九年级英语全册Unit9IlikemusicthatI can dance to(第4课时)课件 (新版)人教新目标版.pptx

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1、Section B (2a 3b),sense sadness pain reflect moving,v. 感觉到;意识到 n. 感觉;意识 n. 悲伤;悲痛 n. 痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 v. 反映;映出 adj. 动人的;令人感 动的,perform lifetime pity total,v. 表演;执行 n. 一生;有生之年 n. 遗憾;怜悯 v. 同情;怜悯 n. 总数;总计 adj. 总的;全体的,in total master praise recall,总共;合计 n. 大师;能手;主人 v. 掌握 v. & n. 表扬;赞扬 v. 回忆起;回想起,wound painful,n.

2、 伤;伤口;创伤 v. 使(身体)受伤; 伤害 adj. 令人痛苦的;令 人疼痛的,NEXT,1. pain n. 痛苦;疼痛;苦恼 形容词为painful(令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的)。 He has a pain in the knee. 他膝盖疼。 He had a painful experience in the city.他在这座城市里有一段痛苦的经历。,BACK,请同学们在课后参照巴蜀英才英语P87的内容进行复习。,2. perform v. 表演;执行 He is going to perform magic at the party. 他将在晚会上表演魔术。 【相关词汇】 n.

3、performance(演出) n. performer(演员)。,BACK,请同学们在课后参照巴蜀英才英语P87的内容进行复习。,3. master n. 大师;能手;主人 v. 掌握 I can be a master of myself in learning. 我可以做我学习上的主人。,请同学们在课后参照巴蜀英才英语P87的内容进行复习。,Its not easy to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语并非易事。,BACK,How many Chinese musical instruments do you know? Do you know som

4、e famous music pieces that are played on these instruments? Make a list with your partner.,2a,Chinese Musical Instruments,中国民乐器,These instruments are divided into four groups:,Wind or Blowing Instruments 吹奏乐器 Bowed String Instrument 拉弦乐器 Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器 Percussion 打击乐器,Wind or Blowing

5、 Instruments 吹奏乐器,Dizi 笛子 Xiao 萧 Sheng 笙,Dizi 笛子,The Dizi , a popular traditional Chinese flute ,is made of bamboo and is in the form of a pipe.,The famous songs played by Dizi,梁祝之化蝶 梦里水乡 分飞燕 晚秋 故乡原风景 春江花月夜 水乡吟 枣园春色 大悲咒 ,Xiao 萧,Similar to Dizi ,the xiao is also a very popular wind instrument. Xiao i

6、s used to play classical Chinese music and solo music .,The songs played by Sheng 笙,微山湖船歌 苗族歌曲 马蹄声 婚誓 芦笙恋歌,Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器,The plucked string instruments are played by plucking the strings with fingers or plectrums(拨子 ).,Plucked String Instrument 弹拨乐器,Guqin 古琴 Zheng 筝 Pipa 琵琶,Guqin 古琴

7、,The Guqin is the most classical of all the Chinese music instruments with about 2000 years of history.,Ten famous songs played by Guqin,十大古琴名曲 广陵散 高山流水 平沙落雁 酒狂 关山月 潇湘水云 阳关三叠 梅花三弄 胡笳十八拍 幽兰 忆故人,Zheng 筝,The Zheng is a plucked string instrument that is part of the zither (筝) family. It was developed fr

8、om a small instrument made from bamboo.,Pipa 琵琶,The original instrument of Pipa with 4 silk strings has a history of over 2000 years . 最早的4 丝弦琵琶距今有2000多年的历史。,The famous songs played by Pipa,塞上曲 夕阳箫鼓 十面埋伏 霸王卸甲 大浪淘沙 昭君出塞 阳春白雪 草原小姐妹 海青拿天鹅 彝族舞曲,Percussion 打击乐器,The history of percussion instruments in Ch

9、ina is longer than any other category of traditional instruments . The character of “drum” was first found in the inscriptions on bones and tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty .,Percussion 打击乐器,Tanggu 堂鼓 Lion Drum 狮鼓 Muyu 木鱼 Zhong 钟 Bo 钹 Luo 锣 Yunluo 云锣,Muyu 木鱼,Muyu was a fish-shaped group, reserva

10、tion head olive. 木鱼呈团鱼形,棰头橄榄形。,Zhong 钟,The Zhong is also named as Bianzhong (编钟) meaning collected bronze bells. 编钟是我国古代的一种打击乐器,用青铜铸成,它由大小不同的扁圆钟按照音调高低的次序排列起来,悬挂在一个巨大的钟架上。 The famous Bianzhong was 曾侯乙编钟.,Songs played by Bianzhong,竹枝词(编钟与编磬) 春江花月夜(古乐合奏) 屈原问渡(古乐合奏) 楚殇(古乐合奏) 幽兰(古琴与编钟) 国殇(古乐合奏),Bo 钹,The

11、Bo consists of a pair of bronze cymbals , which were frequently used in Sui and Tang dynasties with varying designs. Now it is commonly made of high-tin bronze (高锡青铜). 钹,古称铜钹、铜盘,民间称镲。打击乐器。,Luo 锣,The Luo or Chinese gong is made of high-tin bronze, hammered into a sifter shape. Its central resonation

12、area can be either flat or convex. (中国锣是由高锡青铜,锤成一个筛子状。其核心的共振区域,可以是平或凸的。),Bowed String Instrument 拉弦乐器,Erhu 二胡 Gaohu 高胡 Banhu 板胡,Erhu 二胡,Erhu has a small body and a long neck , with the bow inserted between two strings. Originally an instrument mainly for accompaniment in an opera , the Erhu becomes

