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1、书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。祝愿天下莘莘学子:学业有成,金榜题名!语言类考试复习资料大全剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟78剑桥商务英语高级分类模拟78READINGPART ONEOffshoring A. An article in McKinsey Quarterly says that some companies which have moved their back-office functions offshore have missed huge opportunities to reap efficiencies beyond those that come from just

2、using cheaper labour. These companies often merely replicate what they do at home, where labour is expensive and capital is relatively cheap, in countries in which the reverse is true. They forget an additional benefit is that offshoring allows companies to work round-the-clock shifts, ferrying data

3、 back and forth from one place to another, and that it also allows them to rethink the way they solve IT problems. The most successful operators redesign business processes to take full advantage of the new environments potential. B. There is no doubt that customers with complex queries requiring lo

4、cal understanding do not respond well to far-off operators repeating a series of specially learned responses. Convergys, one of the worlds biggest providers of contact-centre services, advises companies to shift simple queries offshore while retaining the more complex ones on the same shore as the c

5、aller. It calls this process rightshoring, and estimates that about 80% of the companies that it is working with in Britain are planning to split their call-centre operations in this way. C. Harris Miller, president of the Information Technology Association of America, a lobby group, says that offsh

6、ore locations have so far captured just 3-4% of all American companies outsourcing. The bulk remains onshore in the hands of big firms such as Accenture and IBM. In fact, 60% of major corporates are doing nothing, or are only just beginning to investigate the potential of offshoring. Nevertheless, s

7、ome big companies have told him that up to 40% of their outsourced business could end up offshore. That suggests the industry still has a long way to grow. D. One thing currently limiting the ability of companies to outsource tasks offshore is the inflexible architecture of modern business-informati

8、on systems. It forces firms to perform tasks as a series of discrete steps. So a business wanting to outsource some of those steps (billing, for instance), but not others, gets involved in complicated flows of information that are prone to error. Newer software and hardware promise a future in which

9、 firms will be able to outsource smaller slivers of their business. They will not, as now, have to commit to outsourcing the whole of a department or nothing. E. Many service jobs are in industries like hotels and restaurants, or in public services like education and health, most of which can never

10、be moved abroad. There are also alternative pools of labour to be tapped at home. Citigroup, for instance, has hired about 100 college students in America to do programming for it. In addition, some of the tasks currently going to low-cost offshore centres may eventually return because their underly

11、ing technologies will evolve in such a way that it makes economic sense to put them back in the home country. 1. There is evidence that the use of offshoring will increase.答案:C2. Offshoring is not an option in certain sectors.答案:E3. The benefits of offshoring are not confined to lower costs.答案:A4. S

12、trategic planning in the location of services may facilitate more successful offshoring.答案:B5. The structure of businesses can make offshoring problematic.答案:D6. People consulting offshore staff may find the service unsatisfactory.答案:B7. Offshoring is still an untried and untested concept for many c

13、ompanies.答案:C8. Technology may enable companies to target aspects of their business for offshoring.答案:DPART TWOHow to Handle Customers Complaints. Complainers can damage a company faster than you can say Im sorry. But the companies with savvy are turning them into loyal buyers. Fred Jerome survived

14、a frequent flyers nightmare. Boarding at 9:30 Pan Am shuttle in New York one morning, he expected to arrive in Boston in plenty of time for an afternoon of business meetings. However Logan Airport was blanketed in fog and the pilot circled for two hours before landing in Hartford Connecticut, to ref

15、uel. No one may leave the plane the pilot announced, frustrating passengers who wished to switch to a rental car or use a telephone. When he then said he was returning to La Guardia Airport some passengers protested in fury. He relented and finally landed in Boston about 4pm. Jerome caught a flight

16、home and arrived in New York at 6.30. His day was ruined and he was exhausted and angry. What should the company do for angry customers? to those who have tackled the issue almost anything it can. 1 Simply listening to complaints boosts brand loyalty that is, a customers tendency to buy again. The k

17、ey is getting customers to complain to the company rather than just to their friends, says John Goodman president of a consulting firm that has been studying corporate complainers for over a decade. 2 The average return for makers of consumer durables like washing machines and refrigerators is 100%.

