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1、专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟173专业英语考试复习资料专业八级分类模拟173专业八级分类模拟173LANGUAGE USAGEAccording to a recent survey, more than 50% of Americansis concerned about the growing rudeness in the U.S. 1We assault each other more all the time with upsetting noises,views, sounds, smells, and attitudes. Its getting to where 2we

2、 need to protect ourselves away one another! Maybe its 3getting a little too wild out there. Good manners are, first of all, civilized behavior. Thats as opposed to wild behavior. He acts like he was raised ina barnyard, my mother will say, about some hapless boy 4who pulled away in front of my hous

3、e for a date and just sat 5in the car and honked. Whether that was a particular rule in your household, or culture, all cultures have rules and they are learned, not in nate. In Italy, its 6good manners for a man to greet with another man 7with an embrace and a kiss on every cheek. Not so in 8the So

4、uth Texas, where men stand 3 feet apart and at90 degree angles to converse with one another. All cultureshave rules and if you violate them, youll be excluded. Manners are made up of trivialities of deportment which can be easily learned if one does not happen toknow them. Manner, on the other hand,

5、 is personalitytheoutwardly manifestation of ones innate character and attitude 9toward life. Manners must be really ingrained, a matterof who you are, not how you are. Once weve learnedit, etiquette becomes a matter of impulse rather than of 10conscious obedience.1.答案:isare解析 此题辨析主谓一致的问题。当主语是一个“百分数

6、+名词”的结构时,依就近原则处理。那么此题中应该根据Americans来决定谓语动词的形式。2.答案:viewssights解析 此题辨析view和sight。view是指“风景、视野”,是指“从窗口或高处看到的景象”。sight是指“进入视野的人或物”。这里应该用sights才符合上下文的意思。3.答案:awayfrom解析 protect应该和介词from搭配。这里的away是副词,不能代替介词from。4.答案:willwould解析 would可以指在“过去时间”经常性发生的动作,will可以指在“现在时间”经常会发生的动作。从上下文来看,这里是作者对过去的回忆,所以应该用would。

7、5.答案:awayup解析 pull有几个词组动词都是和“车”相关的,pull away的意思是把车子“开走”。但是从上下文判断,这里不是“开走”的意思,而是把车子“停靠(在某地)”,所以应该用pull up。另外还有动词词组pull in,它的意思是“把车子开进(车库等)里面”。6.答案:with/解析 greet是及物动词,所以“和某人打招呼”并不是greet with sb而是greet sb。此处不能受中文影响。7.答案:everyeach解析 every所指的对象是“三者以上的”,而面颊只有两面,所以只能用each。8.答案:the/解析 South Texas是一个专有名词,不需要

8、加定冠词。这不同于south作为名词的用法,如the south of China。9.答案:outwardlyoutward解析 outwardly是副词,不能修饰名词manifestation。10.答案:impulseinstinct解析 impulse的意思是“a sudden desire”,意思是“冲动”;instinct的意思是“a natural tendency”,意思是“直觉;本能;天性”。原句的意思是礼仪不应该成为一种有意识遵循的行为规则,而应该成为一种自然的行为,所以应该用instinct。Women from the mid-30s to the mid-50s ar

9、e less likelythan Americans overall be very happy, and many are racked 11by worries about aging parents and other family members, anational survey reports. Money, time and health concerns loomed largely in the 12 poll of more than 1,100 women who have at least one alive 13parent. About 20% said they

10、 were very happy. More than half of the women were concerned about an elder relatives 14health. Those who had ill relativesusually a mother or 15 fatherwere much more likely to feel depressed and to worryabout having enough time for family members. They alsohad more trouble managing stress. About tw

11、o out of threewomen were employed. The bleak scenario doesnt surprise Deb Rubenstein, a social worker who counsels to sandwich generation 16women, those who have children at home and agingparents. Later marriages, later child-bearing and longer lifespans are forcing more women into taking responsibi

12、lity fortheir kids and their parents. The sandwich years dont still 17go away by the 60s anymore. Providing elder care was linked to feel overworked in 18 a study of employed adults last year, so taking care of 19children was not. Such overwork may be common. In another institute study, 35% of U.S.

