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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟57剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟57READINGPART ONE A The cost-effectiveness and flexibility offered by large-format digital imaging has also helped diversify the number of out-of-home media. Out-of-home was a concept that didnt have a name until digital technol

2、ogy gave it one. Instead of hand- painting a bus or shelter, a self-adhesive graphic can be digitally imaged in a short amount of time and applied with relative ease. Advances in the durability and weatherability of inks and vinyl substrates keep the images looking sharp for a longer time. B Other t

3、echnologies contribute to improvements in outdoor advertising. Satellite lighting systems allow outdoor companies to remotely adjust billboard lighting to change with seasons and daily light differences. For instance, lights can be programmed to turn off at the end of an advertisers contract, while

4、two-way communication lets outdoor companies know when there is no power. C Another electronic device barcode identification-tracks an advertisers campaign from poster production through shipping, display and removal. In this way, advertisers can verify the status of their campaign through on-line c

5、ommunication with the outdoor companies. Similarly, computer-mapping systems help advertisers combine demographic and geographic market research data with outdoor locations to determine the best place to advertise. D Global positioning systems (GPS) make up another technology that enables the outdoo

6、r industry to determine display locations. Data is gathered with a hand-held GPS receiver that receives radio signals from satellites. The data is then put into mapping database systems that visually position billboards and other out-of-home advertising displays at that location. In this way, advert

7、isers can test creative designs at specific locations from a computer before they commit to them. 1. Lighting system of billboard changes seasonally, which is remote-control.答案:B2. One of effects that digital technology has on outdoor advertising is to make clear picture more durable.答案:A3. Digital

8、imaged advertising can save time and labor.答案:A4. The companies requiring outdoor advertising can communicate with adviser on Internet.答案:C 5. Advertisers can gauge their design before putting it into effect.答案:D6. By using electronic technique, advertisers can find the most suitable display positio

9、n to do outdoor advertising.答案:C7. Signals received from satellite can help gather data.答案:DPART TWOThe regions best smaller companies Once again, readers of this magazine have the chance to vote for the regions best companies. (0)The awards will be presented at a dinner in Birmingham on May 17. The

10、 pattern established in the first year, of awards for Best Established Company, Best New Company and Best Entrepreneur, will of course continue. However this year sees a new category, that of Best Communication with Investors. 1 .The Established Company of the Year will be one whose success has last

11、ed for more than just a couple of months or years. Its share price will be performing above the average for its sector, but that is not the only measurement which will be taken into account. 2 . Above all, the winner will be professionally managed, in a way that deals equally well with good and bad

12、trading conditions.The New Company of the Year will have gone public last year, but will already have shown its growth and management qualities. 3 . In fact three early winners have already been successful in this second category, as well.The Entrepreneur of the Year will be someone with a proven tr

13、ack record of expertise in setting up and providing leadership to one or possibly more businesses. He or she will have created an organisation that can deal with the demands placed on it as a public company. 4 . The winner will have maintained a balance between that original energy and the need to a

14、dapt as the company grows.In our new category, Best Communication with Investors, the winning company will show that it is engaging in two-way dialogue with both actual and potential investors. 5 . All of these communication channels will be carefully tailored for the intended audience. In addition,

15、 the company is likely to distribute press releases by electronic means, to maximise its opportunities for publicity.Nominations for awards were invited several months ago, and reduced by the judges to a shortlist of three in each category. The shortlisted companies are described below, together wit

16、h details of how to vote. Please get your vote to us no later than 31 March.A. It wit), in effect, be able to demonstrate that it can go on to become an Established Company of the Year before long,B. In order to win, the company will have achieved success in both spheres, and have the evidence to pr

17、ove it.C. To achieve this, it will be using a variety of means, including the annual report, presentations, a dedicated website and attendance at specialised exhibitions.D. The judges will also consider the degree to which the company has a well planned and soundly financed strategy for its growth a

18、nd development.E. At the same time, this structure must not stifle the spirit that led to the companys initial SUCCESS,F. The innovation has been made in order to recognise the increasingly important part which this factor plays in a companys success.G. The competition, which is now in its tenth yea

19、r, is designed to encourage excellence in smaller public companies based in this area.1.答案: F2.答案: D3.答案: A4.答案: E5.答案: CPART THREE GETTING THE MOST OUT OF MEETINGS One aspect of business life which many managers are unhappy with is the need to attend meetings. Research indicates that managers will

20、spend between a third and a half of their working lives in meetings. Although most managers would agree that it is hard to think of an alternative to meetings, as a means of considering information and making collective decisions, their length and frequency can cause problems with the workload of ev

21、en the best-organised executives. Meetings work best if they take place only when necessary and not as a matter of routine. One example of this is the discussion of personal or career matters between members of staff and their line and personnel managers. Another is during the early stages of a proj

22、ect when the team managing it need to learn to understand and trust one another. Once it has been decided that a meeting is necessary, decisions need to be taken about who will attend and about the location and length of the meeting. People should only be invited to attend if they are directly invol

23、ved in the matters under discussion and the agenda should be distributed well in advance. An agenda is vital because it acts as a road map to keep discussion focused and within the time limit allocated. This is also the responsibility of the person chairing the meeting, who should encourage those wh

24、o say little to speak and stop those who have a great deal to say from talking too much. At the end of a well organised meeting, people will feel that the meeting has been a success and be pleased they were invited. They will know not only what decisions were made but also the reasons for these deci

25、sions. Unfortunately, at the end of a badly organised meeting those present will leave feeling that they have wasted their time and that nothing worthwhile has been achieved. Much thought has been given over the years to ways of keeping meetings short. One man who has no intention of spending half h

26、is working life in meetings is Roland Winterson, chief executive of a large manufacturing company. He believes that meetings should be short, sharp and infrequent. I try to hold no more than two or three meetings a week, attended by a maximum of three people for no longer than half an hour, he says.

