人教版七年级英语下册《nit 5 I’m watching TV.Unit 5 I’m watching TV.(通用)》教案_11.docx

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1、Unit 6 Im watching TV.Section A 1a2b(听说课)学习目标与学习重点:1.初步掌握第31页的生词和句型;2.基本能够听懂谈论活动的对话,明白正在发生的事情;3初步掌握“现在进行时”各种句式;4.可以用“现在进行时”谈论人们正在做的事情;5.感受“现在进行时”的同时,强化学生良好行为习惯与优秀品质形成的意识。6.尝试写人们正在进行的活动。一自主学习1.课前预习(1) 思考且诵读以下单词:Newspaper, read a newspaper, use, soup, make soup, wash, movie, go to the movies,.(2) 自学1a

2、 on page31 and 2a, 2b on page32,勾画出重点和疑惑。2.英汉互译1. read a newspaper( ) 2. talk on the phone( ) 3. listen to a CD ( ) 4. use the computer( )5.做汤 ( ) 6.洗碗 ( )二课堂导学新课呈现Step1 RevisionReview the key sentences by reading the title and asking a question.(1)Im watching TV. (2)What are we doing?We are having

3、an English class now.Im teaching English.Youre learning/studying English.Step2 Presentation (1)Present two pictures about students teachers and ask students to talk :What are they doing in the picture?Picture1: Smiling Picture2: Dancing(2) Look at the signs and use “doing” to talk about them.Step3 M

4、atch the activities(活动) with the pictures 1a on P31.Step4 Listen to the songs and find “doing” in them. Step5 Pair workMake a dialogue with your partner(同桌) as follows:Dialogue 1A:What is he doing? B:He is reading a newspaper. Dialogue 2A:Is he reading a newspaper? B:Yes, he is. Step6 ListeningListe

5、n and finish 2a and 2b. Check the answers on p32.Step7 Practice 1. Who _ over there now? A. singing B. are sing C. is singing D. sing2. Its eight oclock. The students _ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having3. Listen! The baby _ in the next room. A. crying B. cried C. is cryi

6、ng D. criesStep8 Group work:讨论如何描述照片上人们在不同场合的活动。 1.Observe(观察)and talk about the pictures;2.Fill in the blank using “doing”; 3.Use a sentence to give a report(用句子作报道).Step9 Write a passage.Look at the following photos and write down what people are doing.Notes: Its ten oclock in the morning.Im._ _ _

7、三课堂小结36个“doing”1. teaching,walking,watching,cleaning,reading,talking,listening,washing, fighting,crying,jumping,throwing,thinking,drawing,playing,folding,helping,sleeping,doing, studying,parking,touching,climbing,drinking, singing.(25)2. smiling,dancing,having,loving,making,exercising,using,smoking.

8、 (8)3. running,sitting,shopping(3)四自主检测根据提示填空。Its a fine Sunday morning. Many children _(be) in the park. They are _ (play) happily. Some are playing under the tree. Some girls are singing and _ (dance). Some boys are_ (sit 坐)on the hill. Jim is near the lake. Hes _ (read) a story. Where are Sam and

9、 Dale? _ (他们) standing over there. What are they _(do)? Sorry, I _ (do not)know.五作业巩固1.Enjoy the song: Walking in the sun!2.Copy 36doing and summarize the rules of doing;3.Write a short passage about your photos.六趣味故事 ing的来历相传很久很久以前有一个国王 (king),他非常喜欢sing,每天在王宫里唱歌,连国家的事都扔在脑后不管,大臣们都很着急,但又都没有办法。有一天,这个国

10、王照例在王宫里引吭高歌,这时一个外国使节有事想求见国王。大臣们进去禀报了几次,但是国王唱兴正浓,就是不出来接见。大臣们又不敢对外国使节说国王正在里面sing,怕人家生气。正在大家不知怎么办时,有一个大臣想出了一个办法,他假装到里面去禀报国王,然后出来对外国使节说国王有急事,他正在里面 ing,今天不能接见。外国使节不知ing是怎么回事,只知道国王有急事,正在ing,又不便多问,只得怏怏离去。从此以后,每当国王在唱歌,而又有人求见时,大臣们就用国王正在ing打发来者。久而久之,ing就成了国王正在做某事的代用词。慢慢地这种说法流传到了民间,人们只要一说起某人正在做某事,便在动词原形后面加上ing

11、。后来为了区别不同的人称,人们又在主语后面加上了be动词, 形成了be + 现在分词(present participle)形式的现在进行时态。 七快乐阅读There is a park near my home. People like to go to this park after work. Some of them go to the park every day. Look! That is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Some children are playing a game.

12、Some boys are playing football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. There is a small river in the park. We can see boats on the water. Some children are sitting in the boats with their parents. Listen! A girl is singing. This is a really nice park. I come here after school eve

13、ry day. ( ) 1. There are some _ in the park. A. birds and cats B. chairs and boats C. balls and kites ( ) 2. Lucy is talking with_. A. Mr. King B. the boys C. Lily ( ) 3. The writer (作者) cant see _ in the park. A. birds B. men C. women ( ) 4. What is the writer doing?A. Hes watching the people in the park.B. Hes playing a game.C. Hes sitting in a boat.


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