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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语中级模拟50剑桥商务英语中级模拟50READINGPART ONELook at the statements below and the comments on change management on the opposite page.Which section(A,B,C or D)does each statement 1-7 refer to?For each statement 1-7,mark one letter(A,B,C or D)You will need to us

2、e some of these letters more than onceA.For over three decades,academics,managers,and consultants,realizing that transforming organizations is difficult,have analyzed the subjectTheyve sung the praises of leaders who communicate vision and walk the talk in order to make change efforts succeedTheyve

3、sanctified the importance of changing organizational culture and employeesattitudesTheyve teased out the tensions between top-down transformation efforts and participatory approaches to changeStill,studies show that in most organizations,two out of three transformation initiatives failB.Each manager

4、 looks at an initiative from his or her viewpoint and,based on personal experience,focuses on different success factorsThe experts,too,offer different perspectivesA recent search for books on change and management turned up 6,153 titles,each with a distinct take on the topic. Those ideas have a lot

5、to offer,but take together,they force companies to tackle many priorities simultaneously,which spreads resource sand skills thin.C.Someofthehardfactorsthataffectatransformationinitiativearethetimenecessarytocompleteit,the number of people required to execute it,and the financial results that intende

6、d actions are expected to achieve. The research shows that change projects fail to get off the ground when companies neglect the hard factors. That doesnt mean that executives can ignore the soft elements;that would be a grave mistake. However. If companies dont pay attention to the hard issues firs

7、t,transformation programs will break down before the soft elements come into play.D.Companies assume that the longer an initiative carries on. The more likely it is to failthe early impetus will peter out,windows of opportunity will close,objectives will be forgotten,key supporters will leave or los

8、e their enthusiasm,and problems will accumulate. However,contrary to popular perception, along project that is reviewed frequently is more likely to succeed than a short project that isnt reviewed frequently. Thus,the time between reviews is more critical for success than a projects life span.1. the

9、 importance of taking into consideration the economic effects brought by the change答案:C从C篇第一句“Some of the hard factors that affect a transformation initiative are the time necessary to complete it, the number of people required to execute it, and the financial results that intended actions are expec

10、ted to achieve. ”可知影响变革主动性的硬因素包括需要的时间、参加人员的数量以及将要进行的变革所能带来的经济效益。第二句“The research shows that change projects fail to get off the ground when companies neglect the hard factors. ”告诉我们,如果忽略这些因素,变革就很难顺利展开。该句中的短语get off the ground表示“起飞;顺利地起步”。C篇中的最后一句“However, ifcompanies dont pay attention to the hard i

11、ssues first, transformation programs will break down before the soft elements come into play. ”再次强调首先要关注的是上述那些硬因素。经济效益是硬因素之一,因此,C为正确选项。2. the diversity in observing the initiative of change in companies答案:B从B篇第一、第二两句“Each manager looks at an initiative from his or her viewpoint and, based on persona

12、l experience, focuses on different success factors. The expeas, too, offer different perspectives. ”可知管理者和专家都对变革的主动性有着千差万别的看法。第三句“A recent search for books onchange and managementturned up 6,1 53 titles,each with a distinct take on the topic. ”则用数字说明关于“change and management”这一主题的文章有如此之多(6,153),而每篇观点

13、又不尽相同。此句中的“take”作名词,本意是指电影电视拍摄时的一个个镜头,这里指观点。因此,B为正确选项。3. the belief that good communication between managers and staff will benefit the change答案:A从A篇第一、第二句“For over three decades, academics, managers, and consultants, realizing that transforming organizations is difficult, have analyzed the subject.

14、 Theyve sung the praises of leaders who communicate vision and walk the talk in order to make change efforts succeed. ”可知学者、管理者、顾问都对那些能够将自己的变革构想告诉给下属的领导者称赞有加。由此可以断定,管理者与被管理者就即将进行的变革进行沟通是有助于变革成功的。因此,A为正确选项。4. the relationship between the duration of a project and the chances of winning the change答案:D

15、从D篇第一句的前半句“Companies assume that the longer an initiative carries on, the more likely it is to fail”可知有些人认为变革持续的时间越长就越可能失败;后半句“the early impetus will peter out, windows of opportunity will close, objectives will be forgotten, key supporterswill leave or lose their enthusiasm, and problems will accum

16、ulate. ”则进行了进一步的解释。但在“However”之后,与上所述完全相反的一种观点被提出来,“a long project that is reviewed frequently is more likely to succeed than a short project that isnt reviewed frequently”,意思是,如果能对一个实施时间很长的变革计划在其进行中不断研究改进的话,该变革则更可能成功。可见,作者在D篇中对变革持续时间长短与成功可能性的关系做了介绍,因此,D为正确选项。5. the need to consider all the elements

