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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟37剑桥商务英语中级模拟37READINGPART ONE Look at the statements below and the information on outdoor advertising on the opposite page. Which section (A, B, C, or D) does each statement 1-7 refer to? For each statement 1-7, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D)

2、on your Answer Sheet. You will need to use some of these letters more than once.AThe cost-effectiveness and flexibility offered by large-format digital imaging has also helped diversify the number of out-of-home media. Out-of-home was a concept that didnt have a name until digital technology gave it

3、 one. Instead of hand- painting a bus or shelter, a self-adhesive graphic can be digitally imaged in a short amount of time and applied with relative ease. Advances in the durability and weatherability of inks and vinyl substrates keep the images looking sharp for a longer time.BOther technologies c

4、ontribute to improvements in outdoor advertising. Satellite lighting systems allow outdoor companies to remotely adjust billboard lighting to change with seasons and daily light differences. For instance, lights can be programmed to turn off at the end of an advertisers contract, while two-way commu

5、nication lets outdoor companies know when there is no power.CAnother electronic device barcode-identification tracks an advertisers campaign from poster production through shipping, display and removal. In this way, advertisers can verify the status of their campaign through on-line communication wi

6、th the outdoor companies. Similarly, computer-mapping systems help advertisers combine demographic and geographic market research data with outdoor locations to determine the best place to advertise.DGlobal positioning systems (GPS) make up another technology that enables the outdoor industry to det

7、ermine display locations. Data is gathered with a hand-held GPS receiver that receives radio signals from satellites. The data is then put into mapping database systems that visually position billboards and other out-of-home advertising displays at that location. In this way, advertisers can test cr

8、eative designs at specific locations from a computer before they commit to them.1. Lighting system of billboard changes seasonally, which is remote-control.答案:B2. One of the effects that digital technology has on outdoor advertising is to make clear pictures more durable.答案:A3. Digital imaged advert

9、ising can save time and labor.答案:A4. The companies requiring outdoor advertising can communicate with adviser on the Internet.答案:C5. Advertisers can gauge their design before putting it into effect.答案:D6. By using electronic technique, advertisers can find the most suitable display position to do ou

10、tdoor advertising.答案:C7. Signals received from satellite can help gather data.答案:DPART TWO Read the article below about advertising. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8-12, mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet. Do not use any letter more tha

11、n once. ADVERTISING Advertising is part of our daily lives. To find proof, you have only to leaf through a magazine or newspaper or count the radio or television commercials that you hear in one evening. Most people see and hear a mass of advertising messages every day. And people respond to the man

12、y devices that advertisers use to gain their attention. Advertising is a big business, and, to many people, a fascinating one, filled with attraction and excitement. It is part literature, part art, and part show business. Advertising is the difficult business of bringing information to great number

13、s of people. The purpose of an advertisement is to make people respond into make them react to an idea, 1 . At the beginning of the 20th century, advertising was described as salesmanship in print. If this definition were expanded to include radio and television, it would still stand today. 2 It can

14、 be found as far back as the public criers of ancient Greece- who, for a fee, shouted out messages about a companys products to one and all. 3 This early ad was the work of William Caxton, Englands first printer, who used it to advertise religious books from his own studio. Caxton posted small print

15、ed notices along Londons main streets. This same sort of simple, informational advertising is still used. 4 . The Industrial Revolution, in the 18th and 19th centuries, brought a new kind of advertising. Large factories took the place of small workshops, and goods were produced in large quantities.

16、Manufacturers used the newly built railroads to distribute their products over wide areas. They had to find many thousands of customers in order to stay in business. They could not simply tell people where shoes or cloth or tea could be bought-they had to learn how to make people want to buy a speci

17、fic product. Advertising agencies began to develop in the United States just after the Civil War. 5 But they soon added the service of writing and producing advertisements. From these modest beginnings, advertising has developed into a highly specialized and profitable business.A Advertising is very

18、 old.B Examples include the roadside signs that tell travelers that they can buy fresh corn just down the road or that there is a restaurant in the next town.C Thus modern advertising was born.D Advertising is part of our daily lives.E such as helping to prevent forest fires, or to make them want to

19、 buy a certain product or service.F At first, the chief objective of these agencies was to sell space in the various media, mainly newspapers and magazines.G The first printed advertisement in the English language appeared in 1478, more than a century before Shakespeares first play was produced.1.答案

20、:E2.答案:A3.答案:G4.答案:B5.答案:FPART THREE Read the article below about losing an accent to achieve success, and the questions on the opposite page. For each question 18-18, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose. LOSING AN ACCENT TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS It was painful f

21、or Irwin Layton to warn one of his recently promoted managers that he had to correct his speech-or it could cost him his career. The word voltage came out of Edwins mouth sounding like woltage, and this sounded like dis. This often resulted in mistakes being made in the shipments he ordered. I was r

22、eally forced into submission. They said, Either you improve your accent or your chances of getting promoted to senior management wont be good, said Edwin. Edwin is a junior manager making $ 51,000 a year at a manufacturing company in Mountain View. Despite of mixed feelings, he hired a speech coach

23、to help him out. He is not alone. Accent reduction is rapidly turning into a major business for speech coaches in the Bay Area and other large cities. Young, first-generation foreign professionals in America hoping to improve their careers appear to make up the majority of those paying to get rid of

24、 their accents. I have people whose command of English is good-theyve gone to universities here in the United States, but when they go into the workplace, they are held back, said Arthur Compton, founder of the Institute of Language 答案:D2. What would happen if Mr. Edwin didnt try to get rid of his a

