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1、武汉市 2014 高考英语阅读理解训练题(17)附答案The first field season is now over at the hut village of the workmen who built the tombs in theValley of the Kings. However, the archaeologists working on the excavation能掘)have found that they still have a great deal to do. The sun, the wind and tourists have left their ma

2、rk on the village, originally discovered by Bernard Bruyhre in 1935“ From our modern perspectiv,e it is upsetting to see how the village was first excavated and then left to be destroyed. Passers-byhave used the huts as rubbish dumps and restrooms, ” says Jaana Toivar i Viitala, a teacher at the Uni

3、versity of Helsinki.“ Fortunately, while we still hasurface cleaning to do, conservation are off to a good start.”The hut village offers rare insight into everyday life in ancient Egypt.“ In the early twentieth century, archaeologists were only interested in the tombs of kings. The workmen s huts th

4、ey discovered were seen as a necessary evil in the quest for the real treasures.“ Now several international research groups on different excaavtions are examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings. This seems to be a trend in archaeology right now. ” Toivari-Viitala saysHer research

5、group wants to find out why the hut village was built on the slope of a mountain , halfway between the construction site and Deir-el-Medina. They are also interested in how many workers lived in the village at a time, when they lived there, and what their role was in the construction work.“ Comparin

6、gthe names found in the village and in Deir-el-Medina provides useful information Judging from the construction methods, settlement in the village can be divided into two separate periods: the initial settlement and a later one.”For the time being , much is up to guessing, but Toivari-Viitala believ

7、es that the coming four field seasons, three months each, will see results.“ The working conditions are not nearly as difficult as I thought they would be. The cool winds in the mountains nicely alleviate the heat.”The research group working on the “ Workmen hsuts in the Theban mountains ” project i

8、s- 1 -planning to return to the Valley of the Kings in October.13. What does the passage mainly talk about? A. The hut village in the Valley of the Kings.B. The excavation of the tombs in the Valley.C. The archaeologists working on the excavation.D. Everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.

9、14. Which of the following is NOT true of the hut village according to the passage? A. It has been damaged a lot.B. It can tell us something about ancient Egypt.C. It has attracted archaeologists attention.D. It has a lot of real treasures somewhere in it.15. What s the new trend in archaeology righ

10、t now according to Toi-vVaiirtiala?A. Being interested in the tombs of kingsB. Examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.C. Using the huts as rubbish dumps and restroom sD. Guessing what the result will be beforehand16. We can infer from the passage that.A. people know little about

11、 the hut village by nowB. the workmen s huts were not discovered until very recentlyC. the research group working on the workmen s huts will suffer a lotD. the hut village is much more valued by archaeologists than the tombs( D 篇) ADBA*结束2012重庆卷In his 1930 essay “ Economic Possibilities for Our Gran

12、dch,ildrJeonhn Keynes, ”a famous economist, wrote that human needs fall into two classes: absolute needs, which are independent of what others have, and relative needs, which make us feel superior to our fellows. He thought that although relative needs may indeed be insatiable(止境的),this is not true

13、of absolute needs.Keynes was surely correct that only a small part of total spending is decided by the desire for superiority. He was greatly mistaken, however, in seeing this desire as the only source of - 2 -insatiable demands.Decisions to spend are also driven by ideas of quality which can influe

14、nce the demand for almost all goods, including even basic goods like food. When a couple goes out for an anniversary dinner, for example, the thought of feeling superior to others probably never comes to them. Their goal is to share a special meal that stands out from other meals.There are no obviou

15、s limits to the escalation of demands for quality. For example, Porsche, a famous car producer, has a model which was considered perhaps the best sports car on the market. Priced at over $120,000, it handles perfectly well and has great speed acceleration. But in 2004, the producer introduced some c

16、hanges which made the model slightly better in handling and acceleration. People who really care about cars find these small improvements exciting. To get them, however, they must pay almost four times the price.By placing the desire to be superior to others at the heart of his description of insati