13、a solo instrument after much improvement.,Famous songs played by Erhu,二泉映月 红梅随想 江南春色 望星空 江河水 ,Read the passage and answer the questions.,2b,NOTING SUPPORTING DETAILS Supporting details can be examples, reasons, opinions or other detailed information in each paragraph.,Sad but Beautiful Last night on

14、e of my Chinese friends took me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece which was played on the erhu especially moved me. The music was strangely,beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain. The piece had a simple name, “Erquan Yingyue” (Moon Reflected on Second Spring),

15、 but was one of the most moving pieces of music,that Ive ever heard. The erhu sounded like it was crying, and I almost cried along with it as I listened. Later I looked up the history of “Erquan Yingyue”, and I began to understand the sadness in the music.,The music was written by Abing, a folk musi

16、cian who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. His mother died when he was very young. Abings father taught him to play many musical instruments, such as the drums, dizi and erhu,and by age 17, Abing was known for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abings life grew worse. He was ve

17、ry poor. not only that, he developed a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home.,He lived on the streets and played music to make money. Even after Abing got married and had a home again, he continued to sing and play in the city streets. He performed in this way for many

18、years.,Abings amazing musical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. By the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by Abing himself. It is a pity that,only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popular

19、ity continues to this day. Today, Abings “Erquan Yingyue” is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise.,It has become one of Chinas national treasures. Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abings own life but also makes people recall their deepest wounds from their own sad or p

20、ainful experiences.,Now answer the questions.,1. Which musician does the reading passage mainly talk about? 2. What is the name of his most famous piece of music?,Abing.,Erquan Yingyue.,3. How does the writer feel about this piece of music?,The writer feels it is sad but beautiful.,Read the passage

21、again and use suitable words to complete the main idea of each paragraph. Then list the supporting details in each paragraph.,2c,Paragraph 1 Main idea: I was _ by a piece of music named Erquan Yinyue. Supporting details: The music was strangely beautiful,moved,Paragraph 2 Main idea: Abing lived a ve

22、ry _ life. Supporting details: He lived on the streets and played music to make money.,poor,Paragraph 3 Main idea: Abings musical skills made him very _. Supporting details: By the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. It is a pity that only six pieces of music were recorded for t

23、he future world to hear,popular,Circle that or who and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.,2d,pain wounds sense pity praise,Abing played music (that / who) could touch the hearts of people. When we listen to his music, we can _ both the beauty and the sadness in it. It makes us think about

24、 the _ and _ (that / who) we have experienced,sense,wounds,pain,in the past. For this reason, many people _ him as the musician (that / who) has greatly influenced erhu music. So it is really a _ that not many pieces of his music were recorded.,praise,pity,Student A is a foreign visitor who is inter

25、ested in Abing and his music. Student B is a Chinese student who knows about Abing. Use the information in the passage to make a conversation.,2e,What kind of musical instruments did Abing play?,He could play many instruments, but he is best known for playing the erhu.,What is the name of his most f

26、amous piece of music?,Erquan Yingyue. And it has become one of Chinas national treasures.,How do you feel after listening the Erquan Yingyue?,The music was strangely beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong sadness and pain.,What kind of music or movies do you like best? What is your favori

27、te song / movie? Make notes in the chart below.,3a,Historical drama,make me aware of some important historical events and how they affected peoples lives,Gone with the Wind,It has a very interesting storyline and an excellent cast.,Use your notes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to te

28、ll people about your favorite kind of music/movie and your favorite song/movie.,3b,Using the following expressions to help you: My favorite kind of music/movie is I like Because It was by. When I listen to / watch it, I feel I think you should listen to / watch it too because .,Sample,My favorite ki

29、nd of movie is the historical drama. I like historical drama because they are a relaxing way for me to learn history and the effects that a historical event had on peoples lives.,My favorite movie is Gone with the Wind. It was made in 1939, based on a prize-winning novel by Margaret Mtchell. The mov

30、ies plot is set against the American Civi War and it has an amazing cast that helps bring the story to life.,When I watch this movie, I feel deeply moved. It makes me feel sad about the effects of the war, but it also gives me hope in the strength of the human spirit.,I think you should watch this m

31、ovie too because it is one of the most greatest movies of all time.,Homework,请同学们完成巴蜀英才英语九年级上,P87-P88 第四课时的相应练习。,1. .it was one of the most moving pieces of music that Ive ever heard. 它是我听过的最感人的乐曲之一。,请同学们在课后参照巴蜀英才英语P88的内容进行复习。,句中piece表示音乐作品,意为“一首歌;一支乐曲”,music不可数,但piece可数;one of the most moving piece

32、s of music构成“one of + the +形容词最高级+复数可数名词”的结构,,并且“形容词最高级+名词”后面,往往会跟一个定语从句(只能用that引导),表示最高级所属的范围。 This is the most beautiful painting that Ive ever seen.这是我所见过的最美的油画。,BACK,2.It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear 让人遗憾的是只有六首他的曲子被录了下来供后世赏听,请同学们在课后参

33、照巴蜀英才英语P88的内容进行复习。,It is a pity that 是一个常用句型,表示“令人遗憾的是”,其中it是形式上的主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。,除了a pity外,构成“It is + 名词 + that ”句型的名词常见的还有a shame, a fact, an honour, a wonder, no wonder, a good thing, good news等。,It is a shame that you have to leave so soon. 你不得不这么早离开,真遗憾。 It was a stupid thing that he didnt listen to his teacher.他没听老师的话,真蠢,BACK,


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