27、 They are clearly aimed at achieving a specific objective, such as making a decision or planning a strategy, and are based on careful preparation. I draw up the agenda for every meeting and circulate it in advance; those attending are expected to study it carefully and should be prepared to both ask

28、 and answer questions. Managers are best employed carrying out tasks directly connected with their jobs not attending endless meetings. In business, time is money and spending it in needless meetings that dont achieve anything can be very costly. Executives should follow the example of lawyers and p

29、ut a cost on each hour of their time and then decide whether attending a long meeting really is the best way to spend their time. 1. What do most managers think about meetings? _A.Meetings take up most of their working life.B.Meetings allow them to monitor decision-making.C.Meetings prevent them fro

30、m establishing a routine.D.Meetings are the only way they know of achieving certain objectives.答案:D2. According to the writer, an example of a valuable meeting is one which _A.allows colleagues to achieve a better working relationshipB.requires managers to discuss staffing needs with personnelC.sele

31、cts a suitable group of people to work together as a teamD.encourages staff to present ideas on improvements in management答案:A3. According to the writer the agenda is important because it _A.is seen by everybody before the meeting.B.helps to give direction to the discussions.C.contains items of inte

32、rest to all those present.D.shows who should speak at each stage of the meeting.答案:B4. The writer says that people leaving a well organised meeting will understand _A.the reason for their invitation to attend.B.how the decisions taken were relevant to them.C.the importance of proposals under discuss

33、ion.D.why certain courses of action were agreed upon.答案:D5. What does Roland Winterson say about the meetings that he organises? _A.He aims to hold them on a regular basis.B.He ensures they have a definite purpose.C.He requires his managers to draw up the agenda.D.He uses them to make decisions abou

34、t strategy.答案:D6. What is Roland Wintersons opinion about meetings? _A.They can be a bad use of a managers time.B.Their importance is often underestimated.C.They frequently result in wrong decisions.D.Their effectiveness could be improved with better planning.答案:APART FOUR Cruise Ship Holidays Passe

35、ngers on cruise ship holidays, as they are portrayed on TV programs and films, usually appear to be both rich and elderly. Such people do not, however, accurately represent the 6.8 million 1 who took this kind of holiday last year. Over the last few years the world cruise industry has concentrated o

36、n 2 to younger, less wealthy people, giving them a/an 3 more like a floating disco than the traditional quiet holiday on a luxury ship. Even families with young children are no longer so 4 on cruise ship. Partly as a result, the number of passengers taking a cruise has increased by a/an 5 of 8.5% a

37、year since 1990. Cruise Star is now the worlds 6 cruise line. The other two major companies are Intersail and Seaways. Together these three carry 7 half the worlds cruise passengers and 8 almost all the industrys profits. For the 30 or so smaller firms, life is much tougher. That is because 9 size b

38、rings so many benefits to the large firms. They can negotiate bulk discounts on 10 such as food and fuel; and even, if they order enough of them, on ships. A secondary 11 for the smaller operators is that they cannot spread overheads such broadly marketing. A significant part of the cost of 12 peopl

39、e on a cruise happens before they go on board the ship. The three large companies between them spend more than 100 million a year on TV 13 in America. They 14 armies of salesman. Delivering passengers to the ship is part of package deal and, once again, 15 means savings. Cruise Star is the biggest s

40、ingle buyer of airline tickets in America. 1.A.passengersB.holdersC.managersD.producers答案:A2.A.callingB.showingC.appealingD.applying答案:C3.A.symbolB.experienceC.productD.idea答案:B4.A.rareB.bigC.manyD.short答案:A5.A.figureB.gapC.edgeD.average答案:D6.A.onlyB.largestC.firstD.expensive答案:B7.A.moreB.nearlyC.so


42、loyC.helpD.accept答案:B15.A.profitB.costC.moneyD.volume答案:DPART FIVE ACCENTURE INNOVATION DELIVERED In todays what-have; you-done-for-me-lately environment, nothing is more valuable than innovative ideas. And it doesnt really matter so where the ideas 1 come from or who originates them. All that matte

43、rs is what you do away with 2 them. An idea may live in a neatly bound presentation deck, but not for long 3 time. Because in business, an idea belongs not necessarily to those who 4 conceived it, but to those who make it happen either. Accenture Co. has been 5 the worlds most leading management and

44、 technology services organization 6 not only for our ability to think, but for our ability to think and act. Having 7 worked along with more than half of the Fortune Global 500, we axe steeped 8 in experience across industries, geographies and through cultures. And that 9 combination of knowledge, d

45、epth and insight enables us to swiftly mobilize it 10 and, most importantly, deliver. Because in the end, its not only how many 11 ideas you have. Its how many you make happen. For much more information, 12 including case studies in your industry, visit accenture, com, or you can call our hotline, 3366889. 1.答案:AWAY2.答案:CORRECT3.答案:TIME4.答案:EITHER5.答案:CORRECT6.答案:MOST7.答案:ALONG8.答案:THROUGH9.答案:IT10.答案:ONLY11.答案:MUCH12.答案:CORRECT 20 / 20


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