17、 involved in a change答案:C从C篇的第一、第二句“Some of the hard factors that affect a transformation initiative are the time necessary to complete it, the number of people required to execute it, and the financial results that intended actions are expected to achieve. The research shows that change projects fa

18、il to get off the ground when companies neglect the hard factors. ”及第四句“if companies dont pay attention to the hard issues first, transformation programs will break down before the soft elements come into play. ”可知若要使变革成功,必须而且首先应该考虑到硬因素。当然,只考虑硬因素是不够的,第三句“That doesnt mean that executives can ignore t

19、he soft elements; that would be a grave mistake. ”则提到不能忽略软因素,否则,就是犯了严重的错误。综合整篇内容,作者是要表明忽略任何一方面因素都无法使变革成功。因此,C为正确选项。6. the possibility to make a successful change by considering the plan more than once答案:D从D篇倒数第二句“However, contrary to popular perception, a long project that is reviewed frequently is

20、more likely to succeed than a short project that isnt reviewed frequently. ”可知如果能对一个实施时间很长的变革计划,在其进行中不断研究改进的话,该变革则更可能成功。因此,D为正确选项。 OCR PREVIEW FILE7. the negative view of asking companies to solve many problems at the same time答案:B从B篇最后一句中的“Those ideas have a lot to offer, but taken together, they f

21、orce companies to tackle many priorities simultaneously, ”这些观点的共同点就是迫使公司同时解决诸多所谓应优先解决的问题,“force”一词表明作者对这种观点持否定态度。而且,最后的which一从句“which spreads resources and skills thin. ”表明这样做带来的问题是分散了解决问题所需的物力和人力。这就意味着真正需要优先解决的问题可能被耽误。所以作者对这种观点是不认同的。因此,B为正确选项。PART TWO Read the article below about management teams i

22、n making decisions. Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps. For each gap 8-12,mark one letter(A-G). Do not use any letter more than once. How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight Top managers often find it very difficult to manage conflict. They know that conflict

23、 over issues is natural and even necessary. Reasonable people,making decisions under conditions of uncertainty,are likely to have honest disagreements over the best path for their companys future. Management teams whose members challenge one anothers thinking develop a more complete understanding of

24、 the choices, cerate a richer range of options. Ultimately they are able to make the kinds of effective decisions necessary in todays competitive environments. But, unfortunately, healthy conflict can quickly turn unproductive. A comment meant as a substantive remark can be interpreted as a personal

25、 attack. 1 Personalities frequently become closely connected with issues. Because most executives are proud of their ability to make rational decisions,they find it difficult even to acknowledgelet alone managethis emotional,irrational dimension of their behavior. The challenge is familiar to anyone

26、 who has ever been part of a management team. 2 The managers should be encouraged to argue without destroying their ability to work as a team. In a study,in 4 of the 12 companies,there was little or no substantive disagreement over major issues and therefore little conflict to observe. But the other

27、 8 companies experienced considerable conflict. In 4 of them,the top-management teams handled conflict in a way that avoided interpersonal hostility or discord. 3 They described the way they work as a team asopen,fun,and productive. The executives vigorously debated the issues,but they wasted little

28、 time on carefully considering and posturing. As one put it, I really dont have time. Another said, We dont gloss over the issues:we hit them straight on. But were not political, Still another observed of her companys management team, We scream a lot,then laugh,and then resolve the issue. The other

29、four companies in which issues were contested were less successful at avoiding interpersonal conflict. Their top teams were plagued by intense hostility. 4 When executives described their colleagues to us,they used words such asmanipulative, secretive.burned out,andpolitical. The teams with minimal

30、interpersonal conflict were able to separate substantive issues from those based on personalities. 5 How did they do that? After analyzing the observations of the teams behavior, the experts found that their companies used the same tactics for managing interpersonal conflict. For instance,team membe

31、rs worked with more, rather than less, information and debated on the basis of facts. A. They must try to keep constructive conflict over issues from turning into nonfunctional interpersonal conflict. B. Executives Often failed to cooperate. rarely talking with one another, tending to fragment into

32、cliques, and openly displaying their frustration and anger. C. Anxiety and frustration over difficult choices can evolve into anger directed at colleagues. D. Executives in those companies referred to their colleagues as smart, team player, and best In the business. E. All the teams had to make high

33、-stakes decisions in the face of considerable uncertainty and under pressure to move quickly. F. They managed to disagree over questions of strategic significance and still get along with one another. 1.答案:C从本段的段首句可知这段的主要内容是讲本来很正常的争论会演变成人身攻击。空格前后的两个句子,“A comment meant as a sutbstantive remark can be

