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1、小学英语组 主备人:Module1Unit1 Go straight on一、教材简介:本课教授的是第一模块第一单元,教学内容是与方向有关的句子和问路的礼貌用语。二、学生分析:本课学习对象是本校四年级学生,他们活泼上进,有一定的英语基础,喜欢合作学习,有良好的课堂合作学习习惯,能静能动,集体观念较强。三、教学目标:1、知识技能目标:1.会用“Excuse me, wheresplease?”问路。2.会用“Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.”指路。2、情感目标:培养学生懂礼貌的品质,请别人帮忙要用“Excuse me ”、“ please”等礼貌用语。

2、四、教学重、难点:用英文问路、指路.五、教具:课件、一张由学校到自己家的路线图、“Left、 Right” 舞曲影碟六、教学理念:1、教学中要循序渐进,符合学生的认知规律。2、教学不仅要教书,还要育人,要培养学生良好的学习习惯和行为品质。3、要引导学生通过感知、体验、实践、参与与合作等方式,实现任务的目标;要引导他们学会用语言做事情。七、课时安排:1课时八、教学程序:Step 1:GreetingT: Hi. Boys and girls. Ss: Hello .Ms Song.T: You look happy. How are you today? Ss: Very well. Thank

3、 you .And you?T:Im very well.Step 2:warmer1、(Play the video)T:Boys and girlsDo you like dancing? Good. Stand up , please. Look at the screen, follow the music , lets dance .教师在前面示范。Left. Right .Go. Turn around .Go go go. Left. Right. Go. Turn around .Go go go.Step 3:Presentation1、T talk to S1 A:Excu

4、se me, wheres the supermarket ,please? B:Go straight on2.Task 2 :GameUse a scarf to cover S1s eyes, the class guide him(her) to find his (her)book(pencil-box)S:Good morning .May I help you? S1:Yes.Excuse me, wheres my book ,please?S:Go straight on .Turn left. Its in the desk. S1:Thank you so much.S:

5、Youre welcome.3、Task 3 :talk about the diretionsShow-pair-class 1)T:Would you like to go to my house?If you use “Excuse me, Wheres your house?”to ask me ,I would like to tell you the dicretions. T: do the action of answering the call. :ello. This is Miss Wang.S1:Hello.This is Excuse me,wheres your h

6、ouse?T:(拿出事先画好的由学校到自己家的路线图)Turn leftIts next to a bookstore.S1:Thank you. Bye-bye. T:See you later.2)Pair workT:Welcome to my house. Which classmates house you would like to go?You can ask him(her)the directions,be polite,ok?3)Ask some Ss to talk in classStep 6:dance(Play the video)T:Boy and girls.A

7、re you tired?Do you want to dance? Ok.Lets begin.Activity after class:Im a polite guideT:Boys and girls,you did a good job.I think you can do better after class.Please make a dialogue with your good friends in group,one acts as a guide,the others act as travelers, using the sentences we learn today.

8、Homework:用Go straight on. Turn left .Turn right.给爸爸妈妈讲解从学校到家的路怎么走。板书设计: Module 1 Unit1 Go straight onExcuse me, wheresplease? Excuse me pleaseGo straight on. left right Turn left . straightTurn right.Unit2 Its at the station.一 教学内容: 本课是 Module 1 Directions Unit 2,学习问路和指路。二 教学目标一) .知识目标:1.学习单词station

9、/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hill.二) 能力目标:1)能听说认读单词station/ houses /hill/ train/ up /down2) 能运用句子Its at the station.来描述位置。三) 情感目标:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。三 教学重点、难点:1)认读单词station / houses / hill/ train 和理解方位介词up/ down /near / at,并明白他们表示的方位

10、。2)运用句子Its at the station.描述位置四 教学用具:磁带、录音机、课件、单词卡片、市区地图、五、课时安排:1课时六、 教学步骤一)Warmingup1.师示出词卡“supermarket”,学生认读单词;师在黑板上画出本市的平面和标上“supermarket”.T:“Excuse me, where is supermarket?”S1“Turn right. Go straight on and turn left.” S2:“Turn left. Go straight on.”师示出“school”学生认读,T:“Excuse me, where is school

