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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟题综合练习(八)剑桥商务英语中级分类模拟题综合练习(八)SPEAKINGPART ONE问题:1. In this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)答案:听力原文(C=Candid

2、ate, E=Examiner)C: Good morning, professor.E: Good morning. Give us a brief introduction about yourself, please.C: OK, Im Amy from Peking University. And my major is Business Administration.E: Amy, where do you live now?C: I live in the campus. It is a really beautiful place with trees and flowers e

3、verywhere.E: Do you like learning Business Administration?C: I like it very much and I have also learned it well. My parents run a small company and they encourage me to choose Business Administration as my major. Then I become to enjoy it gradually.E: What kinds of people do you like to work with i

4、n school activities?C: Well, that really depends, you know. But generally speaking, I would like to work with those who are responsible and friendly to others.E: What would you like to do after you finish your studies?C: I plan to go abroad after my graduation next year. I think it would be benefici

5、al to have an internship experience abroad, especially in America or Britain.PART TWO In this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your id

6、eas. 问题:1. A What is important when.? Planning a presentation Considering the audience Clear structure B What is important when.? Changing working Companies Financial rewards Opportunities in the future C What is important when.? Criticising staff Giving them respect Letting them know the reason (如需

7、获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:听力原文 I choose Topic B, What is important when changing working companies? As to this topic, as far as I am concerned, there are three things to consider. First, I think financial rewards are very important when you plan to move to another company. Companies which could offer com

8、petitive salary are definitely more attractive since everyone has to earn his living by working. And usually, companies with high financial rewards are usually famous and big ones. Second, we must consider the career opportunities the company can provide, such as personal value system, future benefi

9、ts and so on. People tend to see the on-hand rewards and neglect the future benefits. However, the latter could really be significant for those who have little working experience. For example, people working as an intern in Microsoft and other World Top 500 can only get a certain amount of salary, b

10、ut after they get out of there, they may have gained an amazingly increased self-value. Third, I believe the location of the company is another concern when we change jobs, especially in big cities. Nowadays, we may live in one part of a city and work in another part of the city far far away. This c

11、ould take people too much time. Imagine if you have to spend 3 hours every day on the way, it can be really hard to balance your leisure time and work. And if you can have a job not far from home, you can have more time to learn new things, to have fun with your family or things like that. PART THRE

12、E In this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. 问题:1. For two ca

13、ndidates Training Plan Your company has decided to use an outside agency for language training for the staff. You have been asked to have preliminary discussions with the agency to organise this. Discuss the situation together, and decide: what information you will need to provide for the agency wha

14、t kinds of questions you will need to ask the agency. For three candidates Training Plan Your company has decided to use an outside agency for language training for the staff. You have been asked to have preliminary discussions with the agency to organise this. Discuss the situation together, and de

15、cide: what information you will need to provide for the agency what kinds of questions you will need to ask the agency what other arrangements would have to be made for the training programme. Follow-on questions What kind of training do you think a company should provide to the employees? Will you

16、make the training course selective or compulsory? (Why?) About the schedule of the course, do you prefer a full-time or a part-time system? (Why?) What can be the disadvantages of using an outside agency for such training? How can you evaluate the effect of the training? (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 答案:听力原文

17、A: Hey, you know what? Our company is going to invite the Spark English to give the staff a language training course.B: Really, that would be wonderful. Some of the staff really need to improve their English, especially their business English.C: And what information should we offer to Spark English?

18、A: Well, I think we should tell them the numbers of staff going to take this course, and the real English level of our staff.B: That is good, and I believe the information about their characteristics and their working hours is also useful.C: Of course, and what about the Spark English? What informat

19、ion should we ask from them?A: Oh, there are millions of questions such as how qualified the teachers are, whether they are professional business English teachers or company staff working as part-time teachers, how long the course is, etc.B: And I want to know the style of their teaching.C: Hey, her

20、e I have an idea. Why dont we arrange a party for the staff and the Spark English teachers? We can make them know each other before the course really starts.B: Wow, that is amazing! I like your idea. In this way, they may make acquaintance with each other and this is a good chance for them to ask qu

21、estions they would like to know.A: OK. Since we have discussed all about this, lets get down to our work. I cant wait to see them.C: Good. Ill give the Spark English a telephone call to talk about the plan. Follow-on questions From my point of view, a company should provide the employees with traini

22、ngs that can improve their professional skills and managerial abilities. It depends. For those courses that all staff should take, they should be compulsory, while other courses can be selective so that the staff can choose according to their own needs. For my part, I prefer a part-time system, beca

23、use a full-time system will affect the daily routine of the staff. An outside agency may not know so clearly about the needs and characteristics of the employees, which can affect the result of the training. There are several ways to evaluate the effect of the training, holding professional exams, conducting surveys among the employees and evaluating the effect of the training in the daily work of the staff. 9 / 9


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