13、employees said they had elder care responsibilitiesduring the last year. It can be episodic,unpredictable and very stressed. 2011.答案:beto解析 此题的关键在于看出likely后面应该跟带to的动词不定式作形容词的补足成分,所以必须加上动词不定式的标志to。12.答案:largelylarge解析 “loom large”的意思是“显得突出”,在这个表达中large本身就是副词。13.答案:aliveliving解析 alive只能作主语补足语,而不能作名词的前

14、置修饰成分,这是它和living的区别。14.答案:elderelderly/old解析 elder用作形容词时的意思是“(家庭成员中)年龄较大的”,elderly是“年老的”的一种委婉表达。此处说被调查者担心亲人的健康,这里的“亲人”应该是“年老的亲人”,而不是“比自己年纪大的亲人”。当然可以直言不讳甩old。15.答案:illailing/sick解析 ill作名词的前置修饰语时的意思是“坏的、不吉利的”,如ill nature,ill will等,这里当然没有理由说“恶意的亲人”,原文的意思是“生病的亲人”,所以应该用形容词ailing或sick。16.答案:to/解析 counsel作

15、为动词时是及物动词,所以不需要加介词to。17.答案:stilleven解析 still表示某一种情形继续存在下去,用在这里并不符合上下文。此处是表示一种令人惊讶和意外的情形,所以应该用even这个副词。18.答案:feelfeeling解析 be linked to这个表达中的to是介词,所以其后应该跟-ing分词。19.答案:sobut解析 第一个分句说照顾老年人通常会让人感到操劳,第二个分句说照顾孩子却不会让人产生这种感觉。解答此题的关键在于看出前后两个分句是对比而不是因果关系。20.答案:stressedstressful解析 此题考查stressed和stressful的区别。str

16、essed的意思是“feeling tense and anxious”,而stressful的意思是“causing the person involved to feel stressed”。那么,这里表示照顾老人是一件“令人感到有压力的”事情,应该用stressful。Population ageing and the resulting pressures on existingpension systems constitutes one of the most importantchallenges modern societies will have to face over t

17、hecoming decades. Since governments have responded to 21the such pressures by adopting a plethora of pension 22reforms, the adaptation process is far from over. This book comprehensively documents developments in pension policy in eleven advanced industrial countries inWestern Europe, East Asia and

18、North America. In order toexplore what population ageing means for the sustainabilityof pension systems, the authors present a detailed preview 23of pension policy making over the past two decades andprovide an up-to-date analysis of current pension legislation.They examine the factors that can faci

19、litate or impedethe adaptation of pension systems and the features thatshape and determine reforms. They also highlight the factthat although the path of reform walked by each country 24is somewhat different, the processes at working are often 25very similar. Ageing populations throughout the world

20、areextremely reluctant to see their pension systems dismantledand are, however, prepared to mobilize in their defense. This 26process of mobilization interacts demographic pressures 27and institutional constraints to help determine the futuredirection of pension policy. The breadth of geographic cov

21、erage provides an almost international picture of the impact of ageing 28for pension reform, at least in terms of high income countries. 29Academics and students with an interest in economics,social policy, sociology and political science will find thisa worthy and rewarding volume. It will also be

22、of value to 30policymakers interested in how the problem of unsustainablepension systems can be resolved.21.答案:SinceAlthough解析 第一个分句说政府已经通过实施大量的养老金改革措施来应对这样的压力;第二个分句说这个改变的过程还远远没有结束。那么两个分句之间并不是因果关系,而是让步关系。22.答案:第一个the/或such/解析 定冠词the和such是相互排斥的,两者不能同时修饰同一个名词词组。23.答案:previewreview解析 preview是“预习”的意思,不符

23、合此处上下文的意思。这里应该用review,即“回顾、检阅”。24.答案:walkedtaken解析 此题的错误是搭配不符合英文表达习惯,英文中不会说walk a path,而应该说take a path。这种错误的原因是根据汉语的直译搭配,没有顾及英文的表达习惯。25.答案:workingwork解析 这是对词组at work的误用。at work的意思是“在运转”,work本身就是名词,不需要用working的形式。学生在平时积累词组的时候就要注意表达的精确。26.答案:howevertherefore解析 仔细分析前后两个分句的逻辑关系,前者是说全世界的老龄人口都非常不愿意看到养老金体系

24、崩溃,后者是说他们准备着组织起来维护这个体系。那么两者显然是因果关系而不是转折关系。27.答案:interactswith解析 interact是不及物动词,它应该和介词with搭配。28.答案:internationalglobal解析 此题辨析global和international。两者意思有相近之处,有的学生会不加以区分随便使用。其实它们的含义是不同的。International的意思是“involving different countries”,即涉及多个国家,不一定涉及世界上所有的地方;global的意思是“affecting all parts of the world”,即影