25、ccent?A.He might make less than $ 51,000 a year at the manufacturing company.B.He could not order successful shipments any more.C.His chances of getting promoted to senior management wouldnt be good.D.He would push himself too hard in education because he was too sensitive.答案:C3. How do some America

26、ns think of people with accents?A.They think people with accents are not intelligent.B.They think people with accents dont deserve to be promoted.C.They think people with accents need speech coaches to help them get rid of their accents.D.They think people with accents lack experience in business.答案

27、:A4. Why is it hard to lose an accent?A.Because people with accents are stupid.B.Because people have to reset the speech patterns due to different alphabets.C.Because hiring a speech coach is too expensive, and people cannot afford.D.Because people with accents have different culture backgrounds whi

28、ch may not be overcome easily.答案:B5. What resulted from Mr. Edwins efforts?A.He improved a lot in his career.B.He became more self-confident.C.He got promoted very quickly.D.He is going to support other colleagues with the same problem.答案:B6. Why did Mr. Layton call it a win-win situation?A.The situ

29、ation proved to be beneficial to both Mr. Edwin and the employer.B.The situation proved to be beneficial to Mr. Edwin, who with his talent and passion, would have better chances for career development.C.The situation proved to be beneficial to the employer who would sponsor a second employer.D.The s

30、ituation proved to be beneficial to both the manufacturing company and speech coaches.答案:APART FOUR Read the article below about a critical concern in merger and acquisition strategies. Choose the best word or phrase to fill each gap from A, B, C, or D on the opposite page. For each question 19-33,

31、mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet. A Critical Concern in Merger and Acquisition Strategies Mergers and acquisitions as growth strategies are once again in vogue. This business drama seems to be 1 by recent highly visible mergers between rich and famous players. Even speculation ar

32、ound a low ball offered by Comcast to acquire Disney seems to excite global 2 in corporate marriages. However, like all such 3 , long-term success is rarely accomplished by a mere combination of cool stuff and know-how. In the midst of all the hype, a well documented fact is that most merger and acq

33、uisition activity rarely 4 the highly anticipated cooperation between companies. Throughout a merger or acquisition, people in an acquired company often 5 that they dont know what is happening, express fear about 6 their jobs, and feel demoralized as to the future of their contributions. Failed merg

34、ers that otherwise have a 7 strategic and financial fit are typically the 8 of the irretrievable loss of intangible, messy-to-measure, and difficult-to-implement human 9 on which the companys tangible assets ultimately 10 . Traditional integration practices have been 11 around consolidating key reso

35、urces, financial and physical assets, 12 names, and tradable endowments. The most forward-thinking integration strategies also capture key pieces of elusive core competencies, such as a/an 13 s best practices, skills, knowledge bases, and routines. 14 excluded are critical root strategic assets, whi

36、ch can make or break a union that is otherwise made in heaven. These root strategic assets 15 collaborative leadership, cultural cohesion and talent retention. 1.A.fueledB.replacedC.producedD.directed答案:A2.A.costB.interestC.concernD.worry答案:B3.A.assetsB.creditsC.dealsD.sources答案:C4.A.arrangesB.produ


38、arkB.brandC.symbolD.product答案:B13.A.organizationB.governmentC.branchD.office答案:A14.A.OnlyB.TypicallyC.RoughlyD.Nearly答案:B15.A.holdB.produceC.includeD.bring答案:CPART FIVE Read the text below about consumer electronics model. In most of the lines 34-45 there is one extra word. It is either grammaticall

39、y incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct. If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet. If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. Interconnect Your Home Correct If the Consumer

40、 Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas is any indication, this willcome be the year of PCs going from the desktop and come into your hand, your living34 room, or your kitchen appliances. The idea of interconnectivity is emerged as a35 central theme at the massive trade show. Increasing more companies,

41、 including36 Microsoft, were showing off products that allow PCs, TVs, stereos, and media37 recorders are to be connected by home networks. Intel said it would enter the38 consumer electronics market as for the first time with a chip specifically39 designed to provide power cheaper, better flat-pane

42、l TV displays and an40 all-in-one home entertainment PC. Entertainment PCs, according to Intel, will41 come on the market later this year, priced at between 6, 400 yuan or less. They42 are intended to offer that live TV tuning, video recording, DVD and photo display,43 and even video gaming. What at

43、 stake is the traditional consumer electronics44 model, since then PC companies push into the higher-margin market for45 consumer electronics, driving down costs and playing up interactive feature.1.答案:IS2.答案:INCREASING3.答案:CORRECT4.答案:ARE5.答案:AS6.答案: PROVIDE7.答案: CORRECT8.答案: BETWEEN9.答案: THAT10.答案

44、: WHAT11.答案: THEN12.答案: CORRECTWRITING问题:1.PART ONE You are a sales accountant. You have to admit that you were negligent in confusing Mr. Lius invoice with another one. Write a memo to your manager. Telling him Mr. Liu is correct in his complaint Admitting that you are responsible Making sure that

45、he gets a replacement invoice Write 40-50 words on a separate sheet. To: From: Date: Subject:答案:To: The managerFrom: J. Rhode, Sales AccountantDate: 20 January 2009Subject: The complaint from Mr. Liu I have checked our records and I have found thatMr. Liu is correct in his complaint. I am afraid I w

46、as responsible for confusing his invoice with another invoice. I shall make sure that he gets a replacement invoice in the very near future,问题:2.PART TWO The company you work for is expanding rapidly and is looking for new premises. Your Managing Director is interested in two properties and asked you to visit the two places. Read the two advertisements below, on which you have already made some notes during the visit.


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