11、?” S3 S4.等回答。二 ) Presentation1 .T:“Li Hong will go to GuangZhou next week Excuse me, where is station?”师示出词卡“station”范读单词,T:“Where is station?” 学生跟读单词和句子,师在地图上标上“station”,S5/S6:Turn left. Go straight on. Its next to the zoo.(单词融入句子中教学,学生能活学活用的知识。)2. 师播放火车轰鸣的声音,T:“Lets guess, what is this?”;然后师呈现课件卡通

12、“Thomas and friends.”的画面,T:“Oh,its a train. train,train. ”师教读单词“train”。Thomas:“Welcome to DuoDuo Island.”T:“Lets go to the island by train.”. Listen and sing the song “Here comes the train.”3. 师呈现Thomas 上小山的画面,T:“Wheres the train?”,T:“Its up the hill.hill, hill,up the hill.”师示出词卡“hill,up”并做火车费劲上山坡的动

13、作,学生跟读单词。4. 师呈现Thomas驶向山坡下的画面,T:“Wheres the train?”,T:“Its down the hill. down,down,down the hill.”师教读“down”和做火车缓速下山坡的动作。5 Thomas驶向农庄的房屋,T:“Where is the train.?.T:Its near the house.house house,houses.师教读house.Thomas 驶向梅斯威火车站,车速缓缓停下来,T:“Where is the train? Its at the station.”6.师检查学生朗读单词,学生跟随师读短语Up

14、,up ,stand up. Down, down, sit down.Near, near, near the house.At , at ,at the zoo.三 Practice1.师播放第二单元的课文录音,学生听音指图,然后跟读课文。2.师画出活动3某市区平面图,标上school, supermarket, house,用“Excuse me,wheres the school?”学生用已学的方位词来向同学指路。3.师播放活动4歌谣,学生随录音跟读,然后随节奏边学说歌谣边做动作。四 Production1. 师示出一张公园的平面图,从school, house, station三个方

15、向出发到park,该怎样走,学生分别用Turn left, turn right, go straight on说说,比一比哪一位学生是最佳向导。五Summary 朗读歌谣Where is the train?Its up the hill.Its down the hill.Its at the station.六Homework回家教父母亲用方向短语说说从自家到超市、市场等该怎样走。七. 板书设计: Module1 Unit2 Its at the station.station train up Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hil

16、l.down near house hill Excuse me, where is supermarket?教学反思:Module 2Unit1 Shes reading a book.教学目标:知识目标: 学习句型:be + ing能力目标:掌握单词及词组 these/running/read/take a picture情感目标:培养用英语进行交流的兴趣。教学重点:通过图片讲述正在发生的事情。教学难点:正在进行时动词加ing。教具准备:图片 课件 录音机 卡片课时安排: 2课时教学过程:一. 课堂准备Sing a song:ABC Song.(设计意图:集中学生注意力)二. 热身复习1.

17、 表扬刚才唱得好的学生。并请一名学生上来示范,T:Whats she doing? Ss:唱歌。T:Shes /He singing a song.2. Game:小声对台上的同学说动作,同学猜在做什么。复习动作词组:play football watch TV,play with, read a book等。每个动作完了,老师都用She/He is 进行小结。三课文教学1结合图片,进行单词和重点句型教学。1)出示图片T:Whos it? Ss:Sam.T: Hes Linglings friend.板书:friend根据相同字母和字母组合发音相同的规律性,帮助学生记忆新词.T:Whats h

18、e doing?Ss:写信。T:Hes reading a book.板书:read a book Hes reading a book. 2)指导学生用动作表示出来,并练习:Im reading a book.3)同上学习其它新词和重点句型。”Hes taking pictures.”She is watching TV.”Hes playing with a toy train.”2Game:Listen and do.听老师说动作,学生做。在有效时间内进行巩固能防止学生记忆的流失.课文教学1)Listen and point.2)Listen and underline the new

