there. 我喜欢在那里做运动。 10. Can you send me some photos? 你能寄些照片给我吗? 11. Heres a photo of my class. 这是一张我的班级的照片。 12. How many pupils are there in your class? 你的班里有多少个学生? There are twenty pupils. 有二十人。 13. What are you doing in groups? 你们分成小组在干什么? Some are making thing

12、s. Some are telling stories. 一些同学在制作东 西。一些同学在讲故事。 14. Youre sitting in a circle. 你们正围成一个圈坐着。 Unit 5 be good at 在擅长 sports clubs 运动俱乐部 Football Club 足球俱乐部 Table Tennis Club 乒乓球俱乐部 Basketball Club 篮球俱乐部 try again 再试一次 have a basketball match 举行一场篮球比赛 jump (very) high 跳的 (很)高 run to the basket 跑向篮筐 get

13、 the ball 接住球 shoot a basket 投篮 play well 打得好 at the last minute 在最后一刻 pass the ball to me 把球传给我 shoot with his tail 用他的尾巴射 门 win the match 赢得比赛 play table tennis 打乒乓球 run a race 赛跑 do the long jump 跳远 climb the tree 爬树 1. We have sports clubs in out school. 在我们学校我们有运动俱乐 部。 2. What sport do you like

14、? I like basketball. Im good at it. 你喜欢什么运动? 我喜欢篮球。 我很擅长这个。 3. Would you like to join the Basketball Club? Yes. / No. 你想参加 篮球俱乐部吗? 4. What club would you like to join? Id like to join the Table Tennis Club. 你想参加什么俱乐部? 我想参加乒乓球俱乐部。 5. He wants to join the Swimming Club. 他想参加游泳俱乐部。 6. The boys are havi

15、ng a basketball match. 男生们正在进行一场篮球 比赛。 7. Lets go and watch. 让我们一起去看看吧。 8. Hes running to the basket. 他正跑向篮筐。 9. How was school? 学校怎么样? 10. What sport did you play today? We played football.今天你们做过 什么运动? 我们踢足球了! 11. We had a football match with Class One. 我们和1班进行了一场足 球比赛。 12. At the last minute, Li M

16、ing passed the ball to me. 在最后一刻,李 明把球传给了我。 13. He shot with his tail. 他用尾巴射门了。 14. What a tail! 多么 棒的尾巴啊! 15. Class Two won the match last week. 上周二班赢得了比赛。 16. Guo Yang shot a basket at the last minute. 在最后一刻郭阳投篮 了。 Unit 6 a Christmas card 一张圣诞卡片 Christmas Day 圣诞节 get together 聚在一起 sing Christmas s

17、ongs 唱圣诞歌 bring toys 带玩具 at the end of my bed 在床尾 put the lights on the tree 把灯挂在树上 decorate the Christmas tree 装饰圣诞树 get a beautiful dress 得到一件漂亮的连衣裙 help yourselves 请自 便 get presents 得到礼物 at Christmas 在圣诞节 have a big dinner 吃了 一顿丰盛的晚餐 1. Heres a Christmas card from Lucy. 这儿有一张来自Lucy 的 圣诞贺卡。 2. Whe

18、n is Christmas Day? Its December 25. 圣诞节是什么时 候? 是12月25日。 3. What do you usually do at Christmas? The family get together. 你通常在圣诞节做什么? 全家聚在一起。 4. We get presents from Santa. 我们会收到来自圣诞老人的礼 物。 5. He brings toys in his sack. 他带来一大袋的玩具 6. Lets decorate the Christmas tree. 我们一起装饰圣诞树。 7. What will you do ?

19、 I will put the balls on the tree. 你将要做什 么? 我将把球放到树上。 8. Shall we put the stocking on the tree? No. I will put it at the end of my bed. 我们把袜子放在树上吧? 不。我将把它放在我的床尾。 9. Santa will come to my home. 圣诞老人将会来我家。 10. Can I have a present, too? 我也能有礼物吗? 11. He will put a present in my stocking. 他将会把礼物放进我的袜 子里

20、。 12. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 13. What presents did you get? I got a book about animals. What did you get? 你收到了什么礼物? 我收到了一本关于动物的书。 你收到什么 了? 14. Its so good to have you today. 今天有你们在真好。 Unit 7 Spring Festival 春节 Chinese New Year 中国新年 clean the room 打扫房间 buy flowers and new clothes 买花和新衣服 on the first

21、of 在第一天 wear new clothes 穿新衣服 visit relatives and friends 拜访亲戚朋友 set off fireworks 放鞭炮 come to my home 来我家 eat at home 在家里吃 eat out 出去吃 watch TV at home 在家里看电视 in the country 在农村 at midnight 在午夜 welcome the lunar new year 迎接阴历新年 each other 互相 Happy Spring Festival! 春节快乐! get lucky money 收到压岁钱 1. Wha

22、t do you usually do at Spring Festival? Before Spring Festival, we clean our home. 你通常在春节做什么? 春节前,我们打扫我们的家。 2. On the first day of Spring Festival, the family get together. 在春节的第一天,我们全家聚在一起 3. Well go to my grandparents this years. 今年我们将去和祖父母一起 过春节。 4. Would you like to come with us? Id love to. 想和我

23、们一起去吗? 我愿意去。 5. I had a good time last Spring Festival. 去年春节我过得很愉快。 6. Did you have a big dinner? Yes, we did. 你们有一个大的晚宴吗? 是的。 7. This year, well go to my grandparents in the country. 今年我们将去农村和祖父母一起过春节。 8. That will be wonderfu.l. 那将会很棒。 9. I travelled to Shanghai last Spring Festival. 去年春节我去上海旅游 了。

24、 10. What beautiful paper cuttings! 多么漂亮的剪纸啊! 11. Its time to welcome the lunar new year. 是为了迎接阴历新年的到 来。 12. What will you do tomorrow? Well wear new clothes and visit friends. 你明天将会做什么? 我们将会穿新衣服,拜访朋友们。 13. Well say “Happy Spring Festival” to each other. 我们将会互相说 春节快乐。 14. Will you get presents? Yes. Well get lucky money. 你们会收到礼物吗? 是的。 我们将会收到压岁钱。


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