25、响到世界上所有的地方。另外,global可以修饰view,vision,picture这样的名词,意思是“整体的、全局的”。文中说:(这本书)覆盖地理范围广泛,全面描写了人口老龄化对养老保险改革产生的影响。这里用international是不合适的,恰恰应该用global,意思是“整体的、全面的”。29.答案:foron解析 此题的关键在于看出和名词impact搭配的介词的错误,impact通常和介词on搭配。30.答案:worthyworthwhile解析 worthy尽管可以作名词的修饰语,但是它的意思是“名副其实的、高尚的、受人尊敬的”,如a worthy man(一个可敬的人),此处并

26、不符合上下文的意思。实际上原文是说“这是一本值得一读的书”,应该用worthwhile,表示“值得的”,如a worthwhile attempt(一次值得的尝试)。Beyond demographics, the United States confronts with 31a range of other challenges. Globalization is on the top of 32that list. Markets, technologies, and businesses in various countries and in various parts of the w

27、orld are increasinglylinked, and communication through continents and oceans 33is now instantaneous. This new reality was made clearly 34by the recent decline in the Chinese stock market, that had 35immediate ripple effects on financial markets from Tokyo toLondon to New York. Clearly, U.S. consumer

28、s have reaped many benefits from globalization. From clothing to computers, you and me 36can buy a range of foreign-made goods that are cheaper thanever. But theres a catch. In many cases, cheaper prices have 37been accompanied by a loss of U.S. manufacturing jobs. Globalization is also having an im

29、pact in areas like the environment and public health. The truth is thatair and water pollution dont stop at the border. But 38with todays international air travel, the infectious diseases 39can spread from one continent to another literally overnight.This is one reason that public health experts are

30、 so concernedthese days about avian flu. With the end of the Cold War, we face new security threats, including transnational terrorist networks and roguenations armed with weapons of mass destruction. September11 brought this reality home in a painful way. Strongermultinational partnerships will be

31、essential to encounter these 40diverse and diffuse threats.31.答案:with/解析 confront的被动态用法和主动态用法经常容易混淆。在主动语态的句子中,及物动词confront直接跟宾语,如:“These young people are learning how to confront failure. ”在被动语态的句子里,confront和介词with搭配,如She was confronted with severe financial problems.32.答案:onat解析 top如果和介词on搭配,通常top之

32、前是零冠词,即on top of sth. ,意思是“除此之外(还有)”;在英语中还有on top of the world这样的表达,意思是“(由于成功)而非常高兴”。此处应该用at the top of,意思是“首要的、最重要的”。33.答案:throughacross解析 此处辨析through和across。文中的意思是“各大洲之间(或跨洲)的交流”。介词through不能表达“going from one side of a boundary to the other(即从分界线的一边到另一边)”这样的意思,应该用介词across来表达。34.答案:clearlyclear解析 此题

33、的错误源于一种误解,即认为动词后面的位置应该是状语。事实上,动词后面的位置也有可能是补语,而补语通常由形容词词组或名词词组充当。这里be made后面的位置实际上应该是this new reality的补语,那么用副词clearly就不合适了。35.答案:thatwhich解析 that had immediate ripple effects on financial markets from Tokyo to London to New York,从句法功能上来说这是一个非限制性关系分句,是不能用that来引导的。36.答案:meI解析 本题的考点是代词的格的选择。一般来说,当代词出现在主

34、语的位置时应该用主格形式,所以此处的me应该改成I。37.答案:cheaperlower解析 尽管中文是说“便宜的价格”,但是不能生硬地翻泽成cheap price,符合英文表达习惯的搭配应该是low price。38.答案:ButAnd或/解析 前一个句子说“事实是空气和水的污染并不会停留在(国家的)边境上”;后一个句子说“随着如今的国际航空业的发展,传染性疾病可能在一夜之间从一个洲传播到另一个洲”。两个句子是并列的关系,并不存在转折的关系。39.答案:the/解析 此句中的infectious diseases是类指,而不是特指,所以不能加定冠词。40.答案:encountercounter解析 此处辨析两个同根词encounter和counter。encounter的意思是“(意外地)遭遇”,counter的意思是“对抗”。根据上下文,此句的意思是:“更强劲的跨国合作是对抗/克服这些多样性和扩散性威胁的必要条件”。可知,这里应该用counter。 13 / 13


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