19、words.3)出示课件,完成填空。例:(动画)This is Sams . Shes 让学生用课文中勾出的新单词进行练习,能让学生对课文内容产生兴趣,有效解决课文整体阅读的困难.4)Listen and say.(集体读 小组读 个别读 )四小组任务。(四人一组)S1:ImS2:She/HesIm S3:有效照顾学生的不同程度,让每人都能说,让能说的多说。五知识运用出示课件1在公园 学生用This is . She/Hes .进行讲述出示课件2在操场 学生用This is . She/Hes .进行讲述出示课件3 学生用书活动三 学生用Panan/Fangang/Yuanyuan/Weiwe

20、i is 进行讲述六Homework.回家后把自己看到的父母家人正在做的事用英语讲出来。板书设计:Unit2 What are you doing?教学目标知识目标:1、要求学生掌握四会单词:行为动词listen, talk,名词China,children.2、理解并能够运用句型 What are you doing ? I am _ing. What is he/she doing? He/She is _ing . 能力目标:学生能熟练并准确的用英语描述自己正在做的事情。情感目标:培养学生积极运用所学语言进行表达与交流,加强合作,共同完成学习任务的能力。教学重点:本课的四会单词: dra

21、w sleep quiet loud 教学难点:本课的难点在于对课文的理解和句型的灵活运用。教具准备:图片 课件 录音机 卡片课时安排: 2课时教学过程Step1.Warming-up and revision Hello!Boys and girls!Nice to see you!Would you like to sing a song with me?OK,lets sing and do!(“I am Drawing”找一名唱的好的学生到前面做动作领唱。) 本环节通过唱歌,一方面为了活跃课堂气氛,另一方面为了唤起学生注意力的集中。让学生在唱歌的同时对歌曲的内容有大概的了解,对歌曲中的

22、单词有所巩固,为学生正式进入学习状态做好铺垫。Step2. Play a guessing game. (Review standing, sitting ,walking ,pointing and looking) T:What am I doing? Ss:You are reading,watching TV,playing footall,flying a kite,taking pictures,riding a book.Step3.Presentation 1、Introduce T:What am I doing? I am listening to music.(并领读)。

23、What am I doing? I am talking to my friend.(板书listen to,talk to)2、Play a game Listen to the teacher and do the actions. Read a book! Take a picture!Listen to music! Talk to friend13、Ask and answer T:What are you doing? S1: I am reading a book. S2:I am listen to music.S3:I am watching TV. T:What is h

24、e/she doing? S:He/She is reading a book/talking to friend.(板书What are you doing? I am_ing.What is he/she doing?He/She is _ing.) 这一环节是由游戏自然导入,以猜猜看的方式结合动作自然引出本课的两个动词draw和sleep,能够使学生易于理解,使他们在不知不觉中去感悟、理解、体会新语言,为学习新语言以及新语言的操练做好准备;同时,通过师生间的问答给学生输入 I am_ing的句型,并简单渗透一下He/She is _ing人称的转换。 Step4. Practice as

25、king and answering in groups. Step5.Introduce quiet , loud and practice 1、Introduce T:Shhhh!I am listening to music. (做出听音乐的动作,小声说)I am reading a book.(大声说) 2、Ask and answer S1:What are you doing? T: I am reading a book. 3.Practice asking and answering in groups. Step6.Consolidation:Text learning Li

26、sten to Part one and ask the students to find the answers.What is Li Ming doing in the morning? What is Jenny doing in the morning? What is Danny doing in the morning? 2 、Read after the tape 3、Listen to Part two and ask the students to find the answers. What is Sam doing?What is Amy doing?4、Read aft

27、er the tape Step7.Extension T: Look!What are your friends doing?Talk about them with your classmates. Step8.Homework 板书设计:教学反思: Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing ? 教学目标 1、知识目标 语句:What are they doing ?They are . 单词:kid、 interesting、 thing 、people、 park、 lake、 row 、boat、 men、 chess、 drink、 hungry、 短

28、语:get on 、lots of 、look at 2、能力目标:能够运用所学句型和短语描述人们正在进行的动作。 3、情感目标:学会细心观察,与他人合作和关心他人。 教学重难点 重点: 1、学说问句What are they doing ?及答They are . 2、掌握句型They are 动词+ing +宾语 难点:能清晰准确地发出本课所学单词的音 教具:卡片、录音机、多媒体课件等。 教学过程 Step 1 热身(1)Greetings T: Class begins. Good morning boys and girls. Ss: Good morning Ms Song. T:

29、How are you?Ss: Fine , thank you , and you? T: Im fine , too. (2) Sing a song “I am listening to music.”鼓励学生根据歌词内容做出相应的动作。 Step 2复习引入新课 复习上一模块所学的语言。、以单词卡出示单词take a picture, read a book ,write a letter ,listen to music, talk to a friend ,play with dolls等,请学生说出单词并演动作。、出示图画卡片,问What is he/she doing ?请单个

30、学生回答,进行充分的练习后,请较好的学生当小老师,向其他同学提问。、出示一张多人的动作情景图,引出句型What are they doing ?并引导学生回答They are .接着板书课题Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ? Step 3授新课 、老师以卡片出示课文故事中出现的各种活动进行讲解:“ In the park ,we can see lots of people and interesting things. ”出示单人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at this man .What is he doing?”引导学生回答:“He is do

31、ing taijiquan.”在黑板的一侧板书文字“doing taijiquan”,带领学生朗读:“doing taijiquanHe is doing taijiquan.”出示多人打太极拳的图片问:“Look at the people in the park .What are they doing?”引学生回答:“They are doing taijiquan.”并进行反复的操练。用同样的方法教授“lake、 row 、boat、 men、 chess、 drink、 hungry”等单词。 、老师出示多个人进行以上活动的图片,请几名学生上前模仿动作,然后使用“What are t

32、hey doing? ”向全班提问,引导他们回答。 、播放第一遍课文录音,要求学生合着书听,并要找到两个问题“What are they doing?和What are they drinking?”播放第二遍录音,请学生试着找出上述问题的答案“They are doing taijiquan. They are rowing a dragon boat. They are playing chess. They are drinking soybean milk.” “taijiquan和soybean milk”不要求学生能掌握,只需听懂会说即可。 、请学生自己看课文,并找出介词短语“In

33、 the park. On the lake. Under the tree.”老师教读这些短语。 、再放录音,请学生跟读。然后请学生以组为单位表演对话,之后再以个人为单位演对话。 、老师快速出示各种图画与学生进行对话练习。 T:Look at the people in the park. What are they doing ? Ss: They are doing taijiquan . T: Look at the people on the lake. What are they doing ? Ss: They are rowing a dragon boat. T: Look

34、at the men under the tree. What are they doing ? Ss: They are playing chess. T: Look at the girls. What are they drinking ? Ss: They are drinking soybean milk. 、课的拓展。 请几个学生上台做以前学过的一些动作,让其他学生进行对话练习,要求要用到句型“What are they doing ?及They are .” 、小结 学生齐读黑板上的句子和短语。 、布置作业 学生回家指着课本上的图用英语告诉家人“They are .”六、板书设计

35、Module 3 Unit 1 What are they doing ?doing taijiquan They are doing taijiquan. rowing a dragon boat They are rowing a dragon boat. playing chess They are playing chess. drinking soybean milk They are drinking soybean milk.Unit2 Whats the elephant doing?一、教学目标:1认识目标:能够听、说、读本课的动词短语的ing形式:playing,drawi

36、ng,jumping,singing,running,dancing.2.能力目标:听、说、认读句子:“Whats the elephant doing?Its drawing a picture.What are .doing?They are.ing.(3)能看懂图片并说出相应动物的正在做什么。如:The horse is doing.3情感目标:通过本课学习,了解动物平时的生活习性,加强环保意识,培养学生热爱动物,热爱大自然的良好品质。二、教学准备:(1)教师准备为本课时的配套课件,以及本课时所需的单词片卡。(2)教师准备录音机及录音带。(3)把单词playing,drawing,jum