17、able demands, Keynes actually reduced such demands. However, the desire for higher quality has no natural limits.72. According to the passage, John Keynes believed that.A. desire is the root of both absolute and relative needsB. absolute needs come from our sense of superiorityC. relative needs alon

18、e lead to insatiable demandsD. absolute needs are stronger than relative needs73. What do we know about the couple in Paragraph 3?A. They want to show their superiority.B. They find specialty important to meals.C. Their demands for food are not easily satisfied.D. Their choice of dinner is related t

19、o ideas of quality.74. What does the underlined word escalation in Paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Understanding.B. Increase.C. Difference.D. Study.75. The author of the passage argues that.A. absolute needs have no limitsB. demands for quality are not insatiableC. human desires influence ideas of qual

20、ityD. relative needs decide most of our spending【要点综述】本文就人的需要的分类进行了论述。作者首先叙述了对John Keynes观点的部分认同,但其后则是对其观点的批驳。该文作者认为,人的需要在很大程度上是对质量的无尽追求。72. C 细节理解题。短文第一段最后一句说明John Keynes需要论的观点:相对需要是无止境的。73. D 推理判断题。从该段第一句可知作者在该段一再强调的是质量需求的重要性。这对夫妇在外面就餐庆祝结婚周年即体现了对该顿晚餐的选择与对其质量的要求相关。74. B 词义猜测题。从该段材料对保时捷的改进及人们对此改进趋之若

21、鹜的追求来看,人们对质量需求是不断提高的。因此可断定该词含义为 “ 提高 ” 。75. A 推理判断题。第一段对John Keynes关于absolute needs勺观点进行了肯定和质疑,而下文提出质量需求是无止境的。该题主要说明作者对John Keynes关于relative needs是无止境的论断的质疑。干扰最大的是B 选项,该观点是作者的观点,而不是被质疑的观点。该题题干中的argue在此是“质疑和争辩”的意思。*4击故事类-2012湖南卷 AWhat makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receip?t

22、 Or is it the look on the recipients face when they receive it that determines the true value? What gift is worth the most?This Christmas I was debating what to give my father. My dad is a hard person to buy for because he never wants anything. I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mo

23、m saying that we were leaving for Christmas shopping for him when I came across a message on my phone that I had locked. The message was from my father.My eyes fell on a photo of a flower taken in Wyoming , and underneath a poem by William Blake. The flower, a lone dandelion standing against the bri

24、ght blue sky, inspired me. My dad had been reciting those words to me since I was a kid. That may even be the reason why I love writing. I decided that those words would be my gift to my father.I called back. I told my mom to go without me and that I already created my gift. I sent the photo of the

25、cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it. As I was arranging the details another poem came to mind. The poem was written by Edgar Allan P pemy dad recited it as much as he did the other.I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of_it. The p

26、oem was focused around dreaming, and after searching I found the perfect picture. The image was painted with blues and greens and purples, twisting together to create the theme and wonder of a dream. As I watched both poems passing through the printer, the white paper coloring with words that shaped

27、 my childhood, I felt that this was a gift that my father would truly appreciate.Christmas soon arrived. The minute I saw the look on my dads face as he unwrapped those swirling black letters carefully placed in a cheap frame, I knew I had given the perfect gift.56. The idea for a special gift began

28、 to form when the author was.A. doing shoppingB. having a debateC. reading a messageD. leaving for Wyoming57. The authors inspiration for the gift came from.A. a photo of a flowerB. a story about a kidC. a call from the motherD. a text about Christmas58. The underlined word “it ” in Paragraph 3 refe

29、rs to a poem by.A. the fatherB. the authorC. W川iam BlakeD. Edgar Allan Poe59. The author made the gift by.A. searching for the poems onlineB. drawing the background by handC. painting the letters in three colorsD. matching the words with pictures60. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To show