18、 In other words, if manufacturers spend $1 million on handling complaints, they get $2 million in benefits. For banks it is as much as 170%. The payoff can be even higher in retailing where top quality service is essential for keeping customers. Maryanne Rasmussen, vice president in charge of world-

19、wide quality at American Express says, The formula I use is Better complaint handling equals higher customer satisfaction equals higher brand loyalty equals higher profitability. The growing evidence that customer happiness affects the Profits and Loss report is one reason that firms like Coca-Cola

20、and British Airways have invested billions of dollars to improve complaint handling. 3Pan Ams response to Fred Jerome was a case study of how not to handle complaints, At the end of Jeromes 9 hour ordeal, a Pan Am steward advised him to complain to the customer service unit at the airlines New York

21、Headquarters. Jerome went to the headquarters only to be told that Pan Ams LaGuardia Airport office handles complaints about the shuttle service. 4 He finally reached a representative who told him coldly, We are not responsible for delays caused by the weather.Jerome expressed his frustration by wri

22、ting a column for the New York Times. 5 John Siefert, a vice. president of the Eastern Air Lines shuttle, sent Jerome a sympathetic letter of. fering him a free flight. Jerome declined. I would have been happy with an apology from Pan Am he says. Pan Am Says it wrote to Jerome. He says he still has

23、not heard from the airline and now will fly the Pan Am shuttle only as a last resort. 6 80% of complaints are from travelers who are dissatisfied with the airlines responses to problems. Interestingly the three airlines including Pan Am, and Eastern which lest the most money last year also attract t

24、he most consumer complaints. Far fewer complaints come from fliers on the healthiest US airlines. Dan Smith director of consumer affairs at the International Airline Passengers Association in Dallas, says these carriers satisfy unhappy clients by always giving a full explanation if they can t comply

25、 with a request for action. A What should the company do for angry customers?B Studies show customers tell twice as many people about bad experience as good ones, so complainers who are left unhappy can ruin a companys image.C Customers seem to appreciate companies more if top managers hear their co

26、mplaints.D some 20 letters and calls from other annoyed air travelers.E The person he tried to contact at the airport was not there, and omitted to reply to a message Jerome left.F The firm used dozens of business factors to calculate the return on investment involved in a company establishing servi

27、ce units that handle complaints and inquiries.G In the airline industry, the correlation between customer contentment and profitability is strong.H Programs include intensive staff training, liberal refund policies and ways of helping customers make complaints to the company like free phone calls.1.

28、答案: B2.答案: F3.答案: H4.答案: E5.答案: D6.答案: GPART THREE It has been said that management is a science and that leadership is an art. Management is comprised of concrete, measurable skills: planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Thumb through any management textbook and youll see specific model

29、s, formulas, procedures, or techniques for monitoring and controlling performance output. Controlling productivity through adherence to standards is the stock-in-trade of the effective manager. Its not always an easy task, and talented managers should be given the credit they deserve in helping thei

30、r organizations succeed. No organization can survive for very long, let alone earn any sort of substantial profits, without sound management. But management alone is not enough in todays marketplace. It is the right balance, a combination of efficient management and leadership that every organizatio

31、n is seeking. Just what is the new model of leadership for the 21st century? It revolves around five abstract qualities. Managers may possess some or all of these abilities to one degree or another, but these skills are distinct from the particular qualities that define management. To better underst

32、and how leadership and management differ, lefts review the five leadership competencies. Self-mastery is the foundation upon which a leaders credibility is built and from which a leaders image will evolve. Self-mastery involves awareness, acknowledgment, and acceptance. Its about discovering the qua