37、ping,singing,running,dancing分别做成1440的纸条,并折叠隐藏现在分词形式部分。(4)教师准备短文改错的资料,课前下发每人一份。三、教学过程:Warming up exercises 热身运动活动设计学生边说边做相应的动作。活动思路:热身运动让学生放松身心,感受到课堂的活泼与轻松的课堂氛围,通过说、唱、表演的活动缓解学生的紧张情绪,把他们注意力都注意到本课上来,忘记有多老师在听课。心理关注:A受到很多人关注的时候,表演欲望增强。B全方位的运动,放松身心,激发了学习的积极性。Revision:复习动物单词、动作并引出新知识活动设计:1出示一张动物园的图片,有各种各样学

38、生熟识的小动物。T:Now, we are in the zoo! Lets go and see.2师指图问:What is it? / What are they? 引导学生答:They are monkeys.师再问:What can it / they doing ?引导学生回答:It / They are playing football.活动设计:Presentation / Practice:Learn the new words.1drawing Can you guess? What am I doing? What is it? (elephant) Do you know

39、 what is it doing now? “drawing. ”思路:把单词融于句子中,鼓励学生大胆尝试,培养良好的学习习惯,自己试读新句型。2jumping A“jumping” Transition words: Wow! Look, there are so many animals in the zoo. What is it doing ? T: Oh! There is a tiger. What is it doing? “jumping”3dancing Oh! Look, the horse is dancing so hurry. What happens? What

40、are they doing? Are they jumping? “running”Memory game. (记忆游戏)IVSing a song together.Row,Row,Row your boat.1. Read the song after the tape,understand the meaning of it.2. Sing after the tape.Then sing it together.VConsolidation.1Lucky numbersTransition words:Boys and girls, listen! Today there is a

41、party in the zoo. Do you want to join in it? Ok! If you can get the lucky numbers, you can take part in it. Come on !板书设计:教学反思:Module4Unit1 Do you want some rice?一、教学目标: 1. 知识目标:(1)要求学生掌握词汇:want, some, juice, ice, also. food, make, tomato, egg, potato.(2)句型:Do you want some ? Yes, please. / No, than

42、k you.2. 技能目标:(1)能听懂、理解课文大意并回答出相关问题;(2)用Do you want to some? 询问别人。用Yes please. No, thank you. 对别人的询问做出回答。3. 情感目标:激发学生对英语学习的积极性,培养他们乐于交流、乐于合作的品质。4. 学习策略:能积极与他人合作,完成学习任务;能积极运用所学的知识进行表达和交流。5. 文化意识:中西方饮食文化的差异二、教学准备:单词卡、实物:西红柿 、鸡蛋,多媒体课件 课时安排:一课时三、教学重点和难点:重点:听懂并说出Do you want to some? 并回答。理解表达关于食品的简单信息。难点:

43、灵活运用Do you want to some? 并能做出回答。主要教学方法:能够用多媒体辅助教学采用情景教学法、直观演示法、TPR教学法、调查法等教学方法。六、教学过程:T: These food are very nice, Mmm very very nice. Oh ,Im very hungry. ( 教师拍拍肚子,做饥饿的动作) I want some noodles and rice. Then find a student and ask: Are you hungry? Do you want some rice ? (直接用课件出示食物的图片,让学生观看)引导学生回答:Ye

44、s./ No. 板书课题:Do you want some rice ?Step1. Warm-up Lets Chant:Noodles and rice , are very very nice Mmm,Mmm, Mmm ,very very niceStep 2 Free talk:1. Find some students do the dialogue such as :T:Do you like noodles/rice/fish/milk?Ss: Yes, I do./ No , I dont.T:Have you got an apple/ a banana/an orange

45、/a pear?Ss:Yes, I have.(有苹果的学生拿出苹果边展示边回答 )/ No, I havent.2. Let students ask and answer in pairs.过Free talk环节设计,导入新课,复习前面所学习的有关食物的单词,练习相关句型,同时借助于卡片的运用,调动起学生的参与积极性,吸引了学生的注意力,为下一步的新课学习,作好铺垫。Step 3 Presentation1(课件展示noodles and rice 的图片)T: They are Chinese food.(用课件展示快餐如方便面的图片)T: They are Chinese fast food.Say the Chant: Fast food ,fast food,Chinese fast food.2T: I like fast food, I like noodles ver


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