冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play》教案_9.docx

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1、冀教版 六年级下册Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play!教学分析1、学情分析小学六年级的学生已经具备了基本的英语学习素养,对于一些常用的单词,语法与句型有了基本的了解,且拥有了一定的口语基础,在六年级上学期接触并学习到了be going to 形式的一般将来时表达法。同时该年级学生已经初步具有了一定的语言提炼、归纳和总结能力,但还有待提高和加强。2、教材分析本节课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元的第2课时,题目Tomorrow We Will Play! 在本课中,Jenny和Danny在讨论他们的周末计划,本节课主要学习will结构的一般将来时, will结构所代

2、表的一般将来时及其否定形式与句型What will you do?教学目标1、 知识与技能目标(1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读和书写单词: will, angry, close, pick(2)学生能够认读、理解并运用下列句子: 1、What will you do tomorrow?2、I will fly a kite.3、I will not fly a kite.2、过程与方法目标学生学会并理解will所表示的一般将来时及其否定形式3、情感与态度目标通过文本内容的学习,调动学生学习的积极性,使学生在不断体验成功的同时,增强英语学习的信心。教学重难点教学重点、难点:will引导的将来时态肯

3、定及否定形式,句型What will you do?的掌握与使用。对一般将来时的理解和运用。教学准备多媒体、PPT教学过程Step 1 Warm up (5 minutes)1.Greeting2.Free talkT: We have learned four seasons last year? What are they? Yes, they are winter、spring、summer、autumn .So, Can you tell me what are these seasons like?(PPT上播放四个季节的照片,学生回答并复习上节课所学内容)T: And summer

4、 is coming , I am going to eat an ice cream. Do you know what are Jenny and Danny going to do ?(找5个同学来猜测)【设计意图】:通过Free Talk的形式,将学生脑海中对于一般将来时be going to 表达法进行简单输出,并为新授环节打下基础。同时通过猜测能够让学生头脑风暴,不断复习旧知,也给新课文的出现埋下伏笔。Step 2 Pre-reading (10 minutes)1、 Listen to the tape and then underline something you dont

5、know.(学生自主用横线画出不理解的地方,教师新授单词)2、 新授单词:(1) will“将”,强调“i”的发音,引导学生找出相同发音的单词eg .visitwill用于一般将来时的肯定形式,will + dowill not =wont用于一般将来时的否定形式,will not +do(2) angry教师画图并用表情展示生气的样子,反义词happy(3) close教师用动作展示关闭的动作,反义词open(4) pick pick some flowers(教师讲授单词为学生理解文章扫清障碍)Step 3 While-reading (15 minutes)1、 listen to th

6、e tape for the first time and then answer the following quenti-on.T:What is the main idea of the passage?S:It is about Danny and Jenny will do sth tomorrow.2、 listen to the tape for the second time and then answer the following que-stions.(1) listen and write will or will nota. They go to the park.b

7、. Danny fly a kite.c. Danny look at the beautiful flowers in the park.d. Danny pick some flowers for his mother.(2)Listen and tick or crossa. Today is Friday ( )b. Pick some flowers in the park is right.( )c. Jenny is angry with Danny.( )d. Finally, Danny thinks he is wrong.( )(3) T: Do you have any

8、 questions about this text?Lets look, draw and write.Step 4 Post-reading (5 minutes)(学生尝试模仿读文本,然后自己选择喜欢的角色两人一组做角色扮演)T: Now try to imitate, then act it out.(然后选择学生上前表演并评价,通过评价调动学生学习积极性)【设计意图】回归文本,让学生对所学重点在头脑中进行总结并沉淀,学生可以自主选择自己喜欢的角色,创造以学生为主体的自主学习氛围。Step 5 Homework (5 minutes)All of you will have a good tomorrow. You know our summer holiday is coming. What will you do for this summer holiday? Now make a plan for your summer holiday.My holiday plan Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play!I will fly a kite tomorrow. I will not fly a kite tomorrow.


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