33、lities that make you special and unique. Its about your own talents and abilities-your personal areas of excellence. Effective leaders create opportunities to showcase their natural abilities. They uncover their potential talents by continually st. retching themselves and pushing themselves to their

34、 limits. At the same time, however, the successful leader acknowledges his or her limitations. To achieve true self-mastery you must accept yourself, including your faults, totally and unconditionally. Vision is in many ways the heart and soul of leadership. While the manager must deal with issues a

35、nd produce results on a day-to-day basis, a leader must focus on both the present and the future. The managers concern is today; the leader has a vision for tomorrow. But simply having a vision is not enough; you must make others believe in it, too. Put your plans for the future before the eyes and

36、ears of the people around you. When other people begin to buy into your vision and make it their own, good things start to happenand happen quickly. Leaders turn their vision into reality by constantly letting others know whats in it for them. Personal power is the ability to influence and persuade

37、others. It is not to be confused with position power. Position power is embedded in hierarchical, organizational structure. Personal power is earned. You do not necessarily need to have direct authority over others to display personal power. In fact, in the most successful companies, leadership exis

38、ts at all levels. Develop personal power by being dependable, following through on commitments, and demonstrating concern for the welfare of others. People will recognize your personal Fewer and look to you for direction. Empowerment completes the set of leadership skills. Although it has become a b

39、uzz word in the 90s, leaders have been aware of the concept of empowerment throughout the ages. Empewerment is the process by which a leader enables other individuals to successfully complete a certain job or task. It is a technique that allows you to delegate responsibility for tasks throughout you

40、r organization, even at the lowest levels. As a leader, it is in your interest to nurture and develop individuals who will one day take your place, so make empowerment a top priority. Empowermont involves three critical ingredients: skills, confidence, and authority. Evaluate your followers skills a

41、nd provide training to improve or enhance their abilities. Instill confidence in others and raise their self-esteem by maintaining face-to-face contact and offering praise for a job well done. Furthermore, bestow authority onto other people, giving them the right to exercise their best personal judg

42、ment. True leaders are always willing to give credit to others and accept responsibility for failure, while simultaneously supporting, encouraging, and empowering their followers. If you do so, you will develop an unshakable trust bond with others in your organization, establishing your own credibil

43、ity while ensuring results. No one can deny the importance of good management in a successful organization. But good management alone is no longer enough. Recognizing the difference between management and leadership, and striking the correct balance between the two, will provide substantial dividend

44、s in the long run. Management will get you through today; leadership will ensure a better tomorrow. 1. The passage is mainly about _.A.management skillsB.leadership principlesC.the qualities that define managementD.the distinction between management and leadership答案:C2. What is the most significant

45、factor of leadership according to the passage?A.Personal Power.B.Self-mastery.C.Vision.D.Empowerment.答案:C3. In the first paragraph, stock-in-trade means _.A.qualityB.usual tacticsC.credibilityD.responsibility答案:B4. According to the four leadership competencies, which of the following is not the skil

46、l of a leader?A.Dealing with daily issues and producing results.B.Recognizing the talents of others and giving them the knowledge and the tools they need to succeed.C.Nurturing and developing successors.D.Making macro-plans and ensuring results.答案:A5. In the sixth paragraph, when talking about empow

47、erment, the writer means that _.A.it is the most significant element in a hierarchical organization.B.confidence in oneself contributes a lot to ones business experience.C.leaders should encourage competent subordinates to enhance their confidence and power.D.a good leader is good at controlling so

48、as to establish his credit in the organization.答案:C6. From this passage, we learn that _.A.leadership is more important than managementB.a good manager must have leadership competenciesC.leading and managing involve distinctly different sets of skillsD.people with exceptional leadership qualities are usually undeveloped答案:CPART FOUR Money serves primarily as a medium of exchange -the function performed by money in facilitating exchange and eliminating the need for


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