[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Future trends 未来趋势.docx

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《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Future trends 未来趋势.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Future trends 未来趋势.docx(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级分类模拟题Future trends 未来趋势初级分类模拟题Future trends 未来趋势Making predictions Language in use 问题:1. Read this article. Where do the sentences in the box belong? a Soon, every business will have a website where it can advertise its products. b Businesses will cert

2、ainly reduce their costs by using the Internet. c The number of users is growing steadily at 10% a month. d Others suggestthat online shopping will amount to $30 billion by the year 2005. 答案:1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 1. d 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c Reading 问题:1. Read the article again. Then match the numbers to

3、their explanations like this: 答案:2. a 3. e 4. b 5. c Writing 问题:1. How will you use the Internet? Write sentences about what you will and wont use the Internet for like this: 1. (banking) Ill do my banking on the internet. 2. (lectures) _ 3. (shopping) _ 4. (music) _ 5. (books) _ 6. (holidays) _ 答案:

4、2. Ill attend lectures on the Internet. 3. Ill go shopping on the Internet. 4. Ill listen to music on the Internet. 5. Ill buy books on the Internet. 6. Ill book my holidays on the Internet. Talking about the future Language in use 问题:1. Read these sentences. How sure are the speakers that things wi

5、ll happen? Write the numbers of the sentences in the list below. 1. Im certain the cost of living will rise. 2. I think more people will work at home. 3. Im sure robots wont replace factory workers. 4. Im sure people will want to learn foreign languages. 5. Its possible that people will use their ca

6、rs even more. 6. I expect people will spend more money on holidays. 7. Im certain people wont eat out so often. 8. I expect most people will shop with credit cards. 9. Its possible that people will want to work until they are seventy. 10. I dont expect computers will become more user friendly. Certa

7、in it will happen: 1 Likely to happen: 2 Not sure: _ Not likely to happen: _ Certain it wont happen: _ 答案:Certainitw.illhappen: 1,4 Likely to happen: 2, 6,8 Not sure: 5. Not likely to happen: 10 Certain it wont happen: 3,7 Changing the way we work Reading 问题:1. Read this article. Are the statements

8、about it true (T) or false (F)? 1. With new technology, you dont need to be at the office to do your job. 2. It is difficult to become a telecommuter. 3. Telecommuting is less environmentally friendly than office-based work. 4. Telecommuters should remember that coffeehouses are businesses, too. 5.

9、Telecommutingis much less expensive than commuting to work every day. 答案:1. T 2. F No, it is easier than you think. 3. F It is more environmentally friendly. 4. T 5. T Listening 问题:1. Listen to this woman talking about telecommuting and fill in the blanks. I started working from home a few years ago

10、. My season ticket on the train cost me over a year, and most days the trains were late or overcrowded. I used to leave home at , and if there was an important meeting, I might not get home until oclock! It was the stress of travelling that made me decide to change the way I work. Now, I find I can

11、get much more done, and Im much and more relaxed. I can meet friends for lunch, do my shopping, even go away for the day. I still have to go up to the city for but now I enjoy my trip to the office and the chance to see old colleagues and friends. The bad side is that I dont get paid while Im away o

12、n or when Im , but I think that the good points outweigh the bad. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:1. 1,000 2. seven thirty 3. nine 4. work 5. meeting 6. holiday 7. sick解析 I started working from home a few years ago. My season ticket on the train cost me over 1,000 a year, and most days the trains were late

13、or overcrowded. I used to leave home at seven thirty, and if there was an important meeting, I might not get home until nine oclock! It was the stress of travelling that made me decide to change the way I work. Now, I find I can get much more work done, and Im much happier and more relaxed. I can me

14、et friends for lunch, do my shopping, even go away for the day. I still have to go up to the city for meetings, but now I enjoy my trip to the office and the chance to see old colleagues and friends. The bad side is that I dont get paid while Im away on holiday or when Im sick, but I think that the good points outweigh the bad. 8 / 8


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