30、 how to design images for gifts.B. To suggest making gifts from ones heart.C. To explain how computers help create gifts.D.To describe the gifts the author has received.【要点综述】作者一直不知道给父亲买什么礼物,但是偶尔看到父亲的信息使其想到了爸爸 “ 读诗歌 ” 的爱好,因而用心制作了 “ 诗配花 ” 的图片礼物。最后作者看到父亲对待礼 物的态度,知道自己做对了。56. C 细节理解题。考查对文章细节的理解和判断能力。根据文

31、章的第二段可知:作者拿出手机时看到了妈妈发来的信息,偶然看到了爸爸发来的信息。信息是一朵花,花儿使作者想到了爸爸的话,因而使作者想到了给爸爸的礼物。故选 C。57. A 细节理解题。考查对文章的细节的理解和判断能力。见上一题的解析。58. D 词义猜测题。 考查上下文中代词的指代。 根据第三段中的 I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of iK知,作者在见至U这首诗的同时 “也”把它打 出来了。这就是 Edgar Allan Poe写的诗。故选 D。59. D 细节理解题。考查对文

32、章细节的理解和判断能力。根据第三段的第二句可知:作者先在电脑上找到这种花,然后在花上打上字。可见其礼物是“ 配有文字的图片 ” 。60. B 推理判断题。考查对文章的言外之意进行复合逻辑的推理判断的能力。作者 “ 诗配花 ” 的礼物,灵感来自于爸爸的信息和小时候对爸爸的印象,这种礼物虽不昂贵,但确实是用心做出来的, 爸爸收到礼物时的态度使得作者相信自己送对了礼物。 A 、 C 两项都是第三段的细节; D 项与原文意思不符。故选B 。*结束Book 1 : Brack ObamaGrades: 3-5Our Price: $ 8.95His mother came from Kansas. Hi

33、s father came from Kenya. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, far from the center of American politics. Few people had even heard of Brack Obama before 2004. But one powerful speech in Boston changed all that for the Illinois senator( 参议员 ). In 2008, this inspiring leader ran for the country s top j

34、ob, President.Book 2: Danica PatrickGrades: 3-5-7 -Our Price: $ 8.95Growing up, Danica Patrick dreamed of racing in the Indianapolis 500. In 2005, her dream came true. Danica finished the race in fourth place, the best ever result by a woman. Three years later, she became the first female to win an

35、IndyCar race. As a woman competing in a sport dominated by men, Danica faced many obstacles. But she never stopped believing in herself, no matter what the difficulties.Book 3: Ellen OchoaGrades: 3-5Our Price: $ 8.95Some people dream of becoming stars. Ellen Ochoa dreamed of living among them! She w

36、orked hard to make her dream of becoming an astronaut come true. On April 8, 1993, she strapped用带 子系好 )herself in for the ride of her life aboard the space shuttle Discovery. Ochoa aimed high and boldly went where no Hispanic woman had gone before. Find out about Ochoa s amazing join her own words a

37、nd photos from her personal collection!Book 4: LeBron JamesGrades: 3-5Our Price: $ 8.95Fans, teammates, and opponents know him as King James. Many people consider LeBron James to be the most talented basketball Player of his generation. But there is much more to his story. He overcame hard times as

38、a kid and rose to national fame as a teenager. He then jumped right from high school to the pros. Along the way, LeBron never lost sight of where he came from or who he is.13 .What do the four books have in common according to the passage?A. Their prices are the same and they are all about famous le

39、aders.B. They are all about Africans and their contributions to society.C. They are written for the same grades and their prices are the same.D. They are for the same readers and printed by the same publisher.14 .Emma is dreaming of being a car racer. Who can be an example to her?A. Brack Obama B. D

40、anica PatrickC. Ellen Ochoa D. LeBron James15. If John wants to learn something about becoming a basketball player, which book should he read?A. Brack Obama B. Danica PatrickC. Ellen Ochoa D. LeBron James16. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Obama was popular with

41、 most of the people in America before he ran for president.B. In 2005, Danica Patrick became the first woman to win an IndyCar race.C. Ochoa is the first Hispanic woman to have gone aboard the space shuttle Discovery for the ride.D. LeBron James is the most talented basketball player.D) CBDC结束*- 9 -


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