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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟12剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟12READINGPART ONE Look at the sentences below and following texts. Which text does each sentence refer to? For each sentence 1-8, mark one letter A, B, C, D or E. You will need to use some of the letters more than once. A. Kmart

2、 sells 18 stores to Home DepotKmart finalized Monday a deal to sell 18 of its stores to Home Depot Inc. , for $ 271 million, with an option to sell one more store. The original pact called for the sale of as many as 24 stores for up to $ 365 million. The stores we are retaining from the originally a

3、nnounced transaction have been operating profitably and better than plan for this year, Julian Day, president and chief executive of Kmart, said in a statement about the revised deal.B. Toys R Us still selling toysTroubled Toys R Us, in the midst of a major restructuring, reported a wider second-qua

4、rter operating loss Monday, while CEO John Eyler appeared to play down speculation that the company will stop selling toys altogether. Toys R Us earlier this month announced the company was exploring a possible sale of its global toy division as well as spinning off its Babies R Us unit as part of a

5、n ongoing strategic review of its business. The news sparked much speculation among industry watchers that the company was looking to remove itself from its traditional toy-selling business.C. Southwest cutting 88 flightsSouthwest Airlines Inc. , the largest U. S. discount carrier, said Monday it wo

6、uld eliminate 88 scheduled flights in a bid to boost revenue by freeing up planes for more lucrative markets. The Dallas-based carrier estimates the schedule changes, the largest in its history, will increase annual revenue by about $60 million. This does represent the largest schedule tweak weve ev

7、er made, said Linda Rutherford, a spokeswoman for the airline, adding that the planned schedule changes will affect 3 percent of the airlines 2,800 daily flights.D. Exorcist prequel scares up $18MExorcist: The Beginning, a film that had to be re-shot with a new director because the first version was

8、 not scary enough, led the North American box office over the weekend, as moviegoers once again flocked to the resurrection of an aging franchise. According to studio estimates issued Sunday, the fourth installment in the 30-year-old Exorcist series sold about $18. 2 million worth of tickets in the

9、three days since its Aug. 20 opening. Another new entry, the comedy Without a Paddle, launched at No. 2 with $13. 2 million. The teen romance The Princess Diaries 2. Royal Engagement slipped to No. 3 with $13. 2 million in its second weekend.E. Low interest in low carbFood manufacturers who have sto

10、cked store shelves with low-carbohydrate versions of everything from spaghetti sauce to ice cream may find they are eating the costs themselves, as the low-carb fad peaks, analysts and industry observers said. Its typical that one rushes into the party just when the party is breaking up, said Willia

11、m Leach, food industry analyst at Neuberger Berman. Sales of low-carb branded foods surged $ 815 million, to $1.13 billion, in the 12 months ended June 13, according to market research firm Information Resources Inc. That includes both new brands like Atkins and Carb Solutions and extensions of exis

12、ting brands-like Unilever s Carb Options versions of Skippy peanut butter and Lipton soups.1. The company may deviate from its traditional business.答案: B2. The company will experience a significant restructure.答案: C3. The company is reducing its scale.答案: A4. The company is a film-making firm.答案: D5

13、. The company has underestimated its operations.答案: A6. The company is trying to clear up the speculation.答案: B7. The company may feel a little late when swarming into the market.答案: E8. The company considers its future to be hopeful.答案: CPART TWO Read the following text. Choose the best sentence fr

14、om A-H to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap 9-14, mark one letter A-H. Do not use any letter more than once. When there is a vacancy in a company, it is the job of the Personnel Manager and his department to manage the recruitment of a new employee. 1 . Management can inform people of new appoi

15、ntment by means of the firms notice board or news bulletin. Another possibility is to ask for recommendations from departmental managers and supervisors. If it is necessary to recruit outside the company, 2 . It may prefer to put its own advertisement in a newspaper or magazine.It is usual for an ad

16、vertisement to give a short description of the job, conditions of work and salary, 3 . After studying these, management decides who receives an application form.In order to assess the applications, managers can work from a personnel specification such as Rodgers Seven-Point Plan. 4 . For this reason

17、, it is important that the application form requests clear information about such things as the applicants age, education, qualifications and work experience. It must also ask for references from other employers or people who know the applicant well. 5 .The staff who hold an interview together are c

18、alled an interview panel. 6 This comes from a careful reading of job descriptions, personnel specifications, and applications. To help the panel in their selection, some companies use an interview assessment form. This is used by the panel during the interview when each applicant is checked under th

19、e same point of the form.Many employers say that the success of a good business begins in the Personnel Managers office.A. this information helps management to make a final decision on the number of applicants they can short-list for interviewB. they do not choose applicants who do not have a good p

20、rofileC. it is important that they know what information they need to get from the applicantsD. they will decide to employ several applicants after interviewE. first the company should know who they really need for the job vacancyF. the personnel department may use commercial and government employme

21、nt offices or consultantsG. one way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is to recruit in companyH. and to invite introductory letters from applicants1.答案: G2.答案: F3.答案: H4.答案: B5.答案: A6.答案: CPART THREE Read the following text. Each question has four suggested answers or ways of finishin

22、g the sentence, A, B, C and D. Mark one letter A, B, C or D for the answer you choose. How many of you have been angry at least once today? asked the conductor of an anger-management seminar. According to an article of The New York Times, most of those in the room raised their hands. The fact is, th

23、e seminar leader continued, people get angry an average of 10 to 14 times a day. But anger is especially endemic to work. If you have a job, youre guaranteed to get angry. Up would have gone my hand, had I been in the room and heard that last mark. And I would have respectfully disagreed.Although so

