[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Firms and factories 公司和工厂.docx

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《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Firms and factories 公司和工厂.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[语言类考试复习资料大全]初级分类模拟题Firms and factories 公司和工厂.docx(10页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全初级分类模拟题Firms and factories 公司和工厂初级分类模拟题Firms and factories 公司和工厂Saying what youve done Grammar 问题:1. Complete this table of irregular verbs. Infinitive Past tense Past participle be was/were been buy come done get go have left make meet put said see sell

2、 spoken read take write答案: Infinitive Pasttense Past participle be was/were been buy bought bought come came come do did done get got got go went. gone have had had leave left left make made made meet met met put put put say said said see saw seen sell sold sold speak spoke spoken read read read tak

3、e took taken write wrote written Writing 问题:1. You are Ms Blys assistant. Look at this To do list for her trip to Chicago. Then write a short memo to Ms Bly telling her what you have and havent done. 答案:3. Ive arranged the meeting with the area manager. 4. I havent changed the meeting with the sales

4、 representative. 5. I havent confirmed lunch with Sally Perkins. 6. Ive cancelled dinner with John Bates. Visiting a factory Vocabulary 问题:1. Which words go together? 1. Be a out! 2. Watch b back! 3. Stand c touch! 4. Dont d careful! 答案:1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c Language in use 问题:1. Read this conversatio

5、n and complete it with the words in the box. must need could badge sign appointment VISITOR: My names Stephanos Karafillis. Ive got an with the Production manager. RECEPTIONIST: Hello, Mr Karafillis, and welcome to PackEx. Ill let the Production manager know youre here you the visitors book, please?

6、 VISITOR: Of course. RECEPTIONIST: You to wear this for security. VISITOR: OK. RECEPTIONIST: And while you are in the factory itself, you wear these glasses for safety. VISITOR: Thank you. 答案:1. appointment 2. Could 3. sign 4. need 5. badge 6. must The company report Vocabulary 问题:1. Reread the Cath

7、ay Pacific report on page 92 of the Learners Book and complete these sentences. Then write the missing words in the word grid and find the hidden word. 1. Cathay Pacific is in the _ industry. 2. Cathay Pacific has _ a lot of money in the new airport. 3. A special offer for visitors has increased _ n

8、umbers. 4. The airlines _ division made a good profit. 5. Hong Kongs new _ has made the city a major air centre. 6. New suppliers will keep the airlines computer _ up to date. Now complete this sentence with the hidden word. The company produces a _ every year. 答案: The company produces a report ever

9、y year. Grammar 问题:1. Put these words in the correct order to make sentences giving news for a company report. 1. open / office / Seattle Weve opened an office in Seattle. 2. close / factory / Atlanta _ 3. start / exporting/Japan _ 4. start / exporting / New Zealand / last year _ 5. sell / food processing business / in February _ 6. buy / new travel business _ 答案:2. We have closed the factory in Atlanta. 3. Weve started exportingtoJapan. 4. We started exporting to New Zealand last year. 5. We sold the food processing business in February. 6. We have bought a new travel business. 10 / 10


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