34、 interpreted as a personal attack. ”及“Personalities frequently become closely connected with issues. ”都是对段首句做进一步的阐述。为了保持语篇的连贯,空格处的句子应该有同样作用。因此,C为正确选项。2.答案:A本段第一句是承上启下的作用,告诉读者这种挑战对任何一个曾经成为管理团队一员的人都是很熟悉的。这种挑战是什么呢?从“challenge”前的定冠词“the”可知它指的是上文提到的问题,即正常的争论会演变成人身攻击。空格后的句子讲的是如何解决这个问题。我们从所有选项中都找不到对“the ch

35、allenge”作进一步阐述的句子,那么空格处的句子则应该与其后的句子关系更为紧密。因此,A为正确选项。3.答案:D本段内容主要关于一些管理者如何正确处理争论。空格前的句子“In 4 of them, the top-management teams handled conflict in a way that avoided interpelsonal hosti1ity or discord. ”说的是高级管理团队用避免在人与人之间产生敌意的方式来解决冲突;空格后的一句则是讲具体的方式。D项中的句子讲的也是具体的方式,且该句中的“referTed toas”与空格后的句子中的“descri

36、bedas”意思相近,两句的句式相同。另外一个重要的线索是,空格后的句子中的主语“They”指代的正是D项中的“Executiyes in those companies”。因此,D为正确选项。4.答案:B本段的段首句告诉我们这段内容关于一些管理者不能正确处理争论。空格前后的句子都是对管理者错误做法的描述。为了实现语篇的连贯,空格处的句子应与其前后句的内容一致。B项符合这一要求。因此,B为正确选项。5.答案:F完成本题可先从空格后的句子入手分析。空格后是问句“How did they do that?”其中的“they”和“that”肯定分别指代上文提到的某人和某事;再看问句之后的句子,它们是

37、对“How did they do that?”的回答。根据回答的内容可以断定空格处的句子应该是关于一些管理者能够很好地处理争论。因此,F为正确选项。PART THREE Read the article below about customer loyalty on the opposite page. For each question 13-18, mark one letter(A, B, C or D)for the answeryou choose. The MiSmanagement of Customer Loyalty The best customers, were tol

38、d, are loyal ones. They cost less to serve, theyre usually willing to pay more than other customers. and they often act as word-of-mouth marketers for your company. Win loyalty, therefore, and profits will follow as night follows day. Certainly thats what CRM software vendorsand the armies of consul

39、tants who help install their systemsare claiming. And it seems that many business executives agree. Corporate expenditures on loyalty initiatives are booming:The top 16 retailers in Europe, for example, collectively spent more than $1 billion last year。Indeed, for the last ten years, the gospel of c

40、ustomer loyalty has been repeated so often and so loudly that it seems almost crazy to challenge it. But that is precisely what some of the loyalty movements early believers are starting to do. Take the case of one high-tech corporate service provider. This company set up an elaborate costing scheme

41、 to track the performance of its newly instituted loyalty programs. The scheme measured not only direct product costs for each customer but also all associated advertising, service, sales force, and organizational expenses. After running the scheme for five years, the company was able to determine t

42、he profitability of each of its accounts over time. Executives were curious to see just what payoff they were getting from their $2 million annual investment in customer loyalty. The answer took them by surprise. About half of those customers who made regular purchases for at least two yearsand were

43、 therefore designated as loyalbarely generated a profit. Conversely, about half of the most profitable customers were blow-ins, buying a great deal of high-margin products in a short time before completely disappearing. The research findings echo that companys experience. Some experts have been stud

44、ying the dynamics of customer loyalty and have found that the relationship between loyalty and profitability is much weakerand subtlerthan the proponents of loyalty programs claim. Specifically, they discovered little or no evidence to suggest that customers who purchase steadily from a company over

45、 time are necessarily cheaper to serve, less price sensitive, or particularly effective at bringing in new business. Indeed, in light of their findings, many companies will need to reevaluate the way they manage customer loyalty programs. Instead of focusing on loyalty alone, companies will have to

46、find ways to measure the relationship between loyalty and profitability so that they car better identify which customers to focus on and which to ignore. The experts have found. a new methodology that will enable managers to determine far more precisely than most existing approaches do just when to

47、let go of a given customer and so dramatically improve the returns on their investments in loyalty. 1. What does the writer say about customer loyalty in the first paragraph?A.Business executives need to know how to generate customer loyalty.B.Many executives believe more investment in customer loya

48、lty means more profit.C.It is necessary for companies to generate customer loyalty at all costs.D.Customer loyalty will for sure help corporations make more money.答案:B从第一段可知很多公司相信只要赢得顾客的忠诚,利润就会唾手可得,并且在培养顾客忠诚度方面的投入非常大,由此可以推断出管理者们相信在培养顾客忠诚度方面的投入越大,利润就会越丰厚。选项A没有提到,选项C和D所提到的观点是一些管理者的看法,而非作者的观点。因此,B为正确选项。2. According to the second paragraph, many people are involved in the job to generate customer loyalty besidesA.producers.B.suppliers.C.salespeople.D.vendors


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