24、me statistics indicate that the number of on-the-job flare-ups has increased in recent years, to hold onto the notion that workplace anger that is therefore guaranteed is counterproductive. It leaves one with the impression that any efforts to remain even- tempered at work are, at best, only a bandi

25、t.Anger-management experts do offer a few common-sense guidelines to minimize work related anger: dont let it fester; dont look for snubs in what are purely innocent incidents; dont get caught up in other peoples gripes; if you start to lose control, take a break.I would add, pray.Instead of sitting

26、 there fuming over some encounter, why not use the time to listen for Gods thoughts, his messages to you? To be sure, they will snuff out the heat of anger and bring calmness, clarity, and healing. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, faith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, t

27、o give you an expected end.Better still, one can act preemptively to prevent a volatile atmosphere on the job. A good start is to consider that the people we work with-whether its the person at the desk across from ours or the president of the company-are not what we see on the surface.If we take it

28、 for granted that our coworkers are so many individuals composed merely of an assortment of physical and emotional characteristics, then our overall expectations on the job, as well as our concern for the well-being of those we work with, are limited. But our true nature isnt the sum of material and

29、 sometimes fiery emotional elements. Each one of us is Gods child. Everyones true selfhood comes from this one source-God, divine Spirit-and is therefore purely good and spiritual.Man (including woman) is the offspring, not of the lowest, but of the highest qualities of Mind, wrote Mary Baker Eddy,

30、author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. This divine Mind, or God, is expressing in each of us these highest qualities as our real nature, respectfully and lovingly, and revealing our actual relation to one another as sons and daughters of God.What we should be counting on at work, t

31、hen, or anywhere else where people come into contact with one another, is an atmosphere in which everyone feels upheld by Gods thoughts of peace. In this atmosphere, solid relationships develop and solutions appear even in situations where it was believed that none were possible. So, instead of brac

32、ing for a showdown with a fellow worker, you can arrive at work filled with the conviction that you and your colleagues, clients, and customers are all inherently good-natured-God-natured-the offspring of a totally loving creator. Youre certain to have higher expectations, more compassion, more pati

33、ence. A real peacemaker attitude. This is doing more than managing work-related anger. This is helping to eliminating it.1. The author may be a _.A.ChristianB.IslamiteC.BuddhistD.Antitheist答案:A2. With regard to the sentence If you have a job, youre guaranteed to get angry, the author takes a _ attit

34、ude.A.positiveB.negativeC.indifferentD.critical答案:B3. Which of the following does not belong to Anger-management?A.Trying to control ones temper.B.Trying not to find fault with others.C.Trying to have a break when angry.D.Trying to control others temper.答案:D4. In the authors eyes, human being is _.A

35、.physical and emotionalB.spiritualC.selfishD.full of loving答案:A5. According to the author, we should consider people around us to be _.A.selfishB.Gods childC.inherently good-naturedD.peacemakers答案:C6. The author attaches more importance to _.A.anger-managementB.anger-eliminationC.Gods spiritD.prayer

36、答案:BPART FOUR Read the following text. Choose the best word to fill each gap. For each question 21-30, mark one letter A, B, C or D. International airlines 1 the business travelers, the man or woman who regularly jets from country to country as part of the job. This does not necessarily mean that ai

37、rlines ever abandoned their business travelers. Indeed, companies like Lufthansa and Swissair would rightly argue that they have always catered best 2 the executive class passengers. But many lines could be 3 of concentrating too heavily in the recent past on attracting passengers by volume, often a

38、t the expense of regular travelers. Too often, they have seemed 4 for quantity rather than quality. Operating a major airline in the 1980s is essentially a matter of finding the right mix of passengers.The airlines need to fill up the back end of their wide-bodied jets with low 5 passengers, without

39、 forgetting that the front end should be filled with people who pay substantially more for their tickets.It is no coincidence that the two major airline bankruptcies in 1989. were among the companies specializing 6 cheap flights. But low fares require 7 full aircraft to make flights economically via

40、ble, and in the recent recession the volume of traffic has not grown. Equally the large number of airlines jostling for the available passengers has created a huge excess of capacity. The 8 result of excess capacity and cut- throat competition driving down fares has been to push some airlines into c

41、ollapse and leave many others 9 on the brink.Against this 10 background, it is no surprise that airlines are turning increasingly towards the business travelers to improve their rates of return. They have invested much time and effort to establish exactly what the executive demands for sitting apart

42、 from the tourists.High on the list of priorities is punctuality; an executive% time is money. In-flight service is another area where the airlines are jostling for the executives attention. The free drinks and headsets and better food are all part of the lure.1.A.will rediscoverB.have rediscoveredC


44、hoveringC.hoverableD.hover答案:B10.A.grimB.brimC.gloomD.glaze答案:APART FIVE Read the following text. For each question 31-40, write one word. Californian Michael Schwabe said goodbye to the gas pump two years ago when he leased an electric car. Schwabe says 1 he gets out of driving electric is more tha

45、n just a charge. With the price of gasoline and with the problems of clean air its important we get electric vehicles out on the road. On California roads there are about two thousand electric cars. By 2003, ten percent of all new cars may be required to have zero emissions. This mandate automakers

46、say is way ahead 2 its time. Gloria Bergquist of the Alliance of Auto Manufacturers says, The technology isnt here yet; it still needs advancement 3 driving range to make it more appealing to a wider consumer audience.Automakers blame it 4 the batteries. Power runs out on most (cars) after about 70

47、miles, although some can now go more than 100 miles on a charge. Batteries are expensive and carmakers say there is nothing they can do about it.Now car manufacturers want the California Air Resources Board to relax the 10 percent mandate. 5 not, they say people wont be able to afford electric cars that arent heavily subsidized.Dave Hermance of Toyota Motors says, In 200


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